Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 67

-POV Onyx-

I am completely surrounded… by adorable children, and they’re all mine. I think they are anyways, they all have black hair like me, and that’s how Citrine and I decided to sort them. More have black hair than any other color, sis thinks it’s because of my race and the skills I inherited from mom. Almost all of the children have black, blonde, red or orange hair, and Citrine has claimed the kids with non-standard colors since no one is here to fight her over it. I still have the most even with that, so I’ll let her claim them. We did sleep a while so the babies we had have all grown to look like older children now, and there are so many of them that it’s difficult to make sure I get to talk to them all.

Citrine has decided to just name all her claimed children numbers and they don’t seem to have a problem with it. She has convinced them it’s cool, saying they are like secret agents, whatever that means. I let my kids name themselves since they are smart like me, and some of them even decided to use Onyx like me, they’re probably my favorites. It feels good that they want to be like me for some reason. Luckily they are elves so I don’t think they’ll get the degenerate genetic memories I inherited for my race. I’ll have to keep an eye out for any of them trying to get tentacle related classes though, just in case.

All of the babies were female, true to that disgusting pigs words, but I know a lot of them will find boyfriends and lovers before too long, so after they are big enough to take to mom’s place, the population will probably explode in no time. I’m glad I won’t be in charge of making sure everyone has a place to stay. I think Ruby-mom would be good at it though.

I touch my neck and look at the arrow pointing to where Sapphire-sis is, and it’s really comforting knowing she is so strong and can find me. I’m almost tempted to stay married to her even when I find myself a good husband, maybe I can find a guy who would be interested in her too. I’m not sure I’d want to share my toy though, so I’m still deciding. I reach down and feel my stomach mark. I hope we can fix it soon, Ruby-mom has a great dick and all, but I’d rather not have to rely on her like that.

I yell over the kids “Sapphire!”

I see her manage to weave through my kids towards me and say “What is it my wife?” with a teasing smirk. I roll my eyes and say “You’re ridiculous sis, don’t say that in front of any cute boys okay?” She puts her hand over her mouth and giggles so I continue “We’ll need people to help us escort all these kids to mom’s place, can you find some siblings who are willing to help us?” Sapphire nods and says “I’ve already started asking around, and I’ll have to go to Ruby’s Rest to find enough. Most of the elves moved there and the rest spread out to the other camps owned by Jessica since all the humans here can be annoying.”

I did notice going through town that some of the humans weren’t as friendly as my siblings. That Jeff guy seemed really nice though, and he hugged Citrine pretty tight and cried a lot. So he’s probably a good guy, too bad he’s not cute enough for my tastes and taken. I ask Sapphire “Could you do that for us soon, I don’t think this camp is going to be big enough to hold all of them when they mature fully.” she sighs and says “But I wanted to be surrounded by them while they were still little. I guess it would be too much of a burden on Sara and Daria to keep them here for longer than needed though. Maybe I just need to get Ruby to knock me up again so I can have my own little ones.”

After Sapphire leaves I move to another of the rooms filled with my kids and start getting to know them a little better at least, they should at least get a turn with their mother. I wonder what number Citrine-sis has gotten to now.

-POV Citrine-

“You’re so cute 216. I know you might not like your brown hair, but did you know I used to have brown hair?” the cute little kid looks at me with bright eyes and asks “Really mom?” I nod and say “Yup, your mom used to have brown hair in her last life, it’s easier to find cloths that match it you know?” I run my fingers through her hair and she looks at it happily. Poor kid was worried since she didn’t have blonde hair like her sisters and some of the other babies I claimed started to section themselves off. I can’t have them feeling different from their sisters, they’ll have to work together in this world. I tell her and the other in this room “Remember, I love all of you equally, and you all need to stick together with your sisters. If you ever feel bad or need help, tell me or your sisters, we are all family.”

It seems funny that the first time I have kids it’s hundreds of them. I was so glad when I realized they weren’t just eaten by the dungeon. I smile and grab a few of the kids around me into a hug. “I love you my babies, come get hugs from mommy.”

I don’t know how long I’m going from room to room, getting hugs from all my cute little agents. I wonder if I can get them all some matching ninja outfits. I guess they won’t be so small then… wait, how long is it going to take me to get them all uniforms? I can probably get some Credits from mom, but won’t my sisters be asking for the same thing? I should convince them all to get levels as soon as possible too, the Scenario message I saw in the dungeon concerns me.

That’s not what it said last time.

How could it be different though, wasn’t I just being sent back into the past since we failed the Scenario? Does this mean there won’t be cultists summoning otherworldly abominations? It said Undead, so will it be like in those zombie movies instead? I was hoping to use my knowledge about where some of the cultists bases were to get ahead of things, stop a few disasters and make the Players stronger from it. All that’s out the window now, and I’m going to have to talk to my new sisters and mom about what we should be doing.

Watching all of my kids grow over the course of hours instead of years as I’m talking to them feels a little surreal. I can see in front of my eyes why elves and the other monster-born races were able to persist so much better last time. They don’t seem to realize how much of a difference they can make, so is that how I can help the most? Should I be teaching my children to help others and take initiative in fighting the Scenario? Last time around they only seemed to care about protecting their groups, and in the end they were overwhelmed too.

I talked and cried a lot with my sisters after mom passed out, and I think it’s something I’ll never forget, but being surrounded by my children, and being a part of such a loving family dulls the sting when my brain decides to punch me in the gut with a memory of the orc. I wince, and 254 hugs me tighter. I wish I had candy to give these good kids. I hear giggling from behind me and feel my hair being tugged around. I’m pretty sure they are braiding it for me, so I don’t let on that I’ve noticed them.

It’s been a while, I’m not sure how long, but we’ve all decided that everyone gets hair braids, and they are all almost fully grown now. Sapphire came in earlier and laughed at the sight, informing us that we’d have escorts for all the kids to mom’s fort once they were all mature. Elves have such weird views on age, but I can hardly blame them, since I saw them grow around me. The kids are playing with my wings again so I tell them “Okay, everyone can have a feather to put in their hair, don’t worry, mommy can grow them back super fast since she’s a Healer. So go on, take one each and start passing them around.” I pluck one to show them it doesn’t hurt, and then put it in my hair like an ornament. It does hurt a tiny bit, but a little pain is worth it for their smiling faces.

By the time I get a feather to all my kids the other kids have heard about it, so I decide they are family too, and let them all have one too. Even Onyx takes a feather and puts it in her hair, I have to admit, it looks striking on her black hair. I should give one to mom, I bet she’d like that, she’s very vain. I was hoping for some angel babies, since they’d be able to fly around with me, but if angels are like some of the other rare races I’d probably need to get pregnant from a human. That’s unfortunate, since I don’t plan on getting pregnant at all anytime soon. I guess if I meet a good guy… but I’m going to be too busy for love. I want to help people, and I already have such amazing family and kids, so I’m not going to miss my chance just so I might end up with an angel baby.

Angels do grow fast if I’m anything to go by, so maybe I’ll just find a hot guy in a neighboring town and fly away the morning after. I giggle to myself at the idea of an angelic visitation of the lewd variety. Could be fun.

The kids around me start telling me they’ve matured and are ready to go, I hope Sapphire has cleared the way out of Liberation. I can imagine the stares hundreds of naked elves would get running out of camp. I better make sure myself so I yell “Sapphire!” It takes her a while to get to the room I’m in and she says “So I assume everyone is matured?” I walk up to her, pushing past my kids gently and answer “Yeah, did you make sure the way to the gate is clear so the humans don’t freak out?” Sapphire nods and says “It’s night time, so it should be fine, the humans don’t like to come out at dark, something about the message talking about zombies. I don’t really understand it since the zombies that attacked Opal’s Home only ever came during the day. Maybe it’s a human thing.”

I’ll explain movies to her later.

We start to set out and it’s quite the sight, our escorts seem to be pretty surprised by how many new elves there are, but being elves themselves, except for papa, they don’t seem bothered by all the nakedness. Papa seems to have gotten used to it to, being married to two elf women, but I can see him trying to avoid staring. I don’t blame him for it though, I used to be human too, and if these were all male elves instead… yeah, I’d be sneaking peaks too. I am glad he’s never given me any lewd looks, I’d feel weird if I got them from my papa, he’s such a good guy.

Like Sapphire told us, we aren’t attacked by any zombies on the way to the fort, having watched lots of zombie movies myself, it does feel a little weird. We did get attacked by a few things, the most memorable being a giant owl that papa batted away with his shield before it was filled with arrows from the elves with bows. Well at least that seems normal, elves being good at archery.

We make it into the gates of Opal’s Home and I finally let myself feel relieved. Sapphire says there should be enough basic living quarters if people are willing to share, so I should help my kids get sorted. I give papa a kiss on the cheek and tell him “Thanks for the help Papa, you looked so cool with your shield.” I see him stumble a bit, but he doesn’t pass out this time. He’s a fun dad to have.

-POV End-

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