Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 66

We get to Opal’s Home, but I don’t know where we can go. No one else is here, Sapphire should be able to help us find somewhere more comfortable when she gets here. I get us all up onto the wall, and let everyone down. I get hugged from both sides on both bodies and we stand there for a while, all of us silent.

Onyx is the first one to speak up. “It was horrible mom” she says, but I can only pull her in front of me and hug her along with Ruby. What do I say to make them feel better, Amber always did that for me. I don’t know what to do. I say “I love you all so much, I’m glad you’re all still alive.” Amber starts crying again and mumbles out “I’m sorry, it wasn’t me, I’m sorry. It hurts. Help me Opal, it hurts still.” Ruby stiffens up and then starts saying similar things, and I feel a pain in my chest. I should have spent more time trying to get them out. I realize I was addicted, but it doesn’t feel like a good excuse to me so I feel like something is stabbing me seeing Amber and Ruby in pain.

I don’t know what I can do, but I miss the connection we had being married, maybe it will help us all feel better so I ask them “Will you take me back?” They both squeeze me tighter and Amber answers first “I never wanted to lose you, I feel empty, please marry me again Opal.” Ruby responds with “Am I still good enough?” I kiss both of them and ask with one body “Amber, will you marry me again?” and “Ruby, you’ve always been too good for me, but will you marry me again?” with the other. They both say “Yes” at the same time, like they’re the ones with two bodies. They kiss me back and we all have tears gushing out of our eyes.

I feel much better as I accept the screens that pop up, and I check my status and see their arrows again. I feel a wave of relief wash over me and I pass out. I have a dream where a blurry figure explains to me “Opal, even if you’re so big and heavy, if you keep being such a good kid, other people will love you like mom.” I then feel happy when the figure hugs my knee.

I wake up and see my babies cuddling my bodies, sleeping. I’ll keep laying here then. I spot some blue out of the corner of my eye and turn my head to see Sapphire, sitting next to us and keeping watch. I tell her quietly so I don’t wake the others “Get over here and sleep with your sisters, I’m awake now and can put out a Sentry.” She turns and smiles at me before spooning Amber since all my sides are taken. I hear her yawn and say “Love you mom.” I respond “Love you baby, get some sleep.” She wiggles her body, probably trying to get comfortable, and I can tell she’s asleep within seconds.

I have a lot of thoughts in my head like, what was that dream, do I have a mom? Should I ask my babies not to go in dungeons anymore, or is that too extreme? I never did give Sue the ownership to Liberation, I hope Jessica managed to give her and her family one of the extra camps. I feel like I want to be with my other children more, not just my wives, but there are only two of me. Do we have more celebrations like the wedding so everyone can have fun?

I have a lot of questions and not a lot of answers, I don’t even know if the answers I have are good ones. I should consult with my babies more since they are so smart. I’ve made a lot of mistakes lately trying to do things by myself, and I can trust my babies.

I lay there for a while just filling myself with the snuggles until the sun starts to come up and the others are jolted awake when Amber lets out a scream and sits up. I’m surprised but wrap my arms around her after sitting up and ask “Whats wrong Amber?” she’s stiff, but I feel her relax when she hears my question. She looks around and sees everyone else getting up and looking at her with concern. She winces. “I was having a nightmare, I’m sorry if I woke you all.” she answers, and then gets surrounded by hugging bodies. I hear Citrine say “I was having one too so I’m glad to be awake, there’s no need to apologize.” I ask “What’s a nightmare?” and that gets a little giggle out of Amber. She sighs and says that it’s a dream that is scary or uncomfortable.

I squeeze her some more, but softly, and Citrine gets a hug too, since she was having a scary dream as well. Onyx speaks up and says “I don’t know if now is the right time to ask this, but can someone marry me so I don’t have that pig in my Status?” I remember wanting the same thing when Amber married me months ago, but I only have two bodies right now. She continues by saying “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not interested in any of you like that, I just feel dirty seeing it there.” We all nod, obviously understanding, since I’m pretty sure they all went through the same thing since those screens told me that they got ‘Remarried’.

Sapphire speaks up saying “I can marry you, I don’t really have anyone I’m interested in either.” and then she finishes by saying “I’ve also had some issues lately with people wanting to marry me, so if I marry you little sis, I can just tell them I’m already taken.” Onyx hugs Sapphire and says “Thank you so much.” I can hear her voice break a bit and see her eyes water. I turn to Citrine and ask “Do you need someone to marry too?” She shakes her head and says “No, my last marriage with him was annulled already when he married little sis again. I do have a question for you though mom.” I smile and say “Go ahead and ask me anything sweetie.” She sighs and says “I’m assuming you haven’t found a way to get rid of these stomach or neck tattoos since you still have yours?” I nod and they all seem disappointed by my answer. Citrine then says “Do we really only get free points from sex now, or is there another way?” I answer “We could all drink each others milk since I assume you all got Bountiful now too?” They all nod so I continue “But it would put us all to sleep for hours, so it’s not exactly a solution. I’m afraid you’ll have to take cum inside of you somehow if you want free points.” Onyx is the first to respond saying “What are they even good for after you max out your allocated stats and buy all your skills? I’m pretty sure we’ve all gotten enough to do that by now.” Citrine shakes her head and answers her “After you reach 5th tier in all your classes, you’ll be able to unlock a special class. It’s very expensive and can only be advanced with free points. So although I’m not averse to finding a sexual partner or two to help me out, I’d rather we found a solution so I can get them from leveling again instead.”

Onyx looks at Ruby and me and asks “Then until we can get us all fixed, can I borrow Ruby-mom sometimes? At least until I can find a cute little boyfriend of my own.” I just answer “I don’t have a problem with it, so it’s up to Ruby.” Ruby just coughs and then when we all look at her she sighs and answers “It’s important to be honest, so I have to admit that I would very much enjoy such an arrangement.” Sapphire and Onyx both laugh and Amber asks “Can we talk about sex some other time, I’ve had too much of it lately?” I hug her again and we all nod. I ask “Sapphire, do you have a better place we can cuddle and talk?” We are all just sitting on the wall right now. I cast a couple of the Sentries. My blue haired daughter sees them and says “Those last about a day if they don’t fight anything, but if they get in combat they only last a few minutes before disappearing.” Well I didn’t expect them to last forever, but there goes my idea to just put a ton of them on the walls. She then says “Everyone can come to the home I set up for mom while she was gone.” She made me a home? I give her a kiss on the forehead and stand up saying “Okay lead the way my wonderful daughter.”

She takes us by the Armory first and makes us all guards of Opal’s Home so we can get cloths. I didn’t really notice we were all naked except for one of my bodies and Sapphire. She ends up having to give Onyx Credits since she hasn’t had much of a chance to get any yet. The uniforms are blue this time, probably because the Land still belongs to Sapphire. There isn’t a wrist band with this one, but it does have a symbol of a white tree on one of the shoulders. That must be what represents Sapphire, like the white stone represented me in Liberation. Probably.

I wonder if it will change again once she gives me back the Land rights. Do I even want them back right now if she’s doing such a good job guarding the place without me? She’s earned it I think, so I tell her “You can keep the fort if you want Sapphire, I know you’ve earned it for keeping it safe for so long by yourself.” She shakes her head and says “No thank you, it’s been awful, do you know how many gross creatures have attacked while you’ve been gone? I also have to deal with all the humans trying to marry me since I own the place. So no thanks, take it back please mom.” I then get a screen saying I was given the Land rights to Opal’s Home, and hear a sigh of relief from Sapphire, her posture loosening up. She says “I’d still like to stay here with you though mom, and there are a lot of brothers and sisters, and my own children who want to move here. I’ve told them they have to wait until you get back. Taking care of the place was hard enough without other people here to make it dirty all the time.”

“You did a really good job sweetie, thank you. You must be very powerful now, did you get to 5th tier?” I ask and Sapphire nods saying “I actually have two classes in the 5th tier, and am the strongest Player in the area. Look at my title now.” I look above her head and it says -Guardian Sentinel- Lvl 43. I say “Oh that’s so cool, so you got a Unique title too?” she puffs out her chest and says “Yup, it’s called (Sapphire Sentinel) and gives me a lot of boosts to protecting and healing allies. I never did ask, what does yours do mom?” Oh hers is much more useful than mine so I sigh and say “It pretty much just gets me more babies faster and makes it to where I can’t reset my Breeder class, but at least it makes me more attractive.” I see the 4 who came out of the dungeon pale and lose focus, probably doing something with screens. Amber says while spacing out “I’m resetting those classes right now, there’s no way I want to be stuck with them if I get a Unique title.” The others seem to agree with her, but only nod and stare at their screens.

Citrine looks relieved and hugs me saying “Thanks mom, that could have been a disaster… wait, do I remember right? Were there a ton of babies that came out of the dungeon with us?” I nod and Sapphire responds “I got them all taken care of, we had a lot of facilities set up already since a lot of our sisters and brothers have gotten busy recently. Sara is in charge of it all, and almost passed out seeing all of them, but they are all elves and should grow up soon.” Citrine asks “Can you take me to them, I’ve never had babies before and want to see them, I don’t know if I’ll be able to tell which are mine if they’re all elves though.” Onyx adds “I wanna go too if our babies didn’t just poof, can you take us Big sis?” Sapphire agrees to take them after showing us the place she had set up for me.

It doesn’t look like an overly large building, and when we get inside it’s all one floor. She says she was worried I’d be too heavy for the floors if there was an upstairs. That makes sense so I nod, I wouldn’t want to break it by wiggling too much upstairs. There seems to be a big area when we first enter with a few chairs around the edges of the room, but a big open space in the center. She tells us that it’s for the expected cuddle piles when we have family over. She then shows us a small room that she says is hers, then taking us to a slightly larger room that she says is mine. It has a bed and my chests I had in Liberation before. I hug her again for being so thoughtful. She says she assumed Amber and Ruby would room with me, so it’s a bit bigger and they don’t get their own. The place has a few more empty rooms, but that’s it inside. She then leads us to the area behind the home, and it has a pool filled with water next to a (Well) and a fire pit, like the ones we used for dinner in Liberation. I don’t know why I didn’t think about making more than one (Well) in Liberation, but my daughters are so smart.

Sapphire then takes Citrine and Onyx to go see the babies in Liberation, after more hugs, and I get the feeling that Opal’s Home will have a lot more people living in it soon.

After they leave, Amber suggests we cuddle in the bed, so the three of us return to our mostly empty room and snuggle under the blankets Sapphire found from somewhere. I feel relief as we all finally share what we’ve gone through over the past few months with each other. It hurts at first talking about my encounters with the hounds and my fears of abandonment, but it’s important to be honest with family and it makes me feel lighter. They go over the horrible things they felt and did, and it’s all painful for them, but I can tell they feel better after we all finish crying hours later.

We just lay there and start talking about our hopes for the future. I have a feeling we’re going to be busy soon, but for now it’s nice to just not do anything we need to get done.

End of Volume One: Liberation

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