Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 62

After Ruby gives birth we decide to all take the day off together and bring all the babies into the room so we can watch them sleep and grow. We usually just let them sleep in another room, since that’s what we got used to for so long, but Ruby suggested we do it this way since we are all going to be together anyways. It’s been about 8 hours since I gave birth so my babies are all already getting pretty big. The succubus who looks almost exactly like me except for her tail is really energetic. Once we brought them into the room she’s been crawling on me the whole time.

I decide to name her first since she was the first of this birthing. I ask Ruby if she wants to help name them but she just shakes her head and says “You’re not getting out of it that easy Mom, you know it’s okay to use the same name twice sometimes since you have so many kids now.” I shake my head and try to think of a name but the girl herself says in a cute childish voice “What is mom’s name and what are big sis’s names?” I think she’s too cute so I tell her “Mommy’s name is Opal, red haired big sis is Ruby, she’s also technically your other mom. The orange haired big sis is Amber, she’s married to mommy, and the blue haired big sis is Sapphire.” I finish saying, making sure to point each of them out to her.

She gets a cute little thinking face and then says “My name should be Onyx then, since I have black hair like mommy.” Oh, she’s so smart, maybe I can get all my kids to name themselves if they have genetic memories, the idea is a good one I decide, so I’ll use it for my other babies from now on. First I tell my cute little succubus kid “Your name is Onyx now, you’re so smart already.” she jumps up and down on my lap and says “Yay! Onyx is pretty like mommy.” and gives me a big, little hug. It’s a good thing there isn’t a competition on favorite kid… anymore.

I make sure that my eldest daughters in the room each get turns drinking my milk, but Onyx refuses to give up her spot on my left breast. She’s too cute so I tell the older girls that it’s unfortunate but they’ll have to take turns. I guess some of of my elf babies ended up with Bountiful since they fell asleep all day after their feeding. Other than the Bountiful babies only Ruby’s kids are still sleeping at this point so the room is very lively.

After a few hours

It seems like Onyx is growing much faster than her siblings and is almost fully grown already, If I had to guess, she’ll probably be done growing in about half an hour. So I tell her “Onyx is growing so fast! Don’t worry, mommy will take you to get some levels soon so you can grow big and strong.” I hear Amber say “Stop showing favoritism mom, you married me so you should be taking me to the dungeon.” Ruby speaks up too “Me too mom, well I can wait till the Dungeon in my fort is ready. Amber is right though, you shouldn’t choose an upstart over your wives.” Onyx who’s sitting in my lap, puts her hands on her hips and says “I wanna hang out with you two big sis’s too, can’t we all just go together?” She’s right of course so Amber says “She’s a smart little sister despite looking so much like mom.” Ruby adds “She probably gets it from me.” I ignore their rudeness. Probably.

Opal’s body in Liberation

I’m sitting on the gate keeping an eye out so everyone else can do other stuff and get levels. I hear “Mom!” and I look behind me but I don’t see Citrine. I look around and don’t see her so she says “Up here mom!” So I look up towards the direction of her voice and see her flying there, her wings gently flapping. She looks amazing so I tell her “You figured out how to fly and you look beautiful doing it, come down here and let mom give you a hug.” She has a big smile as she flies down and lands in front of me, so I give her a big hug, a soft one of course. I ask her “Did you just come out of the dungeon?” She nods and says “Yup, got to tier 3 and learned how to fly, it was weird, like, I just knew how when I tiered up.”

That is pretty weird, but she’s still cute so I tell her “I upgraded the Armory so you can get shoes and armor there now if you have the Credits. Do you have enough or do you need some from mom?” She pats my head, which feels nice and says “I have enough to get myself some shoes and armor, and I’m even saving some extra to help you and Amber build a dungeon faster at the fort we’re taking later.” Oh yeah, I forgot about that with all the sex and baby stuff. I tell her “You have a new sister who is going to join us in the dungeon soon if you’re interested. We should have one free slot. It’s going to be Ruby, Amber, and your new sister Onyx. You would make the 4th if you decided to join them, and I could stay and guard the gates for everyone.” She nods and says “I’d love to help a little sister grow strong too, and it sounds like a fun bonding experience to me.” I give her another hug and say “They’ll be glad to have you. Oh before I forget I figured out that each of my bodies can marry someone so I got married to Ruby too.”

Citrine squeezes me and says “That’s great mom, she seemed to like you a lot.” Of course she did, I am really beautiful and smart. Citrine then says “Congratulations Mom, is everyone just at Ruby’s place now?” I nod and tell her “Yeah, we all had a bunch of babies so we are taking the day off watching them grow up.” Citrine gets bright eyes, I’m probably just imagining her glowing though. Maybe. She asks “Can I join you all?” I tell her that of course she can “Do you remember how to get there?” She just flies off in the direction of Ruby’s Rest. She’s really excited to see all the babies huh? They are pretty cute.

I wonder how long it takes to fly somewhere, but just shrug and finish making 4 more class skills permanent. I got a lot more free points from Ruby than Jeff, especially when it was night. I’ll have to remember to have sex with Ruby in Dungeons from now on to get more points.

Opal’s body at Ruby’s Rest

“Hey Ruby, can I chat with you alone for a minute?” I ask her, giving Amber a kiss so she doesn’t feel left out. “Yeah, I know a good place.” She answers and starts leading me out the door, so I tell Amber and Sapphire “Citrine might be here before I get back, I told her she could hang out and watch the babies.” Ruby leads me out of the building and to a little building with a door that’s out of the way near a corner of the fort. When I get inside and close the door it takes my eyes a second to adjust but Ruby is already stripping. So I ask her “Why are you stripping?” she gets a confused look and asks “Weren’t we going to have sex?” I shake my head and say “I guess we can but I wanted to talk to you about my free points.”

I start stripping too and tell her all about how I get free points now and how I get more in Dungeons or at night because of a skill. She hears the part where I explain what Arhu told me and she looks at her own screen. “Holy crap mom, I think I got points when you gave birth to our babies. I got 20 per baby I think.” I sigh and say “That’s not fair, why don’t I get points for that?” She shakes her head and says “I don’t get points when cumming inside you, how many did you make off of us making those 18 babies?” I think about it and say “About 430?” she gets a thinking face and says “Yeah, you’re right, it’s not very fair. I could just cum in you once but you’d probably still have all those babies which would give me points.” I nod and say “So even if you get points you still have to keep having sex with me so I can get a lot too.” Ruby laughs and says “I don’t know why anyone would turn down an offer like that from you wife.” This time I’m sure it’s a compliment so I give her a kiss. “We should just do what Amber calls a quickie this time since we were having family bonding time.”

Opal’s body at Liberation 3 hours later

I see Amber, Citrine, and Onyx headed this way so I wave to them. I hop down from the gate and greet them. Amber speaks up and says “Hey Opal, Did you and Ruby already head over here for the dungeon?” I shake my head and then whisper into her ear. She just shakes her head and says “She called me horny. Okay so it looks like it will just be us 3, since Mom will be watching the gate and her and Ruby are busy with a quest right now.” Citrine gives me a hug and whispers in my ear “It’s okay mom, let loose.” and giggles. Onyx walks up and whispers in my ear too and I assume she just want’s to fit in but she says “I hope Ruby-mom fucks your brains out and gives me more siblings” She’s so smart already, it’s cute. I pat her head and say “Have fun in the dungeon and listen to your sisters, they can help you get stronger.” She nods and wiggles.

I watch them head off to the dungeon, they are so cute.

Opal’s body at Ruby’s Rest

“We need to hurry up, the others are already going into the dungeon.” I tell Ruby who’s currently filling me up again with her cum. She sighs and says “I better head that way then, did you want me to get your other body pregnant too before I join them?” I tell her “No, that’s alright you and the others need to get to 4th tier.” I kiss her on her red lips and she takes off to go to Liberation. I head back to the room with Sapphire and all the babies. I’m going to get them all to name themselves.

Opal’s body at Liberation

I see Amber, Citrine and Onyx coming back way too fast so I ask Amber “What happened?” but Citrine speaks up and says “I just leveled up and got a skill in my Healer class that increases party experience in Dungeons, I know you and Ruby are… preoccupied, but I really think she should join us now.” Oh, that’s really useful. I remember it said Healers fight with help, is that what it meant? Maybe. I tell her “Ruby is already on her way here, and I’d love to join you when there’s a free spot, I’ll just need to find someone to replace me on gate duty.” Onyx runs up and hugs me “That’s great mom!” and Amber says “That’s my wife you know, I should hug her first.”

Onyx sticks her tongue out at Amber and then says “Don’t worry sis I’m not trying to fuck Opal-mom, she just really makes me feel safe, so I like hugging her. I’m not into women.” Amber just coughs and says “Sorry Onyx, I shouldn’t get jealous and jump to conclusions. I haven’t had a lot of alone time with mom today so I’m a little testy about it.” I walk up and hug Amber. I didn’t know she wanted some alone time too so I say “I love you wife, let’s do our date to my lake later, how does that sound?” Amber seems to loosen up and says “Thanks Opal, I’d really like that.” Citrine says “Awww you two are so adorable.” We are, so I nod agreeing with her.

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