Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 61

Ruby still has a confused look on her face, I do too probably since I don’t really understand, but that’s not what matters.

I’m the first one to respond and I tell Sapphire “Well if it makes you happy then do it, but I don’t think it’s safe with your class to be leaving so far out on your own. Sure you can kill the Hound, but what if you run into something stronger? We wouldn’t know how to find you.” Ruby then speaks up “Why didn’t you come to some of us to help you out, a lot of the sisters are doing that until they can find a partner.” Sapphire then says “Thanks mom, and I’m sorry if I made you worry, it’s not exactly something I can take one of my sisters to. Ruby, none of you have cock, grow one and then we’ll talk about getting help from my sisters.” she ends with a huff. I just look at Ruby and she sighs, pulling off her armor skirt and shorts underneath. Sapphire looks over and sees Ruby’s massive penis and yells “What the hell! That’s huge! No, more than that, how did you get a dick?” Ruby pulls back up her cloths and explains what has happened today.

After she’s done Sapphire looks between us and says “So I missed another marriage proposal?” I nod confirming what Ruby said and tell her “Sorry, we didn’t think I could get married again so it wasn’t exactly planned.” She laughs and says “I know mom, can I ask a favor?” I answer “Sure sweetie.” she seems hesitant, but then asks “Could you, Ruby or Amber come with me for this sometimes or…” she looks over at Ruby and I get her meaning so I say “I’d prefer the second option since it’s safer, but you’ll have to ask her, but I’m fine with it.” Sapphire then looks at her sister with pleading eyes.

Ruby rolls her eyes and sighs “I have such perverted sisters, first Amber now you… I’d be lying though if I said I didn’t have the urge to see just how much I could fuck both of your brains out with my new tool.” Sapphire gets sparkles in her eyes and starts taking the cloths off that she just put on, but Ruby stops her and says “I’d like to, but I decided that I’m sticking it in Mom first. It’s not negotiable.” Sapphire doesn’t seem phased and asks “Can I watch?”

I wasn’t expecting this to happen when we went out, but Ruby’s new penis does look.. pleasurable? Amber has been sucking on my nipples and rubbing me all over for the past half hour, so I might be a little turned on right now. “You can watch sweetie.” I tell her and Ruby says “Now?” I start taking off my cloths and tossing them to a corner of the dirty cave. “Well if you still want to wait that’s fine too Ruby.” she laughs and says “I’m not going to be able to say no if you strip naked in front of me.” I walk up to Ruby and start taking off her armor and cloths too and say “I’ll take that as a yes then?” she responds by kissing me and guiding me to the ground, her cloths already gone. I see Sapphire touching herself out of the corner of my eye, but stay focused on my new wife.

*Lewd Scene*



20 hours later

We’re all laughing soaked in cum except Ruby who has a puzzled look on her face. She asks “How did I get myself pregnant?” We laugh even harder and Sapphire confesses wiping the tears from her eye from laughing too hard “When I saw that I didn’t clean myself fast enough after passing out and you got me pregnant, I took a bunch of your cum and shoved it in your pussy while I was fingering you.” Amber adds “Well that’s what you get for cumming in me just because I said I wanted you too.” Amber then sticks her tongue out at Ruby and we all laugh this time. I add “Well now we will all be having babies together, I’m glad.”

Ruby says “So Mom and Sapphire are obviously going to have their babies soon, What’s the plan?” Sapphire answers first saying “Lets go to Ruby’s Rest for it, we have more privacy there and it’s cleaner.” Amber scoffs, probably at Sapphire wanting something clean. “Well I’m okay with Ruby’s too, and mom’s other body can bring us some fresh beds.” That’s a good idea so I agree, we head to the fort after Sapphire cleans us all with her skills.

I had been making sure both locations knew we were all fine, so we don’t have to worry about updating people now. We decide to do everything in Ruby’s room since it’s big and I had already replaced the bed. I even added chairs, not the frogman kind of course.

A couple hours later

I’m ready to push out babies, on my back with my head propped up. Both of my hands are held and Sapphire is in charge of receiving the babies. We’ll switch who goes where when it’s the other’s turn for babies. The first one comes out, this is much easier now, ever since I got Bountiful, so I don’t even feel pain. I hear a baby’s cry and Sapphire shows me my new daughter with a confused look. My new baby looks like an elf, but has a black, thin tail with an arrowhead shape at the end. Above her head it says -Succubus- Lvl 1. She is extremely white with black hair just like me, she even has my bright turquoise eyes. She looks like me, but with a tail. So she’s beautiful.

I push out the other 17 babies who all end up being elves. We all talk about how it might have happened and we’re pretty sure it’s because of how Ruby got her penis. Probably. We aren’t completely sure though since I also recently had an Angel baby from a human. Amber suggests “Maybe since it was from the first time of both penises?” Oh yeah, I forgot Jeff said he had never had sex before, the same as Ruby. I nod since that makes sense too. “It was only one baby both times that was different. We’ll have to see what kind of babies the rest of us have.

About 7 hours later

Ruby is the last one to start having babies, and all of them are elves too, just like her sisters. So it’s probably something to do with the first time like Amber said earlier. There is one strange thing about Ruby’s babies though… They all look exactly the same, the same size, hair color, eye color. It’s super cute, and Ruby seems proud. Looking at her face, she’ll probably get herself pregnant again like this on purpose. Well if it makes her happy I’m all for it. We are all smiling a lot today.

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