Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 50

-POV Ruby-

I slice through an orc that’s between me and my beautiful fort.

There are a lot of them coming out of my big gates, but Mom has already made it inside. Her and Amber are so great for bringing me to my new favorite child… I mean fort, sorry babies momma might be spending some time away from the cuddle pile. I love my living children I really do, they were a miracle birthing of all 3 at once, but it was love at first sight with those big stone walls. Ah I should calm down and try to be more like Mom. It’s hard not to see the draw of building up your own place and doing everything just right so you can sit back and make Credits. Mom doesn’t seem to care about her Credits much, but once I found out I could buy things at the Armory with it, ideas just started flooding into my head.

I wonder if I can convince Mom to take Tasha back without me going along. I’m sure Tasha doesn’t care if I don’t come along, and I’ll be busy with my new fort. I don’t know why I was so hung up on seeing her husband, it’s hardly important.

The blade of blood extending out of my dagger is getting pretty long, lucky for me it doesn’t seem to add any weight when swinging. So I’m almost taking out two orcs with every swing, I think I need more strength, since I still feel resistance when cutting through flesh. It’s less resistance with this new dagger from the dungeon, than with the dagger I got from the shaman. I suppose the sharpness or quality of the weapon affects the sharpness of the blade extended by Bloody Cuts. I see and orc knock over Sara, one of my babies, so I stomp on the ground and use my Impale skill. A spike made of blood shoots out of the ground, piercing the orc into his ass and out his mouth. It then raises him off of the ground and displays him to everyone nearby. It’s a pretty gruesome and expensive skill, but it’s my only skill good for killing things at range.

Sara gives me a little wave before standing back up and chasing one of the orcs who ran when it saw the other orc get skewered. I’m glad I managed to get to 3rd tier when Mom was running me through the Dungeon. I need to get stronger still, I don’t think any of us would have survived like mom did with that boss. We have to be able to help her next time she’s in trouble or we’re bad daughters.

It might take me a few months to start making enough Credits to really start doing things. I just hope there are as many things that can be done with Land as I’m hoping. Mom is cute sometimes in how she approaches her land stuff, thinking about how to help with immediate problems but not really planning beyond that. I hope I can figure it all out quickly for her, my sisters and my daughters.

“I hear orcs still inside fighting mom, let’s go. Everyone charge!” I yell and start running for the still open gate, I guess they were too distracted by Mom to think they might need to close it again. Either that or they thought the around 200 orcs they sent out would be enough for us. I make it inside my new fort and spot mom a ways from the gate in a pile of orc bodies, all trying to hurt her hard exterior. They are failing of course, I wouldn’t be surprised if the brick building she got knocked into fell on her and did no damage.

The building shakes… and collapses. NO! My poor building! Mom of course climbs out of the rubble as I’m stabbing the orc that knocked her into it. It’s not her fault so I can’t blame her. “Aha taking out that wood in the center was the right choice after all, killed all the orcs inside and didn’t hurt even a little.” My mother confesses, so I slap her in the back of the head. “Don’t break my buildings Mom!” I chastise her. “Oh, sorry Ruby, I won’t knock down the next building then.” she was planning on doing it again. I sigh. Amber has her work cut out for her. The building across the way creaks and then collapses… Amber climbs out of the rubble with her ax and says “See Mom, it works. Oh hi Ruby.” The world is doomed with those two bonded by marriage, woe be unto all the beautiful buildings.

I decide to ignore what just happened for my own sanity.

“Ruby says we can’t break any more buildings wife.” Mom says while punching the head off an orc charging her. My sister responds “Oh, sorry Ruby, I forgot this place could be used and got too excited. We’ll buy you a structure as a replacement once we get some orbs from the dungeon again.” I smile and say “Oh it’s not a problem at all, and thank you for being so generous. Another structure will be useful my wonderful sister.” She’s not so bad, these are just normal buildings, if they are willing to get me a structure for each one maybe I should let them rampage more. Could I knock over a building nearby and say their collapsing buildings caused it to destabilize? No no, that would be lying and we have to be honest with family. Mom taught me that.

Two and a half hours later

We find the last of the orcs of the fort in a room similar to the one we were held in. Of course they are raping some poor women, and is that a really feminine man? I wouldn’t think it was, but the dick hanging between his legs is a dead giveaway. He also doesn’t have any breasts, but if he wasn’t naked I would swear he was a woman.

We let all of them out and the man runs to one of the women that was locked up. He embraces her lovingly and says “Claire my love, it will all be okay now, we’ve survived.” I see some orc cum running down his leg and his butt looks really red. I guess orcs aren’t as picky as I thought.




Finally! I forget all about my surroundings and dive into my Land Menus.

-POV End-

Ruby seems to be having a lot of fun in a screen. She’s smiling and laughing a lot, so she probably has some good things in her Land stuff. I wonder how much the structure we’ll get for her is going to cost. Maybe I can choose a higher cost one as an excuse to spend more time killing stuff in the dungeon or on quests with Amber. I bet since this place is now owned by a Player, it will show up on the Trade quests section too.

I ask Ruby what she’s going to name it and she looks over at me answering “I’ve named it Ruby’s Rest, much better than it’s last name.” I nod, it’s a good name, since I named Ruby does that count as me partly naming the fort too? Either way, I like it, and it’s not far from Liberation. I could get here pretty quickly if I ran the whole way, which reminds me. “Hey Ruby, do you need help getting some of the beds here. I can help.” I tell her, but she answers by shaking her head. “Thank you for offering, but the kids and I have decided to carry our stuff over ourselves since you helped us so much already. I know you want to do some more fighting and leveling today Mom. You’re too easy to read.” I huff and then smile, my baby is getting all self sufficient. I tell her though “Sorry, I’m keeping one of my bodies here until I know you’re more set up and can protect it from the other orc camps and fort.”

She slaps her own forehead and says “How could I forget, thanks Mom, I’ll take you up on that help then.” One of the women walks over to us, no wait it’s a man, and asks “Are we going to be allowed to stay here? If you let us stay I’ll offer my help in fighting off monsters.” he holds out his hand and says “My name is Samuel, you can call me Sam.” Ruby grabs his hand and shakes it saying “Ruby, and of course you can stay, we wouldn’t free you and then make you live in the forest. I’m the new Landowner and this is Opal, my mother. She owns a nearby camp and lake, she’ll be helping us defend the place for a bit.

He looks above my head and gasps “How did you get a cool title like Conquering Mother? That’s so badass.” Oh yeah I equipped (Beginner Conqueror) to get more stuff from the quest, I guess (Mother Opal) Doesn’t always change shown titles in the same way. Strange. I answer him by saying “I took my lake from some blue frogmen and then killed the orcs in Liberation with my babies.” he looks back at Ruby and says “Your mom is so cool.” I nod since I am pretty cool. Probably.

All the other captives introduce themselves, but I only really remember Sam’s name since his penis was swinging around distracting me. Other than that and his lack of breasts he really does look like a woman. There were about 30 Elves and 5 Human women. So 36 captives total, I was going to ask Sam if men’s babies come out of their penises since his was so big now, but when I asked Amber beforehand she told me not to ask him that. Apparently men can’t have babies, so I wonder why the orcs kept him in a pillory. Weird.

Back at my body on the gate of Liberation.

I see Sapphire returning with the Taylors and two other people, so I hop down off the gate to greet them. Jeff looks upset for some reason and is looking away from the other two. Everyone’s faces look pretty awkward except for the new man walking and holding hands with the pregnant woman. Even the pregnant woman looks awkward for some reason, probably because she’s fat. I can understand that. “Welcome back everyone, did you finish the quest alright? Who are the new people?” I ask and Sapphire walks up to me answering “We found one of the other camps in town and these two are the Landowners of that camp. They came to meet us and for their own Trade quest.” Oh that’s good, so they would probably be okay with us doing the Trade quest too. I look over their heads and he has -Human- Lvl 10 and she has -Guardian- Lvl 24. I wonder what tier they are, and she has Guardian, which has pretty difficult requirements. So she must be tough.

I walk up to them and stick my hand out like Sam did and say “Hi I’m Opal, the Landowner here. It’s nice to meet you. Which of the nearby camps did you come from?” The woman grabs my hand and shakes it saying “We come from Safety, we’re glad the people from the new camp seem like good people. Oh, sorry for the awkwardness by the way, I used to date Jeff and that’s always a little weird you know. My name is Cindy, and this is my husband Richard. Say hi to the nice woman Hubby.”

He then shakes my hand and says with a smile “You can call me Dick”

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