Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 49

Amber blushes, but has a big grin on her face and says “I would love to do that for you do you want the left?” she starts, placing her soft lips around my left nipple teasingly “Or do you want the right?” she continues, moving a hand up to my right breast and flicking my pink nipple. I think about my options seriously, what would the difference be between the two, maybe we should see if Amber can get two bodies too so she could do both. Maybe--- but my decision is made for me as she starts sucking on my left nipple, maybe I was taking to long to decide. I feel a pleasant tugging sensation coming from her mouth and place a hand on her head.

Her hand then starts gripping my right breast and I stifle a moan. We are still close enough for someone to hear me if I make a lot of noise. The feeling is really pleasant, but it’s not as good as when I had milk still. Maybe the milk coming out just makes it feel better. Probably. I whisper to her “Could you get the other one too?” and she pulls her lips off of my left nipple with a smacking sound, and then flicks it with the tip of her tongue. I kiss her on the forehead as she moves her mouth over to my right nipple, the breast still gripped by her hand and starts sucking.

I let out a small gasp as her teeth brush it, but I trust her not to rip it off. Probably. I at least trust Firm enough to know it would be really difficult for her. We stay like that for about half an hour, but people will be heading to bed soon, and I want to be in the center of the cuddle pile tonight. I missed it last night, and want to wake up smothered in my babies again. “Hey wife.” I say, patting her head. She looks up at me with her lips still on my breast, so I continue “We should get back soon.” Amber takes her mouth off my nipple but gives my breasts one last squeeze before saying. “Fine, I guess I do have to sleep. Why couldn’t I have inherited that from you?” She then giggles and says as I stand up off of her lap “You know Mom, I was thinking about the orc attack while sucking on your boob. I think we should do the quest for taking the fort they came from tomorrow. They wouldn’t have had time to replenish their numbers yet.”

I think about it and it makes sense to me so I tell her “We’ll bring it up with everyone tomorrow morning and see what they think.” Then I help her stand up and kiss her forehead. “It’s a smart idea though so I’m glad my nipples could help you think of it.” She just laughs as my other body lets us back into the gate. I wonder if I have enough levels in my other classes now to tier up my primary class to 4 finally. If we are going to be killing a bunch of orcs it almost feels like a waste to get the experience in a class I need to tier up. With a new class I can get more skills, but I’ll lose out on the stats per level. I ask what Amber thinks and she tells me “Don’t tier up before we attack the fort, it’s better to have the stats just in case.” She grabs my hand as we walk and continues “You can tier up after and then get experience from the lower levels of the dungeon.”

We get back to everyone else and they’ve already given the Taylors some of the spare beds. Most of us will be sleeping with someone else for warmth and security, so there are a lot of extras. Our cuddle pile will be the only one with blankets though.

I lay down on the grouping of mattresses first, followed shortly by Amber and then the rest of my daughters. We manage to get the two large blankets to cover everyone, which makes it really warm, but I can stand in a fire, so it shouldn’t be a problem. Ruby joins us tonight, understandably not wanting to sleep with Tasha. The number in the pile tonight isn’t as much as before, since many of my daughters and granddaughters have formed groups of friends with other women. It’s good to see my babies making friends, and it means we don’t have to share the blankets with as many people.

I close my eyes and wiggle a little, surrounded by my kids and grandkids, and say “Love you all.” I get back a lot of ‘love you’s followed by mom, mommy, and grandma. I’ll just ignore the one calling me granny. It doesn’t feel as nice to my ears as grandma for some reason. Amber kisses me on the cheek and I soon fall asleep. I have a weird dream about having a mom who doesn’t know she’s my mom. It’s strange and I wake up the next morning with a tear rolling down my face. Odd. I preferred the one where I was a giant and smashing stuff. Probably.

It takes a while for everyone to get out of the warm cuddle, but I do end up outside not covered in people that love me. I’ll just have to make do with holding Amber’s hand until tonight. The Taylor’s ask about breakfast, which is apparently eating in the morning. I’m suspicious that they made it up, but Sue confirms that most people eat three meals a day, these poor Players. We had been just eating at night like when we were enslaved, so I thought that was what things that ate did. Strange.

Miss Taylor offers to help cook up some bacon, since we have pigs, but says she doesn’t know which part bacon is. So we end up just roasting some more pigs for the people who are hungry. The Jeff guy seems to be avoiding the camp’s women, blushing a lot, but his uncle has made friends with the gnomes. I hear him telling them about something called mushrooms, they don’t sound very appetizing to me, but the gnomes are listening to everything he says with excited eyes. Amber tells Sue about her idea to attack Big Dick, since if we wait for it to recover it will be harder. Sue rolls her eyes for some reason, but agrees, so we’ll be seeing who wants to go.

Sapphire offers to take the Taylors to the town to finish their quest, and Ruby will be staying with a third of the women at Liberation to defend in case of another attack. I’ll also be leaving one of my bodies here, so both groups will know if the other needs help. I wish I would have thought of that, but it was actually Tina’s idea. So I guess I probably won’t be getting to kill orcs with both of them. Unfortunate.

After everyone who wanted breakfast finishes eating, we all pick up the quest for taking Big Dick. When I take the quest I get an additional screen that says


Choose a participating Player to receive Land rights after completion.

Not selecting before quest completion will default Land rights to you.

It then has a list of everyone who has taken the quest already. Amber must have gotten the same screen since she brings it up to me. “Wife, do we give Big Dick to someone else?” I think about it for a bit, but then remember something so I tell her “We should let Ruby take Big Dick, she told us how much she wanted to build stuff like us, and she would be trustworthy.” Amber nods and we go find Ruby.

“Ruby, you should come with us on the quest instead of staying, we want to give you Big Dick, we know you’ve been wanting it.” Ruby gets a horrified look on her face as I start talking, but I continue “It says we can give one of the quest participants Land rights and we think you’re the best choice.” Ruby lets out a relieved sigh and then says “I would love to get Land rights for the fort, let me tell people I won’t be staying behind and I’ll pick up the quest at the board. Thank you two for picking me.” She then hugs both of us and runs off. Amber gives me a serious look and then just starts laughing, it’s a pretty cute laugh.

As soon as I see Ruby’s name pop up on the list I focus on and select her. She runs up to us and says she got the notification, a big smile on her face. I think I hear her mumble something about being rich, but I’m not sure what she’s talking about, and it’s probably not important if she was mumbling it.

We tell everyone else that we picked Ruby this time, but if anyone is interested in a camp or fort to tell us, so we know who to think about for the next orc place we attack. Not a lot of people seem interested right away, since it would mean not being with everyone here all the time. Probably. Sue mentions that she likes the idea of making one a farm and having her daughters and granddaughters work it with her, but they don’t all seem interested, so they’ll discuss it more and get back to us. The babies I had yesterday are almost fully grown, but they won’t be joining us for the quest since they would all still be level 1. I make sure they all get hugs and know to only stay on the first floor of the dungeon for leveling at first. Their older sisters who are staying promise to run them through it once they fully mature in a couple hours.

Everyone seems ready to go, with weapons and uniforms. Sapphire has already left with a couple sisters and the Taylors, so she should be back before us. They are only checking out their old house to see if they can get anything sentimental or useful. I turn towards the direction the arrow is pointing for the fort and start walking, hand in hand with Amber of course. Ruby walks next to us telling us about all the things she’s going to do with Big Dick in her capable hands. One of those things she mentions a few times, is making sure to change the name. It does seem to be the kind of name a dumb orc would give it.

Oh, we found out that the Camp Hope on the list is the camp of the women we rescued from the goblin den. I seems like the orcs didn’t change it’s name after taking it from them, and none of the other orc camps have names. So I wonder if it’s for the same reason. Probably.

3 Hours later

In front of me is the fort. It has stone walls instead of wood and from what I can see of the buildings behind the walls, they are made of brick. Maybe we should have waited to select Ruby to get land rights and given her Liberation instead. Well it’s too late now, I see Amber’s face and she’s probably having similar thoughts, while Ruby looks like she might explode with excitement. Well at least she’ll be happy, and we can always just not pick someone for the other fort on the quest list. We hear squealing from the top of the walls and see orcs pointing at us.

A minute or two later the huge gates open and orcs start pouring out with no regard for each other, many getting knocked over and trampled to death. I thought we’d have to break in, but it seems like they think we’ll be easy to beat. There are only about 40 of us women who came I suppose. This makes it easier though, so I start running towards the orcs that are running at us.

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