Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 217

I decide that with my attractiveness so high, it’s better not to walk to the armory or dungeon naked. Luckily, Jett has so many sheets that he shouldn’t miss one, and I’ll bring it back anyway. Probably. I’m hoping that the big bonus to attractiveness that I got from my son’s mark only works when people actually see my breasts. Amber has skills that only work when someone can hear her after all. I can have him test it for me when he gets back from flying around.

Walking while covered in a sheet is harder than I thought it would be, but after asking a few people I finally found the Armory. I go inside and wait for the three people in front of me to get their uniforms first. When it’s finally my turn, I step up to it and touch it. I sigh. Right, you have to be a guard here to use the Armory. It’s been a while since we took over the farm, so I didn’t really think about it. I look around, but none of the women near the armory have large enough breasts, and Jett’s uniform looks really tight. I wonder if smaller breasts is a Wyverkin trait? I guess other people won’t be in the dungeon with me anyway.

The first person I ask this time tells me how to get to the dungeons and even what’s inside. One dungeon has something called slimes, and the other has worms. I don’t think I can have sex with either of those things, but the woman didn’t know what was past the 10th floor of either one, so I’m hoping for that. The dungeons I’ve been in before change every 10 floors. If neither has them, then I’ll go to the arena and hope to find a man willing to join me in the pink room. This body really does have different feelings than my others. This horny thing has turned out to be more annoying than useful.

I decide to try the slime dungeon first, and head there straight from the armory. I see a lot of people pointing and admiring the sheet I’m wearing, so I can’t help but smile on the way there. Luckily, no one is near the dungeon, I wonder why? Maybe it’s the drops. I think the woman said it’s the worm dungeon that has the piercings. Hmm, my son did tell me the potions aren’t popular, but I thought he just meant the breast ones. Maybe he meant all of them. I fold the sheet and put it on a shelf near the entrance. Carrying it all the way through the dungeon sounds like it would be annoying.

As I walk naked into the dungeon, the first thing I see is a surprise. Don’t all dungeons start with a stone hallway leading to the first room? In front of me is a large room with a grass floor. On the other side is the stairway down to the next floor, and scooting around on the grass are 3 green blobs. Those must be the slimes. I try to think about it, but all the dungeons I’d been in before started the same. Why was this one different? I’ll have to talk to Cindy, since I’m pretty sure she’ll be interested.

I start moving towards the first slime to see what it feels like, but the three of them stop moving, make a high pitched shriek, and then start scooting towards me. I hear a chime.

Warning: Slimes have an innate hatred for Stone races.

Defeat the 10th floor boss for additional rewards.

It’s a bit confusing, but then I remember that this body has a new race now. It’s kind of rude to hate me without getting to know me, but they are monsters. So I shouldn’t expect them to be smart or nice. They are kind of cute looking as they scoot towards me angrily… I’d feel a little bad about killing them, it’s not like I need such a small amount of experience anyway. I walk to the stairs down, easily avoiding the slow-moving blobs of rage.

I see a similar sight on each floor after that, just with a slightly bigger room and more slimes. Of course their levels go up too, but since they’re tier 1 I’d have to stay here a long time to even start to make progress on my next level. It’s better to just ignore them and get to the boss as quickly as possible for those additional rewards it mentioned. Since it is just a big room each floor, getting to the 10th only takes a few minutes of running.

When I open the boss room door, I’m a bit sad that it didn’t turn out to be a rare boss. A regular boss won’t give me much experience either at that level. I do need to kill it though for the rewards. It’s basically just like the other slimes, but bigger. It screeches just like the smaller ones and starts charging towards me… slowly. Shouldn’t this dungeon be more popular just for how easy it is for low tier people? Strange. I punch the big green blob and immediately get an answer in the form of it exploding all over me. It’s dead with just one punch, but I’m now completely covered in green goo.

I lick it, just to see how it tastes, but immediately spit it out. It’s gross and tingly on my tongue. I’m glad I decided not to kill all the little ones. How am I going to wash this off? Well, I guess it’s fine for now. I’ll have to hope that there’s water on the next floor. I didn’t hear a chime after killing the thing, so will the additional rewards be in the chest? Probably. I walk over to it and open it to look inside, finding two things. This is the first time I’ve gotten more than one thing from a chest, so its likely from the slimes hating me. Maybe.

(Breast Enhancement Potion)Consume to make your breasts slightly larger.

(Slime’s Seed of Hate)Consume for free points. Poisonous to Stone races.

The breast potion was kind of expected. I don’t really need them anymore, so I’ll probably just put it outside the dungeon for someone else to take. I can give the seed to Amber. She’s been working really hard to unlock all of her bonuses and doesn’t get a lot with her two bodies. I could just eat it with one of my other bodies, but my wife could use it more anyway. I got another new body in the spider boss a few hours ago, so I’m really not lacking in free points.

I try to go to the next floor, but realize it doesn’t have the option because it hasn’t been upgraded yet. Well, at least it didn’t take long to run past all those slimes and punch the boss. I’ll just go to the worm one. I know it’s been upgraded since my granddaughters talked about it earlier at the Arena. I quickly exit the dungeon and put my sheet back around my shoulders. I could probably just find Wyverkin men to have sex with, but I’m worried my attractiveness would make them do things they normally wouldn’t like the two men with mates earlier.

While walking over to the worm dungeon I think about it some more and sigh. Hopefully it’s just this body with maximum attractiveness. My other bodies don’t have Jett’s mark or the Stone Queen race. The worm dungeon has a lot of people waiting around it, so I have to push my way though. I feel a few people grope my butt as I push past, both men and women. It’s kind of nice to be appreciated, so I smile, but I want to get into the dungeon quickly. It doesn’t look like I’ll be able to leave the sheet outside this time. Hopefully it doesn’t get ruined.

Three men close to the entrance ask me if I want to join their party, but I shake my head and enter by myself. I really did want to join them, since I could easily have sex with them even if the dungeon’s higher floors didn’t have decent monsters. I’m not dumb though, and have to figure out what’s going on with this body first. Maybe I can have sex with Players using it after I know more. Luckily doing things with Amber will be fine since she is immune to bad attractiveness stuff. I remember being worried that she’d like me less after getting it, but now it seems really useful.

The first worm dungeon floor is just like the slime one, with a few white things wiggling around on the ground. They’re about as big as my arm and must be the worms. I’ll just run past them like I did the slimes, since I don’t need the tiny bit of experience. The faster I see the monsters on the 11th floor, the better. When I get to the tenth floor, it’s just a normal boss again. There’s a worm that’s bigger than me, has scales, kind of like the Wyverkin, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. It’s kind of interesting looking, but I don’t think it’s something I can have sex with. I don’t see any penises.

I toss the sheet to the side so it doesn’t get splashed when I smash the worm. Unfortunately, the worm doesn’t seem to like it and spits a glob of green goo at it before it lands. I watch as the goo dissolves the sheet, quickly spreading over the whole thing. I frown, since now I’ll have to explain to my son how I lost his sheet. I run up to the worm and kill it with a few punches. Luckily it doesn’t explode like the slime, so I only get a little bit of its blood on me. I still have some of the slime in places, but it seems the sheet wiped a lot of it off before dying.

The boss chest appears and I quickly open it. Inside I find…

(Tongue Stud of the Mind) Wearer gets increased Mana regeneration while performing oral sex.

The bonus it gives doesn’t sound very useful, but I’ll hold onto it. Jett gave me a few piercings so I can at least replace them in his box. My tongue moves around in my mouth uncomfortably as I think about what it would feel like to have it pierced. Yeah, I probably wouldn’t like it very much. I put the potion and seed into the chest with it so they’re easier to carry to the next floor. Once I get to the next floor, I’m frustrated again. It’s just worms, but bigger and with scales like the boss of the 10th floor had. I grit my teeth and turn back around, leaving the dungeon.

“Hey sexy lady. Did the worms dissolve your clothes?” I hear someone ask, and turn to look at them. It’s a black scaled Wyverkin man with orange hair. The combination looks pretty cool with his uniform. Right, I don’t have the sheet anymore. I nod, since the worm boss did kill my sheet. He adds “I can take you to the Armory, or to my place if you haven’t received the guard title from father yet. My mate is about your size in everything but the chest.” I think about it and agree to go with him. I’m getting a lot of looks from the other men crowded around, and this one at least admitted he has a mate. I can worry about how to cover my breasts once we’re at his place.

Luckily on the run to his place, the boss chest covers my breasts as I hold it in front of them. If it was a normal dungeon chest I don’t think it would work as well. Oh, suddenly it feels like I’m going to give birth soon. I’m a bit surprised since it hasn’t even been a day yet since I had sex with that brown Wyverkin. Was it this fast back when I gave birth in the dungeon with Jett? I can’t remember. I’ve had so many babies it’s hard to keep track of each time in my memory. I hope this man doesn’t mind me doing it at his house.

When we finally get there a few minutes later, it’s not a very big house. As he welcomes me in it looks nice inside. I can tell that either him or his wife likes to decorate. I set the chest down by the door and tell him “Do you have a good place that I could give birth? It’s about to start.” He seems surprised, but answers “Sure, you can use the room my mate set up for it. I hope you don’t mind if I don’t watch. Once was enough for me.” I don’t mind. Most of my sons are the same way, I’m not sure why. He leads me to a room in the corner of his house and says “This is it. Let me know when you’re done and you can go through my mate’s clothes to find something you like.”

He seems really nice. I bet his mate is beautiful.

About half an hour later

I take the sleeping baby off of my breast and lay him down on a little baby bed that was prepared in the room. He came out of his egg just fine, and I didn’t have to explode. I only remembered it was a possibility after the egg left me. He’s pretty cute like all my babies, and I think the little brown scales and hair that he got from his father are charming. It’s too bad the Wyverkin here don’t seem to like that color, so I’ll probably just have Citrine bring him back to Opal’s Home with us. I’m sure he could find a girlfriend there. I watch him sleep for a few minutes after tucking him in, and leave the room.

I find the man in another room laying on a bed and ask “Do you have a bath that I can use before getting dressed?” I still have some goo and blood from the slime and worm. He looks up at me with a smile, and his eyes stare at a few places on my body before he answers “Yeah, it’s right over there.” He points to a door connected to this room. That would explain why I couldn’t find it in the rest of the house. I was worried they might not have one at all. Maybe our bath room should have been connected to our bedroom. Well it doesn’t matter too much since we almost never use it anyway.

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