Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 216


I’m not sure why Jett flew off, but I hope he gets back safely. I remember he only has Breeder classes, so it will be hard for him to fight a lot of stuff if he gets lost. The way he asked me to tell everyone he’s sorry was weird, and makes me anxious for some reason. Well it’s probably nothing. Feelings can be strange sometimes. I should go get a new uniform for this body, since I won’t be able to fit into my old one with these breasts. The way they move is kind of fun though. They still ended up smaller than Citrine’s after all the potions and my son’s mark. I’ll ask my angel daughter if she thinks I should use more potions before surprising my wife. I do seem to be really resistant to the changes.

I think about it and turn around, heading back to Jett’s place. I haven’t gotten very far, and if I am going to use more potions then it doesn’t make sense to buy new clothing yet. Once I’m back in his room, I stand in front of the mirror and think. The new mark is kind of cute, but it took forever to find it, since it’s actually on the underside of my breasts and pretty small. Well, Amber might like it for the surprise but I’ll have to have my son remove it after. That big boost to attractiveness could be dangerous around people that aren’t immune like Amber. I wonder if that’s something Genuine blocks? I guess I’ll find out when Citrine gets back.

It’s been longer than it should have for my daughter to get back, so I signal her body that’s carrying me to Woodville. Once she’s slowed enough, I ask her “Is your other body doing okay? Did you get lost?” She coughs before answering “Sorry mom, I got caught up in a sex party with Amber’s bull sons again. I can leave once this one is done.” Oh, that makes sense, I’ve forgotten stuff I was supposed to do when having sex too. I respond “That’s alright sweetie, I don’t mind. Just bring Amber back with you tomorrow since she has a duel in the arena.” She squeezes me tightly and says “Thanks mom, I’ll make it up to you later.”

There really isn’t a need for that, but I am excited for what she might do. Since she probably won’t be back until tomorrow. Should I just go to the dungeon to grab more potions by myself? I don’t really have anything else to do, other than try on more piercings in front of the mirror. No, that might hurt more than it’s fun since I’d have to remove anything I didn’t like. I’ll just stick with the ones I have now. While I’m thinking I hear a knock on the door. Jett isn’t here, so I go to answer it.

When I open the door, I see 4 Wyverkin men standing there waiting. It doesn’t take them long to start staring at my bare body. Right, I forgot I haven’t been dressed. It doesn’t make sense to look at myself in the mirror with clothes on. I ask “How can I help you boys?” The largest one stammers “Is, uh, father home? We brought him some more potions.” I shake my head, but none of them are looking that far up, so I say “No he just left. Oh, are they more potions to make breasts bigger?” I didn’t think they’d be bringing even more. He shows me a bottle while staring down at my breasts. Sure enough it is, so I tell them they’re for me.

One of the other men asks “Can we watch you use them?” The one next to him hits his shoulder, but I answer “Sure come on in. I’m going to do it in front of your dad’s mirror so I don’t accidentally use too many.” I do a little wiggle and head inside while they follow. It’s always nice when someone appreciates my body, and I can tell they like it since they’re staring so much.

Once I’m in front of the mirror I stretch a hand out, and one of them puts a bottle in it. I double check that it’s the right kind, and drink it… They don’t look like they’ve changed at all. I sigh and reach my hand out again, which gets filled by another Breast Enhancement Potion. Thanking the man, I drink this one too, and finally they grow, but it’s barely noticeable. I think the men are paying close attention because they all say “Ohh” at the same time. “We only have one more, but it was a little weird. Here, take a look.” I grab it and it’s actually a different color than the other one’s I’ve had. That is weird.

(Brest Enhancement Potion)Consume to make your boobies slightly larger.

I just read the others so I know this one has different spelling and breasts in the description even changed to boobies. Luckily I know they mean the same thing, since I went to the brothel with Amber before. One of my human customers said it, and was nice enough to explain what it was. Well, since it means the same thing it will be fine. If it had sneaky wording or a warning like some items then I wouldn’t drink it. Swallowing the thing tastes a little strange, but I finish it and hear a familiar chime. I should probably check it, but my body starts to hurt.

It’s a good thing it’s not effecting my other bodies, otherwise the pain would be even worse. When it finally stops, I realize the men that brought me the potions are moving my body to the bed. That’s nice of them, and I don’t mind them fondling me on the way. For some reason it feels really good as their hands rove all over my body. I really want to have sex with them. Is this that horny thing that that my daughters talk about? Usually the thought of sex is just interesting and fun, and of course it feels nice, but I’ve never really wanted it this much. Strange.

I’m pretty lucky though, since the men seem to want the same thing. As one of them sticks his penis in front of my mouth, another gets ready to have sex with me. A third leans over the bed and starts playing with my breasts. Oh the potion worked great, they look like they’re only a little smaller than Amber’s now. It’s a bit bigger than I wanted for the surprise, but I’ll take it. The fourth man, who looks like he still has his pants on asks “Fred, Tony, don’t you two have mates?” Their mates must be okay with them having sex, otherwise, why would they be getting ready for sex like this.

*Lewd Scene* (Short)




Pushing the three of them away, two of them try to be forceful, but what could they do to stop me since they’re so low tier? I get off the bed and ask “Who here has a mate that doesn’t let them have sex with other people?” My words sound different. If I heard them from one of my Player children, I’d say it sounded angry and frustrated. Is that what I’m feeling now then? I’ve been angry before. Probably, but I’ve never thought about it much. I don’t think I’ve ever felt either of the emotions so easily though. Strange.

The man that’s still dressed in the corner of the room is the only one to answer “Fred and Tony’s mates don’t let them bed others. They complain about it all the time. Lars and I are lovers, so it’s surprising seeing him suck your breasts, but I don’t mind. We’ve already discussed continuing our lines through a woman.” He of course points to everyone as he talks. I can’t help but growl in frustration and yell “You two get out!” Wow, I was loud. That’s new, but they’re rude and the reason I had to stop so quickly. They grumble and grab their clothes, but I think they realized they can’t do anything, and leave the room.

I hear the last two men still in the room talking to each other “She’s already pregnant Lars, she wouldn’t be able to help us even if we had sex.” The man who must be Lars responds “Okay sugar bear. Her milk really is delicious though, you should try it.” They both look over at me, and the dressed man sighs before saying “Fine. What was your name ma’am?” I smile and answer “My name is Opal.” Breastfeeding probably won’t fill me with that feeling as much as sex, but it’s better than nothing. Once they’re done I think I’ll head to a dungeon and find some monsters.

About 30 minutes later

“You really are amazing Opal. Would you be willing to have an egg with us once you’re available again?” Lars asks after exiting the house. I stand in the doorway and reply “Sure, I can visit later. You two are really fun to talk to.” They were so nice, making conversation while sipping my milk. Lars likes women a little bit, but his mate isn’t interested in them at all. After all that, I do a wiggle, happy that they’d pick me over others. The other two never came back, which is good. I probably would have beat them up if they tried.

As I walk back into Jett’s room, I see his mirror. Right, I haven’t really checked myself after that last potion. I could tell my breasts were bigger just by looking down, but a mirror is much better. Standing in front of it I’m surprised. My ears have gotten a little pointy, they aren’t big like an elf’s though. My eyes also have a pink part that mixes strangely with the turquoise they already had. The pink parts even have a slight glow, making them stick out a bit. Strangest of all is, I think I’m somehow more beautiful. I really didn’t think that was possible since I was perfect before, but now that I’m seeing myself like this it’s hard to deny. Touching the skin on my arm feels softer, and I have a hard time not staring at my own eyes in the reflection.

Thinking about the softer skin and emotions I don’t normally deal with, I start to worry. Grabbing one of my fingers, I pull it, snapping it off in the middle. I wince, but then let out a sigh of relief as I see my normal jagged, stone-like wound. There’s no blood. It quickly starts to regrow, crystal-like pieces spreading until my finger is like new again. I’m so glad I didn’t somehow become squishy. Doing a little dance in front of the mirror, I remember I got a chime before all this happened. Was it that oddly spelled potion? Probably.

Warning: You have consumed a Cursed potion.

(Brest Enhancement Potion) was revealed to be (Lust Draft)

Race will be changed to Lust Demon (Cursed)

Current race and attributes have effected your change.


Race changed to Stone Queen (Cursed)

Player Blessed. Legendary Race exception noted.

Maximum Attractiveness achieved

Titles earned

I quickly check my Status, and sure enough, my Race says Stone Queen (Cursed). The cursed part doesn’t sound good, but getting maximum attractiveness might be worse. I decide to check my new titles.

(New)(Racial Legend)You create an Aura that effects enemies based on emotion.

You are a legend. You’re better than others and they will understand that.

(New)(Perfect Attractiveness)Additional attractiveness gains apply to chosen stat.*Choose*

You have reached maximum attractiveness. It helps you grow in other ways.

(New)(Cursed)Cursed race cannot be changed.

You are unlucky and were cursed by an item. You are forever changed.

I’ll have to figure out how that aura thing works. Hopefully it’s useful and not annoying. The race being cursed doesn’t give me a lot of hope for that. The cursed title isn’t helping me feel better about it either. I really hope this race isn’t too awful, but my other bodies didn’t change, so at worst I’m just stuck with one. I forgot about maxing my fertility, but at least I know what to do now for this title. I select Choose, and see a new screen.

Stat options for Attractiveness


Increases how good you feel during sexual activities. A higher pleasure will cause you to orgasm more easily and with less attractive partners.


Increases your worth as an object. A higher Value will give your owners more benefits.


Changes how you are treated in the Scenario. A higher degradation will offer you more quests, and rewards in dungeons will be better.

I was hoping that Weight would be on there again, but I guess I’ll just have to choose something else this time. Maybe it’s not available since I got it last time. Pleasure would be a problem if I got too much of it. Sure it’s nice to feel good, but passing out all the time doesn’t sound fun. Value is interesting, I’m not sure I like the part about owners though. Maybe I could let Amber put a slave collar on me since it doesn’t effect my stats anymore… I shake my head. It would still keep one of my bodies from using skills. The last one actually sounds really good. I don’t think I’ve heard the word used before, but more quests and better rewards seems to make it an easy choice.

I pick Degradation and wiggle with excitement. Now I just have to get new clothes from the Armory and see if Jett has a dungeon with breeders. I’ve been frustrated after stopping sex with those men half-way.

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