Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 188

-POV Amber-

As Citrine swoops down in front of me, I stop and she says “Mom sent me to come pick you up. It should cut down your time a good bit.” I give her a big hug and respond “Thanks sis! Hurry and take me then. I’ll try to hold this where it won’t poke you.” My wife is being rash and should have waited for more help before fighting the thing. From how she described the situation, it can’t just be a normal monster. Luckily my friend Dave finished making what I asked. He may be below average at sex, but his crafting skills are amazing.

As my sister picks me up from behind, I hold the pointy end of the spear away from her flapping wings. Remembering the strange orc’s poison and how it even managed to pierce Opal, I had to get it made into a weapon. Unfortunately turning a spike into an ax blade was impossible for even Dave, so I might need some time to get used to it. I’m glad mom got me into the habit of making skills permanent when I get them, or I might have lost some of the important ones with the classes while I was unconscious and controlled.

When I just started leveling, I thought it was a waste to pay for skills that weren’t useful. I honestly think she just does it with all of her skills so she doesn’t forget to later. As I gained more tiers in more classes I realized that most skills can be useful if you use them right. An old skill from a second tier class called Resolute Thrust, should help me in using this spear, but I never even looked at it while holding an ax. If I don’t end up liking the spear, I can always switch back to my ax and give it to someone else. I think I remember Marble learning to use spears after getting married. Swinging a sword on the back of his wife probably wasn’t very effective.

Mom pokes her head out from between my breasts and says “One of my bodies is stuck inside of it, but I’m safe and working on doing some damage.” I get a bit startled, since I actually forgot she was in there. I’m so used to the feeling now, and she was being silent. She continues “I also can’t use my summons, since I can only do one portal at a time and I’m fighting off a ton of spiders where they first came out. Did you get any summons from your 9th tier class?” I haven’t exactly gone through my list for her, but I didn’t get any summons, so I tell her that.

I should probably go over skills with her some time soon. I’ve been putting it off since so many of the ones I got while passed out are embarrassing or degrading. She’s my wonderful wife though, and would understand. I just have to build the courage and do it. I say “I’m not sure how effective Sis’s summons will be against that many bugs. She’ll probably just be wasting mana using them.” I’ve seen Citrine’s summons in action, and they’re more useful for snaring singular targets. We’re going to be helping mom with the big one, but the others following us will have to think of something for the insane amount of smaller ones.

My other body is part of that group too, so it’s best to try and think of solutions.

“It’s tougher than I thought it would be wife. I hope you can hit it hard.” Mom says from between my breasts, and I can finally see the large spider come into view. She must be having a hard time dealing damage if she mentioned it, and a minute later we’re close enough to make out her lofty body fighting it. She’s so small next to it, that if I didn’t know what to look for I wouldn’t have spotted her. There are a lot more of the smaller spiders than I had imagined from her and Citrine’s description too. If mom’s large body looks so small in comparison, then how are we going to kill something like that?

“Drop me off on top of it sis.” I tell Citrine, who’s slowed down enough that I think she’ll be able to hear. Mom’s large body seems to be trying to climb one of the thing’s legs, but I should save some time where I can. This thing is massive, and honestly pretty intimidating. I can tell from the smile on her tiny face, that mom is excited about fighting this thing. If I want to fight by her side, I need to prove to myself that I can. “The hole that mom made has closed up. I’ll put you down there. Good luck sis.” Citrine says, dropping me just feet above the giant spiders body.

I land and do a roll to avoid a couple sharp looking hairs. Looking back, I see my sister fly off again, probably to get more help here faster. We need to stop this thing before it gets to Ruby’s Rest, which seems to be the direction it’s headed. I find a spot that looks scarred and slam the pointy end of the spear down onto it. The boss lets out a strange scream and shakes its body, but I hold firm to the embedded spear. “I don’t know how far down I am sweetie, but I didn’t notice any difference.” Mom says from between my breasts. I felt her using buff skills on me earlier, but I’m not sure what else she can do with her tiny body against something so large.

“If your spear can pierce it like that, focus on its head. I’ll find a way out of it, or you can dig me out once it’s dead.” She states, and looking at the small hole I made with the spear, I can understand her reasoning. I sigh. The Spider has stopped thrashing, but seems to be moving faster now. At least I think it is. The terrain around me is moving faster, and the thud sounds from its legs hitting the ground are more frequent. Heading toward the things head takes a long time. I have to move around giant hairs, and the thing is absolutely massive.

When I get closer to the head, I spot mom’s lofty body finally getting onto its back from her climb up the leg. Since she’s larger and the leg was close to the head anyway, she gets there first. There’s a loud bang as she punches it. I hear her tiny body tsk and say “I’m going to keep punching it, but I’m not sure it’s doing anything.” Of course I hear more bangs as she punches the back of it’s head over and over again. She’s obviously using some skills with her fists, but none of it seems to be getting through the tough outer shell.

Once I finally arrive within reach, I use my one spear skill and stab forward. The spike that pierced mom glides into the back of the boss spider’s head without resistance. It lets out another disconcerting screech and I thrust again. Its whole body shakes as I punch two more holes into it. I yell to mom “Punch the spots where I made holes.” Her large body doesn’t take long to follow up, and her fist finally breaks a larger hole in it’s strange shell. As I’m about to celebrate by stabbing it more times, I feel a tingle as it screams once more.

Suddenly I’m in the air, shooting away from the spiders back next to mom’s lofty body. Our trajectory starts to arc, but there’s nothing I can do. We aren’t going to land back on the spider. I hear a loud banging accompanied by scraping sounds, and see something almost unbelievable. The gigantic boss spider is digging, and sinks into the ground. Before mom and I hit the trees below, it’s already out of sight below the earth. Mom slams into a tree, knocking it over, but I hit the dirt below. The wind gets knocked out of me, but I’m otherwise unharmed. Firm does wonders for falls, especially at my tier.

I don’t have a lot of time to contemplate how to deal with the boss now because we get swarmed by the spider horde.

-POV End-

Opal’s Hellbitch body

Well this is less than ideal. All the cum I drink seems to be replaced faster than I can swallow. I managed to get to the bottom, but the thickness of the liquid and the toughness of whatever I’m inside makes my stomps seem useless. I’m still trying of course. I could be doing damage, but just can’t tell. I wish I could see in here. I’m not sure if it’s my lack of vision or because I’m inside of something, but most of my targeted skills aren’t working. My buffs and power attack still seem to be doing something, but now we can’t attack it from outside.

I smashed my way through smaller spiders with my lofty body up top, but there’s no large hole where the giant spider dug down. The ground looks like when Sue does that tilling thing for growing plants, but on a much larger scale. I have no idea what we’re going to do about it, but since this body is married to Sapphire and Cindy, they should be able to tell where I go inside of it. I got a look at it’s name and title before it knocked us off with that skill. -Grintac, Concubinus of the Deep Queen- The red lettering is another first for me.

I’ll just have to hope that this means the boss spider won’t be moving towards our land anymore, and all we have to deal with is an unimaginably large wave of over-sized spiders. We can focus on getting my body out of it once the more immediate threat is dealt with. From what I can tell, it doesn’t have a way to damage me in here, and it might even forget about me if I stop power attacking it with my foot… Should I play it safe? I don’t think I’m really hurting it, but I might be reminding it I’m here.

The huge amount of free points I’m getting from swallowing the seemingly endless cum is kind of nice, but what will happen if I don’t get out of this thing before giving birth? The 313 babies my sex status tells me I have might cause this place to get crowded, and they probably won’t be able to breathe. If they’re spiders then that’s fine, but what if there are Player babies that drown in cum.

The thought makes me uneasy and I hope my daughters can help me think of a way to not have to find out.

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