Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 187

“Keep running! I’ll hold it off!” I yell when I notice the squad behind me become indecisive. It makes me happy that they want to help me, but I’m much harder to hurt than they are. Their blonde elf leader nods in my direction and signals to the others. I don’t have time to watch them go, instead using my various buffing skills to increase my different stats and toughness. I’m already getting my other bodies and kids ready to come here and help. Normally I’d see how tough the gigantic spider is first, but the red box tells me it’s not normal and I should try my best from the start.

I notice that there are so many spiders coming out of the hole, that most of them aren’t even headed in our direction. I won’t be able to stop all of them from chasing the squad either, since I’ll have my hands full with the huge one soon. I click my tongue, realizing that it’s not night so I can’t use Gloaming Call. Reluctantly, I use the skill I’ve been trying to avoid. The trees aren’t going to have a good day. Probably.

Hellish Pack Pact: (5000 Mana)

Create a portal that summons a Fiery Elemental Hound for each enemy you kill until end of combat.

A large fire disk appears behind me, glowing with bright oranges, reds and white. The first spider gets to me then and I use my extra leg strength as a Bunny race to jump myself into it hard. It’s many eyes focus on me and it’s fangs aim at my approaching body, but it’s too late for the spider and I collide with it. I feel and hear a gross crunching as it’s outer shell gives way to my superior skin and weight. Grossness covers me in an instant, but I don’t have time to wipe it off. From behind me I hear a howl and look back to see a hound made entirely of flame stepping out of the disk.

I remember how it worked in the dungeon, so I focus on my surroundings and use my tendrils to try and snare some of the spiders trying to go around me. I feel the ground shake again, but jump to the next closest spider, crushing it’s head with my descending legs. The skittering sound all around me grows louder as my vision is filled with angry spiders. The small, but still larger than me, spiders have completely overtaken my position and are assaulting me from all sides. I get hit by many legs in a short period of time, but it does nothing against my skin and weight.

The ground shakes again as I knock a spiders head off it’s body with a slap. There’s a loud sound that seems to be a combination of a scream and metal against stone. Managing to get a clearer view by jumping into the air, I see that the boss spider has made it completely out of the hole it created, and is stomping off in another direction with it’s many legs. The fact that it’s not attacking me feels a bit insulting, but maybe it can’t see me surrounded by its smaller friends.

Looking behind me as I fall to the ground, there are already four of the hounds. One of them looked like it was overwhelmed by spiders, and sure enough, after landing I hear a howl followed by a bang and shaking. Flames reach the spider I’m fighting, so I knock it out of the way and witness the charred remains of many spiders and a large amount of new hounds coming out of the portal. This is what makes the skill so dangerous around allies. Kills that the hounds make count as my own, including anything that dies in the fiery explosion from defeated summons. An entire forest floor of trolls in the dungeon turned to ash when I first tested the skill. Watching fires spread to the nearby trees by panicked burning spiders makes me think I’ll see something similar soon.

The spiders are still coming out of the hole left by their bigger friend, so I can’t even get past them to chase the thing yet. Luckily it’s not moving very fast, so once my fire hounds grow in number I should be able to catch up. Watching the trees fall over as it walks away gives me assurance that I’ll be able to find it. Another explosion of flame rocks the area, close enough to burn the clothes on my body. I’m pretty sure the explosion would hurt me too if I were squishy and not resistant to fire. My clothes probably won’t survive much longer. I’m not sure what will get me naked first, fire or the claw-like hairs of the giant spiders as they try to pummel my body.

One of the things manages to bite my shoulder, but with a cracking sound, the points of its teeth break off and go flying. The battle is hectic and one of the tooth projectiles hit an elemental hound in the eye, causing it to die and explode. I feel the blast since it’s right next to me, and smile at the warmth of the flames that surge around my skin. The clothes are gone now, but so are a few more spiders. Any of my kids that come will have to stay pretty far away from the summons.

I use the time the explosion gave me to jump into the air once more and get a look at my surroundings. The boss spider is still pretty close, and most of the smaller spiders have changed course to either follow it, or face the ever-growing pack. With enough jumps, I could probably make it past the smaller spiders. I remember that the portal will go out if I get too far away from it though, and the hordes of smaller spiders would be impossible to cull without it. I can’t even start to guess how many spiders there are, the ground being completely covered by their black and brown bodies for probably miles around by now.

Landing again, I’m glad the spiders are focusing their spread more. If they kept just running in all directions, there’s no way we’d be able to find and kill a large majority. They’d trample over any Player camps or cities they came across without enough high tiers to push them back. The scope of the problem starts to set into my mind, and I interrupt Sapphire and my orgy with the normal hound pack. I don’t think the pack would be able to take on the boss spider or its massive number of friends, but they can run fast. I quickly inform Sapphire, who was using both of her bodies to have sex with the hounds. She’ll ride to Central and Ruby’s Rest, while my Hellbitch body runs to intercept the gigantic spider.

Amber is already heading to exit the dungeon with my tiny body, and I’ve stopped our pre-sex conversation at home. Getting more shifter babies is important, but not as important as stopping the massive wave of spiders heading towards our Lands. Morganite isn’t high enough tier to help with the fighting, but she can help spread the word around Opal’s Home. Citrine already flew off to go tell Barrier. She’s the only one of us that can make it there fast enough, and she’ll probably get there way before the squad who found the spiders with me.

I can tell Snag wants to help as I inform him before heading out the door. He hasn’t agreed to have himself announced to the Citadel yet though, so he can’t even help spread the word without risk. Maybe he’ll change his mind after this, but I can’t focus too much of my worries on that right now.

One hour later

Citrine picks up my Hellbitch body and says “I told Jessica and she should be setting up defenses for the spiders that get through to Barrier. From what I saw flying over, it will be much worse for them than hordes have been so far.” That’s pretty bad. It was hard for me to really understand how many spiders came out of the ground, but I know only a small percentage chased after the squad towards Barrier. It seemed like more than half followed the boss spider…

I can tell my daughter is worried. She must have seen the boss spider on the way to pick me up, but didn’t even mention it. My Lofty body passed my hound body a while ago, but she can’t carry that one. A few minutes later and we fly over my larger body, passing it up, and not long after that I spot the dark tide in the distance. It really is an absurd amount of spiders. The boss spider’s body towers over the spiders and forest around it, sticking up like the most obvious target. Recalling something we had done previously, I pat my daughter and motion for her to go higher.

“You can’t seriously want me to drop you on that thing.” She says to me as we hover high in the air. I respond “It’s probably the easiest way to damage it. Of course I want you to. Don’t worry sweetie, I already have a group of healers around the body I left back at the house. If I get hurt they’ll just heal me back up. You know I can take it.” She still seems reluctant, but with such a huge body, I’m not sure how I could damage the thing otherwise. Unless it swallowed me of course, but I can’t rely on it being that dumb.

I hear her sigh in response and start moving higher, more in line with the massive monster. “Are you sure mom?” She asks one last time and I answer “Yes, after you drop me, go pick up Amber.” She had a weapon made and thinks it should be able to help. I’m suddenly falling, so I look down and use my Fetch skill to stay lined up with the giant spider. I’m hoping that I land on it’s head and smash it’s brain in one hit. As I get closer, I realize I’m not going to be hit close to it’s head at all, and brace for the hit.

With an unbearably loud smack, I hit the creatures abdomen and the world turns dark for my hound body. It’s just that I can’t see though, and my other bodies can tell my health is only down to half. That number rises as the healers pump skills into me. I’m surrounded by some sort of sticky stuff, and I hear a loud screaming sound from the boss I’m inside. It’s muffled in here, but my Lofty body hears it seconds later from however far away. The sound shakes my body, but doesn’t do any damage from what I can tell. I can’t seem to move in whatever part of the spider I got stuck in. I think it’s gooey liquid of some sort, but flailing my limbs doesn’t seem to do anything.

I still can’t see, and try to cast my tendrils skill, but it won’t work. I was hoping I could use it to push me up against a harder surface that I could break through or grab…


Titles earned


Your actions may anger ???

Caution is advised.

Hmm, that second message was a bit strange. I remember that I got a title earlier too. Might as well check them while I think of a way to get out or deal damage in here.

(Hapless Explorer)Wis -10

You have stumbled upon a Hidden Area Boss. If you don’t die, your foolishness will be evident.

(Cum Swimmer)Vit +10

You bathed in enough cum to call it a swim. You’re looking more vital for it.

(Golden Seed Thief) Pregnancies from spouses that aren’t your own may have beneficial effects.

You have been impregnated by ???’s concubine. Your womb benefits greatly from the event.

So I’m pregnant from the gigantic spider, and I didn’t ask their wife, so I’m probably in trouble. This sticky stuff I’m stuck in is cum. Well I guess it could be worse, that last title could be useful for when I do get permission, and I think I know a way to get unstuck.

I wonder how long it will take me to swallow all of this cum?

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