Without any sign, the hundreds of swords, darts, and arrows fell from the sky. Rather than moving autonomously and in a single direction, each weapon appeared to move in a different path, with their destination being the same.

At the same time, Landon and the other male followed behind the weapons, while several dark beams of light released by the swarm of bats followed behind them.

The Elves quickly released their mana causing the essence of various colors to burst out from their bodies.

The two elves who just joined released three different essences causing three barriers of different colors to surround them. There was a barrier made of water, fire, wind, and earth. The male elf who had been confronting Landon and his group, however, burst out with four different essences and in a split second, four barriers made from different elements surrounded him. However, that wasn't all.

The Elves summoned their elementals, who released more layers of defense even stronger than the ones they summoned to surround them. The male elf leading off had a total of eight barriers surrounding him while the other two, had six.

All these things might have sounded long to explain but it all happened in less than two breaths.

Finally, the waves of countless weapons collided with the Elves' defenses.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several sounds of collision echoed out simultaneously with no gap between them.

Waves upon waves of shockwaves spread out into the surroundings.

A huge cloud of dust rose, as it covered the area for several meters.

Finally, after almost a minute, the sounds of the collision came to a stop and shocking silence ensued.

However, the silence didn't even last a minute before it was broken.

"River of darkness!" Landon's voice rang out as he forcefully dispelled the dust around him, causing him and his group to appear before the frightened eyes of the Elves who were bloodied and gasping for breaths. If it wasn't for the layers of defense they quickly conjured, they would have long died after a few collisions.

However, their current state wasn't one to be proud of. Their dignified bearings were all lost and their beautiful faces were covered in blood.

What made them panic was that without even a moment to catch their breaths, the vampires continued with their assaults.

A pool of darkness rose beneath them. Several dark tendrils came out from the pool before binding them in place.

Landon appeared before the male elf, his hand drawn back to release a punch.

The dark beams released from the swarm of bats were also about to reach them.

However, what truly made them fall into despair was that the countless weapons that were sprawled around the ground started vibrating as they showed signs of rising back up into the sky.

Just when Landon's monstrous hand was about to slam into the male elf's head, a sigh drifted into the ears of both the colliding vampires and Elves.

The space in front of Landon seemed to blur for a moment before a graceful figure appeared before him.

With her hair billowing from the shock waves created by Landon's hurling fist, Eleanor pointed her index finger and a frosty mist erupted from it.

Landon's hand quickly became covered in ice but the force generated from his thrown fist broke the ice into pieces. Still, the frosty mist kept colliding with his fist even as the ice broke, and not before long, Landon's hand came to a stop as a layer of ice covered it. The ice started spreading quickly from his hand to his arm, causing Landon to quickly retreat to widen the distance between them.

His eyes widened in the process of retreating when he saw Eleanor raise the index finger of her other hand before a red lightning bolt appeared instantly before his head.

With no time to react, Landon subconsciously closed his eyes as he hoped his regenerative ability would be able to save his life.

However, even after a second, Landon didn't feel any pain. He opened his eyes a split second later to see the other male vampire appear before him and block the attack in time, saving him from a probably deadly attack.

Eleanor's eyes widened when she saw the arm of the vampire she thought was nothing special heal after blocking her attack. Mind you, her lightning was nothing compared to the normal.

She quickly shook her surprise off as the dark beams from the swarm of bats finally appeared before them.

In response, she lightly raised her pale hand, causing an earth barrier to appear before her.

The earth shield cracked in many places but it still held on and resisted the dark beams.

With a wave of her hand, the stone shield collapsed before she tapped her foot lightly on the ground.

An icy mist spread out causing the elves to shiver from the cold. At the same time, the pool of darkness and tendrils binding them completely froze before they were shattered into icy crystals by the wind blast generated by another wave of Eleanor's hand.

Seeing their all-out attack resolved as easily and efficiently as possible, the two vampires guiding Landon behind them gulped nervously.

Landon's expression turned grave, as he willed his mana causing a burst of darkness to explode from his arm, before devouring the layer of ice spreading across his body.

He opened his mouth, allowing a small burst of frost energy to escape, as he questioned with a grave look on his face:

"Didn't you say you wouldn't intervene?"

Eleanor's expression became conflicted from his words, as the emotions in her eyes showed she was feeling ashamed. It was the first time she went against her word, causing her pride to be greatly hit.

Still, she couldn't sit and watch as her companions died before her eyes.

"Princess, you don't need to intervene. It was all a mistake and they took us by surprise. If not..."

"Shut up!"

The male elf rose and tried to justify himself however, he was quickly cut short by Eleanor's angry cry.

"If you were not so arrogant and didn't underestimate your opponents, you wouldn't have been put in such a tragic state."

The elves lowered their heads in shame from the angry rebuke of their princess.

The vampires used this opportunity to converse with their spiritual energy.

'We are no match for her. We need to escape!' Landon said.

The only female among them refuted, 'But running with our tail behind our back...'

Landon knew what she was trying to say, so he quickly cut her short as he was pressed for time, 'I will take responsibility. Everything that happened was all my fault. I shouldn't have been so eye-blinded as to bring the others into the third zone.'

'Landon...' The vampires felt their hearts clench as they felt the guilt in Landon's words. However, before they could express their feelings, Eleanor's words drifted into the group's ears causing them to blank out.

"We will take our leave now as per the agreement. This confrontation is our loss!"

She waited for them to reply but even after several breaths, she received no response from the other party who looked at her with blank expressions.

Just when she started questioning if there was something on her face, Landon finally opened his mouth:

"...what do you mean..."


The rest of his words were swallowed up by the deafening explosion.

A huge shockwave blasted out from deep within the third zone, and not before long, it arrived before the vampires and elves, causing them to raise their hands to block their faces.

Their hair flapped within the violent wind and the fire that was still being restrained by the invisible force was quickly snuffed out.

Only then did the shockwave slowly die down.

The group raised their heads to see the destruction left around them when suddenly, their eyes widened.

From deep within the forest, two large moons slowly rose into the sky. The resplendent moonlight released was gentle and soothing and soon after the piercing howl of several wolves drifted across the entire third zone.

The group could feel the power residing within the howls and they couldn't help but unconsciously question if they could contend against such figures.

However, before their thoughts could even finish forming, another resounding boom, not weaker than the previous one, rang out within the third zone once again.

But this time, there was a difference.

Two blasts of wind in the form of a beam, generated from pure force rose high into the sky before swallowing the two moons.

The piercing howls of the wolves stopped abruptly as another round of shockwaves spread out for several kilometers across the third zone.

Eleanor's expression along with the others changed greatly when they realized the cause of such brute destruction.

"The Asuras!"


At the same time that various geniuses clashed within the third zone, and several groups were being decimated by terrifying beasts, a great commotion rang out within the second zone.

A huge serpentine image about fifty meters long streaked across the zone as it swallowed any beasts that dared to obstruct its path.

If one gazes carefully at its body, one would notice the presence of small eight figures resting comfortably within it as they conversed peacefully almost as if they were oblivious to the amount of destruction occurring around them.


AN: HAPPY VALENTINE TO YOU ALL! Thank you for following the novel so far. Love you guys and enjoy your day!


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