Two groups from apex races faced off against each other.

The members of both groups exuded otherworldly beauty however their charm was different.

The vampires exuded a presence that drew one in with an almost magnetic allure while the Elves's presence was suffused with an ethereal charm that captivated all who beheld them. Their features were finely sculpted, with delicate lines and flawless symmetry that seemed crafted by the hand of nature itself.

While the elves wore a calm expression, they still released a confident aura about them. In contrast to them, the vampires appeared anxious.

They had the numerical advantage, but the truth was far from how it appeared. First of all, the overall powerhouse of the vampires fell one short of the elves. While the vampires only had three grandmaster mages, all members of the elves had already broken through the realm. That was just how the current affairs of the world were. The vampires were relatively new compared to other races like werewolves, elves, and Asuras.

Still, a short time after their emergence, they made their way all to the top. That showed the immense potential of the vampire race. Of course, the main reason was because of Scarlett's existence.

Secondly, while they had recovered a bit of their energy from feeding, they were still a far cry from their optimum state.

"What do you want?" Landon questioned.

"What do you think?" the same male Elf replied with a smile.

Landon's brows furrowed.

He knew the elves were unreconciled because vampires were placed on the same pedestal as them, but he didn't expect them to directly target them in the secret realm. The thought never crossed their minds as they never imagined the elves to be so petty.

As if reading his thoughts, another of the elves spoke in a pleasant voice:

"We just want to see what makes you so great. There is no meaning behind this. We mean no harm."

Landon quickly shifted his eyes to the only girl among the group. He noticed the way the other elves subconsciously moved back when she came forward.

"And you are?" Landon questioned.

The elf girl flashed a beautiful smile that would have charmed any normal male.

"I am the 52nd princess of the Elven Royal Family. You can call me Princess Eleanor."

The eyes of Landon and the other vampires widened from surprise. They couldn't believe they would meet a princess of the distinguished Elven royal family in the secret realm but after remembering Arianne was also in the secret realm, they came to accept the situation.

Eleanor was visibly shocked when she saw the vampire's expression return to normal in a heartbeat. The Elves behind her became disgruntled when the vampires didn't show the appropriate respect one would display to the royal members of the elves.

However, Eleanor soon smiled and didn't seem disturbed by the vampire's action.

Landon thought deeply and soon a look of hesitation appeared on his face. However, the hesitation soon gave way to resolution.

"I have a request." he squeezed out through greeted teeth.

"Oh!" Eleanor raised a brow and showed a look of interest, "Go on!"

"Allow my juniors to return to the second zone. We three will be enough to satisfy your curiosity."

Both groups reacted intensely to Landon's words.


"No, we can still continue." The vampires tried to persuade Landon but they were soon cut off by the second strongest vampire.

"Enough! Can't you see that you are more of a burden than assistance?"

The vampires quietened down, and upon seeing Landon's slightly slouched back, reality finally hit them. Some of them bit their lips in frustration while others lowered their heads in shame.

On the other hand, the Elves wore disdainful expressions. Their view of the vampires completely changed. They were young elves and had only heard rumors about the famous vampires, but now they realized that the rumors were exaggerated. They only amounted to nothing. However, they were soon pulled back by their princess's next words.

"I understand. And for the record, I admire your courage." A completely different smile appeared on Eleanor's face. Landon could feel the trace of respect now in her eyes as she gazed at him.

He scoffed to cover up the unknown emotions welling up within him and spoke to his group.


There was a brief moment of silence, and without any words, the remaining four vampires left.

'They should be fine.' Landon thought. As long as the vampires returned through the path they made, they shouldn't encounter any dangerous beasts.

"Now..." Landon came back to reality upon hearing Eleanor's beautiful voice.

"We won't bully you. Since you are three, you will face off against my group and I won't whatsoever intervene. The group that incapacitates the other group wins!"

The Elves didn't show any dissatisfaction with her words causing Landon to nod in agreement. He inwardly felt relieved as he didn't want to go against a royal elf. He already knew how terrifying they were. In the universe, the Elves were one of the few races that could keep the Asura race in check.

With that said, Eleanor leaped back to the branch they were occupying before, while both groups faced each other in the huge clearing created by the vampire's earlier fight.

"I alone am enough!" The male elf who had exchanged words with them came forward.

Landon harrumphed in displeasure. He feared confronting Eleanor but he wasn't afraid of the others in the least. However, a moment later, his expression changed greatly.

Starting with a spark on the palm of the male elf, a blazing fire soon engulfed the area in a domain, taking the vampires by surprise. The trees outside the clearing were soon set aflame and it seemed that the fire would soon spread, but surprisingly it came to a stop as if blocked by an invisible force.

The other three male elves who were prepared, protected themselves in their own ways, while Eleanor remained unscathed as a red barrier surrounded her. A new figure sat on her right shoulder as it crossed its legs in a dignified manner. It was clear that it was an elemental but it appeared quite different from the others. With her red-patterned wings folded elegantly behind her back, the elemental whispered in a voice that only Eleanor could hear:

"Your mates are in for a treat." A glint flashed past Eleanor's eyes as she gazed at the vampire's location.

Landon and the other two vampires remained unfazed in the blaming flame. Even their suits were unaffected by the scorching heat.

The male elf glared at the vampires who were simultaneously regenerating at a speed faster than they were burnt. He felt a little embarrassed as he had spoken he could single-handedly handle them.

"Eh? What a clown!" The only female among the vampires remarked when she saw the embarrassed look on the Elf's face. The truth was that she was furious on the inside, but she just didn't show it. After all, no one would enjoy being caught unaware.

The male elf's face turned ashen upon being called out.

"Fire elemental!" he roared, losing all his semblance of grace and elegance.

A palm-sized figure appeared beside him and immediately after, another wave of fire far hotter than the original spread around him into the distance before colliding with the invisible barrier that stopped the fire from spreading.

Eleanor looked at her elemental and the latter nodded silently in understanding. She released her restraint on the surrounding fire causing it to spread out and cover a diameter of a hundred meters.

Once it noticed the elemental of the male elf had reached its limit, it restrained the fire once again. A great fire burned in a section of the third zone, causing waves of smoke to rise high into the colorful sky. The cries of several beasts resounded in the area as they moved to evacuate the area.

This was the ability of the elementals. Even as early grandmaster mages, the young elves were able to tap into the power of 'Will'. Once mages break into the red-core stage, they experience a qualitative change. Unlike before, they would be able to use their mana as a bridge to influence the surrounding mana. With this, their attacks would be able to cover a large area, causing an unimaginable degree of destruction.

Unlike the red-core mages who could at least influence a region of one kilometer, the male elf could only affect the mana in the surrounding hundred meters. However, that itself was remarkable for a mage who had not entered the true stage of cultivation.

Back at the clearing, Eleanor tried to peer into the blazing fire without avail. Stumped, she looked at the elemental on her shoulder for help. Before the elemental could reply, a spiritual wave spread out within the burning forest, before colliding with her barrier. With no resistance whatsoever, it passed through the barrier and impacted her. However, the earring on her right ear shone, as it negated the soul attack.

At the same time, a mocking voice resounded in the fire domain.

"Your resistance is futile. Kneel and beg for mercy, only then will I consider leaving you alive!"

It was clear that the elves were also unaffected by the soul attack, as they were also in possession of soul artifacts. They knew the vampires were feared for their soul attacks, and came prepared before confronting them.

However, three breaths had not passed after the elf's declaration when a great change occurred.

Starting like a spot of black ink on a red painting, darkness sprouted from the center of the clearing before devouring an area of 10m. The raging fire disappeared within this area, revealing the situation of the vampires.

Three bloodied skeletons stood at the center of the clearing. New flesh formed around their bones as their eyes released a crimson glow. Even the suits covering the skeletons were burnt in many areas showing how terrifying the previous attack had been. It took their joint assistance before they could resolve the fire around them.

Landon felt his pride hit, and decided not to hold back any longer. The two skeletons still regenerating behind him seemed to share the same thoughts.

With the clacking of his still healing jaws, Landln spoke:

"Go all out!"

Spiritual waves spread out.

The male elf was about to mock them for repeating the same useless attack when his words died down his throat and his face turned pale.

From the spatial rings on the vampire's hands, several lights flashed out.

The female vampire released several dart-like weapons, totaling about a hundred.

Landon unleashed many swords that numbered not less than three hundred.

The last male vampire summoned about eighty arrows.

The sky became covered with three types of weapons, with each weapon independently controlled by spiritual energy.

That wasn't all.

The vampires who had now healed from their grievous state, released their bloodline and underwent their clan's transformation.

Landon's arms didn't appear human at all, as they bulged out with dark-like scales covering them. His fingers turned into razor-sharp claws that glistened with a sharp light.

The other female vampire directly transformed into a swarm of bats. Each bat released a crimson glow from their eyes as they locked onto the male elf.

The last vampire's body seemed to be covered by a black sheen that boosted his defense to great heights.

The male elf quickly summoned his other elementals, with a total of four appearing beside him. The other two watching Elves also intervened. They couldn't remain idle any longer, as the waves of weapons blocking the light from the sky sent their minds into turmoil.

However, they were a step late.

With no signal, the hundreds of swords, darts, and arrows fell from the sky. Rather than moving autonomously and in a single direction, each weapon appeared to move in a different path, with their destination being the same.

At the same time, Landon and the other male followed behind the weapons, while several dark beams of light released by the swarm of bats followed behind them.

The three elves smelled the scent of death!


AN: Thanks to all those who are following the novel.


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