Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 151

A black and incredibly high class looking sedan stopped in front of the hospital’s entrance.

Thinking about how normal vehicles are not allowed to come all the way in here, it would mean that it’s a great enough VIP to be checked by the hospital.

“Woah. It’s an expensive car. Is seonbae oppa not going to buy a car?”

“Car? We have one.”

“That doesn’t even have a number plate.”

“I got the vehicle registration you know? Even if it’s a temporary one it has a number and everything. Also, what’s more convenient to drive around than that? No need to worry about parking, no worry about accidents, the space inside is wide too. Even if I bought a new car, it would be used for a few days and be put in a corner of the storage and never even looked at again.”

“Thinking about it that’s true. I admit it.”

Soo-ah nodded her head.

“Why did you quibble over it when you were going to admit it so easily?”

“What should I say. I do get the urge to have it when looking at an expensive car you see. It’s not like I don’t have the money either. I somehow want to show off too. But seonbae oppa doesn’t care about things like that.”

“What would you do showing off your money. It just makes robbers swarm.”

“Even so, isn’t it a bit wrong to lick the yogurt lid and throw it away?”

“Who was it that said that it was a waste to throw it away and ate it all?”

“This and that is different. It’s said that divine punishment will fall on you if you throw away something to eat. Also, I shared it with Edward you know.”

“Whatever. Anyway, if you’re going to show off your money then do it on your own. That guy is a specialist so you can learn from him.”

I indicated An Gyu-bum who was wearing a suit and sunglasses that seemed expensive at a glance with my chin. He had the air of a rich person when he was wearing armor in the Yellow Sea but now he looked like a literal rich family’s son.

An aura that prevent normal people from even getting within 100 meters of him bursted out of him. It felt like the air he breathed would be 100 times more expensive than the air others breathed.

“Who said it was for me. I’m doing this because I wouldn’t like it if seonbae oppa got looked down on somewhere.”

“Who looks down on me?”

“People like that.”

Soo-ah pointed at An Gyu-bum.

“Guys like that will look down on the opponent no matter who it is. Also, there’s no need to look good to people who judge others by the way they look on the outside.”

“Why does seonbae oppa talk so well? My heart will flutter.”

Soo-ah looked up at me while her face got red.

I lightly laughed.

“Do it moderately, you. Did you think I wouldn’t know your techniques.”

“Cheh. This works well though.”


Would I fall for something I fell for once?

Either way, I did say that but it’s true that I felt that I was saving too much. To be honest, my hand was trembling at the money used to buy the house this time after all.

I resolutely bought several 10b worth items so I didn’t know why I tremble so much when buying anything else. It seems to be because buying items doesn’t feel like I’m using money in the first place. Either way, I will probably get used to it as time goes on.

Right. I did send some money to my parents who were in my hometown.

In my opinion it was a small amount but they caused a fuss calling me and everything. Since 1b was suddenly put into my mother’s account she worried about whether I did something illegal or not.

I did say that it wasn’t much for now but I had just prevent her from coming here.

I didn’t know what to say about a weird girl and a vampire living in my house.

“I don’t know where you learned the habit of ignoring someone in front of them.”

“Ah. Sorry. I was thinking about something else for a bit.”

An Gyu-bum had come up to me at some point and talked to me.

Talking in whatever way he wanted to without thinking about the other person was a passive thing so I didn’t even get angry about it.

There was a familiar girl next to him. It was Jeon Min-jeong.

This girl, seeing how she’s normally stuck next to him I know well that she’s a bodyguard.

“Ah. Hello to you too.”


The response was cold as always. I didn’t know why she didn’t like me so much when I didn’t do anything that would make her feel so bad. No, I think I might have done a little something……

“Let’s change locations. Follow me.”

An Gyu-bum gestured with his finger.

I should snap it.

For now, we moved to a cafeteria that was at the hospital’s VIP lounge. The hospital did business with rich people so much that they had an entire building dedicated for VIPs.

As a hospital that used a university’s land I wondered if it was okay to do business so blatantly but I would be the only one that gets tired out if I got angry about it.

I sat across An Gyu-bum. Soo-ah and Edward stood side by side behind me. They could just sit down next to me so I was wondering why they were standing but they were having a fierce staring contest with Jeon Min-jeong behind An Gyu-bum.

I lightly sighed and opened my mouth.

“You’re not lying about there being a method to cure cancer right?”

“Why don’t you say it louder? So that you can give those people hope.”

An Gyu-bum said so while pointing behind me. Looking back, there were a bunch of people with dark expressions. Thinking about it, this hospital was the place that had the greatest prestige in cancer treatment in Korea.

There was a high chance that a person passing by is the patient or a family member. If their expressions are so bad it would mean that their future isn’t good.

I lowered my voice a bit. Getting reprimanded by this guy hurt my pride a bit but this was a different issue. There was nothing more unsightly than acting emotionally at something that was true.

“The method is?”

“Before that. You are willing to hand over the van right?”

“As long as the method is certain.”

I could hand over the mere 100EP worth van anytime. It didn’t matter where this guy used it.

“Good. Then shall we see the van first?”


“Looking at it last time you were carrying it around. Doesn’t that mean you can reduce its size?”

I was thinking about why he had such a misunderstanding and realized that the bed he carried around was also an object that could change size. It seems he thinks that all new items can change size.

“You can’t change the size of this. I will show you if we go to the parking lot.”


I could feel An Gyu-bum’s expression get cold. Did he want to buy the van because of that? I hurriedly continued talking.

“Wasn’t what you wanted a vehicle that can endure hunters’ attacks?”

“Thinking about it. That level of defensive ability can be created with Reactive Armor.”

“Are you planning on riding a tank around?”

The tactic of using a vehicle with heavy armor around it to fight monsters was continuously advancing. However, it could still only be used against up to level 3 monsters.

On top of that, if the frame got heavy then the engine became bigger and because the frame would get larger it increasingly became something difficult to use in a real battle.

“That’s not it but it’s just quite a let down.”

“You’re not stopping the negotiations after coming all the way here right?”

I got a bit anxious. If I didn’t get the information from him here then I had no other option that to depend on Edward. Also, there was no guarantee that Jong Sa-won was going to accept that he wasn’t human.

I had to get the information out of this guy’s mouth no matter what.

“No, it’s not like that. From my point of view, it’s something that has a considerable risk. It’s a method that’s not only for cancer but can maintain one’s body in its most optimal state. I can’t tell that to anyone now can I?”

“…… What is it that you want.”

“Give me the van.”

“If it’s that much…….”

I was going to hand it over in the first place after all.

“That woman as well.”

An Gyu-bum pointed at Soo-ah who was standing behind me.

“…… Crazy bastard.”

A profanity came out of my mouth. I didn’t think he was abnormal I thought that he was a terrifyingly abnormal guy. However, to be to this degree.

“The curing method. Do you not need it?”

“It was wrong for me to trust a guy like you.”

I wanted to spit at An Gyu-bum who had both arms on the sofa and lying back with a laidback face but I didn’t want to cause a commotion in the hospital so I just got up.

I pulled Soo-ah who was looking at me with a considerably flustered expression.

“Let’s go.”

“Se, seonbae oppa. Is it okay?”

“What is.”

“If we leave here then the method to save Mr. Jong will be…….”

“There should be another way.”

I was talking like that when An Gyu-bum’s confident voice could be heard.

“There’s none. I assure you.”

“Get lost. I have other people to ask besides you.”

There should be a road no matter where you go to. If I couldn’t find it I was planning on going to the broker elder brother. That elder brother had a lot of connections here and there so it’s possible that it reaches An Gyu-bum’s level. If I gave him a bunch of money he might be able to bring me some method.

“It seems you misunderstood me. I’m not that much of a basket case.”

An Gyu-bum got up from his seat. I turned my head and glared at him.

He smirked as he opened his mouth.

“When I said I wanted that girl, I just wanted to use her as a bodyguard. There’s no way you’re thinking about something weird right? Do you think about weird things while looking at her as well? Min-jeong. Am I such a strange guy?”

“No, you’re not.”

Jeon Min-jeong said so without batting an eye. That girl really isn’t friendly.

“It doesn’t matter what you do. However, don’t involve my person in that.”


I could feel Soo-ah tightening her grip on my sleeve.

Momentarily, anger rose all the way to the top of my head. I was going to just go but I got too enraged so I don’t think I should.

It would be difficult to hit him once but I think I will calm down once I say something at least.

I was wondering what I should say to screw him over when An Gyu-bum suddenly bursted with laugher loudly.


“…… What bullshit is this?”

“Kukuku. No. Relax your expression. I was just joking around a bit. Do you think I would use a girl without background somewhere? Our house doesn’t even look twice at someone not from a good university even for maids.”


Crack crack.

“If I don’t bury that mouth somewhere then I’m not a human being anymore.”

“Friend, grow your sense of humour a bit.”

“Who’s your friend!”

I shouted so and dashed towards him. Jeon Min-jeong tried to block me but there was a world’s difference between our reflexes.


“You bastard. How should I kill you? Should I take out your teeth first?”

“Endure it. I’m a person that still has something to give you.”

“Is that so? Then let’s start by getting hit once first.”

An Gyu-bum sprayed blood as he crashed into the sofa and fell over with it.

Jeon Min-jeong hurriedly went to help him up and drew her sword against me.


An Gyu-bum whose face got swollen red blocked Jeon Min-jeong.

The surroundings had already become a mess. People wearing black suits came swarming in, security guards came and held my shoulder. There were people with their smartphone cameras on behind them.

A person shouting, a person trying to pull me away, the people watching got mixed and the VIP lounge instantly turned into a marketplace.

“Everyone be quiet!”

An Gyu-bum suddenly shouted.

At that, the surrounds go quiet like a lie. He touched his face that got hit and frowned.

“Bastard. I said it was a joke but you hit strong enough for it to hurt. You don’t have any friends right?”

“You probably don’t have any either.”

“Puhaha! It seems your sense of humour has returned somewhat.”

He started laughing loudly again. I really didn’t know. What kind of human being this guy was.

Did he just have a personality that likes getting hit?

“I will trade the van and information. Come to the parking lot.”

An Gyu-bum said so and turned around.

Jeon Min-jeong glared at me to the end but as An Gyu-bum urged her she turned to follow him as if it couldn’t be helped.

The people wearing black suits also disappeared following him.

Soo-ah opened her mouth.

“Do you think rich people are normally that out of their minds?”

“Not sure…… It might be that he’s crazy.”

The one that hit was definitely me and the one that rolled on the floor in an unsightly manner was him. However, a peculiar feeling that I lost to him enshrouded my body.

The more I got to know him, he seemed to be a greater retard than I thought.

The hunter world was where they would try to kill each other at a single profanity. But he endured even after getting hit in a place with this many people?

This was dangerous.

Damn. It would have been better if it was a crazy guy.

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