Evolution Theory of the Hunter

Chapter 150

J: 10 chapters of Kyle’s translations remain.

“I’m thinking about changing all the money into level 10 items.”

I said so while driving the van. Soo-ah who was sitting in the passenger seat nodded her head.

“I didn’t ask though.”

“Just listen if I say so.”


Level 10 items were quite expensive. The cheapest ones started at 100b while the more expensive ones went up to several 100b. There were even some that went up to the trillions.

Because of this, I was planning on buying the cheapest ones. It would be good if they had options but if there was too large of a difference in price no names were fine too.

Several people having lower level items was more efficient than one person having high level items after all.

That’s why team 1 will be armed with level 10 items and go around level 8~9 dungeons getting ores and items to be rearmed.

One might think like this. If several people are completely armed with level 10 equipment and go around level 10 dungeons, then wouldn’t it be possible to get level 10 items.

Unfortunately, that’s impossible.

There were no existing level 10 dungeons after all.

The reason level 10 items were so expensive and why there were so few level 10 hunters inspite of the time that has passed is because of this. It is said that level 10 dungeons existed as well.

However, they disappeared one day and the reason was not revealed.

There are only traces of the places the level 10 dungeons were. Then where are the level 10 items from the market coming from.

Most are dropped by irregulars in level 9 dungeons.

Level 10 monsters appear quite frequently in dungeons were bosses exist.

That’s why most level 9 dungeons with a boss are leased by large raid teams and used by them.

In other words, normal hunters could not use them at all.

However, nothing could be said about it as they were renting it for extremely high prices so even if one want to go they couldn’t even get near because of the leasing price.

“Then wouldn’t we not be able to go in?”

“It doesn’t matter even if we can’t go in there.”

“Certainly, there doesn’t seem to be a need to be obsessed with level 10 equipment. We can just get money in other places and buy them after all.”

“Not in that way. If it’s irregulars we can meet them easily after all.”

“Ah. Come to think of it.”

It was not that difficult to call out irregulars in dungeons now. While clashing with our bodies the condition has been more or less figured out.

It appeared if a large number of monsters were defeated in a short amount of time. That didn’t seem to be the only condition but they appeared quite often when we went through the dungeons quickly.

That’s why we just had to go to unpopular level 9 dungeons. Those didn’t have a long term lease so we can enter cheaply you see.

The new house was somewhat useable. The house was a newly built concrete building. A large road curved around the house.

The fact that monsters avoided asphalt was a quite well known fact so cities were surrounded by a wide road. This house was literally facing that very road.

In other words, it was a house at the very edge of Seoul.

It also meant that field monsters could be met once we crossed that road.

The house was decided to be handed over to me after the contract was signed. The person that was living in the house had already vacated it so there was not much problem immediately moving in.

Besides the fact that the plot of land was immense the house itself was a common red brick house. Even so, the first and second floor combined was about 100 pyeong. Probably because I had never lived in such a large house before, it seemed like it would take some time to get used to living here. (Kyle: 1 pyeong is about 3.3 meters squared.)

Even so, I thought that this was better than an apartment located in the middle of Seoul.

There was no need to overdo it and live in a cramped neighbourhood.

We finished moving after two days and filled in the lacking furniture. Soo-ah and Yeon-gyeong helped with their full power with that.

Maybe because of that, the house was somehow full of a woman’s preference.

More than anything.

“This is our room.”

“Why did you make your bedrooms?”

“There’s rooms to spare anyway. It would be really lonely to live in such a large house without anybody else you know?”

“No, well, that’s true but…… Why is connected to my room?”

Was it originally such a structure?

It was a room that was connected with a single door to the large room that I was going to use.

“That is. Because that’s comfortable.”

“I think I will not be comfortable though.”

“Right. We also made a swimming pool.”


A swimming pool you say. Are they talking about a real swimming pool?

“For what? Also, it’s winter after a bit longer.”

“We can just make an indoor swimming pool. Don’t you want to see our figures in swimming suits?”

“Not really…… That’s showing off our money itsn’t it.”

“It’s not like we don’t have money. We can use it if we need it. It doesn’t take that much to make it anyway.”

“No, we don’t need it in the first place.”

I was shaking my head when Yeon-gyeong came into my view.

Somehow, I wanted to see this girl in a swimsuit a bit.

In the end, with Soo-ah’s intensive demand the swimming pool’s construction was put into motion. I had already given a resting period to the party members anyway.

Part of the profit from the last expedition was distributed in a salary like manner. I think there wouldn’t be a case again where we divide the entire profit from now on.

Through Han Joon-suk’s advice Team Delta was currently being turned into a corporate body and the party members were planned to be official staff members you see. I think the salary will be paid as achievement bonus on top of the official staff monthly salary. This time, it was also distributed in a similar manner.

Even so, they were able to take a lot more money than before. 10b were given to each person after all.

Even after giving that much money was overflowing for me like a stream. An appropriate salary was given to the members of team 2 as well.

By the way, the swimming pool was decided to be built by Soo-ah’s money. She had strongly insisted that she wanted a personal pool and I had just given a part of the remaining land in the house to her.

After resting for about a week, I was thinking that we should decide on our next target when Jong Sa-won suddenly contacted me.

It was bad news.

Shinchon Severance Hospital.

In this place that was known as the most famous hospital for specializing in cancer, Jong Sa-won was lying down in a VIP ward.

Had four months passed since I met him.

Since he was doing well without any incident in particular so I was thinking that maybe the disease was improving but it seems that wasn’t the case as expected.

“I’m sorry.”

His figure that was lying down in patient clothes without his helmet looked quite different from his figure overflowing with sharpness. His face had a clearly sickly complexion to it and his body was a lot thinner compared to before.

It was weird that I didn’t know about it until now.

“I tried to endure it somehow. The doctor said that anymore is overdoing it.”

“I’m sorry…… I should have known sooner.”

“You already knew about my disease didn’t you. I was more thankful that you didn’t worry about it.”

Jong Sa-won’s expression was placid. It was a figure that had already accepted death.

I came out of the ward and had a face to face talk with the doctor.

From now, at most two months. If the speed of progression got faster then it would be possible for him to die within a month.

“Maybe because he is still young, the progression speed was faster than predicted.”

“Is there no method?”

“There is none for now.”

“It is fine no matter how much it cost.”

“If you really want to then there is a pill that is in clinical trial but…… It’s better if you don’t get your hopes up too much.”

I let out a sigh at the doctor’s words.

Jong Sa-won was with me for a pretty long time. He could be seen as the person that had been with me the longest after Soo-ah after I became a hunter.

He had a good sense in battle and the way he didn’t spare his body to rush in with vigor was completely different from other hunters. Even if that was because of his thirst for revenge, even if that was to burn everything of his remaining not so long life, the fact that he was a born warrior didn’t change.

Was there no method.

Soo-ah who came to visit with me opened her mouth.

“The Wound Cure Potion probably has no effect right?”

“That’s something that only works on external injuries so…… There’s not much effect on diseases.”

“Hm. Then what about the Revival skill?”

“That too. He will probably die again after living for a bit.”

“There doesn’t seem to be a method.”

Wasn’t this girl giving up too quickly?

However, it was the same for me that I didn’t have any methods.

The disease called cancer had still not been completely conquered.

The area that progressed the most relatively was in medicine. It was none other than because of the introduction of the healing skill that caused the surgery department got expanded.

The parts that one couldn’t even dare to touch were cut off and healed using a skill so even if it was terminal cancer, the entire organ could just be taken out.

It spread? Then the part it spread to is taken out as well. Normally, a person’s body would not be able to handle it but the healing factor together at the same time as cutting it make it possible.

However, it is said that the aftereffects for Jong Sa-won is bad enough to the point that it’s impossible. It was the same thing as the cancer having spread throughout his entire body.

Did I have to give up to watch and wait for him to die off? Couldn’t there be some method?

A super human called a hunter dying to a disease seemed to be incredibly ironic.

Even if the disease wasn’t cured, wouldn’t there be a method to delay the progression?

“There is a method though.”

Edward said.

“What is it?”

“It’s making him my family.”


“Yeah. It’s extending his life by making him a vampire. Of course it would be difficult to become a human. There would be no problem in living on.”

“…… Let’s leave that as the last resort.”

I was planning on using that method if there was no other way. Of course, if the person himself agrees. However, it couldn’t be helped that living with a human body and living with a vampire body would be different. Also, I wanted him to live as a human as much as possible.

“Hm. High level hunters seemed to live for a very long period of time…… Certainly, since Mr. Jong was originally a low level hunter.”

“It’s not like you don’t get ill because you’re a high level. There a fair number of them that die of cancer after all. It’s just that because they have better stamina than normal people and because they have an easier time paying for the surgery, they live longer.”

“Then what about that person? Was it Lee Hui-seung?”

“That guy’s body just doesn’t age in the first place. I don’t know what item he’s using though.”

“I think he didn’t ever got ill though?”

“Hm…… living for a long time you would think he would get ill.”

“Couldn’t there be a curing method that we don’t know about?”

“Even if it’s like that, it’s not like we can grab his collar and ask about it.”

In the first place, he wasn’t the next door neighbour or something and he wasn’t a person you could meet just because you wanted to. He was a person that could ignore the president’s words inside of Korea after all.

It’s to the point that it was an honor to see his face passing by.

“Then what about that person? Was it An Gyu-bum?”

“What about that guy?”

“He’s rich. There might be something he knows.”


An Gyu-bum huh.

I didn’t really feel inclined on meeting him again. However, as Soo-ah had said as a member of the GE Group, I couldn’t leave out the possibility of him knowing something else.

If it was possible to prevent aging, then wouldn’t it be possible to delay the progression of cancer?

Of course, it was merely a hope.

However, there was nothing lost asking about it. Should I say that it was timely, I had something that could move him too.

Soo-ah added something else.

“Still, it’s better not to anticipate too much.”

An Gyu-bum’s voice came through the phone.

[It’s possible.]


[There’s an item that can revert the body to its optimal state. I think that it would be possible to make it go back to normal.]

“It’s possible?”

[Are you going to make me say the same thing twice?]

“Wa, wait a minute. If there’s such an object why is it not known to the world?”

[Are you treating me like a drug peddler? Leave if you don’t want to trust me.]

“Wa, wait, can we meet for now?”

[I would like to hear your answer from that matter from before.]

An Gyu-bum said so and hung up.

Soo-ah shook my shoulder and asked.

“What did he say? Is it really possible?”

“Ah. It seems like it for now but…….”

We didn’t even choose the time or location but that side hung up.

As I called again, An Gyu-bum’s annoyed voice could be heard.

[Why did you call again?]

“Let’s decide where and when we’re going to meet.”

[I’m going there right now so just wait 10 minutes.]

“What? Knowing where I am?”

[Don’t look down on the GE Group’s information network. I can know everything you do like looking at the back of my hand.]

“No, what are you going to do knowing that?”

Did this guy have the temperment of a stalker?

[I have to get what I need to you see. I was going to meet you by kidnapping you if you didn’t contact me.]

“…… Yeah. I will wait for now.”

I elevated my evaluation of An Gyu-bum by a level.

From a weird guy to a horrifyingly weird guy.

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