Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 53: Return To The Battleground

Lucan held a broom in his hand.

[Flying Broom.]

[Epic Mount.]

[Flying Broom can carry a rider through the air, up to 100 feet off the ground. Flying Broom has a weight limit of 500 lbs. The rider can infuse their mana into the broom to temporarily increase speed. Dying while riding this mount will cause it to drop from your inventory.]

Adrestia and Little Brown excitedly dance and squeaked. Whenever their master was happy, they would get extra honey. Lucan didn't disappoint them. For their journey back to the transfer point. Lucan joined his 2 familiars in the sky.

Without the addition of mana, he flew at the speed of a quick jog. He was hopping it would be faster but flying above the swamp was already much better than trekking through it. Lucan pushed a bit of his mana into broom.

It doubled its pace for a few seconds until the mana ran out. On their way back Lucan did a few experiments. The more mana he pushed into the broom, the faster it would go and the faster it would burn through it. Pushing all his pure mana into the broom made Lucan shoot through the air like a rocket. He covered a mile in 15 seconds before the broom lost all the magic he stored inside.

Lucan found that if he pushed mana into the broom at the same rate he regenerated it, he was slightly faster than a galloping horse. This was huge, a horse could only gallop for minutes before getting tired and needing to slow down. Lucan could maintain that pace for as long as he was able to endure sitting on the thin and uncomfortable broom stick.

He landed outside the village and transferred to Shadowsweep and headed to the Guild outside of Avalon, it was time to make things right with Silent. He missed her and wanted to level with her again. The contracts were secondary, all together the contracts added up to 80 gold, which seemed like nothing now. But they also gave contribution points, and those were valuable to Lucan.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he found Silent and Vanslaughterfest in line to turn in contracts.

"Pervert, I need to talk to you." Said Silent coming his way. She leaned in close and whispered. "Why are their little girls asking for my power? 'Lucan's secret Harem'. Your disgusting." She said before pushing him away.

Lucan jumped back. "What?! It's a mistake. I bought a bunch of slaves while you were away. It's not what you think. I will explain everything. Here I got this for you." Lucan said taking out the bow that had been delivered to him and setting it on a nearby table. "Just hear me out."

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say." Silent said turning his back on him.

Lucan felt embarrassed and ashamed. She wasn't even willing to hear him out. "Fine, be like that, no one misses you in Shadowsweep anyway. It would be best if you never came back." He used Vanish and sprinted out of the building.

'What a stupid woman.' He fumed to himself while walking back to Shadowsweep. 'If she doesn't want to hear me out, why should I bother. I didn't really miss her anyways. I am better off without the distraction.'


"Wow, Silent, are you sure you don't want this bow?" Asked Van. "It's a level 100 legendary longbow meant for sniping. Its stats and effects are perfect for you."

"Oh, really?" Silent asked reluctantly.

"How did he get his hands on something like this?" Van asked, Silent only shrugged. "Super?" Van asked.

The man behind the counter started to rub his fingers together motioning for money. Van set a gold piece on the counter.

"Shadowsweep has been undergoing a great change recently. Over a thousand slaves were brought in and freed to bolster up the village. There are rumors of a castle being built. The village guard tripled in size over night. It is possible Lucan has had a great windfall."

"Hmm, you can't tell me anything else?"

"Nope, not about Lucan."

"Hmm, do you know anything about this Secret Harem of Lucan's."

"I can tell you that it is a secret because Lucan doesn't know about it."

"What?!" Said Silent jumping up from the table. "Explain, quickly."

"It is actually kind of funny, the village has been having a good laugh. The story is that the slave dealer promised he would sell Lucan anything to help his village survive. To convince the slave dealer to sell a bunch of young girls a story about a Harem was made up. Even though the slaves were freed a few of the younger girls came to think that being in Lucan's Harem meant that he would watch out for them like a big brother. Even after he had things explained to them, they continued to talk around town. The villagers know their Lord well and know the girls misunderstood and haven't bothered Lucan with it. Which is why they are calling them Lucan's secret Harem."

As Super finished Silent was running out the door but Lucan was nowhere around.

She reached out to him telepathically. 'Lucan, I'm sorry.' She received no answer. 'My rogues Organization is opening a dungeon for me to level to 100 in. Can we meet up and talk when I get out?' She stood their waiting for a response.

'Do whatever you want.'

He responded; she didn't say anything else.

Lucan managed to contain himself until he got home. He locked himself in his house for several days. At night the villagers swore they could hear a mad cackle coming from his cellar. Warlock's Insanity had triggered.

[Congratulations! You have advanced to Intermediate Spell Weaver.]

In his insanity Lucan had created his 4th variant spell. He cast aside his idea of combining Telekinetic Hands and an illusion. Instead he managed to combine his 3 types of phantoms by creating the variant spell, Combat Phantom.

The spell completely drained his pure, shadow, and mental mana. It created an illusion that could store 15 shadow bolts that could be fired from far away, 10 Telekinetic slashes that were all melee attacks. On top of that, the phantom was capable of using Telekinetic Slam 5 times. It was powerful blend of illusion and damage. Lucan was happy and it the last thing he needed to upgrade his companion class.

He could feel a change in his body. When calling on mana it came much more naturally. He was even able to do so without a wand. The mana channeled at a slower place, but his control was increased 10-fold when using his hands compared to a wand. He could feel and sense the mana around him, even without his eye he would be able to detect magic that neared him. Like when he first took the class, he was given no information on how to advance to the next level.

According to Glen, he should be able to create spells now and he was capable of making a few more variants. Apparently making a spell was much harder than making a variant. But Lucan had already wasted several days in his basement when he could have been leveling.

Lucan let Alasan and Oar know that he was leaving before he transferred to Vertshadow and headed into the palace.

"Ah, it's good to be back." Lucan said, walking into the Eldritch Battlegrounds. The village was really coming together. Lucan could see the streets had been cleared. Buildings with minimal damage were under repair while others were being torn down, their materials used elsewhere.

Lucan was going to level here for a while. His followers had slowed from making their initial purchases. He had 300,000 experience sitting in the bank. Leveling here, Lucan could help that number grow while still keeping the maximum experience for his level.

He didn't know if anything new had been found nearby but even if it hadn't, the Goblin Plains would still be good for him. If he played it safe and didn't go in too deep it shouldn't be too life threatening. However, without risk, the experience would be minimal. There were 6 months left in game before he needed to be level 100. If he planned on staying a Hand, he really needed to pick up the pace.

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