Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 52: Finding An Architect

Lucan and SuperSleuth sat at a table on the 6th floor of their intelligence network.

"When it comes to architects, you need to decide if you want a player, or an NPC. NPCs generally have more expertise, but their imagination is limited. Players on the other hand, have a creativity that can transcend this world, but they have only been doing this since the game came out. Whereas the NPCs have been doing this their entire lives."

"I want to go with a player. I will have the best NPC craftsman building it. I want to give a player the chance to design the castle."

"Okay, I can recommend 8." Super said laying several pieces of parchment on the table.

He began to go over the best 8 player architects with Lucan. Super used all his ability to gather information for him. They talked till the sun started to rise.


Harvin stood before a small church in Kalore city.

"You did a good job. We should be done with construction tomorrow. I just finished checking and everything was built to your design. Not counting giant demons and apocalypses, this church should stand for 100 years." Said the young woman who was Harvin's number 2.

Harvin looked at the single-story church. It was everything it needed to be and nothing more. Exactly what the customer wanted.

"It is good, I just wish I had the chance to design something that left a real impression. Something people would see and never forget."

Harvin noticed a man in his 20's looking at the church with a teenage boy.

"I think it's a good-looking church. Everything useful and with purpose."

"Looks like a church to me Boss. Stone, windows, a door, probably has church stuff inside. Hey, oww, you don't have to do that. I am just saying, you wanted to walk here to look at a church, I was expecting something cooler."

"I am sorry it's not what you expected. Perhaps I shouldn't have wasted your valuable time. You could have stayed at home and played in the dirt with the dwarves."

"What, Boss, don't be silly. You didn't let me finish. I was expecting something cooler; this is something that has left me asking question about myself. Looking at this church is like gazing at fine art. It cannot be appreciated in an instant, it needs a lifetime of attention."

"Ha, ha, ha, you turned that around real fast."

"Yes, Boss, I am more refined than you give me credit for."

"Psh, yeah right, and don't worry, if I could, I would be digging around in the dirt with the others too."

Harvin and the woman were listening to the 2 newcomers talk and didn't realize they were walking directly towards them.

"Are you Harvin?" The man asked.

"Oh, Harvin, that's me." Harvin said sticking out his hand with a friendly smile.

"Great, I was thinking you may have left before I got here. I am Lucan Quilldrake and I want you to design my castle."

"What now?!" Harvin said, shocked while shaking Lucan's hand.

"A castle, a big one. Are you interested?"

"I-, you-, but… Is this some kind of joke?"

"I'm sorry, let me be a bit more professional. I am Lucan Quilldrake, Hand of Raze, Magical Sage, and Lord of Shadowsweep. My territory is starting to grow, and I have secured, funding, supplies, and a labor force. The only thing I need now is an architect to draw up a design worthy of my castle. If you are not interested or feel you are not capable, let me know now so I can move on."

"No, I can do it. It's no problem." Harvin said quickly. "Where is Shadowsweep? I have never heard of it."

"It is in the Shadow Realm. My patron Raze, is the one funding my castle, he has promised to spare no expense, but he isn't a dumb person. He won't let you demand a crazy payment. If you wish to work on this project, you will have to discuss your price with him."

Harvin nodded his understanding.

"Good." Lucan said. "I have informed Raze of your intent to take the job. He will be in contact with you. I look forward to working together in the future." Lucan said before turning around and walking away.

"Wow, this is so exciting." Said the young woman to Harvin.

"Have you ever heard of him before?" Harvin asked.

"Yeah, do you remember that thing with Hellfire. That was the guy in the private box with Heaven's Kiss and the other beauty. The internet hates him, but he was a Hand of Raze long before Hellfire."

"I am getting excited." Harvin said, no longer thinking this was some kind of prank.


Lucan and Oar returned to Shadowsweep. Raze was busy with something right now but he promised to speak to Harvin within a day so Lucan could get started.

Lucan sat on his porch and made wands. His telekinetic slashes were still crippling his wands. Whenever he sent out 10 in a second the wand's core would shatter. He was now using some small medium grade mana crystal shards as wands cores. He hoped that would allow him to exert his full speed.

When afternoon came, Lucan headed for the transfer point. He still had one outstanding contract for the Assassin's Guild. He headed out of Vertshadow city limits and found his way to Misty Swamp. A witch had cursed several villagers, the local lord didn't want to get involved so the villagers pooled their money and sent a request to the assassin's guild.

Lucan wasn't worried. The witch was only level 55, while Lucan was 59. Adrestia and Little Brown flew through the swamp Looking for signs of life.

Little Brown found a small hut. The bones of many small animals were strung from trees like windchimes.

Lucan clicked his tongue. The witch may be 55 but she was an Elite. Lucan had his soul stone, so he decided to risk it and began to lay out a play. When the time was right, he acted.

The witch walked out of her hut with an orb in her hand. She started to cackle. "I know your out there. Come die with the others." She said while scanning the swamp.

Her eyes passed over Lucan who was hidden in stealth. She couldn't pinpoint where he was, but she was searching in Lucan direction.

A Shadow Bolt smashed into her back doing minimal damage. The witch spun to see a black robed caster darting away with unbelievable speed. Before she could move a rogue leapt from the water without making a ripple and slashed at her several times sending blood flying.

The witch completely missed the rogue that had somehow hidden his natural life energy. The rogue struck five times then vanished behind a near tree. The witch started chanting a spell when a burly man threw out a punch. She was slammed hard and sent flying through the air. She landed in the water with a splash, her spell was interrupted.

Another rogue appeared from her side. He used a knife as black as night. When she saw his eyes she froze. His stabs moved faster than she could see, his slashes left deep bleeding wounds. As she regained her mobility the assailant burst into four copies of himself and ran in different directions.

The real Lucan turned into a shadow and slipped behind a nearby tree without disturbing the swamp water.

The witch looked around, she didn't know where the enemy had gone or even how many there were. She pulled out a staff and clutched her orb while slowly backing up towards her hut.

An eerie wind blew through the air. She couldn't find any signs of her attackers. As she stepped out of the water she turned to run towards her hut. The man from earlier stood in her way. A flash and bang came from the end of his wand. She was disoriented, and it felt like she was being cut and slashed at from every side. When the blind witch swung her staff, she connected with only air.

Lucan burnt through his mana unleashing his telekinetic slashes, still busting wands at 10 per second. Every time the witch began to chant a spell, his Phantom Slam would appear and knock the witch off her feet. Telekinetic slam didn't do great damage but it's ability to push people around was very useful.

Within 3 minutes she was running for her life while Adrestia and Little Brown chased her down. In the end she dropped her orb. Something that was useless to Lucan.

[Congratulations! You have risen to level 60.]

[You have learned the skill Lockpicking.]

Lucan leveled up and got his level 5 reward for a thief. Lucan nodded happily while taking a look around inside the witch's hut. There wasn't much. A lot of natural regents and witch paraphernalia. Lucan wasn't too interested in it. Something tucked in the corner caught his eye.

"Oh my. Could it be…"

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