Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 85 Raven’s adventures-2

Chapter 85 Raven's adventures-2

Jayden stood outside the factory, after scanning its insides, he found out that 58,270 was the highest level among all the vampires. Using assassin's arts, Jayden hides his presence, and sneaks inside the factory without alerting anyone, but not before playing the next song, 'Warrior'.

" Man, abducting humans has become quite hard lately, why are the humans from Arcane trying so hard? " one cannon fodder said, filling blood in a packet.

" Yeah, I heard three men from our area were killed yesterday, I think it has something to do with the massacre that happened a few days ago. " the second vampire said.

" I'm so terrified, how could innocent vampires like us could walk in the open if the situation stays the same. " another cannon fodder chimed in while squeezing out all the blood from a human.

" Coven won't even care about the likes of us- " the first vampire spoke in a distressed tone, but he abruptly stopped in the middle.

The other two vampires looked at him and asked:

" Why did you stop so suddenl- "Before the second vampire finished his sentence, he saw the headless body of his friend, who was talking to him just a moment ago.

" Wahhh- " both the vampires tried to scream, but in the next instant, their heads were reduced to ashes, as purple flames engulfed them. Jayden tried not to burn their entire bodies, so he could absorb them later.

[ You have killed a vampire, level 21,951 ]

[ You have killed a vampire, level 30,829 ]

[ You have killed a vampire, level 22,728 ]



Jayden ignored the messages and hid his presence again, he wanted to kill as many of them as possible before they found out about him.

He turned into his mist form and flew off to another part of the factory, there were over six men, which included of five cannon fodders and one adult vampire.

Jayden flew over them, after positioning himself over their heads, he materializes into his physical form and turns his hands into claws.


A small explosion sounded, as Jayden clapped his hands with the head of the adult vampire in between, instantly turning his brain into minced meat.

[ You have killed a vampire, level 52,013 ]

" Wh...??!!! "

" Th-This? "

Other vampires were too shocked to react, and Jayden didn't gave them the chance to get their composure back, he instantly threw two balls made of purple flames at them.

The speed of the attack was so fast that the two cannon fodders had no time to react, as their head exploded and meat flew everywhere.

At the same time, Jayden waves his hands at the remaining vampires, destroying their brains completely, before they can react.


Unfortunately, the vampires around him were beginning to notice that something was amiss, They ran towards the sound of the explosion but found nothing there, not even a drop of blood.

After absorbing the corpses, Jayden stored their remains in his spatial ring, before disappearing from his position. He targeted another group of six, which consisted of a single adult vampire and five cannon fodders, and used the same tactic, within a few seconds they were all dead.

Taking in a deep breath, Jayden scans his surroundings again, ' Four adults in the office, remaining cannon fodder forty-six. ' Jayden muttered in his head.

He first decided to deal with the cannon fodders and began to target one group at a time, and by the time his song ended, all the cannon fodders were dead.

Changing the song to 'Unravel', he approaches the office, this time his entire body was engulfed in purple flames, destroying his concealment technique. Jayden felt a great increment in his strength and speed, but also a burning pain all over his skin.

He kicks the door, which was instantly broken to pieces, All the vampire inside were stunned at first but then rage fills their heart. They were discussing about a plan to deal with Arcane, the group of humans with special abilities, that is by no means any weaker than other supernatural beings.

Arcane was a big organization that was created to protect Earth from various beings that held malicious intent towards them. It consists of a lot of humans all across the world, and due to the recent massacre of humans by Coven, Arcane have started hunting vampires.

" You good for nothing Cannon fodders, Come here and kill this bug. " the leader shouted.

He waited for a few seconds but received no answer from them.

" What have you done to them? " he said, his tone menacing.

" Me? Nothing, I'm here just on a casual stroll, you could trust me. Now, carry on with your meeting and act like I'm just a stone. " Jayden said, slightly changing his voice, he could hear despite the earbuds he was wearing, due to his Void skill.

" Wait, I think I recognise him. " another adult vampire said, his eyes wide with realisation.

" Who is he? " the leader asks.

" This demon mask and those purple flames, I think it's 'Raven'," he said, his tone a little fearful.

" Raven? Ha... haha I think I'm quite lucky today, if I could capture him, I'll be promoted. " the leader said, taking small steps towards Jayden.

Jayden smirked inside the mask, he summoned two things out of his storage ring, one was a needle and another an iron ball. He holds the ball in his right hand and the needle in his left.

The leader looked confused for a moment, but he still decided to move forward, he wasn't afraid of Jayden who was not even an adult yet.

*swoosh* *swoosh*

Jayden first waves his right hand, throwing the ball toward the nether region of the leader, who instinctively moves his hands to protect his manhood.

And without waiting Jayden waves his left hand, throwing the needle with the leader's eyes as its aim, Again leader instinctively closes his eyes. The vampire leader was flabbergasted, he couldn't control the natural movements of his body, and this was the time Jayden decided to strike.

Other vampires in the room also understood Jayden's plan and moved to protect their leader, but they were all a bit too late. Jayden moved at lightning speed, using the Infernal steps, he appears in front of the leader.

He concentrates all the Nether flames onto his fist, increasing its intensity and turning it into a darker shade of purple. Jayden swings his fist with all his strength, aiming to hit his head.


Under the disbelieving gazes of all the adult vampires, the head of their leader burst into pieces, scattering all over the office.

" Nooooooooo, you motherfu- " other vampires were enraged as they charged at Jayden, disregarding their own safety.

" Hahahahahahahaha " Jayden began to laugh maniacally, as he engaged in hand-to-hand combat with all the remaining adult vampires.

Despite their anger and hatred towards Raven, they were all astonished at his prowess, despite being an infant he was able to fight all three of them together, that too, after killing their leader.

Within a couple of minutes, Jayden squeezes the brain of another adult vampire, killing him immediately. Now only two were left, and both of them were somewhat afraid of him by now.

They wanted to retreat but, Jayden would strike them as soon as they turned their back towards him. Within a single minute, Jayden killed the remaining two vampires.

[ You have killed a vampire, level 58,270 ]

[ You have killed a vampire, level 54,322 ]

[ You have killed a vampire, level 52,948 ]




[ Level up ]

[ Level up ]

[ Level up ]




Jayden glanced at the messages for a moment then spoke:


After finishing his business there, Jayden uses the corpses of all the vampires and leaves a message for Coven outside the factory.

" BURN " Jayden burns everything that was present inside, leaving not a single thing intact.

He raises his hand and creates another portal, leading to his second destination, a big factory with over 150 vampires and according to his Intel the leader there would be a lot stronger than the one he had killed.


Thanks for reading and have a great day.??

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