Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 84 Raven’s adventures-1

84 Raven's adventures-1

Jayden was lying on the bed, with Sasha in his arms, sleeping peacefully after many hours of pleasure. It was almost four in the morning, he places her head onto the pillow and covers her with a blanket after getting out of the bed.

Jayden dresses up and then walks out of the room, outside in a certain corner, he stares at a shadow and orders:

" Alpha, stay here. "

" Yes, master. " Alpha replies, still in his shadow form. Beta and Gamma were staying at home.


Jayden stood on top of the hotel roof, looking down at all the surrounding buildings and people. He has a few goals he wants to accomplish within the next few hours, and after the following incident, Raven's name will be famous across Coven, Devdraean and all supernatural beings.

Jayden summons Genis, his Armor, over his clothes. Though it wasn't very helpful because of its low level, but it could help in hiding Jayden's identity. Then he turns Andrea into a devil's mask, before putting it on his face.

Taking in a deep breath, he mutters: " Plan A, part 1: Xander. " he had devised a few plans, in which the first Target is Xander.

The devil mask currently on Jayden's face also covered his eyes, hiding his pupils under the red layer. He places earbuds on his ears and plays the song: ' L'art du Savoir '.

He was using them for two reasons, first to avoid attacks that were transmitted through sound and second just to enjoy music while fighting. With the help of Void skill, Jayden could feel almost everything within a range of a few hundred kilometres. So, even if he is not listening, he could feel all the vibrations around him, which worked the same as listening but was more accurate.

Stopping the music, he calls Leo:

*ring* *ring*

*ring* *ring*



" Where? " Jayden questions.

" All the materials have just left the factory, We're currently at the Lunar Road. " Leo answers.

" Report me if anything changes. "Jayden ordered.

" Yes, sir. " Leo said and hung up the phone.

Jayden closes his eyes and concentrates, he focuses his senses on the path that Xander's truck is taking. Within seconds he was able to locate them, most of Xander's men were already Jayden's slaves, leaving only a few members.

He plays the music again and opens a portal, leading directly inside one of the trucks. There were a total of thirty trucks, containing beauty products and other machine parts, which cost over nine billion dollars.

" SWAP "

Jayden uses his Void Eye skill and teleports all the materials present in the truck to his company's skills wasn't too high yet, so he travelled to each truck and teleported the material present in them to 10:11

warehouse, which is located a few dozen kilometres away. His proficiency in using space-related skills wasn't too high yet, so he travelled to each truck and teleported the material present in them to his warehouse.

After he was done, he sent a message to Kate, telling him to check all the material carefully, before finalising the deal. In response to this, Kate began to boast, to the point of putting his life on the line, if the transaction failed.


Jayden ignores Kate's messages and opens another portal, which takes him directly to Xander's house. Xander had placed some magical device inside his house because of which Jayden wasn't able to teleport directly inside the house.

' I wonder how my new friend, Topo, has been since I last saw him. ' Jayden thought, as he hid his presence completely. Just in case, Jayden created a few arrays around himself that could hide his scent and body heat.

He uses the assassin's art, which he had inherited from Belphegor, and makes his way inside the house avoiding all the guards while doing so.

Xander's house was quite sumptuous, he had many rooms inside, which made it a bit difficult for Jayden to locate Topo, as his senses were restricted inside.

After looking inside a few rooms, Jayden found Topo in one of the rooms on the second floor. He was sleeping, his condition looked bad, his face was pale and he had lost quite a bit of weight.

Jayden uses Divine medical arts and presses a spot on Topo's neck, making sure he won't wake up until late in the morning. Then throwing Topo onto his shoulder, Jayden begins to leave the house.

Walking carefully and avoiding all the guards and cameras, Jayden leaves the house successfully, as most of Xander's men were already his slaves, the task wasn't so hard.

" Since I'm a fair person and I feel bad about taking your fiance away from you, I'll give you another woman. " Jayden said, acting all righteous.

He raises a hand and opens another portal. After passing through the portal he stood in front of a house, that was by now means any less luxurious than Xander's house.

" This is going to be a bit hard. " Jayden mutters to himself, before hiding his presence again and approaching the house. Topo's scent and body heat were also being concealed due to the arrays around Jayden.

Despite the restriction on his senses, Jayden was able to locate the positions of all the guards and cameras. Using the blind spots, Jayden made his way inside the house, This time he didn't need to search for long, as he easily found what he came to look for.

He entered the master bedroom of the house and saw a middle-aged woman sleeping on the bed, wearing sexy lingerie. Her husband, Mark Shimmel, wasn't there.

Mark Shimmel is a Beta werewolf, whose strength is on par with Xander. He has been at war with Xander's family for a long time, fighting over each other's territories.

Tonight he was gone on a business meeting, hence Jayden chose this day to put his plan to work. Jayden removes all of Topo's clothes, leaving him naked, and puts him on the bed next to the woman.

After that Jayden presses a certain spot on the woman's neck so that she won't wake up until a few hours later. He messes the blanket a little, and sprays some water here and there, giving a final touch to his art.

' This will be a great surprise for Mark Shimmel. ' Jayden jeered in his mind.

Then following the same route, he makes his way out, without alerting any guard or dogs present in the house.

"Sigh, Plan A, part 1: Xander- 'successful'. " Jayden sighs. " Now, Plan A, part 2: Coven and Michael. "

During his last combat with the Coven, Jayden saw the memories of many vampires, and so was able to find some hideouts of the Coven, along with a little info about those hideouts.

In his mind, he made a list of places where the strongest vampire was of level 65,000 or lower. Those bases would mostly contain cannon fodders and only a few adult vampires.

But killing all those vampires would still affect the Coven, even if by a little. Making his mind, Jayden opens another portal, which leads him to a factory in a remote area which was quite desolate.

Jayden thought of making a stylish entrance, so he took out a cigarette and a lighter. He lights the cigarette and inhales deeply.

" cough cough, this is complete shit, why do all those actors on tv act so smug while smoking. " Jayden hissed as he threw away the cigarette.

He puts his mask back and drops the idea of making a grand entrance, hiding his presence yet again, then he walks towards the factory.

He scans the factory from outside, ' 59 cannon fodders and 6 adults. ' he calculates in his mind.

' I won't need to use the Dream Domain to fight here, I think using Nether fire alone would be enough. ' Jayden thought, his understanding of Nether fire was still low, using it to envelope his body would also burn his skin and organs.

' But it would be a great training. ' Jayden nodded and came up with a simple plan to deal with all the vampires inside.

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