Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 227: Last Hope

As the demons around Adam had their inner bodies destroyed by Adam's double attack, the other demons all turned toward him and saw their fellow demons start dropping from the sky.

They all roared and flew at a high speed toward Adam. Meanwhile, those who flew back to the city looked up and flew up.

Adam shook his head and began rotating on himself, with such speed and strength his sword generated powerful winds which quickly turned into a tornado filled with sword lights.

The approaching demons, who were quite weak, felt something was wrong and tried to stop and escape, but the tornado was already formed and began sucking them in. Meanwhile, Adam didn't stop rotating and made the tornado bigger and bigger.

But as he was doing so, he felt danger come from his one side, and he was forced to stop rotating to block. The next moment, he saw a demon had directly ignored the tornado and the sword lights in them, and punched through it.

Adam blocked the blow, and the shock wave created moved in a bizarre way. A part of it headed for Adam's innards, while the rest destroyed the tornado, saving the demons caught in it.

Adam was forced to retreat as he had been hurt by the attack, and he looked at the demon who had attacked him.

[Higher Demon] (Sage, Level 200)

HP: 500,000,000/500,000,000

As expected, the one who attacked him was one of the strongest demons under Tazolos. Although he wasn't a Half-King, he was still a peak Sage Demon. From the blow just now, Adam guessed this demon was even stronger than Zeus, at least in term of body strength.

Adam couldn't help but sigh, it was time to go. They were stronger than he initially thought. Other than the demon who just attacked him, there were many more flying up, and some among them felt just as strong.

Just to be polite though, Adam threw five [Three Line Sacred Ball] at then, using up 2.5 Million Aura doing so.

However, the effects were definitely worth it as the surrounding area went through many changes in a matter of seconds, dealing millions of damage to everyone present. Those hit by the balls first received a lot of damage, then those in the surroundings were burned by vapor, before being turned into ice and finally together.

The weaker ones died and the stronger ones were slowed down enough for Adam to flee out of their sight.

The demon who had managed to hit Adam was the one who had received the less damage, and he saw Adam flee. From a glance he knew the Northman was faster than even their king.

One of the other strong demons asked with a great deal of anger, but also respect "Great Elder, should we chase after them?"

Although the demon known as Great Elder was reluctant, he didn't hesitate to shake his head and say "It would be useless, he is faster than us. Moreover, our king is in the middle of his transformation. His orders were to protect the city, and it is what we shall do. If we leave, then those old monsters may take advantage of the opportunity. Retreat back into the city and begin repairs."

The other demons looked disappointed, but they still headed to the orders of the Great Elder. As for the corpses of the dead demons… The [Three Line Sacred Ball] had destroyed them.

A few hundreds of kilometers away, Adam stopped and looked behind. He was a little surprised they didn't chase him, but it was a good thing anyway. If he wanted to he could continue to harass them but there was no need, it would only further anger them and augment the chances of an attack on their part.

Confirming he was safe, Adam sent a look to his status, and just as he had thought, he hadn't yet passed the 90% threshold for his Slaughter Concept.

Although killing so many demons and obliterating their soul did indeed allow him to strengthen his Slaughter Concept by a great deal, growing the Slaughter Concept and his killing intent wasn't just killing, he needed some degree of understanding over killing too.

It was complicated to put into words what needed to be done to advance in this concept, one had to understand what is killing, but also why they are killing, and how…

It was complicated indeed, but Adam knew he wasn't far. Crossing to 90% would allow him to push his killing intent to the next level though, which was a great thing since at his level, killing intent could seriously affect the enemy's mind.

Adam closed his status and headed for his base. It took him a few minutes to come back, and once there, he directly teleported next to the highest ranking Northman he saw.

The guy was obviously shocked to have a spatial rift appear right next to him, but when he saw Adam he calmed down. As annoying Adam could be, it was actually better than most nobles in Epoch.

Moreover, Adam was the only one who could defeat Tazolos while remaining under the Gold Rank. They had already learned the truth about this dimension, as well as the only way to get out of here. Considering the talent of the other people inside the dimension, even a peak Hero wouldn't be strong enough.

Instead, the only way for someone else than Adam to kill Tazolos would be to promote to Legend Rank. Considering they had to go through a promotion quest, it would be very hard to promote twice inside Providence. Even in Epoch, with an entire Racial Power behind them, they weren't sure they could become Legends, much less in here.

And even without talking about the difficulty of climbing to the Legend Rank, going any higher than Gold Rank meant being trapped in here for an unknown period of time.

The different powers had already guessed that the restriction on the power of the people entering the dimensions would lessen with the next phases of the Merge, but who knows how long it would take?

Maybe Phase Two would begin in a year, but maybe it would also take a hundred, a thousand or even more years to come. And that was being optimistic. Who knows, maybe the restrictions wouldn't even be lifted until the actual Merge.

That's why, no one wanted to exchange their freedom for the others. The only ones with a chance of achieving Legend Rank were the leaders of the main powers, they all had a bright future ahead of themselves and would become leaders of their entire generation. There were no lack of future Emperors and Empresses.

Would such people sacrifice their entire future just to save the others? The answer was obviously no. So everyone had already put their hopes on Adam to save them, so no matter how atrocious he could be, even though he wasn't, they would put up with it, until they left the dimension.

And this was even the case for Adam's enemies, the dragons. They had already found their traces in the past month, and although they couldn't bring them back to their base, they had already contacted each other, and even them who had entered with one of their goals being killing Adam, agreed they had to help him as much as they could in here.

Adam had already killed one of their Princess, and made a subordinate out of another Prince. If they were to sacrifice any more successors to the Dragon Clan to kill Adam then it would be really dumb and pointless.

When he saw he had the attention of the Northman, Adam asked "Where is Helena?"

Had it been anyone else who dared to call the Crown Princess by her name, he would have given them his fist, but the rumors of their Master-Disciple relationship had already spread around. If even her master wasn't allowed to call her by her name, then no one would.

Moreover, even if he wasn't her master, once again they were relying on him so… he didn't say anything about that and instead said with a tint of respect "She is helping build the training grounds."

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