Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 226: The lion left the lair

As Adam's attack below finally stopped, he saw countless spirits start flying. This was a phenomenon that would happen everytime someone died, their soul would leave their body. If one wasn't a Hero and didn't master their soul, then it would be pulled to the domain of their deities.

When it was special souls, for example undeads who rotted for many years, then even mortals could see those souls. However, for mortals' souls, only someone with great achievements in the Spirit Concept could see them.

As the souls began to rise up, Adam felt something within him change, and he didn't even have to check his status to know what it was. His Concept of Slaughter had gone up. If what he felt was right, then it had gone up by a lot. With a look though, he was disappointed to see it had stopped at 89%. Indeed, 90% was an important threshold.

Theoretically, the Concept of Slaughter was one of the easiest ones to level up because all one had to do was to kill. However, it was also very dangerous because the stronger one's killing intent became, the more effect it would have on their mind. If one had a mind that wasn't strong enough, then they would become mad and turn into a killing demon, one who doesn't know anything other than killing.

But Adam had a powerful soul, two actually, and he had the Sovereign Spirit Concept, so his mind should even be able to handle a Slaughter Essence.

Back to the souls of the demons, one of the most frowned upon acts in the world was to destroy someone's soul. It was something very hard to do, as the Spirit Concept was rare, but it was possible. For the truly powerful, it was almost impossible because their souls were protected by higher beings, like the players who were protected by Gaia.

However, for mortals like those demons, who were below the Silver Rank, Adam was able to obliterate a huge amount of those souls easily. Although this was a terrible act seen worse than even genocide, Adam had several reasons to do so.

First, letting those souls join the Divine Domain of the Devils they worshipped would strengthen those Devils, and Adam wasn't friend with the Devils. Although it was only a very small portion of the total faith power they received from the mortals, Adam wouldn't let them become stronger.

But more importantly, it was for Adam's own power. One of the ways to strengthen one's spirit was to refine the souls of others and absorb their power. Also, he could feel his Slaughter Concept would most certainly reach the next level if he killed those souls.

So that's exactly what he did. As his Aura was quickly recuperating in the rain, Adam launched a [Spirit Wave]. Although the power of his spirit was spread out on a large area, those souls were simply too weak and they crumbled apart. Only a few souls belonging to powerful people killed by the main lightning bolt that hit the palace were able to survive.

The souls that crumbled apart didn't completely disappear though, as they released their inner energy, the energy of the soul. Normally, this type of energy would quickly disperse when faced with the outside world, but Adam was here to harvest it.

When his [Spirit Wave] stopped spreading, instead of dispersing it Adam retracted it toward him. This wouldn't allow him to recuperate the spiritual fatigue from using the skill, but he used his spirit's energy as a whirlpool to attract all the Soul Energy in the surroundings.

Although this took a while to describe, less than a second after Adam's first spirit wave, he had already collected all the Soul Energy in the surroundings. All of it had entered inside his head and was surrounding his soul, slowly being absorbed by it.

As he was absorbing the Soul Energy of millions of demons, Adam heard a beastly roar come from the city below "MOTHERFUCKER!!"

Adam looked down and saw hundreds of demons fly up toward him. The majority among them were Higher Demons, but there were even some Intermediate Demons, who were only as strong as Gold Ranks.

Adam sneered and said "What happened to Tazolos? Too afraid to come up?" Adam's [King's Aura] was naturally activated at all times, and Adam would have to consciously deactivate it if he didn't want to use it's effects on others.

However, against those demons, he had no reason not to use it. And about Tazolos, although he sounded cocky, he was quite curious about the Half-King Demon, why wasn't he here?

Obviously, the demons didn't answer him, but Adam made his own ideas. And the most likely reason was the one Adam didn't want to be true. Tazolos was on his way to become a King Demon, in other words, the equal of a Legend…

But then, a sinister smile appeared on Adam's face. If the boss wasn't home, then all he had to do was to switch from plan A, to plan B.

With the presence of someone as strong as Tazolos, dealing big damage was impossible. But if he wasn't here, then Adam didn't have to just show them he could damage them. He could simply damage them directly.

Adam used the little Aura he had recovered passively since he attacked to gather the clouds around him before he went into the Blood Tower and began recovering.

When he was inside it, the tower could be turned into a miniature version that was only a few centimeters, so it would be hard to find inside the clouds.

As he appeared inside the water floor and meditated, recuperating 10 000 Aura every second, Adam also had the Blood Tower move around.

Although he would damage them, he couldn't go too far, or his and Tazolos' role would switch. When the Half-King Demon came back, he wouldn't strike Adam and his base because doing so would free Adam of all his responsibilities, allowing him to attack his forces without fear.

And the opposite would be true if Adam completely destroyed the demonic city, Tazolos wouldn't have to fear anything and could simply attack everyone in Adam's base.

Well, actually even if he wanted to Adam wouldn't be able to destroy the city. He couldn't destroy the arrays above, and passing through them using a portal wouldn't have any use as he would still be attacked by those arrays inside the city.

As for having Neith attack from below, it was also impossible. Before, they weren't on guard so the arrays weren't activated and modifying the soil wasn't really considered an attack either, so the arrays hadn't done anything.

However, now one of the demons in charge of the arrays had probably locked onto Neith's Aura, and if it ever appeared near the arrays then she would be attacked and acting on the soil would be impossible too.

Arrays were very strong, and extremely potent against almost all kinds of enemies. Adam had been able to use their flaws once, but it wouldn't be possible to do it twice. So the only way for Adam to destroy the city at his current power level would be to attack the arrays for hours to destroy them, or get stronger.

But that wasn't his goal anyway. As Adam was recovering his Aura inside the clouds, more and more demons got up in the sky, searching for him.

After five minutes of search though, most of them gave up as they believed Adam had fled. The stronger Higher Demons were the first to go back to the city, to prepare in case Adam once again attacked the weaker demons, and after five minutes only the Intermediate Demons as well as some weaker Higher Demons were left.

At that moment, Adam appeared. His sword in hand, Adam as soon as he appeared, using [Sword Aura] and [Sword Cry] at once. Sword Aura allowed his sword attacks to deal 500% damage, while his Sword Cry would deal damage onto an area.

The demons were some distance from each other, so he wasn't able to get all of them. To deal the most damage, Adam appeared in the area where the most Intermediate Demons gathered.

-6.250.000 HP!

-6.250.000 HP!

Not only did the attack deal massive amount of damage, but it also afflicted all those hit with severe internal bleeding. And right after the skill activated, Adam once again activated it, this time not using his mana, but using his sword. After all, this was a skill on his sword before being one of his.

Critical Hit! -12.500.000 HP!

Critical Hit! -12.500.000 HP!

The attack, although it dealt sword damage, was a sonic attack, and so it mainly attacked the enemy's insides.

All the demons who were hit by the two attacks died, with no exception. Even the Water Dragon Princess, a peak Ancestor, or Gold Rank, and one of the most talented beings among Grade One existences, only had 20 Million HP. As for other Grade One Dragons, they only had around 10 Million, so those demons, who weren't even grade one, had less than that.

And Adam's two attacks had dealt 18.75 Million damage to them all…

They had no chance of survival.

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