DxD: Shadow Monarch

Chapter 36: Probability Gift?


Chapter- 36


Now the biggest question is should I take her with me or hide her somewhere till I found some clues

When I was thinking about this, I felt someone tugging my skirt, as I looked down to see Aria

"Aria, what's the matter?" I asked this in a soft tone as I crouch down to her level and patted her small head

"Take me with you" As sensing my thoughts she said this while looking straight into my eyes with her red eyes

I was stunned by her words because I can see in her eyes that she is asking this seriously, not out of some fear of being left alone

"...Why?" I asked this since she must be the reason, not to mention this is probably the first time she has taken the initiative to speak first

That's why I didn't reject her right instead I asked her to tell her thoughts in her mind

"I can help," She said with the same serious tone as before while she comes one step forward

"How?" I asked this since I got curious about how this cute little rabbit girl can help me 

"I will use my Gift" She replied to my question as her eyes started to glow at this moment

'Hmmm… tell more" I said this as I was curious about her power, not to mention those dead bodies which I am pretty much sure those soldiers died due to her because I can't see any other reason

"My gift is something my mother named 'Probability' Because of this gift I can detect every possible outcome of certain situations" She explain this after taking a few seconds to thought about this

"Really??" I asked this since this ability is unheard of, but if that's the truth then it's many times more useful compared to future vision or future sight whatever we can call it

The reason was simply that in future vision or future, you can only see a glimpse of the future but you don't know whether it will happen or not

And as for Aria, she can tell possibility means that she can calculate the most favourable outcome for herself so that she can overcome the most difficult situation while avoiding the worse result of those situations

She nodded her head as she confirmed her Statement and that's also explained how can she able to survive till now

Especially this also explains what happened to those dead soldiers below the cliff, since that's the only possible answer how come those died in such a stupid way

Not to mention how she was able to outrun that man for many hours despite being that man riding a beast with speed that fast

As well as I can also understand why her eyes glows when I asked her to carry her in the air, possibly she was checking the possibility of going with me is dangerous or not

Well… what should I say? … should I feel hurt because she doesn't trust me Or should I feel glad that she doesn't trust anyone easily

But why she uses her ability every time I asked her something, she should have known that I am a harmless person by now after spending time with me

Oh yeah… but there is another answer which is still unanswered which is how she can use her power casually like nothing

As I learned from the system, they require a form of natural energy that is primarily derived from plants and trees. However, with the decline of the natural world, her ability to harness this energy may no longer be feasible.

[ Based on my findings thus far, I've discovered some intriguing information about this matter. Within Harlings' species, there exist certain individuals who are referred to as the 'cursed ones.' 

These exceptional beings possess the ability to tap directly into the planet's core and harness its natural energy at their whim. However, these individuals are exceedingly rare, with only one in a thousand being deemed the 'cursed one ]

'So, if that's true, does it mean that Aria is the cursed one? And if that's the case, why is she referred to as cursed instead of blessed?' I couldn't help but ask this inwardly to the system

Because If she possessed such a power, wouldn't it make her the chosen one instead of the cursed one, granting her an endless supply of energy to harness as she pleased?

And that's also the reason why there are called 'cursed ones' not only that but their life span is Also shortened by half

[ Although the 'cursed one' could obtain an unlimited amount of energy from the core, their brain's capacity to handle such a significant amount of power remained uncertain. 

If they were to absorb too much energy, their brain would overheat, causing severe damage to their nervous system, eventually leading to their untimely demise. This was the precise reason why they were called the 'cursed ones.'

Moreover, the 'cursed one' had a significantly shorter lifespan than others. Their life span was reduced by half, and it was an unfortunate fate that they could not escape.

The curse of the 'cursed one' was a double-edged sword. On one hand, they had an extraordinary ability to access infinite energy, but on the other hand, it came with a severe price that they had to pay in the form of a short life span and a limited capacity to handle the power that they possessed. ]


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