DxD: Shadow Monarch

Chapter 35: Invasion


Chapter- 35


"And another one," I said as I throw a spear towards a person similar to those soldiers I had seen earlier on the cliff

The spear pierced through his body without any difficulty resulting in killing him in a single blow

After we took off from her mother's grave we build, I asked her about her plans in her mind but she didn't reply, I thought she was confused about this after all her whole life change so much in just a few days

But to my surprise, she replied after a few moments saying before her all this happen, her mother specifically told her about a certain 'person'

She told her that if something might happen to her in future then find that 'person' and then follow him because that will be the best decision for herself 

it looks like her mother already foresight this event and then give Aria the task to find that 'person'

At first, I thought she was talking about her Aria father, but Aria corrected me saying her father already passed away due to some accident that happened because of his gift, so now I know Aria is looking for an entirely different person

Her mother doesn't didn't tell her any specific details about that 'person' but she told her to find him and after she finds him then she should follow him saying following him will give her the best future for herself as well as her happiness

But her mother didn't tell anything about the appearance of that 'person' other than that fact that 'person' will be male and he will have ears like me, other than that she doesn't have any leads about that 'person'

As for how to identify that person and where to look, her mother told Aria that she will naturally be able to find him in time and when she will meet him, she Instantly able to identify him but she didn't say about how much time it will take

So I suggest she follow me until she found that person which she agreed without any hesitation, I guess she is well aware of her current situation which is quite good for me

since there is danger everywhere and she can't protect herself and if she doesn't find that person soon finds she probably freeze to death in this place Which makes me worried alot

Not only for her but this is also good for me because I will get a cute guide to roam around this place, not to mention I didn't have to worry about her if she is with me

"Aria are you fine?" I asked this as I looks towards Aria who was laying in my arms covered in a blanket

From the moment we took off, we started to encounter these soldiers, sometimes in groups sometimes individually with a beast looks which like a lion

But these soldiers are nothing compared to that general so I am guessing they are nothing more than foot soldiers 

The problem is that when I tried to capture them for information, no matter the method I used on them for information they refused to talk and continue to fight with me to death

I even tried to immobilise their limbs just to speak with them, but somehow they Self-explode 

Luckily their explosions are not that powerful, so I was able easily to block the impact of the explosion with a simple barrier that I created in time 

That's why I started to kill them all at a distance in one shot to save all the trouble as we moved forward in the direction of the so-called society of harelings 

as soon we got closer to that society the number of soldiers also started to increase but that's a good thing since that means we are on the right track

And as for that man Aria is looking for, I don't have much high hope that she will find him

It's not that I don't want to believe in her mother but rather I don't believe in the ability to see the future much because as the system said future is not definite

So it's not confirmed that she will encounter him, heck she doesn't even know if he exists here or not but to not crush the hope of this cute girl, I didn't say anything

But it doesn't matter if she meets him or not, because I planned to make her independent enough to survive in future

After reaching the peak of the mountain we were on, I saw an unbelievable fantasy sight of an ice castle that is built just on the peak of the small hill

[ Here picture for reference → ] 

And below that platform of ice, there is a big colony established but rather than a colony it's more look like the slums 

Castle looks like it's made for supervising the colony and I can also see soldiers patrolling the colony by air

"Is that what you are talking about?" I asked this I gently put aria down as soon I landed on the ground

She nodded her head as speaks "But that structure wasn't there before"

"I see," I said this since I already expected that much since that castle was made of ice only but when it comes to size or structure it's nothing compared to his black castle

Focusing on society I could see nothing but soldiers on the land or in houses, sneaking there will be dangerous since it will alert them

Not only those soldiers I encounter are there but I can also see full-armoured knights, Huge giants, and beasts as well as soldiers with wings

Going sneaky will be risky not to mention Aria is with me, if by chance any of us got caught then it's over

They may not possess great strength, but they will quickly detect our presence, and battling all of them would be a major hassle. Plus, I have no knowledge of the opposing party's capabilities, and to complicate matters, I have Aria with me. Therefore, taking the risk is not an option.

And if there are people among those with strength equal to that guy or more in that place then I am fucked up

So it's better to go into the castle because castle security is much less than society, and I am hundred per cent sure that the king that bastard was talking about should lives there since it's a place where the king resides


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