Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 410: followed

The area around Dreamscape was randomly assigned, just like all other realms, the creator god didn't feel like giving Yunan all the good neighbours, even if they were allies he didn't like being used, therefore, Yunan didn't begrudge him that, he knew too well how much he had been using the gods around him, he was lucky they liked him enough to allow him to use them as he saw fit. Even Yunan didn't know how he did that.

As he walked around, Yunan met some rather interesting gods, most of them were foreign to him, some he fought and some he recruited, the weirdest one was a female goddess who followed him around as soon as she laid eyes on him, she didn't help or hinder, she followed him as he conquered realms and enslaved bandits, all the while he pretended not to notice her meagre attempts at stealth.

By the time a year had passed the female goddess had grown bold enough to walk side by side with Yunan and have some small bits of conversation now and then, as for the planet it had stabilized, thanks to some direction from Yunan and his allies, now including a trigger happy shiva, a jittery Hermes and a very melancholic lord of light, and this new mysterious goddess.

Yunan's alliance introduced the concept of trade, he opened one of his conquered realms as a market, a place where anyone could trade, divinities were the most used currency but the faith coins given out by Yunan and his group were very popular, armours and weapons were close seconds, third place was taken by extraction of foreign divine energy, mostly done by Fortuna through her link with Yunan. Other commodities made a killing as well, most of these were defensive items or formations, the rarest commodity was enslaved gods, these were very costly and were worth the price most of the time.

Once the planet had stabilized and divine realm wars were about to go from random attacks to organized and strategically planned battles, Yunan introduced the concept of trading for realms, since a conquered realm could be split and sold to minimum size bits, Yunan was offering faith coins to purchase any realm that was on the market.

With the stability of the forces on the new planet came the calm before the storm, alliances were forming, extortion, intimidation, temptation and all kinds of paths were taken to get any kind of leverage, winning wars required cannon fodder as well as non-aggression treaties, it required faith to replenish forces and restore defences. As the only supplier of faith, Yunan was having a hard time supplying the market, keeping his faith from reaching his enemies was the hardest part, simply because the resale value of faith was high, even if Yunan was selling faith near the point it would be too expensive, there were always some who could resell for a profit.

To satisfy the market to the point he was the only dealer in faith, he started making Dreamscape open connections to all the planets capable of supporting faith and linking them to Yunan's dream divinity. The plan is to use the dreams of the population to introduce himself, and the idea of a god of efforts and dreams to them, that way he could link both domains and effectively use Dreamscape as the divine realm where one can collect all the faith.

With the absence of all deities, it would be easier to exert his power over the people, he did not forget to create followings for lady luck Death and chaos, Hephaestus was not willing to get any more followers, he was after all a creator god in waiting, he would be taken away by his primordial when he was ready to leave this universe. It did not take long for new religions to form around efforts and dreams, the concept itself was very appealing to many species capable of supporting society, a god that rewards efforts by fulfilment of dreams, that kind of religious concept would spread like wildfire, who would refuse a god that would reward one for their efforts by giving them what they desire.

The third-year since the imprisonment of the gods. The regular alliance meeting was taking place, all the gods who were there, were those directly involved in the decision making or the execution of orders, all but one. She was the shy follower Yunan unknowingly picked up, the only thing on her mind seemed to be tailing Yunan around, and staying by his side, something that pushed all of Fortuna's buttons, she was the only wife her hubby had left and she was going to keep it that way.

The two can be heard arguing as the gods arrived at the meeting room in Dreamscape, the most secure place, anything like spying tools or methods could not work, the energy of dreams had a way with distortion, unless in very close proximity, words, intent, magic and everything else will be distorted if one was not close enough.

"I told you to stand no less than 5 steps away from my man, are you dumb or do you want to die so vehemently, if it was not for hubby letting you live, I would have skinned you thrice already!". "I stand where I want to, unless he, himself, asked me to step away I ain't moving, get that through your brain you old obsessive hag"...

The two bickered until the table was full and everyone was present, Yunan raised his hand and the room turned silent, Fortuna took her seat beside Yunan while the new girl stood 5 steps behind the man, it was not often one gets to see Yunan going all seriousness and stern face.

"Shiva, I need you to start working on the neighbourhood of Hephaestus, once it is cleaned out you will start working on the avatars. I know they don't show off their status but you have Death to guide your arms, no need to destroy them or their realms, just make them suffer casualties, also, take the mechs and the floating fortress, use as many resources as you need, and don't forget to bring back everything when you retreat, even nuts and bolts." Shiva nodded and left the table, shiva has never been patient, since she got her mission, there was nothing else to do.

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