Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 409: tempted devil

The words spouted by the creator were exactly as planned, even the activation of the planet-sized trap was immediate, no one was able to react when the divine light of creation teleported every god to the rift and the newly created planet there.

To the confused gods, the vague words of the creator sounded like they were forced into a contest, they felt like they were competing for something, they only knew they could fight for it through getting a divine realm or associating with one, add in the fact that all gods from the entire universe were assembled on the same planet, millions of gods put against each other in a cage fight.

After delivering his speech, the creator took himself to Dreamscape, he too, was trapped on this planet, he was fortunate enough to have access to the safety of Dreamscape, otherwise, even he, the creator god, would be whittled down if attacked by millions of angry gods trying to escape his prison.

"Well, now that we have them confused, I will be retiring in this garden, unless the council makes some big move, don't bother me" these were the words the creator threw at Yunan before finding the old hammock and laying on it, swinging gently back and forth.

"Don't get too comfortable, you will be hunting avatars soon, it is time to start making alliances, see you soon!" Yunan promptly left Dreamscape and started wondering the new planet, he let himself get ambushed a few times and even managed to find some gods willing to slave for the safety of a divine realm. He did not recruit all of them though, many of them, he killed as soon as they expressed their desire to be his slaves if he took them in, his dream divinity indicating the falsehood in their words and exposing their true intentions to him.

His neighbours were from different planets, they were so arrogant they did not even limit access to their realms, it cost them their realms when Yunan passed by and was threatened into joining or perishing, most of the gods were directly absorbed in order to stabilize a connection to their worlds, the rest were forced to sign extremely harsh contracts of eternal subservience and servitude. After the realm owners died, Yunan chose to attach their divine realms to his Dreamscape, thinking that they may work as commodities to be sold later on or given away as rewards to the good workers.

Soon enough, he found himself at the gates of hell, the only place where everyone is welcome but no one is stupid enough to step foot inside, even the over-gods would face harsh restrictions and face some hardships 8f they got inside, if they tried to take over hell, its denizens will protect it, just like Dreamscape, except that the denizens of hell are tortured souls and corruption incarnated into devils and ghouls and other monstrosities. Satan, the current lord of the 7 hells was a rather decent god, he can be considered a lawful evil character, a god with the brains and cunning to match his status.

Taking a step inside hell, Yunan found himself in an isolated room, he was not welcome to stroll around hell, something he commended Satan for recognizing as dangerous, but this time, Yunan was in need of allies and not in the mood to conquer all 7 hells, that was just asking for a medium to big headache.

Soon enough Satan arrived alone, unarmed but armoured, a clever god like him already knew what this was about, deducing what this planet was made for and what the competition was all about, reducing the number of useless gods and possibly limiting the number of gods and spreading their worship across the universe.

"Heard about Ferdinand, is it my turn now?" Satan asked directly, he would rather not play around with the guy who can manipulate any being if given enough time, he didn't plan to give Yunan the time to use Dreamscape against him. Fortunately, Yunan wasn't here to bring any harm to Satan and his hells, not yet anyway. "Nope, i like you, we work together nicely and you are clever enough to make a good subordinate, I want an alliance, mutual defending, you get to buy items from us at 30% price, and you gain 20% more rewards from tasks we give, you can ask for our help to attack for you once per decade, and if we conquer any divine realms, you have the right to bid first if we decide to sell them, how about it".

To Satan, this deal was too good to be true, he knew that Yunan's followers were recruiting before and had seen the contracts himself, this was different, Yunan was giving him some really good terms, there was no catch to fear, this was Yunan he was dealing with, if he wanted to screw him over, he would have just captured him the moment his foot stepped inside the chamber, besides, Yunan was still mortal, he could leave this planet at will, meaning that he had no need to ask for alliances, therefore Satan gave in to temptation and agreed to the verbal contract.

"Hephaestus will send someone with the paperwork, I also plan to give the same conditions to some other gods, make sure to forget old enmities, in this planet we need to be on the same side or opposite sides, there is no middle ground, you can start attaching your realms to Dreamscape, once everyone is assembled, we are going to start working on the next step". After that Yunan stood up and walked out of the room and kept wondering in the region, taking the opportunity to digest what he consumed and linking Dreamscape to the new planets he had just come into contact with.

Satan did not sit still, he immediately started giving out orders and preparing to work himself half to death, this alliance was an opportunity and he was not letting it go. Even if he had to be allied with the lord of light or the demons of the abyss, he would grit through it, the gains from working with Yunan were worth sharing a bed with all his enemies, sitting with them on the same table was nothing much.

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