Dungeon Core: Bugged Ascension

016, What doesn't kill you (Part 4)

I flourish my wings out and extend out one talon part way, “[You seek to change the world?]”

Her head shakes no, “

I reach out the rest of the way to have our graspers embrace, “[I, Aurora Hephaestus, Lord of |Thermal Spring Mountain|, do hereby draft an {Alliance} with Life, Cutest, Thing, and Gnat under the leadership of DNA |Disease Dungeon| whom I recognize as my peers. What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is yours, and what’s ours is: mutual defense, collaborative research, and the promotion of the wellbeing of all participants therein.]”

I feel the change taking place as I speak it, but when Cutest relays their acceptance of the pact is when the pulse of system controlled Mana sweeps through from the heart of my domain. As it passes by us, soaking into the dungeon, it reaches where Life is growing, and an echoing wave is released in response.

When its ripple reaches Thing there is a radical shift. Instead of the wave continuing to propagate throughout the rest of the domain, the power seems to tilt on a different axis and in the next moment the wave’s presence is everywhere within the domain. Thing stumbles on their feet from where they were standing nearby their altered tree. No longer is their central mass a generically featureless blob, instead their anatomy has changed to reflect, in gargantuan, their father’s core- that of a beating heart.

As they falter, flocks of birds and a small horde of mice keep them upright as they help guide and partially carry Thing into a gaping maw that has opened up within the horrid wood for them. The glistening meat of their new body still expanding in size and mass as I watch, makes for a truly ghastly display once the groups of smaller creatures manage to maneuver them into the hollowed space within. Once finally seated and with the creatures that aided rushing out, the jagged teeth-like opening begins to rapidly close, alongside a squelching, gnashing noise which is silenced when the bark seems to seal tightly shut.

“[Thing seems to have taken on some additional responsibilities with our changed circumstances.]”

” It is only after Puppy has walked back to my side, overlooking the pool with its precious cargo that I realize that the anklet of theirs I had scurried off to join the others in helping Thing migrate.

“[New, huh? That would certainly explain why my whole body feels itchy. I’ve got to say, your lungs itching? Not fun,]” my dignity and stoicism are the only things keeping me in place as it feels like every piece of my body is being burrowed out of at once. My Internal Forge is working overtime to process the vast quantities of dross suddenly surfacing through my flesh.

New Border Territory |Forest of Dreams| has been established. Current owner is “DNA” |Disease Dungeon|.

Alliance updated to include Open Borders among members as |Forest of Dreams| is currently encapsulated by |Thermal Spring Mountain|. Cede territory, sculpt borders, or Establish Protectorate to allow for this option to be changed. Note that a Protectorate in an Alliance is not required to join even Defensive Wars.

I notice the same faraway look on Puppy’s expressions before they send a peevish glance my way, “

Focusing out the bands of power that I recognize belong to Thing, “[I can see how their veil over these woods is condensing into discrete points. Though I have to say that even with their more finite number, it’s as absurd to actually count them as the stars in the sky.]”

Alliance Research update: {Cardiovascular Constellation} and {Nebulouse} have been conceived!

Cardiovascular Constellation: A legendary species evolution for the Elder Organ Spider that further exacerbates their territorial nature amongst their own species. Maintaining its swarmhost roots though altering the scale and methodology of its primary sensory and defensive suites alongside its nutritional acquisition. Instead of a plethora of tailored diseases and slime having the ansible-like connection to the main spherical body, the Cardiovascular Constellation’s distinct exposed heart-like core will host and dominate Nebulouse. With these Nebulouse as its new primary means of interacting with the world at large, their properties that blur the environment and affect a subtle charm on those in their presence allows them to drain minute amounts of Mana, Mako and other vital energies or substances from their targets without detection. Finding the nucleus of such a territory in order to slay the host creature is astoundingly difficult. Because while their ability to migrate is severely hampered by the weight of their communal hive, the Cardiovascular Constellation can freely move with near supreme stealth throughout their aura. It is fortunate indeed that while it is possible for people to be killed by these creatures, the instincts related to exterminating their prey are intrinsically self-destructive. Thusly, it is only those under a Berserk effect that are likely to recklessly consume others and cannibalize themselves, while admittedly also causing the ecological collapse of their domain.

*Thank you for your contribution to expanding the {Monsterpedia}. You have been granted a {Boon}.

An exasperated sigh with the dry heat of the bellows leaves me, “[I forgot about that part. Thing is an entirely new Entity and as such it’s trailblazing what it means to be such a creature. It would seem my idle comment was enough inspiration for the system to set precedent for their new species.]” On the tail end of that thought, I check back through my system logs on an earlier contract’s wording and then groan aloud.

” Cutest’s sending is rich with delight and curiosity though without an impression of smugness. I don’t believe they’ve realized what I have.

I bury my head in my feathers, digging out bits and pieces of these nebulouse that have metastasized from within me, “[Nope! Absolutely nothing wrong. As your former Patron and current Alliance leader I am in no way bothered by the fact that you will have access to organ spiders once more. My original outburst was a mere misunderstanding on my part and has no reflection on my personal thoughts on them as a creature.]”

There is another faraway look on the puppet’s face before she turns to Thing’s tree and chitters for a few moments, “

She glances towards where the grand tree would be in the heart of this new forest, “

“[Which according to our prior agreement, until such a time as I waive that, Thing will be discouraging their offspring and extended family from maturing into what they’ve become. But as a scion of DNA and under the auspices of mutation and biodiversity, they will have ample opportunity to guide the evolution and creation of other newer species of organ spiders,]” I chuckle for a moment as the echoed words that DNA shouted and etched into their domain come back to me, “[You know. For all your father’s protests against being a plague, you lot seem quite content unleashing them upon the world.]”

She rolls her eyes at me, “

Shaking my head at her, “[I think you underestimate how astounding your progress as scions is, nor how effective your dungeon in particular has always been at promoting growth. I have no doubt that there could and almost certainly will eventually be some eccentric hermit secluded in their tower that summons one of the organ spiders into being and tries to prompt its development in specific ways. People are crazy like that.]”

Having finally shaken off all of the noticeable parasites and cleansed myself as thoroughly as I can without a lava bath, I fan out my wings as I prepare to take off, “[But it will likely be years before a successful evolution will take place, even under cultivated circumstances, outside of your own territory. Dungeons in general have a massive advantage in the development of creatures and especially those special few who were responsible for a species’ origin.]”

As I lift off and head back to my cave, I maintain the Alliance communication with Cutest, and I feel when the connection shifts away from Puppy being used as an avatar into being channeled domain to domain, “[It’s for that reason we are put on the clock by this. While DNA stays a Wild Dungeon, he has anonymity and protection against scrying, and should he walk the path of the Divine he will get a different set of protections at the expense of exposure. But dragons are jealous and vindictive creatures, lording over others from their grand volcanic homeland and they have no qualms about shattering the cores of other legendary spawners.]”

The memory from long ago, one that prompted my own journey of self-improvement echoes in my mind as I continue, “[Were it not for the Phoenix Dungeon embodying our own properties of rebirth, the dragon’s attempts to purge us as a species would have succeeded millennia ago. Even now they will periodically sally forth and destroy our motherland, scattering my people into the wilds.]”

She sends a dark chuckle in response, “

I laugh out my exuberance as I shed the sorrow of those painful reflections, “[Seeking to add to your catalogue of nicknames already? Your legendary evolution is sure to be fascinating, but I digress. As the apparent spokesman for your half of the Alliance and with my gaze set on our futures together, you may refer to me as Smith. As my friends and family does, should they happen to cross our paths in the future.]”

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