Dungeon Core: Bugged Ascension

015, What doesn't kill you (Part 3)

The closest trees to the pool have begun physically moving through the earth, slowly but inexorably, while the one Thing is suspended from begins sliding towards the spring. Its shape expands and bulges in a grotesque mockery of ordinary growth. The canopy of leaves being drawn back into its branches as they warp and twist into an impression of claws and teeth before maturing and sharpening into spikes in truth.

“[Its fascinating that your newest sibling was named Life, when you are the one that can alter it,]” the spectacle of horror growing before me is so artfully done that it shifts the context of this interaction. My artificer’s mind is engaging, my own passion for creation and work begins to dominate my headspace even as my own disgust and terror tear at me, “[Ahh, I see now. You are still deep within me. You are making the changes based on my reactions. May I ask why?]”

The shifting stops. There is now a ring of darker trees on the edges and one bloated monstrosity dominating the center, “You are the most powerful avian that we know, the strongest creature as well. Yet, this place is sacred and not to be encroached upon lightly. We are denied unfettered access to information regarding Father’s place in this world, but we know his goals, his desires. He wishes to grow in harmony with ‘people.’”

Thing begins extricating themselves from the tangle of oily thorns and dripping bladed limbs they have mutated this once ordinary tree into, “So, as his children we must compromise. We will protect him from himself, if necessary, by clearly marking places like this. He intends to become a garden of delights and challenges. As deep into the forest as we are now, if people cannot recognize the threat that a place like this represents, or choose to pursue it anyway?”

I nod along, “[Then they get what they deserve. I guard my nest in much the same way. I live in a cavern whose only entrance is on a sheer cliff face. When I claimed it from its previous owner there were trails, while harsh, but trails all the same leading to the top and bottom from this mouth. It took me years of work, but I’ve blasted the whole cliffside clean of paths, rubble, or sane handholds. I’ve scoured it with my flame, melting the stone in places. Any that arrive uninvited into my home after seeing that, I kill without concern.]”

Finally free from the monstrosity they’ve created, Thing bobs in agreement before stilling. After a long moment’s pause, “Father has made a choice. He is… splitting… but not. Cutest says she understands what the announcement means, but I do not.”

I swivel and cock my head at their words, thinking it through, “[Splitting but not, you say. Not the Grand Core route then. Sub-cores are definitely a less common choice but not unheard of. Yet, based on your tone, it’s different than that, right?]”

Thing bobs rapidly, “Yes, quite. Father is-”

Suddenly, the entire forest explodes into noise and movement. Birds cry out and take off, the squeaking of mice grows cacophonous as everything not tied to the dungeon’s scions directly flees from the torrent of power as they consolidate themselves in this place.

The scampering dies down, and some of Life’s birds fly back to their farther positions from where they had charged closer in that moment. A brood mouse comes into the clearing from the other side and climbs up onto the nearby rocks. Once close enough, she stops glaring at Thing and focuses on me while Thing remains cowering back at the tree where they fled during the interruption, apparently chastised for what they were about to say.

The mouse combs their face with their paws, cleaning themselves with a touch of the waters before squeaking apologetically and holding out a paw. I extend a wing out to her and as she grasps a feather she curtsies before her voice comes through the connection, “

Having completed their introduction, Cutest, who is channeling herself into this small mouse. Based on the skeins of power woven through them, with thin gossamer threads leaving her and a far more intricately woven and dense cord filling her, “

Seeming to fully inhabit her offspring the mouse glances back at Thing who flinches once more, “

One of the birds flies down and lands on Thing, pecking them and drawing them out from under the tree’s weaponized form. Their body language still meek they approach slowly and extend a limb out towards the mouse, whose tail curls around the end, “

The sound of sharpening blades and a wave of hot, dry air buffets this place as my pride reacts with anger rather than curiosity.

Seconds pass as the tiny mouse keeps hold of my now razor-sharp feather that is rapidly heating even as she holds my gaze. Not in challenge, exactly, but with resolve. Perhaps more significant than one displaying courage through a puppet is Thing. Their bulb clenching and shifting with a familiar shape and cadence. As it does, their layers of slime begins to dry and flake off beneath them, shrinking their size even as the abomination of nature behind them begins growing in height and reach.

“[So. It is to be War or Peace. I also couldn’t help but notice you offered an Alliance and not a friendship. So, what are my assurances that you can even fulfill your end of this bargain? As you’ve said, your father isn’t here to make agreements, so how would this actually work.]” My curiosity and the well-earned respect for this dungeon are the only things keeping me in check.

A direct challenge, in my own Lair, from creatures that have been invited and are now making claims upon My Territory. Were it not for the added resilience and patience this evolved body possessed, even the fact that my advancement came as a result of their presence would not be enough to stop me from scouring them all to slag.

Keeping her puppet calm, even under my baleful glare, “

My control snaps, “[You are a CHILD! What gives you the Right to-]” The ringing echo in my shouted words conjures a memory as my voice fades away while I finish the speech once thrown at me, “[-speak to me… that way.]” My furnace heat having withdrawn as I am lost to a time long past.

Blinking awake I hear squeaks and squawks as mice have taken to hold back the swoops of birds or the advance of much reduced organ spider. One paw clutched close to her body only highlighting the splotches of bright red upon the pure white fur. Her glance back meets my eyes and with a whipcrack from her tail the clearing is silenced and still once more.

In that silence and stillness, I notice the tree has its branches arranged in a great cage above me. Its clawed forms weeping a black, noxious sap that was previously pouring forth from within going by the splotches on the ground. Some of the larger patches seem to be drawn back towards the trunk, a distraction broken as Cutest reaches out Puppy’s other paw towards me once more.

I can’t help but bow to her and place my head against her uninjured limb. My shame keeping me silent, “

I breathe out some depression as a fatalistic amusement colors my reply, “[I am still young and weak myself. This territory is minor in the grand scheme of things. The closest settlement is a minor village compared to the vast cities elsewhere. There are giants and ancients aplenty with the strength to collapse this entire mountain upon us.]”

The standoff in the background between the birds and the beasts having relaxed with our resuming conversation. Instead of the hyperfocus of before, the birds groom their ruffled feathers and flutter back up to perches, some dispersing back into the wider forest once more.

In those moments of peace and normalcy, “

“[What is your goal. Your real goal for all this Cutest?]”

She reaches down with her injured paw and places a pup on my ankle, I see the swell of power between them as the pup rapidly grows and holds tight to me. She shifts her other paw off of my head and leans me up from my bow, “

She opens Puppy’s eyes that closed as she passionately explained her dreams. Then her gaze sharpens, and she meets mine once more with a definite challenge in them this time, though not necessarily aimed at me personally, “

She stands the body of the mouse up and once more reaches out her paw, the one whose wound has stopped bleeding, though still wet from the injury my impulsivity and pride gave her, “

There is a weight in the air after her question. Not the same weight that left the message about partnering with Thing which at least partially prompted this visit. But the weight of the system, nonetheless. A {Contract} being offered, a {Treaty}. Delivered right alongside the message that eventually, I will be the weaker member in this deal. Because a dungeon already able to provide legendary potential to their scions will eventually have enough in numbers to overwhelm any solitary being.

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