Dungeon Champions

Chapter 18: Creature Comforts

Chapter 18: Creature Comforts

The Fae Lodging’s interior was the epitome of an Earth-style vacation cabin. It was small enough to be considered cozy, but with an open floorplan that made it feel spacious. The walls were rustic and unfinished to give that quintessential homey feeling.

On one side of the living room stood a massive stone fireplace. It was lit, and the dancing flames cast flickering amber hues across the dimly lit cabin, adding warmth and comfort. Across from the fire was a homey leather couch with two matching recliners on either side. A simple hand-spun rug in faded reds and blues sat at the foot of the furniture.

Adjacent to the sitting area was a small kitchenette, albeit with no signs of computerized appliances. Instead, there were several magical analogues, including a tall white box with magic symbols next to a gleaming metal handle.

“This is absolutely fascinating!” Nym said.

I had to agree.

The back of the main living area had three doors, each with labels that were written in a tight, glowing script. One read, “Bedrooms,” one was “Bathroom,” and the other was “Masie’s Emporium: Be sure to clean your feet first!”

The front of the house had a screened porch, with crystal clear windows looking out onto the starlit waterfall. It was a beautiful scene, one that was made even more magical because of how Earth-like it was.

Homesick already? The thought came and I dismissed it immediately.

Familiarity was not the same thing as nostalgia. Besides, I was allowed to miss things without wanting to go home.

Beyond the door marked “Bedrooms” was a single door—likewise marked “Master Bedroom”—and then a spiral staircase that led up to the second story. The rest of the bedrooms were there, as well as a second bathroom.

“I’m getting the main bedroom,” I said. “I figure I’ve earned that much. The rest of you can figure out where you’re sleeping between yourselves. Oh. I wonder if we will have a shower.”

“Shower?” Zuri asked from the kitchenette. She was playing with a rune covered metal plate that seemed to have hot and cold controls built in. “Do you think there’s a shower?”

Leaving the treasure chest near the fireplace, I walked to the downstairs bathroom to check.

It looked like a modern Earth bathroom, complete with a toilet, a bidet, and a glass-encased shower. Runic symbols—likely notating hot and cold—sat on the wall beneath a massive and elegant five head shower.

“Why does it have five shower heads?” I mused aloud, just before Zuri came up beside me.

She walked up to the glass door and opened it. Leaning inside, she tapped one of the runes. It lit up dimly, and a steady stream of water came pouring out of the nearest shower head.

When she tapped it again, the rune brightened, and the water visibly steamed.

“This is amazing,” she said, her voice full of awe. Then she turned her head and shouted: “We have a magical bathhouse!”

Several voices lifted in delight from upstairs.

I ducked out of the bathroom, my ears ringing from her shout. Rubbing my ear, I leaned into the stairwell.

“Do you all want to clean up and rest? If so, that’s fine. I plan to go to Masie’s Emporium while we have access to it. Maybe we can find someone to get the chest open.”

I glared out the doorway into the living room, where I left the chest. The chest was…annoying. It was ringed with dangerous magical runes. Skullie had taken one look at them and screamed a warning—not that I’d needed it. The fact that it was trapped was pretty obvious. But without a high level spellcaster, or a specialist in picking magical locks, there was no way to get it open.

“Let me get cleaned up and I’ll go,” Nym said. “I need a new dress.”

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea,” I said. “Assuming this place has gear, I can get you all some new clothes and kit. All of you deserve some upgrades.” I cleared my throat. “And some new shoes, Britney. Unless you’ve decided to use the boots?”

My question was met with silence.

Merielle came over to the edge of the second-floor banister and leaned over so she could see me. “Are you sure you want us to get upgrades? I don’t want to take advantage, not after you’ve done so much for all of us.”

I waved the concern away. “We all benefit from shared strength. Going forward, we’ll be dividing loot up with respect to what each of you needs. This is the new norm, not you taking advantage of me.”

She gave me a warm, gracious look. “In that case, I’d love some new kit. Especially if I’m taking on a new role.”

“Sounds good.”

Nym and Britney pushed past Merielle, yelling about the shower and wanting to see it, and also who was going to use it first. Apparently the upstairs bathroom lacked one.

Merielle followed them calmly, with Sadie trotting behind her. “Sorry,” she said, as Nym and Britney careened into the bathroom. “We had communal baths at the Sisterhood. It’ll just take us a few minutes to get clean. Easier and faster to bathe together.”

I grinned at her. “Enjoy.”

While my party showered, I sat in the living area, relaxing and soaking in the warmth of the fireplace. I sat back, crossing my arms behind my head. Snippets of conversation—mixed with laughter and giggles—came from behind me as I contemplated what would come next.

“You know what, boss?” Skullie said, floating over to where I sat.

“What’s that?” I said, turning to eye the floating skull and spine.

He looked in the direction of the bathroom, then back at me. “I’m starting to think you’re one lucky bastard.”

I started to ask why but stopped myself. I couldn’t hear the girls’ conversations distinctly, but I could get a decent idea of their rhythms. They all sounded engaged, even sharing laughs as they bathed.

“They are certainly easy on the eyes,” I said. “We all react differently under stress, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens when the dust settles.”

Skullie floated down and came to rest on the couch across from me.

The bathroom door suddenly opened and Zuri emerged, with a towel snugly wrapped around her lithe body, covering her from breasts to thighs. Against the brown interior of the cabin, her skin had taken on a slightly darker hue, looking like polished mahogany.

I struggled not to stare. It wasn’t easy.

Closing the door behind her, she padded over to me. “Did I hear you say something about reacting under stress?” Magic sizzled across my skin as her nest of hair shifted.

“Yeah. Skullie and I were discussing how different people react in different ways when faced with challenging situations.”

She nodded slowly and tapped a plump lip with a finger. “I noticed that about you.”

I looked over at her. “You noticed what?”

“You said you come from another world. Was it a particularly violent world?”

I thought about that for a moment. “No, not really. Perhaps in some ways, but I’d say overall it was more peaceful than this place. There certainly were no dungeons to get myself killed in. I don’t remember my personal past, but I think it was probably pretty average. Why?”

She pursed her lips and her eyes trailed down from my face to my hands.

I followed her gaze.

As I’d expected, the soft skin on my palm and around my knuckles had torn in multiple places during recent fights. Thanks to my regenerative belt, I’d grown dark calluses already. In another few days of adventuring, I would probably have the look of a seasoned warrior.

Zuri came over and sat next to me, leaning against me. She reached down and picked up my hand, holding it in both of hers. The feeling of her skin on mine sent a lance of energy through my body. My reaction only redoubled as I felt the curved fullness of one breast against my arm, only barely concealed by her towel.

“Most people fight or flee from conflict,” she said in a soft, sultry tone. “At least, according to the Sisterhood. One of our teachers was fond of saying that people who fight tend to go hot, while monsters go cold. I noticed that you went cold, that’s all.”

I struggled to keep my eyes on her face. “What do you think that means?”

She leaned in closer, looking at me from just a few inches away. Her gaze went to my lips, then back to my eyes. “It means that you are a perfect fit to lead a gorgon.”

Nym cleared her throat loudly as she stepped out of the bathroom, and Zuri leaned back smoothly as if nothing were out of the ordinary. A towel covered most of Nym’s impressive figure, much in the same way Zuri wore one. Her hips swayed as she walked, lifting the towel dangerously high with each step.

She also held a spare towel in her hands.

“This is for you,” Nym said, holding the towel out to Zuri. “For your hair. So you don’t turn the locals to stone while we explore this marketplace.” She looked from Zuri to me and back, noting how close we sat. “And if you two think you’re going to spend some time cuddling without me, you’re mistaken.”

Before she even finished saying the words, Sadie leaped onto my lap and settled in place.

Not to be out done, Nym grinned and leaped over the back, landing next to me on the side opposite Zuri. She cozied up against my side, resting her head on my shoulder. “Tell me everything you two were discussing.” Her lightly tufted ears twitched as she studied us both with a wide, curious expression. A warm and welcoming smile crossed her mouth.

“Catgirls,” Zuri said fondly, reaching across me. Her breasts rubbed on my arm as she ruffled the other woman’s hair, and the brief smile she flashed me suggested she was aware.

Purring, Nym leaned into her companion’s touch. “We are the best, aren’t we?”

I chatted with the two of them until, a few minutes later, Britney and Merielle finished their showers and emerged, all in towels. While I loved the idea of my party all walking around half naked, I shooed them all upstairs to get dressed. They’d have to put on their Sisterhood-provided outfits again for now, but I promised we’d replace them.

After they left, I struggled with the idea of grabbing a shower myself and decided to wait. I wanted to have a change of clothes before I got clean.

Once my party was all dressed, I led them through the door to Massie’s.

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