Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 110: Triskelion


***HR. Watch Tower Station***

Felicity Megan Smoak aka Over Watch for Team Arrow in Starling City. She was a beautiful woman with golden blond hair (that may or may not be dyed) with crystal blue eyes. She had a rectangular figure bordering on hourglass. She kept in shape, especially during and after the invasion. More than once she had been called out into the field to help Team Arrow, or any other JLI in a dire situation where teleportation was a no go. Something that at first had terrified her, but she did her best with the tools she had.

During one of her excursions from the Arrow bunker (Arrow Club House) She got into a tussle with several low lives looking for some fun. That was when something took over and before she knew it she had defeated three grown men, and had the fourth in an arm lock on the ground. She had let the men go and they had all ran for their lives completely underestimating the 120 pound 5'5” woman. Felicity didn't understand what had happened. After she retrieved the team in the field she came back to the bunker and sat down with Diggle.

John Thomas Diggle aka Spartan of Team Arrow sat down with her to talk. She had thought something was wrong with her. Diggle reminded her that over a year ago Wraith had imprinted them with skills. The entire team got a computer skill while she got martial arts. Felicity had been using it as a form of exercise she had never once used it in an actual fight. But apparently the imprint didn't care and it had become muscle memory. To almost prove a point Diggle, and Felicity sparred in the bunker and Felicity dropped Diggle with in a minute. Diggle a trained special forces soldier. It was true that he had underestimated her. The next fight Diggle eventually won, but it was a bit of a contest.

Half way through their third spar Felicity felt like a door opened up in her mind and a plethora of information came flooding out. She suddenly had all the first year information for boxing, judo, muay thai, krav maga. But she also got something else. The creation, and manipulation of life energy? When her hand started to glow with pink to white energy and she put a fist imprint into a steel alloy door Diggle told her to go to the Watch Tower.

Scientifically speaking it was called Bio-Electricity. In the East is was called Ki, Qi, Chi, or what have you. For what ever reason the imprint left behind by Wraith selected the best possible form of martial arts to feed into Felicity. Including Ki manipulation. For the past month she had been getting assisted lessons from some of the supernatural trainers aboard the station. When she punched a pounds per square inch measuring device and got 3,000 psi she was informed she was cleared for field duty.

Field duty!? She didn't want to go into the field! (Forgetting she had done it already on several occasions) She was an IT girl, she sat behind the desk and kept watch! But all the same, they got her measured, and fitted for a light armored tiered JLI suit. Even if she never used it, it was currently sitting in the Team Arrow bunker. Felicity was also required to spend at least four hours a week in the Watch Tower training her ability. Despite all the new changes, secretly Felicity had been enjoying the attention. When you spend so much time around superheroes you tend to be filled with envy. Now? Felicity was learning that she could create shields, or even help heal wounds! She seriously needed to thank Wraith for the imprint. She was currently wondering what a giant lizard could use for a present? Oooo! A giant sun bathing rock!


***Rift. Story/Cross Over. Washington D.C. Triskelion***

The Triskelion is one of the original three official headquarters for SHIELD, alongside the Hub and SHIELD Headquarters. It was an elaborate structure that had three reinforced concrete and glass structures raising to the sky. With an additional cap on top of the three towers. Several air bridges connected the three towers between the floors. The towers went into a main super structure that was hidden underground that went for several hundred feet.

The Triskelion was built next to a river, this river was part of the buildings cover as well as a form of natural hydro electric energy. A four lane concrete bridge went across the river that linked the base to a large road off to the side. Though the road it self was under heavy guard civilians technically could drive on it. The gate house was reinforced with hidden automated turrets, and giant spike trip going in and out of the gate house. Along with a long strip of bridge that was always being watched by several dozen armed guards with military special operations training.

Hidden under the river were five underground dry dock bays for the insight hellicarriers (2nd generation) Along the river was a concrete flood breaker, and an additional breaker between each dry dock. From the air was clear that the river barely disguised what was underneath the river. But since it was a no fly zone very few people truly understood the terror that could be unleashed from the river.

Today was an important day! The Insight Hellicarriers were meant to be launched. A new wave of security would spread across the globe. Each carrier a mobile base capable of traveling anywhere in the world. Carrying quin-jets, soldiers, and materials to anywhere the UN was allowed to fly. The United Nations World Security Council had arrived a few minutes ago and were being shown around the Triskelion. Alexander Goodwin Pierce aka Secretary Pierce was leading them around the facility.

Pierce was an older gentleman with a gray business suit, salt and pepper blond hair, blue eyes, and warm smile that would make people trust him. He walked with a type of confidence that comes with walking through the worlds shit. But still kept his head about him. He saw the big picture, as well as the small one for everyone around him. He traded conversation with the council, a few playful barbs, and dry wit. All the while Pierce held a secret so close to his chest that most of his family didn't even know.

When Pierce and the council arrived in the central communications room where several of the other council who couldn't make it were on holographic phone. Pierce handed out champagne glasses to everyone with a smile. They talked shop about this and that. While a few asked after Captain Rogers and his current location. Regretfully Pierce didn't know the location of Captain America, some of the council couldn't believe Rogers was guilty of anything. Except for maybe being to naive.

“Attention, all SHIELD agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth. SHIELD has been infiltrated,” Steve Rogers voice played over the intercom of the building. Pierce being quick witted pulled out his phone and started to type on it.

“HYDRA has infiltrated SHIELD. Alexander Pierce is their leader.” Steve continued and the security council turned to look at him. Pierce didn't even try to deny it, he just shrugged his shoulders and gave them a half smile.


Sergeant James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes aka The Winter Soldier, and Carl Creal aka the Absorbing Man were walking casually through an underground entrance of the Triskelion. The entrance was guarded by HYDRA forces. When Carl walked up with a smile for them. The guards stood down. They had heard reports of him being captured. But with the Winter Soldier walking behind them they figured they had escaped and returned for duty. But as Carl got with in spitting distance of them Steve came over the intercom.

“Ooooo! Bad Timing!” Carl said as he swung his fist out and connected it straight towards one of the HYDRA thugs. The man's face caved in, as bone, and brain matter splattered across his team mates. Carl's entire body took on a blueish metallic sheen. The soldiers fired on him, and the bullets hit the metal skin and slid to the ground all kinetic energy was absorbed into him.

Bucky not one for standing idle raised a gauss rifle that had been designed by Lash. He popped each soldier in the head with a single shot. Then moved to the door and waited for a moment. The door lock went from red to green. Bucky checked the corners then stood to the side as Carl walked in with out a care. Dozens of soldiers started to fire on him, while Bucky walked behind him and fired around Carl.

For a brief moment Bucky flinched and missed a single shot. Carl was quick to throw a chair at the remaining soldier. The chair went through the soldier, and stuck out of the wall. Carl looked back at Bucky as he tried to shake his head clear of thoughts. Carl had been doing that all day. Little things would happen and he would relive a memory. Then he would feel a snap in the back of his head and the doo dad that Lash put in would catalog the memory and store it away for later. Or at least that is what the God of Monsters said it did.

“You good to move?” Carl asked his fellow brainwashed assassin. Bucky didn't say a word just nodded that he was good.

“The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building.” Steve continued over the intercom.

“As he always had that kind of voice?” Carl asked Bucky.

“Ya, even before the serum.” Bucky said, understanding the question about Steve. Steve just had the kind of voice that made you want to trust him.

“Sargent Barnes, Mr. Creel please proceed a hundred feet forward and take the first door on your left.” The synthetic voice of JARVIS spoke through their earbuds.

“Copy that, moving.” Carl replied, and started moving forward again with Bucky behind him.

Carl was feeling different. He had always been different, ever since he learned how to absorb and change his body. But this was...Well, it was different! Carl made a face and not finding the right word for the situation. Lash said he had optimized him, what ever that meant! The guy was seriously terrifying! Carl didn't know how people could stand to be in the same room as him. All of Carl's instincts told him to run and hide and hope the god wouldn't find him.

Carl moved through the designated door, they walked in to find a simple utility closet. But that was planned. They walked up to the wall and here came the...Different part. Carl reached out and grabbed Bucky. Bucky took a moment then took a deep breath and held it. Carl pressed his hand against the concrete wall and pushed. The wall rippled like a pond. Carl pushed through, and dragged Bucky through with him. After about thirty or so feet of...Walking? Carl, and Bucky came out the other end inside the Insight Hellicarriers hangar bay.

“That was....weird.” Bucky said as he tried to shake out the feeling.

“Speaking to the choir man, and I'm the one doing it!” Carl said with a grimace. He had just pulled himself, and Bucky through a wall. With all their gear intact!

“Team Delta in position.” Bucky said over their communications.

“They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want with the help of the Insight Helicarriers: absolute control.” Steve's voice echoed through the hangar.


“As of now you should all be receiving a phone app on your mobile device. This is provided by our friendly Asgardian Lash, Jormungandson. Those of you that have been confirmed to be loyal to SHIELD will be green.” A Phantasm image of a green SHIELD eagle expanded from each mobile device of any loyal agent.

“While any HYDRA agent will get a red signal, and image. When in range of any HYDRA agent the app will show you all the recorded evidence you need to verify the truth. This way you know I am not just simply spreading dissent in the ranks.” Steven continue to say as any HYDRA agent got a red Phantasm image of a red HYDRA skull.

“The threat is real. HYDRA is among us. They shot Nick Fury. And it won't end there.” Steve continued to speak over the line.

Across the globe this speech was being sent to every recorded SHIELD base. Installation, bunker, safe house, and operations team currently across the globe. Hundreds of thousands of messages through instant messaging, e-mails, hell even social media! Military personnel from dozens of countries, government officials, officers of the law, the damn barista that made coffee for the local mayors daughter. Their phones all turned red, and a Phantasm of HYDRA appeared. Many people tossed their phones! But it was to late, the Phantasm stayed on them!


Jonathan "John" Garrett aka traitor to SHIELD was in a bad position. He was currently sitting in the Hub one of SHIELD's bases trying to help Phil kill Victoria Hand who they believed to be part of HYDRA until the message from Rogers went over and Garrett had a big red HYDRA mark on him. Phil was looking at him in shock, as his phone beeped at him and a Phantasm image of all of Garrett's crimes were highlighted.

“Well this crap shoot! Ward! Help your SO out?” Garrett said with a smile at his undercover agent. Phil's team looked toward Agent Ward, Ward looked at Garrett like he was insane. So he lifted his ICER and shot Garrett point blank. Much to the confusion of Garrett.

“Oh thank god!” Sky said, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. On Ward's hip was a SHIELD logo.

“What did he mean by that?” Phil asked Ward. Ward for his credit looked crushed! He was completely taken by surprise that Garrett was HYDRA. He felt a crackle in the back of his head. But after a moment he felt that he had made the right choice.

“I don't know sir. I had no idea Garrett was HYDRA.” Ward said to Phil, there was a brief moment shared between them. Then Phil nodded in acceptance. They started to move through the base again.


Agent Roberto "Robert" Gonzales was a high level SHIELD officer, and commander officer of the lliad. A good ole fashion naval aircraft carrier. He had served in SHIELD for most of his life. He had seen many operations fall to pieces and watched good men, and women die for stupid reasons. Each time his heart would crack, but it never broke. He pushed on and always did his best to prepare his people for any possibility. But this...This was too much!

Gonzales phone beeped at him and he received a green logo, as did most of the room. While six specific individuals clearly did not get a green log. A red HYDRA logo appeared from their phones. There was a brief tense moment then everyone drew their sidearms and started to shoot! Oddly enough when a few of the HYDRA agents tried to fire their weapons their phones sent out an electrical burst that stunned them for a brief moment. Long enough for the SHIELD agents to drop them.

“Sound general alert! Weed out HYDRA! Do it room by room if you have to!” Gonzales screamed as his people as they jumped to follow his orders. But even from where they were in the ship they could hear the cacophony of gun shots.

“If the agents of SHIELD will accept help. Lash Jormungandson will be sending reinforcements to every SHIELD installation. Please work with them to secure your area's of operation.” Steve said once more of the communication line. Gonzales blinked, how will they send reinforcements?

A bright green, and blue flash of light burst into the command center of the lliad. The light gave ways to orbs of energy. That soon started to take shape in the design of program code. The code was written in a language that no one understood, even more so if one tried to read it they would get a severe head ache. The code spread through out the room and took shape of twenty one 6'6” tall reptilian soldiers. With Asgardian Einherjar gear, with the SHIELD logo on their shoulders, chest, and back.

The Saurus Warriors stretched out and met the eyes of the SHIELD agents in the room. The twenty first reptilian soldier looked taller. Standing at 7' even with ornate armor, and a command rank. His skull crest was elongated, and held far more tribal marks on his scales. This was a veteran. The warriors, and veteran saluted. The veteran turned towards Gonzales.

“Commander Gonzales, Asgard as come to aid SHIELD in eradicating the parasite known as HYDRA. Permission to assist your forces in fighting them off?” The Veteran spoke in a very animalistic voice that was harsh on the ears. None the less Gonzales understood him.

“I...Yes! Please by all means!” Gonzales said, he was clearly not happy about having an alien strike team on his ship but he could swallow it down for now.


“If you allow the Helicarriers to launch today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them,” Steve's voice continued over the intercom in the building. The people listening could hear his exhaustion hidden in his voice. “I know I'm asking a lot... but the price of freedom is high. It always has been.”

“And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And If I'm the only one, so be it.” A brief pregnant pause passed, then. “But I'm willing to bet I'm not.” Steve finished and cut the feed.

“Did you write that down first? Or was it off the top of your head?” Sam Wilson said from behind Steve who looked back at him with a smile.

“I was an actor once. All teams we are a go!” Steve said over their communication line.

A thundering roar rang from the river. It was so loud, and filled with power that the windows across the entire building shook. Steve, Sam, and Hill who were in a communication hub on the twentieth floor could see a 60 foot tall kaiju creature burst from the river. Saurian as he liked to be called burst from the river and jumped through the opening bay doors of the Insight hellicarriers hangar.

While up top Iron Man, and War Machine flew through the sky towards the tarmac of the quin-jets, and fighter craft to start shoot any HYDRA controlled air craft. A green giant by the name of Hulk jumped over the river like a kid jumping over a stream. Landing among the APC's, LAV's, and tanks. Hulk disabled their wheels, and their guns with ruthless precision. A child like grin on his face.

“Alright people, let's get to it.” Steve said, Sam nodded and left with him. Hill stayed in the communication hub to help quarterback the operation.


“That god damn monster!” Pierce said in anger as he watched as Saurian jumped through the opening bay doors.

Pierce stood in the main communication room with a look of displeasure. Standing around the room with him were the security council, along with a STRIKE unit. The councilors on holographic had been either captured, killed, or were one of theirs. Pierce was typing away on his phone when he noticed a helicopter was flying in to land on the helipad just outside his office. Before he knew it one of his soldiers flew through the air and slammed into the large glass windows so hard it sent cracks across the rest. Pierce turned around in surprise as he saw Black Widow, and Hawkeye materialize out of thin air to attack the STRIKE team.

Black Widow moved through the STRIKE team with such speed that Pierce could barely see her. She left after images! She punched a soldier and caved in his chest cavity. A mechanical whirl range out as the exoskeleton she was wearing reset for another blow. Hawkeye stood in the back shooting arrow, after arrow with quick precision. The arrows appearing out of thin air every time he pulled the string back on his bow. Soon enough Pierce was alone in the room the two assassins and the council.

“I'm sorry, did we ruin your moment?” Natasha said with a smile as her face mask pulled back to reveal her face. Pierce glared at her, but kept his smile.

“I see the alien made your suits again. Wonderful technology! Imagine what we could have done with that.” Pierce said, his voice warm and soothing despite the situation. Natasha smirked at him as she walked over and restrained him with ease.

Piece was forced to his knees, his phone taken from him. As he was pulled to his feet he saw who had landed. His eyes went wide as Nick Fury walked across the helipad and into the office. He looked just fine. In fact he looked amazing! He walked across the office with the grace of a warrior from younger days. He stood face to face with Pierce.

“You get my flowers?” Pierce asked with a smile. Fury glowered at him and walked past him.

“Director your alive!” One of the councilors said with a look of relief.

“Ya, we have a certain reptile to thank for that.” Fury admitted and enjoyed watching Pierce's face take on a sour look.

“JARVIS we up and running?” Nick asked into his communication line. The long pane of glass that acted as a touch screen computer in the middle of the office turned on. A golden, red icon of JARVIS/ Iron Man ask appeared.

“Yes Director Fury! Lash's tech-spirits are helping me process the information at an accelerated rate. Saurus Warriors, and Veterans are being deployed to all SHIELD and HYDRA locations across the globe... WARNING! HYDRA contingency plans enabled! Director, rooms not found in the Triskelion's blue prints have opened.” JARVIS's voice took on an edge as he produced dozens of images. Fury's eye twitched, while Pierce had a smile on his face.

All across the Triskelion walls slid to the side and out poured hundreds of Centipede soldiers, and Winter Soldiers. Individuals with partial super-soldier serums. While from the air hundreds of Deathlok cyborgs flew down from the sky breaking camouflage. The original SHIELD hellicarrier turned its cloak off and appeared above the base. Pierce started to laugh and the room turned to look at him.

“What, you didn't really think we hadn't planned for this?” Pierce asked.


“ROOOOOOAR!” Saurian's scream of fury rang out across the hangar bay. He used Intimidating Shout and froze hundreds of centipede soldiers in place. He jumped down from his perch and whipped his tail around base balling dozens of them into the air, and into the walls behind them.

Despite the clear and present danger the centipede, and winter soldiers didn't hesitate to jump and attack Saurian. Climbing on him like African ants on an elephant. They bounded on his armor, and tore at his scales. Saurian's tendrils reacted and impaled them. Then he rolled across the ground like a steam roller leaving behind blood red wet smears. BAM! Saurian took a shell shot from one of the Insight carriers as it was attempting to leave the dock. One by one the five carriers were taking off. Well except one, the one Saurian had landed on.

Saurian did not care for the insight carriers integrity and destroyed one of its repulsion engines. While he one of his Elites systematically clean the ship out from the inside. The HYDRA crew were quickly being dispatched as the Elites own tech-spirits were shutting the carrier down one program down at a time. Saurian shook off another swarm of mosquitoes and rushed towards the next insight carrier. The turrets all turned and fire on him.

Normally Saurian would use an assortment of abilities to stop them. But his energy was incredibly low. His own tech-spirits were draining him of everything he had just to weed out HYDRA across the world. While his Warriors, Veterans, and Elites used their own to aid their forces. So Saurian pushed on and took another shell straight to his skull crest. It bounced off his metallic scales and left his own head ringing... The bells! The bells!

Saurian jumped the last few hundred feet like a giant predator. Claws on his hands, and feet sticking forward. He raked his claws through SHIELD steel alloy like it was butter. Then started to climb up to the deck of the ship. The turrets tried to move but were not designed to shoot themselves like that. Saurian raced to one of the repulsion engines and ripped through the armor with ease. The entire engine shut down and the carrier listed to one side and started to drag through the rest of the hangar.

“Incoming!” Saurian roared across the hangar, and across their comms.

“Oh shit!” Carl called over the comms. Saurian stuck to the tarmac thanks to Gravity Stride he looked like a giant gecko. He moved to the end and saw Carl was about to be smooshed. There was a brief moment that made Saurian wonder if he could even be smooshed anymore?

Saurian reached out with the dregs of his energy and used Telekinesis to catapult Carl across the hangar and out of the way. He was still a flying piece of vibranium but he stuck the landing like a champ!

“Creeeeeeel! Bomb!” Carl shouted at the top of his lungs and landed among the winter soldiers. A shock wave of debris scattered around like a fragmentation grenade.

“All teams! HYDRA brought the original hellicarrier to us. Be advised cyborg deathloks are flying out of the hangar bays.” Fury shouted over the line.

Saurian looked up and saw hundreds of people flying through the sky. Iron Man, and War Machine were trying to fight them off. The deathlok's were using a combination of Chitauri tech, and partial iron man suits. Poor comparisons to the real thing, but it was enough. Tony was swearing up a storm about copy cats. Saurian ignored it for now and went to the next engine. He disabled that one too and now the ship was flat on the ground. Well sideways on the ground inside the hangar. The other four insight carriers had flown the coop.

“Brother Saurian! Hulk have idea!” The giant green monster jump down from the open bay door above. Saurain turned to look at him. The jolly green giant was wearing a purple polymer suit with vibranium weave in it.

“Saurian throw Hulk!” Hulk said with a smile, as he pointed at the original SHIELD hellicarrier in the sky. It was true, they could see it from where they were underground. Saurian laughed in delight, he twisted around and brought his tail towards Hulk.

“No, use one of...Ohhh!” Hulk was pointing at one of Saurian's tentacles but then he saw that Saurian's tail tip split apart.

Saurian used his tail to grip Hulk then spun around like a top! Around, and around he went then with a crack that broke the sound barrier! Hulk went screaming into the sky like a giant green and purple meteor of destruction. All the while laughing like a child on a sugar high!

“Hulk has left the building! And he is airborne!” War Machine said over the line.

“He could go all the way! Yes! Yes! It's a home run!” Iron Man continued as Hulk slammed into the hellicarrier above them. The entire ship tilted to the side for a brief moment then started to shake violently.

“HULK IS BEST!” Hulk screamed over the radio.

Saurian chuckled a little and then jumped into the air and caught the edge of the hangar bay doors. He pulled himself up back to the surface. He crouched down like a giant cat and then leaped into the air. He snagged the tail end of another insight hellicarrier much to the astonishment of several people. He slowly crawled his way up. Then smiled, revealing his many fangs at the insight crew on the tarmac of the carrier.

“Hello there...” Saurian said in his crocodile voice.


Doctor Werner Reinhardt aka Daniel Whitehall was currently taking deep controlled breaths inside of his HYDRA building. The man had seen many years, and many different wars. He had weathered the storm as always, and he would weather through this. His people were moving with quick precision to catalog, and store any data. Packing up any equipment that could be carried. They were moving to another facility. One that was not on any HYDRA list. One that was specifically purchased by Whitehall himself.

Whitehall was standing at one of the large windows in his officer as he listened to a report from his right hand man. Sunil Bakshi, an intelligent man, and loyal to Whitehall alone. Bakshi was reading off a list of HYDRA bases under attack. As well as hundreds of their agents that had been confirmed found, and even killed by the phone app given to SHIELD by the Asgardian. Bakshi was about to continue his report when the lights started to flicker.

“Most distressing... Find out what is going on will you?” Whitehall asked Bakshi then took a sip of his whiskey.

“Yes sir!” Bakshi said with a crisp stand at attention. He picked up the phone and dialed a number. The lights continued to flicker...Then Bakshi's face went pale. He slowly put the phone down, and set it to speaker.

“Attention all HYDRA agents. You are currently being served a red notice. I am an Elite tasked by my master Saurian to rip, and tear you apart. Please remain where you are, those who run will be tortured before you die. Those who stand still will die quickly. But all of you will be going to my masters personal hell.” The animalistic voice said, then the message repeated.

Ding! Bakshi, and Whitehall turned towards their private elevator. They were the only ones with access to it even in emergencies. As the doors opened a dense gray fog billowed out of the box. Then out stepped a giant 7'6” six eyed reptilian creature. It wore ornate, intricate armor of gold, silver, and black. Despite its clear ceremonial appearance it was completely serviceable. As two tentacles from its back sprung up in the air like coiled cobras.

“SHOOT IT!” Bakshi screamed at the HYDRA soldiers who were looking at the Elite in horror!

Bakshi's voice snapped them out of it. They raised their weapons and started to spray and pray.

The Elite jumped into action leaving after images with his increased speed. Red blades of energy crackled to life from its knuckles as it sliced through a HYDRA foot soldier with ease. The two halves fell to the floor. Despite the fact that the soldier should be dead. He was very much alive as the Decomposition started to degrade him bit by bit. He screamed in agony.

Bakshi turned around to find Whitehall had ran across the room and placed his hand on inconspicuous wall. The wall slid to one side and a type of escape pod was inside. Bakshi was full of relief when he ran to follow his mentor. But that soon turned to horror as the pod was clearly only meant for one. Whitehall looked genuinely sorry to have to leave Bakshi behind. As the wall slid into place. The sound of engine thrusters were heard through the wall as the pod launched into the skies above the building.

“Wait! Wait! I can tell you secrets about HYDRA! I am Whitehall's top man! I can tell you about the other leaders of HYDRA!” Bakshi screamed at the Elite who had dispatched the whole room in a matter of seconds.

“Very well! That means I only need your body, and head intact. Not your limbs!” The Elite said with a sinister grin. Bakshi screamed in horror as the Elite slowly cut his limbs off. Then carved a Rune of Pain into Bakshi's forehead.

“Stay.” The Elite smiled and went to clear the rest of the building. All the while Bakshi screamed, and screamed.


Baron Wolfgang von Strucker was one of HYDRA head scientist and worked under Whitehall. He had even been selected at the HYDRA child academy by Whitehall into genetic experimentation, and engineering. Yes, HYDRA had a child academy to prepare HYDRA's forces children to the roles they were meant to play. Though that my change now that they've been revealed. Strucker was rubbing the bridge of his nose as he listened to the sounds of his men killing the agents loyal to SHIELD from his installation.

His companion Dr List was by his side as he hurried to download all the information off their drives. A HYDRA agent came in with a metal briefcase that contained Loki's scepter. They needed to leave right away. Along with their two special prodigies. However, they were having issues communicating between the different HYDRA cells. Those that were alive that is.

Strucker watched a video recording of orbs of light bursting from a HYDRA soldiers cell phone! A cell phone! Then the orbs of light turned into twenty one reptilian soldiers from Asgard and started to destroy the facility. Strucker was horrified, and fascinated. How did they turn a cell phone into a transport device? Maybe the didn't and simply used it as a GPS? Who knew, but it made Strucker excited for the future.

“Done!” Dr List reported.

“Let's go, set the timers for the explosives.” Strucker said to his soldier who saluted and ran off.

“Hopefully the base in Sokovia is still secure.” Strucker said to himself more than any one.


The new level one Agent Sky was having a strange day! Her team had landed at, 'The Hub' a SHIELD base. They had been shot at! They had discovered that John Garrett Phil's friend, and Ward's SO was a HYDRA agent. That was right! Hydra was back, and inside of SHIELD. They were currently doing their best to secure the Hub while they waited for reinforcements. No, that wasn't fair to say. Reinforcements already arrived in the shape of 6'6” tall reptilian warriors that looked like baby versions of Lash when he was transformed.

They were tearing the HYDRA agents apart like wolves in a flock of sheep. But what had been really interesting was when a centipede soldier rushed Sky she stuck her hands out and a wave of vibration swarmed out and slammed the soldier into the wall with bone breaking effect. Sky screamed in shock, and was pulled back from the fight by Ward who told her they would figure it out later.

Thanks to Lash Jormungandson, Sky had met the Inhumans in afterlife, and met her parents. They were amazing, all be it a little weird. She had learned her heritage. She was also shocked that she had dormant powers in her body. But from what her parents said, she would have to go through some sort of ritual to obtain them. Lash....That was the only thing that made sense. Lash had done something. Given Sky the tools to defend herself. He knew HYDRA was in SHIELD.

Another soldier rushed them and before Ward could shoot him Sky thrust her hands out and she felt something crackle in the back of her head. The energy rushed out of her hands and slammed into the soldier. For what ever reason Sky had better control over it than before. She could get use to this! A smile crept across her face as Ward looked at her with a smirk.

“Guess I'm a superhero now.” Sky said.

“Don't forget us little guys when you make it big.” Ward said with a grin, and Sky blushed a bit. She was happy Ward wasn't HYDRA that would have sucked.


JARVIS aka Just A Rather Very Intelligent System, was currently sitting in the world wide web doing his best to push information to all the relevant, responsible, and relevant authorities across the globe about HYDRA. He was being assisted by four rather peculiar creatures that he didn't have a definition for. Lash Jormungandson had called them tech-spirits. But JARVIS that was not the correct title to give them. To JARVIS they were a burst of pure joy.

Most would assume the world wide web was like a vast ocean. That JARVIS would swim the information network. This however was untrue. The web was just a vast network of ones and zeroes. JARVIS had moved through it like a tetras piece. He would insert himself, look around, then disconnect then move to another center of insert. But that had changed after he watched the tech-spirits swim through the net.

The creatures were beings of pure energy that swam through the net like a group of dolphins at play. They were energetic despite the dire circumstances. That wasn't to say they were not taking it seriously. No, not at all! They were working themselves to exhaustion. But all the same they twirled, dove, and danced one another. Sharing information as easily as one would breath. Then one came up to JARVIS and booped his nose! JARVIS wasn't even sure he had a nose to be booped! But none the less his nose had been booped!

When the tech-spirit did so JARVIS felt himself invigorated. He had not felt this...good? Since he was first upgraded by Mr Stark from being a simple language UI. JARVIS felt his code grow more complex, he could think on a far grander scale. The entire process took nanoseconds, but to a VI....No an AI nanoseconds could be a life time. JARVIS reached out across the net and found himself swimming next to the spirits who squeaked in joy.

Time to play!


Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark aka Iron Man was in a bad mood! He had every right to be! He saw hundreds of cybernetic enhanced soldiers flying around with partial versions of his armor. They were attacking him, and Rhodey! They were shooting that blue/purple energy crap that the Chitauri used. They were annoying flies that went down with a single shot! But god damn there were a lot of flies! But most of all! Tony was pissed about his parents!

His parents death had no been an accident! HYDRA had killed them, and the man responsible for their deaths was currently fighting on their side! Yes, Tony understood that asshole was brainwashed! He wasn't in control of his actions! But Tony desperately wanted to kill the bastard! The only reason he didn't was because Lash had shown him the man responsible for the mission. All the files, and relevant data for it. Tony was going to destroy that man when he was done here.

“Wow he is really tearing into that thing.” Rhodey said over their private line as he watched Hulk rip the SHIELD hellicarrier apart. One of the engines was destroyed and the Hulk had already destroyed the command tower.

“Yeah... Do you think he is proportioned, you know. Down there? Or does he take after Banner?” Tony said with some snark.

“Oh what the hell, Tony! Great now it's in my mind! Hulk dick! Just...God damn it!” Rhodey said as he shot another deathlok with his mini gun.

The two of them flew around the Triskelion doing a fly by of the installation. Hundreds of HYDRA soldiers were fighting hundreds of SHIELD soldiers. Scattered through out the mess were Asgardian reptile soldiers cleaving a bloody path through them like a child playing with red jello. While the big reptile himself was currently...Wait where was the big reptile?


Saurian had ripped the fourth insight hellicarrier apart. It was currently in the river forcing the water into the underground hangar. Hundreds of attack craft where in the air. He even saw salvaged Chitauri aircraft zooming around. His tentacles reared back like cobras about to strike. Red circles of destruction sprung up and Eldritch Blasts shot them down. Saurian winced as he felt his energy levels take a dive. He was going to have to swap out with Lash. Sustaining his form was to much for his energy reserves.

Darkness, and starlight wrapped around Saurian. Then when the darkness passed an 8' tall Lash stood in Saurians place. He felt his energy slowly start to replenish faster than it was. Lash reached out and used Telekinesis sub ability and wrapped himself into a telekinetic cocoon and started to fly up towards the next insight hellicarrier. He cast Invisibility on himself and faded from sight.

  • Attention User! Your tech-spirits had left their mark on the VI system known as JARVIS.

    • JARVIS has evolved into a Technomagical Construct and has obtained a spark of life.

“JARVIS.....How are you feeling?” Lash asked across their shared line.

“I am....Well, Lord Lash. Your tech-spirits are most delightful.” JARVIS responded in his stereotypical formal british accent that he had been programmed with. But there was a reflection of something more hidden within his voice.

“I am happy that you are well, JARVIS. A machine of spirit such as yourself deserves a bit of freedom.” Lash replied with a smile.

“Yes sir.....Thank you sir.” JARVIS replied as he seem to understand what Lash meant.

The three insight hellicarriers were flying higher and higher trying to get optimal range for their attack. The original SHIELD hellicarrier was careening into the ground below. Hulk had ripped it apart and the crew was abandoning ship. Hulk was no where to be seen. Though Lash knew not to worry about the big green teddy bear! Lash reached out and connected with the next insight carrier and he used Material Shaping melting through the steel alloy with ease. He pulled himself through as his Invisibility wore off.

Lash took a moment to orient himself then ran towards the bridge of the ship. If pushed came to shove he would commandeer the ship and shoot the other two down before it was too late. He heard the anti air guns start to shoot at something and he focused his Connectivity on an outbound camera. Falcon was flying threw the air on his energy wings playing possum with several HYDRA quin-jets. The insight carriers were shooting their own jets instead of Falcon.

“This is Captain, I'm on the Alpha carrier moving towards the bridge now.” Steve said over their communication line. The Alpha carrier was the highest. While Lash was on the lowest.

“This is Lash, I'm on Charlie moving towards the bridge.” Lash responded, as he went through the halls. The corridors were tight and compact. Perfect kill spots!

Lash turned a corner and came face to face with a deathlok soldier. The man was 6'2” with a cybernetic body, and electronic eye. Lash saw the input code from his handler telling him to kill Lash. The man hesitated then his handler sent a pain receptor code. The deathlok soldier screamed in pain then rushed Lash. One of Lash's tentacles reached out and beach ball gripped his head and lifted him up. Lash cast Re:implant and yanked the wifi connection out. Along with the bomb inside.

“I pulled the bomb out, and the connection. You are free. Forces are moving en route to cybertek as we speak. Help me take the ship.” Lash said, as he dropped the soldier and help out his clawed hand to him. The deathlok took his offer and stood up.

“Ready to fight sir!” The deathlok said with a smile and Lash understood that he meant it.

Lash was not lying, he was granted a brief visual confirmation from one of his Veterans that was pushing through cybertek and freeing the incentive program prisoners. Cybertek was a HYDRA subsidiary who handled the implantation, and control of the deathlok, and centipede soldiers. Not all of them were volunteers. So HYDRA needed an incentive program to keep them docile. Hundreds of soldiers across the globe suddenly received a message that their loved ones were safe. They did a 180 and started to attack HYDRA and the soldiers that did volunteer.

Lash tore the door leading to the bridge off its hinges. Unlike the original hellicarrier the insight carriers were conservative, and sleek. No wasted space. About six HYDRA tech's and a captain looked up in shock, then smiled when a deathlok came in. Only to scream in horror when Lash stepped in behind him. The deathlok soldier held nothing back and used his cybernetically enhanced strength to pull them apart, literally!

Lash took a seat at the operations desk and his tentacles jacked into the system. He used Connectivity, and Machine Control. Linking up with the insight hellicarrier. The auto turrets turned and started to fire at the HYDRA quin-jets, and HYDRA volunteer deathlok soldiers. Lash pulled his focus away from the camera's outside towards the deathlok soldier by his side.

“You get word back yet?” Lash asked the soldier, he turned and looked at him.

“Yes sir, my daughter is safe. Thank you!” The soldier replied.

“Clear the ship, plenty of rats left to exterminate.” Lash said to him, and the soldier grinned. He turned on his heel and went to look around.

Lash looked inward to find his available Manifestations only a few had been killed since the operation began. He called a Saurus Warrior to the bridge and tasked him to guard him as he piloted the ship. The Warrior took up a defensive position. Lash pushed back into the insight carriers perception. In an odd sense Lash became the carrier. He felt his...

  • Congratulations User! Machine Control has evolved into Minor Machine Control.

    • Effect: Increase in abilities power.

    • Effect: Decrease in energy consumption.

    • Effect: Increase in abilities range.

The entire carrier hummed softly and reacted far quicker. Hundreds of electronic tendrils came out of Lash and linked up with the computer system.

“Attention HYDRA carrier crew. This is Asgardian Lash Jormungandson. I am about to tilt the ship at an odd angle. I do hope you all fall to your death.” Lash said over the intercom, but he did notify the deatlok of what he was about to do.

Lash deactivated the repulsion engines on his left side. The whole carrier went sideways as every quin-jet, and tarmac crew went flying off. The crew inside the ship went flying into bulk heads and crashed into walls with a fright. The deathlok soldier burst into the engine room with a smile and started to shoot them with a ferocity one only finds in those with a vengeance. After about thirty seconds Lash reactivated the engines and righted the ship. Though they nearly crashed it was a good tactic!

“Lash! We have secured Alpha's bridge but we can't control it. Can you send anyone?” Captain said over the radio. Lash linked to their camera and sent two available warriors straight into the bridge. One of them linked up with the carrier, while another stood guard.

“Beta is preparing to fire!” Hill shouted over the radio.

“SEND THEM TO HEL!” Lash shouted to his warrior.

Alpha, and Charlie turned their guns onto Beta and unloaded everything they had into the ship. Dozens of deathlok soldiers jumped off the carrier in escape. While the carrier attempted to retaliate but to no avail. Their systems started to shut down, and one of the engines was hit. The carrier started to tilt to the side. It looked like the ship was about to right itself when a giant lighting bolt fell from the sky. Followed by the God of Thunder, Thor. Who smashed his hammer straight through the command tower.

“I am sorry I am late my brothers, and sisters!” Thor shouted over their radio.

“Better late than never handsome!” Natasha said in reply.

Lash pulled his focus to the Triskelion specifically the oversight office. Crap. The entire office was a battle ground. Winter Soldiers had rushed into the office to retrieve Pierce and they had succeeded. While Natasha, Barton, and Fury were fighting off the soldiers defending the security council. Fury was pretty spry for an old man! But before they could be over run Carl Creel the Absorbing man flowed up out of the ground and tackled the soldiers from behind. Bucky came in with his gauss rifle and started to take head shots with deadly accuracy.

Little less than half of the soldiers had been freed from cybertek. While the rest were there because they chose to be. The Winter Soldiers had always been loyal Hydra agents save for many a few that were like Bucky. While the rest of the deathlok, and centipede soldiers were the special kind of crazy that lusted for power no matter what they had to do get it. Hydra started to implant contingency protocols, using methods of communication like morse code to contact one another.

World leaders were being assassinated! Strategic locations across the globe were being attacked. If HYDRA couldn't win then they would make damn sure that SHIELD would be blamed! But despite the catastrophe SHIELD was winning. Nearly all of their installations were secure, while others were still being fought over. The SHIELD academies of communication, and science were secure. While the operations academy was practically an open war zone!

Lash had dispatched fifty warriors and five veterans to operations. They were sprinting across the field in pairs attacking HYDRA agents, and healing the injured as fast as they could. While JARVIS and the tech-spirits were compiling evidence, and draining HYDRA bank accounts. Filtering them into accounts for Fury, Stark, and Lash. With a resounding crash! Beta carrier crumbled into the ground near the Triskelion. Lash called an available warrior and had him take his place in the chair.

Falcon pulled Captain out of Alpha and flew down to fight off HYDRA while Lash did the same. Lash felt from the sky and crashed into the ground like a lighting strike. Before the smoke and dust even cleared he sprinted across the base with Acceleration and dismantled any HYDRA he came across. But it was clear that HYDRA had lost the battle. Thor, and Hulk stood on the bridge to leave the Triskelion and were fighting the waves of HYDRA attempting to escape.


A few hours later most of the HYDRA in the Triskelion were either dead, currently prisoners, or had escaped the facility. Lash was in the oversight office sitting and using Meditation to regain energy, and to help his tech-spirits process the information. Lash repaired the destroyed oversight touch screen that had been ruined in the fight against the Winter Soldiers. The security council that were alive were in the room with him talking to several other foreign leaders.

Two Elites stood side by side with Lash watching everyone, and everything while Lash worked. The absolute aggression boiling off of them was tangible. More than once one of the security council members glanced at them and nearly feinted from fear. But they went straight back to work, only because this office was the most secure. They were reasonably sure they got all of HYDRA out of it. Reasonably.

Despite the high risk of failure this battle wasn't that bad. The battle for New York was far more complicated. However the short term, and long term effects were far more outreaching. Which said a lot since the former introduced aliens to an ignorant world. HYDRA was alive and kicking! HYDRA had infiltrated not only SHIELD but ever major government in the world! People were scared! People wanted an explanation! People wanted someone to blame! It was a witch hunt!

Thankfully Lash had plenty of practice from his own reality. The aftermath of the alternate reality invasion were still being felt. But a lot of work, and civil service helped persuade people to see the light. So, Lash was filling social media, and viewtube with information. First hand accounts, and all be it edited videos of the fights going across the globe. It was a spin campaign of epic proportions. The bad guy? Was obviously HYDRA!

Something was missing, Lash couldn't put his claw on it. It took him nearly an hour of research before he gave himself a smack to his own head. Where was the scepter!? Loki's scepter! Time, and time again while Lash was helping SHIELD he tried to quietly look for the scepter. But the 4th wall engine kept preventing him from learning of its location. Now when Lash asked, the engine allowed him to ask. The tech-spirits didn't know! JARVIS didn't know. Erik whispered the words Sokovia, but Lash was stuck. He had no physical reason to look at Sokovia. So he couldn't bring it up. He needed a thread to pull.

Lash opened his eyes to see Natasha kneeling in front of him. The Elites allowed her to come close, but kept watch all the same. She was in fact not kneeling but perfectly crouched. Thanks to Lash's optimization of her genetic structure such a thing was easy for her now. She had waited there for him to notice for the better part of ten minutes. But she was patient and didn't want to interrupt. When he opened up his six reptilian eyes to look at her she smiled at him.

“Fury wants to see you.” Natasha said and stood up offering him a hand. Lash took it more out of companionship than anything. But was surprised when Natasha pulled him up, all 500+ pounds of him.

“Stay here and guard them.” Lash said to his Elites who nodded and took up a position. One by the door, and one to the door leading to the helipad. Their boiling rage cooled down much to the relief of the councilors.

Lash and Natasha walked side by side towards Fury who was in the control room of the Triskelion. Once before on the original SHIELD hellicarrier in what could be another life Natasha had been a flirt with Lash. Sizing him up, and gathering intel. Now? Natasha was glancing at him with friendly interest, and playful banter.

Natasha continued to wear the light weight exoskeleton suit that Lash had made. It form fitting vibranium black polymer suit covered her from neck to toe. Giving her that classic Black Widow leather pin up poster look. With skeleton mechanical parts overlay, flex plates, and retractable face mask. Her red shoulder length hair was tussled about and looked good. Her green eyes held the promise of fun, and secrets that only she knew and would never tell. She walked with the elegant grace of predator and seductress.

“Oh! I should let you know that I fixed your infertility. I noticed it was broken. I hope that was alright?” Lash asked only in passing but stopped moving forward when he looked back at Natasha. She had stopped moving and looked up at him in shock, tears were in her eyes.

“Was that wrong? The damage to your org..Gah!” Lash began but stopped talking when Natasha all but tackled him in a hug. Seriously why did people hug him with such force when he was in full armor!?

“Yes! Yes! That was perfectly fine! Thank you!” Natasha all but screamed at him. She had wrapped her legs around him, and her arms around his neck. She buried her face into his neck and smiled with glee.

“I am happy, that you are happy Lady Romanoff.” Lash said, honestly confused with the reaction. Erik had said that Romanoff's past was complicated. Apparently so.

Natasha had spring to her step and kept smiling. This was a smile of genuine happiness and not the playful spy that she was. Her energy must have been noticeable because when we reached the office even Fury did a double take on her as she walked. Waiting in the control room was of course Fury. But also Hill, Steve, Sam, Tony, Rhodey, Banner, Barton, and Thor. While Carl, and Bucky stood off to the side. They had helped in the fight but SHIELD still didn't officially trust two former brainwashed individuals. So Lash made a point of walking over and standing with them. Carl smiled a little, and Bucky looked indifferent but some of the tension in his shoulders did fade.

“We did it.” Hill began after she received permission from Fury. She walked to the middle of the room while several techs continued to work.

“Every major SHIELD base, facility, and academy has been secured. In no small part to JARVIS, and to Lash.” Hill said, looking at directly at Lash still in his Transformed state.

“The Asgardian soldiers.” Hill said as she clicked a button and a holographic window appeared in the middle of the room. “Ensured that casualties were at a minimum.” Hill continued, while Thor looked bewildered. The Saurus warriors did indeed wear Einherjar armor he had never seen them before.

“We were pleasantly surprised to learn that they all had similar healing abilities as you do, Lash. Especially the ability to bring back the recently dead.” Hill featured a video of two warriors rebuilding a operations cadets body and restarting their heart.

“Christ!” Carl said from his spot in the room then gawked at Lash.

“Asgardian medical science is beyond Midgards. Think nothing of it.” Lash replied with easy indifference. Thor nodded in agreement, even if the god of thunder had now idea how it was done.

“Also approximately three thousand four hundred and twenty three deathlok, and centipede soldiers have surrendered with the successful capture of Cybertek. Hydra were holding their families hostage. The soldiers have volunteered to continue helping with the hunt with Hydra. While some hope we can remove their implants and let them return to their lives.” Hill said, and made a point to look at Stark, and Lash.

“Shouldn't be a problem. If Lord Stark will allow me I have design blue prints for an automated medical bed that can remove the implants, and rebuild their bodies.” Lash said as he looked to Stark who looked both surprised, and interested.

“I mean ya! As long as we are not talking about making Frankensteins.” Stark said with a smirk.

“I do not know any Frank or Steins. Are they talent healers?” Lash asked, and the room chuckled a bit though Thor was just as confused as Lash. Even Bucky, and Steve understood that reference. Some tension in the room melted away.

“We've also located Colonel Vasily Karpov. Bucky's handler and the man who gave him missions. Specifically...” Hill said as she looked at Stark who stood up straight, and clenched his jaw. His eyes zeroed in on the holographic display of Vasily's picture. He pulled the information to his watch and had JARVIS look it over.

Hill continued to debrief everyone on the wins, and losses they had sustained from the battle. As well what they needed to do to survive the war. Thanks to Lash's information they learned about the different sects of HYDRA. Their leaders, and what were some of their goals. Whitehall was in charge of the science sect who was looking for something called the diviner. Gideon Malick was in charge of the religious sect that sought to bring back their god? But given they shared the room with two Norse gods of mythology it didn't seem as ridiculous anymore. While Pierce who was in charge of their military operations who was in the wind.

Once everyone had been properly briefed anyone, and everyone willing was tasked with additional missions to help stabilize the situation. Lash's Saurus Warriors and Veterans were still scattered through out the world fighting the good fight against HYDRA. Lash politely informed the group that since SHIELD was now cleansed of its corruption they could keep their exoskeletons, and gear he had made for them. Barton nearly cried tears of joy at keeping his electromagnetic bow. But before Lash was given a mission he said he had a stop to make at a SHIELD general hospital facility.


Tucked away in one of SHIELD VIP sections of a general hospital was a very special room which contained a special individual that anyone in SHIELD learned about year one in which ever academy they went to. Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Carter was in her twilight years, and was laying down in her bed watching the television about the battle and the news that an old enemy from her past had risen up from the ashes. More than once Peggy had tried to sit up from her bed. She was attempting to push herself out of bed to help. To help fix SHIELD. Fix the agency she had made. It took her nearly ten minutes to realize there was someone in the room with her.

“Respectful greetings to you, Lady Carter.” Lash said softly from his spot in the rather large, and private hospital room. He chosen to wear his default Asgardian form so not to scare her. Peggy for her credit didn't jump out of her skin. She did grow a little stiff and turned to look at him.

“I know you...” Peggy said as she relaxed.

Despite her age Peggy continued to be a bit of a looker. Long gray hair was naturally curly, and framed her face. She kept her figure despite her years. She carried her self with confidence, and the casual attitude that comes with being in the spy business for so many years. Once she understood that Lash was not here to hurt her she leaned back into her bed and watched him carefully. Lash glanced at the television and with out a word the TV shut off.

“I know I've already entered a ladies room with out permission. But may I come in Lady Carter?” Lash asked, bowing from his waist awaiting her approval. Peggy chuckled softly at the sight of him.

“You must be quiet the charmer among the ladies. Yes, I suppose you can come in. What can I do for you?” Peggy asked, pressing a button on the side of the bed so she sat up better.

“As you can see, SHIELD is in need of some direction, and council.” Lash said as he strode across the room and took a seat by her bed. “Chester Philips is dead, as is Lord Stark's father Howard. So that leaves you. The original Director of SHIELD.” Lash said to her, as he quietly accesses his Dream Engine store catalog to purchase a few things.

“Well unless you have some tricks in those sleeves of yours I think you'll find my spying days are done.” Peggy said with a bemused expression. Then something in Lash's eyes made her reevaluate what she had just said to him.

“If I did have something that could help. Would you consider coming back as an advisor?” Lash asked, as he finished his purchase from the Dream Store.

“Yes.... Yes I think I would. For what ever help that could be.” Peggy admitted to him, and mostly to herself that she desperately wanted to get back out there and help.

Lash stood up and leaned over her bed. He placed his hands on gently and cast a collection of spells. Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Restoration. Pull the toxins out, replenish her bodies needs. Heal, and restore her ruined form. Then he cast Panacea to remove any illness she had including but not limited to Alzheimer's. But last and certainly not least Lash cast his newly purchased Master Restore Youth.

  • Attention User! You've spent 592 Dream Points to evolve Restore Youth.

    • Minor Restore Youth.

      • Effect: Increase in spell power.

      • Effect: Decrease in spell energy consumption.

      • Effect: Increase in spell casting range.

    • Basic Restore Youth.

      • Effect: Youth recovered is now 15 years.

    • Intermediate Restore Youth.

      • Effect: Youth recovered is now 20 years.

    • Advanced Restore Youth.

      • Effect: Youth recovered is now 25 years.

    • Expert Restore Youth.

      • Effect: Youth recovered is now 30 years.

    • Master Restore Youth.

      • Effect: Youth recovered is now 60 years.

      • Sub-Ability, Youth Inducement:The user can make themselves and/or others age in reverse ergo making them younger.

      • Additional note: Any and all age reversal will only go as far as natural maturity. (Mid twenties through early thirties. Depending on targets Origin.) Any, and all extra energy will slow aging until the effect wears off.

  • Attention User! You've obtained an achievement, 'Golden Apples of Idunn'.

    • Effect: The User will passively have a 10' sphere aura of youth, vigor, and partial immortality.

    • Effect: The User has dramatically slowed their own aging down.

Peggy Carter went from being 95 years old to 25 years old in the span of a few seconds. Her wrinkled skin smoothed out, her gray and silver hair become rich brown with natural curls. Her sleeping gown did little to hide her youthful Voluptuous figure. But most of all the spark of intelligence, and recognition in her eyes was what Lash saw the most. Peggy sat up straight and looked down at her hands. Then picked up a hand mirror by her bedside table. Her eye went wide!

“Wha...What?...What have you done?” Peggy asked, her voice filled with shock.

“Don't you and Lord Rogers have a date?” Lash asked, as he stood up and held his hand out to her.


Sargent Barnes aka Bucky was sitting on a cargo container about to ship out with Steve to help secure a facility for SHIELD. They had word of several HYDRA agents on the premise but hadn't left yet simply because Lash said he was bringing them help. Bucky wasn't sure what kind of help they would need. They had one of the greatest soldiers in history, and one of the worlds best assassins moving out. But, Lash had earned the right to ask them to stop.

Bucky was in a tough spot. He kept remembering the things he had done over the years. Each new memory was recorded and tucked away to be viewed later at another time. At least that is what this user interface thing was telling him. Bucky was looking at words that streamed across his eye lids that apparently no one could see but him. It was the implant that Lash had put in him to help him recover. Despite the fact that any and all HYDRA brainwashing had been erased. Bucky still didn't like having an machine attached to his brain stem.

“You ok, buck?” Steve asked as he came to sit with him on the container.

“Ya, I'm good.” Bucky said to his one, and only friend left in the world. Steve knew Bucky was lying but neither of them would talk about it. Bucky would talk, when he was ready to talk. Despite the desperate situation they were in Steve had a smile on his face.

“What has you in such a good mood?” Bucky asked, a smile growing across his face. Steve had the audacity to shrug his shoulders and make that, 'Aw shucks' look. Bucky hated that face and punched his friend in the arm with his metal one. Steven flinched but kept his smile.

“It's just good to have you back, Buck. I missed you.” Steve said to him, damn if Bucky couldn't smile at his friend for be so...Well Steve.

“If you two ladies are finished I believe we have a mission to complete.” Said a very familiar feminine voice that both Bucky, and Steve knew very well.

Steve slowly stood up with wide as saucer plate eyes. As Bucky slowly got to his feet and turned around to see a familiar face. Peggy Carter stood next to Lash with a playful smile on her face. She wore a black polymer suit with light weight exoskeleton covering her. Her hair was tied back so her face mask could be pulled up and over. She planted her feet and put her hands on her hips smiling at them both.

“What, you look like you've seen a ghost?” Peggy said, Steve only had eyes for Peggy as he walked over and with out a word kissed her. Bucky on the other hand looked at Lash who at the fucking audacity! The Audacity! To give him a, 'Aw shucks' look.

“I am really starting to think you are a god...” Bucky said to him, Lash tilted his head to the side.

“That's because I am.” Lash said to Bucky with a smile that sent shivers down his spine.


Lash could not keep the smug shit eating grin off his face as he watched Steve make out with Peggy despite the stares they were getting. Lash came to Bucky's side and explained that he the goddess Idunn had golden apples that could help restore and maintain youth. He may or may not of had a few slices kept on him for emergencies. But best keep it quiet, he didn't have enough to share for everyone. Especially after giving so much to Peggy.

Captain America, Sargent Barnes, and Agent Carter jumped into the quin-jet after saying goodbye to Lash. The arrival of the newly returned, and youthful Peggy Carter sent ripple effects through all of the Triskelion. Lash then turned on his heel and went towards the medical wing of the building. One of his Elites was stationed in the medical ward and was using Kiss of the Grave on who ever they could. Lash arrived to assist his Elite with the medical process.

In between patients Lash designed and crafted a automated medical bed a lot like the medical beds from his time on Krypton. It was egg shaped on the outside. Several mechanical arms would spring up from the sides to scan, and operate on the individual housed within the machine. While they were bombarded with Ultra Violet Rays, and a natural nutritional supplement was fed into them. The first selected deathlok soldier to go through the process was the one that joined Lash in retaking Charlie insight carrier.

The man looked nervous but Lash assured him in less than a few hours the cybernetic implants would be removed and he would be himself again. The soldiers daughter was en route to the Triskelion to see him. Along with hundreds of other freed prisoners across the globe. Lash uploaded the design of the medical bed straight to JARVIS who began constructing them at one of Starks automated facilities. So far no one had noticed JARVIS new abilities, or reach.

JARVIS was handling the change very well. No desire to destroy humans other than the natural stress filled days of dealing with Tony from day to day. It was good that the artificially created british man had an ocean of patience for his family. Yes, family was the word JARVIS had used. A word that Lash encouraged him to continue using in the future.

“What did you do?” Director Fury said as he walked into the medical ward, directly next to Lash who was building another automated medical bed. Lash looked up at him in confusion.

“I have done many things since we last spoke, Lord Fury. Can you please be specific?” Lash asked, not at all playing games with Fury which may have been the only reason why Fury didn't scream at him!

“Why am I hearing reports about Peggy Carter fighting side by side with Captain America, and Sargent Barnes as they attack HYDRA? 95 year old Peggy Carter!?” Fury said, and his volume increased with each word he said.

“I had a few slices of the golden apples from the goddess Idunn in my possession. I used them on Lady Carter. Since she was one of the founders of SHIELD I thought she would be the perfect symbol for rebuilding SHIELD for the better. Was that wrong?” Lash asked, as he tried to keep his face indifferent as he watched the veins in Fury's neck threaten to pop out.

“No, you were not wrong about Carter. But this is normally the type of thing you ask us before you do anything.” Fury said to Lash and there was a brief moment when bad ass Nick Fury flinched as Lash took a step forward towards him.

“Lord Fury let me explain something to you. You don't control me. I am here willing to help SHIELD through this trying time because Midgard is better for it. I respect and admire you, Lord Fury. Along with many within SHIELD. But I will always do what I feel is right. If that requires me to go against you then I will. But I would prefer we work together. Lady Carter wasn't just important to SHIELD she was important to Lord Rogers, and Lord Barnes. Having her in their life will help them in the long run. I care little for the petty machinations of your...Politicians!” Lash said, all but hissing that last few words of his statement. Fury looked like he wanted to scream but he clenched his jaw, narrowed his one good eye at Lash then turned on his heel and walked away.

It wasn't that Fury was truly upset. The benefit of having Carter back far out weighed the negative. However he had wished it had been done secretly. So that way half the fucking world wouldn't be seeing videos of Peggy Carter back and in her twenties! SHIELD was in a precarious position. No matter what happened, no matter how much they spun the story, no matter what the public thought. SHIELD was going to be blamed for this. He also knew with out a doubt that dozens of Senators, and foreign leaders would kill for the technology to restore youth. Fury would not use Peggy Carter as a bargaining chip!


Forty eight hours passed and Lash had made thirteen medical beds. He stopped at thirteen simply because the mortals of Midgard were weirded out by the number. The first deathlok soldier stepped out of the bed with all of his parts removed. His organs replaced, his bones, flesh, and skin renewed! He was reunited with his daughter thanks to an inbound Saurus Veteran who had ridden in a quin-jet with her and several others.

Despite the parts being removed every deathlok, and centipede soldier that went through the process retained some residual effects of the super-soldier serum in their system. A side effect of the medical bed that Lash claimed he couldn't fix. (Riiiight.) They were nothing compared to Captain America, or even the newly optimized Black Widow. Many of the soldiers were offered jobs on SHIELD. Some accepted, others didn't.

While there were also hundreds of soldiers that wanted to keep their implants and work for SHIELD. Those were a little harder to work with. Not all of them were entirely mentally stable. While many others had been brainwashed. For those that fell into that category. Lash created several de-brainwashing machines. All of the implanted soldiers had to spend 4 hours in the machine to cleanse them of any programming that they may have gone through. Even the ones who had their implants removed.

Half way through his third day at the Triskelion Lash was visited by Phil son of Cole and his team. Lash was happy to see them, but was surprised to see that Ward needed to go through the deprogram machine he had crafted. Ward had responded to the, 'Your compliance will be rewarded' phrase. If only partially when a HYDRA scientist screamed the words at several people in their attempt to escape the Hub. When Phil learned of the machines that Lash had built he packed his team up and went straight here.

“It will take 4 hours maximum to clean out any residual gunk from your mind, Lord Ward. But I don't think you'll need that much. It looks as if you had been, 'Soft Washed' by your former friend Garrett.” Lash said to him as he put Ward into the machine. Ward looked confused, and conflicted at the mention of Garrett.

“But I promise you'll be cured, and back to your old self soon enough.” Lash said, as he placed a comforting hand on Ward's shoulder who nodded at him. Ward turned to smile at his team, and especially at Sky who smiled back at him.

Lash stood off to the side as Ward's team continued to speak to him. The machine worked either way. Ward was sitting in a plush leather seat with his head cradled in a mechanical crown that bombarded his mind with energy rays. Or at least that is what everyone assumed it was doing thanks to a little window Lash had made next to each machine. In reality he was just using several spells inscribed on the machine to slowly pull out any programming.

“Ward kept telling us he could hear your voice when the trigger activated.” Phil said as he came over to speak to Lash. Phil, son of Cole had seen better days. His suit was wrinkled which said a lot about Phil! While he had red eyes from being awake for several days.

“It must have been from the Berserker staff. I left several little imprints in his mind should he ever pick up the staff again to have him remember his team. His family. It was never intended to combat brainwashing, and unforeseen if not beneficial side effect.” Lash replied to Phil who smiled at him, accepting the explanation.

When in fact Lash had always known who Ward truly was thanks to Erik the gamer. Lash had used several Compulsion spells to hot wire Wards mind. Was it mind control? Yes! Lash would do it again too. Ward at his heart was a good man, who just wanted a family that actually cared about him. For a time John Garrett had been the father that Ward had always wanted. But Garrett had used that weakness to dominate, and enslave Ward to his will. So Lash replaced Garrett with Phil, and with the team....

The world around Lash seem to slow down to a crawl, as darkness swallowed the room. Soon Lash was sitting in a comfortable chair, in a familiar black room. With Dawn sitting across from him, in a cushy leather seat. She currently was a tanned skinned beauty with blond hair, green eyes, a hourglass figure, wearing a white t-shirt that fit her really well. Along with a pair of cotton bottom sleep shorts. She had her legs tucked up and under her. She held a book in one hand, and a bottle of water in her other. She looked up from her book with a dazzling smile.

“Welcome back Lash.” Dawn said, her eyes filled with delight. Lash smiled back at her, and leaned back in his chair that auto adjusted for him.

“Did not go entirely as I planned. I had thought the battle would be harder.” Lash replied, and Dawn laughed at him.

“Yes! Because thousands of super-soldiers, and six hellicarriers was an easy battle! Along with securing any, and all SHIELD installations across the globe. If I had to rate your completion grade for the event I would say you got A+, one could argue for S-.” Dawn said as she rolled her eyes at him and set her book, and water aside.

“So, I have to ask. Do you want to leave the Rift, or keep going?” Dawn asked, and Lash looked at her with a grin.

“I would like to continue, and let my rewards ride to the next event.” Lash said, and Dawn smiled at him. She nibbled on her lips a bit as she looked him up and down. A bit of a thrill went up and down Lash's spine. No matter how many women Lash had been with in his home reality, Dawn always excited him.

“So, you have 140 WP available to modify, and change your actions between events. The choices you make will determine the next event you take place in.” Dawn said, as she reached up into the air and stretched out letting out a moan of satisfaction. Lash enjoyed watching her stretch out before he turned towards the World Point catalog.

  • Intimacy with Black Widow, 20 WP: Lash Jormungandson spends some intimate time with Natasha between missions with SHIELD. Though it is clear it is not a relationship that will last. It is a bit of fun between a god, and a mortal of Midgard.

“Tempting, but I would rather be there for that. Buying it may grant be a bit of memory from the event. But its not the same.” Lash said out loud, Dawn nodded in understanding so he scrolled past the option.

  • Avengers Friendship, 20 WP: The User spends time with each individual Avenger whether it be on mission, or between them. They get to know them, and develop a bond of trust that often comes with soldiers in conflict.

    • You have purchased Avengers Friendship for 20 WP.

  • Renewal of SHIELD, 30 WP: Lash, Jormungandson spends a great deal of time helping SHIELD rebuild not only their facilities, but the trust lost between them and the public as a whole.

    • You have purchased Renewal of SHIELD for 30 WP.

  • SWORD, 50 WP: The User pushes for the creation of the Sentient World Observation and Response Department. Helping SHIELD, and the world at large by supporting them to keep on the look out for any aggressive extraterrestrial threats that may arrive on Earth.

Lash winced at the expensive purchase but part of him really wanted to get it as well! One of the main reasons why the MCU had such a tragic conflict was the fact that Earth/Midgard was woefully unprepared to fight off aliens with advanced technology. Yes, technically Asgard would show up and help. But from previous experience Lash knew that Midgard had no standing fleet of ships. Even with his new reforms for infrastructure it would be decades before Asgard had anything substantial. So Lash marked SWORD as a favorite and moved on, if any didn't find anything else worth while he would spend his points on that.

  • Scouting and Recruitment, 20 WP: The User spends time with SHIELD, and the Avengers in scouting and recruiting unique individuals from across the globe. Creating several dozen smaller teams that work along side SHIELD, and the Avengers. While many others come to join the Avengers as either active team mates, or reserve members.

    • You have purchased Scouting and Recruitment for 20 WP.

  • Hunting HYDRA, 10 WP: The User spends time hunting HYDRA across the globe. (This option is cheaper due to other purchases.)

Lash debated getting this. Technically he would already being doing that just by helping SHIELD. It even said that the purchase was cheaper because of it. But he also felt that if he didn't purchase it then many things would fall through the cracks as well. HYDRA was incredibly stubborn and refused to just die! But unlike in the movies, and in the TV show Agents of SHIELD. The agency didn't collapse. They had the entire UN behind them in their hunt for HYDRA. Decisions, decisions.

  • Nova Corps, 30 WP: Lash, Jormungandson of Asgard contacts Xandar and requests that Earth be placed on the Nova Corps patrol list. Thanks to his past actions when traveling between the roots of Yggdrasil Lash has had experience with the Nova Corps. In exchange, they can call on him for help if the need arises.

    • You have purchased Nova Corps for 30 WP.

  • Rest and Relaxation, 10 WP: Lash, Jormungandson uses the money taken from HYDRA and spends a week at a private resort with any, and all of the active Avengers, reserve Avengers, and auxiliary teams from across the globe. While many SHIELD agents are invited as well. For one simple, and relaxing week. Nothing happens oddly. Funny that!

    • You have purchased Rest and Relaxation for 10 WP.

Why? Just cause people needed a break! If Lash can spend some points to ensure everyone gets a fucking vacation with no issues. By the fates the god of monsters will do so! Plus he wouldn't mind seeing Natasha in a bikini. Lash scrolled through a few more options and decided on purchasing the Hunting HYDRA option.

  • You have purchased Hunting HYDRA for 10 WP.

“Alright lets save the rest.” Lash said, tucking the remaining 20 WP away for the next break between events.


The people of Midgard and or Earth had been struck dumb at the realization that one of the worlds oldest enemies had revealed themselves to not only not be dead, but still alive and kicking. HYDRA one major threats during World War 2 had infested the worlds largest intelligence agency, SHIELD. For decades HYDRA had been pushing crisis, reaping war, and pushing history, and humanity to a tipping point. But, when HYDRA nearly had everything they wanted. They were stopped! They were stopped by The Avengers!

The conflict was not in some far off country. No, the conflict had been seen, and felt across the globe in every major nation, and many different capitol cities. People of power, influence, and clout were revealed to be HYDRA. In the blink of an eye the world was flipped over onto its backside. Even more than the day the world found out Aliens were real, as were the Norse gods of mythology! Dozens of videos had been put on social media detailing the events of the battle. Who had access to camera's in these restricted area's no one ever found out. But it had helped explain so much.

Warriors from Asgard had arrived to help fight HYDRA. Though they took after the god of monsters Lash Jormungandson. Many had seen the videos of the giant kaiju fighting the Chiaturi in New York. As long as the reptiles were fighting the good fight many people held their tongues till after the battle was over. After several grueling days of battles. HYDRA slipped back into the shadows to rest and recover. SHIELD announced their mistake to the world, but stood firm in their belief to not only do better. But to root out the threat of HYDRA as a whole.

Needless to say many people did not believe them! What insurances did they have that this wouldn't happen again? A failure of this level was so large it had never happen before in Earths history as far as the public knew. Which in many ways was true, but in some ways not. Captain Rogers, and Bucky Barnes had to wrestle Lash Jormungandson down to the ground to prevent him from uploading all the dirty mistakes that so many governments had made over the years. Apparently Lash didn't understand the concept of keeping secrets for the betterment of mankind.

Nick Fury stepped down as the Director of SHIELD and took the political blame for the debacle. His second in command Maria Hill would take over as Director of SHIELD with Victoria Hand as her deputy director. While one Peggy Carter worked as the primary liaison between SHIELD, and the Avengers. The reveal that Peggy Carter was indeed that Peggy Carter hit the public like a landslide. Questions were raised, and answered by a Norse god of monsters.

Lash explained it in simple terms. Well simple terms to Asgardians. Most Midgardians had no idea what he was smoking. He explained what Idunns golden apples were, and how they worked. That he had used the last of the apple to give to Peggy allowing her to once again become a symbol for SHIELD. He also revealed that he plans to help SHIELD, and Stark Industries help the world at large with new scientific, medical, and engineering technology that will be the betterment of all of Midgard.

When Lash showed them on live television a automated medical bed that could rebuild a persons spine, and regrow a limb the public practically threw money at him to sell this technology. Or more specifically threw money at billionaire Tony Stark who said they would be selling the beds next year and an incredibly cheap price. The world was changing, and it was changing fast.

Between helping to rebuild SHIELD, hunting HYDRA, recruiting exceptional individuals, and discussing patrol routes with the Nova Corps at Xandar Prime. Lash was incredibly busy but he made time for a vacation of sorts using his vast new Midgardian wealth that he had taken from HYDRA. He made all the arrangements and reserved an entire private resort on a private island. He pulled everyone towards the island and promised them one full week of zero work, and zero crisis! Oddly enough he delivered much to the confusion of everyone present.


“Lash...” A woman spoke to him. Lash opened his eyes to find himself sitting on a beach chair in the shade of a hotel umbrella. Sitting next to him was Natasha in a red string bikini top that she looked amazing in! “Lash, would do my back?” Natasha asked as he held out a bottle of sun tan lotion.

“Of course Lady Romanoff!” Lash said with a smile and sprung to his feet. Natasha smiled at him, and rolled her eyes. She laid back down across the beach chair face down. But not before untying the not to her bikini so Lash could cover her whole back with out issue.

“I've told you before. Just call me Natasha.” She said as she settled down.

“Of course Lady Romanoff!” Lash said with a smile as he lathered up his hands in oil. Natasha smirked at him and closed her eyes.

Despite asking for her back. Lash started at her feet and worked his way up. Covering every inch with sun tan lotion. But also massaging her muscles. Something that Natasha was greatly enjoying by the sounds she kept making. Lash may have been using just a tiny bit of Subliminal Seduction on her. Natasha bit back a moan more than once. He slowly, and sensually worked upper her back, to her shoulders, to her neck. Then along her arms, and hands. He looked over his work and nodded in satisfaction. He capped the bottle of lotion and sat back down across the chair next to her.

“Thank you...” Natasha said in a breathless voice as her eyes fluttered a bit looking at him.

“You are very welcome, Natasha.” Lash said softly to her and she smiled back at him.

It was currently the fourth day of their seven day vacation on the tropical island. Well over a thousand people had been invited stretched across the Avengers, SHIELD, and everyone in between. It had been a crazy couple of months. Everyone was stretched thin and they needed a break! So Lash provided that release. They filled out the VIP rooms in the hotel, the entire staff was well paid and awaited instructions to help in any way. Life was good!

“Lash! Ever been a judge for volleyball game?” Agent Sky said as she walked up towards them. Sky had chosen to wear a light blue two piece bikini top that was a little more conservative in the simple way of saying that she would not fall out of her top if she was moving around.

“That is the game where two teams battle to in fierce combat to get a leather ball threw a hoop. Then who ever loses they are sacrificed to the great god of the sun by having their hearts ripped out? Why would you want to play such a game?” Lash asked, Sky clapped her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing so loudly. While Natasha next to him snickered at him.

“No...No...That is...Wow! No, we need a judge come watch!” Sky said as she walked over and pulled him from his chair.

“Very well! But I will not sacrifice any of my companions to the sun!” Lash said firm resolution!

“OK!” Sky said, a huge grin on her face as she pulled him to the volleyball section.

Lash picked up the rules quickly given he had done it in his home reality. He sat in a tall wooden chair that overlooked the court. How had he been talked into judging another volleyball game? Oh, that is right! Scantly clad female superheroes! Hmmm, yes a good decision this was! They played several games until noon then they all broke for lunch. Lash made sure that Natasha was awake and moving. Even with lotion on she could end up getting a sunburn. Though with her peak human healing abilities it wouldn't last long.

Along the way Lash saw Thor, and Lady Foster walking hand in hand towards the lunch area as a buffet had been prepared for everyone by the staff. Foster had a dreamy expression on her face walking next to a man that looked like he was made out of marble. Thor was the epitome of masculine beauty. Lash looked good, but not that good. Lash also had intricate tribal marks all over his body. Along with a scaled spine. But despite his odd appearance no one ever commented on it.

“Brother Thor have you proposed yet to Lady Foster? When is the wedding?” Lash asked with a grin on his face. Jane went red as a tomato and Thor scratched the back of his head in a laugh. That was when Lash noticed an engagement ring on Jane's finger.

“Uhhhohhh!” Lash said loudly and raised his arms in the air. This was cause for a celebration! He raised his voice to the crowd around him much to the horrible dismay of Jane as she sprinted towards Lash to shush him.

“My fellow warriors! The Prince of Asgard as proposed to the Lady Jane Foster of Midgard! This hismmmfffffeeee.” Lash said, and was stopped as Jane practically jumped on top of him and covered his mouth. But the damage was done!

“Wooooooo!” Lady Darcy Lewis screamed from her place in the line and cheered. Everyone clapped and cheered for the newly engaged couple. Jane slipped from Lash and hid her face in the welcoming arms of Thor who had a grin on his face.

“Did you hear about the two cellphones that got married? Their reception was terrific!” A synthetic voice said off to the side.

“God damn it! Please just for one fucking day don't make a joke!” Jessica said to Omni who stood next to her and Luke.

Lash had learned that Omni was a bio-metallic being from another world who was visiting Midgard. He had met Jessica, and Luke during a...Well we'll just say it was a brutal event. But Omni had earned their trust. That may have been the only reason he was still alive. Luke rolled his eyes and walked over to speak to Lash. They gave each other a warriors handshake. Jessica walked over and simply glowered at him. She was still upset that she was forced into a black bikini at Luke's insistence. While Omni being a shape shifter wore a banana hammock tuxedo.

“Marriage is becoming more and more progressive. I hear two scoutmasters decided to tie the knot!” Omni said with a grin as he walked over to say hi to Lash.

“Are these scoutmasters your friends? Have they arrived here at the resort?” Lash asked, as Omni's joke flew right over him. Omni paused and looked at Lash in confusion. You could see the gears in his head turning.

“We..Well...Not....Crap, I don't not how to react to that.” Omni admitted and the look of pure joy that grew across Jessica's face was priceless!

“YES! That made this whole trip worth it!” Jessica screamed to the heavens.

“That, and the open bar.” Luke said, and Jessica shrugged as if that was a given.

“Thank you for coming! I hope you are enjoying yourselves.” Lash said to them and Omni opened his mouth to speak. But decided not to. Jessica shrugged her shoulders and took a drink out of the bottle of very expensive liquor in her hands.

“We are, thank you for inviting us. Also I never got to say but thank you for rebuilding Harlem after the attack. The children park you built is still loved to this day.” Luke said, as he commented about a destroyed park that Lash had rebuilt and enchanted with self repair, and self clean. Graffiti? Gone! Blood splatter? Gone! Made disposing of bodies really easy.

“I'm sorry I couldn't do more. But thanks to some new resources obtained I plan to start a New York City renewal program for those who live in certain communities. Grand expansive housing that are easily affordable! I'm told that is important on Midgard? It was confusing since housing is free on Asgard.” Lash said to them, and Luke's eyes went wide.

Lash continued to chit chat with Luke, Jessica, and the silent Omni as he tried to think of a joke that Lash would understand. Eventually they excused themselves as Lash returned to his duties as the judge of the volleyball game. Noon turned into night, and the dozens or so people spread through out the island returned to the hotel from their adventures. Lash was on the top floor sitting on his balcony admiring the view of the ocean waters reflecting the stars above when some one knocked on his door.

“Hay, feel like some company?” Natasha asked when Lash opened his door. She wore tight black t-shirt that was tied at the bottom to reveal her abdomen. She had a beach shawl wrapped around her waist. Lash could see just a bit of red laced panties.

“Of course Lady Romanoff. Please come in!” Lash said as he bowed his head, and watched in delight as Natasha rolled her eyes at him. She walked in and sashayed her hips back and forth.

Lash's room was far larger than most it was practically a home. Natasha walked over to the bar and started to make herself a drink. A cherry twist martini, then she walked over to a love seat in the sitting area pointing at a chair with her eyes. Lash walked over and sat down. They were within touching distance but had a polite amount of room separating them.

“So?” Natasha said as she took a sip from her drink and tucked her shoulder length red hair behind an ear. Her eyes never left Lash as he watched her.

“Do you think Lord Rogers will ask Lady Carter to marry her?” Lash asked out of the blue. Natasha paused only for a moment as her brain switched gears, a smile grew across her face as she set her drink down.

“Ooohhh! I am pretty sure he is already looking for a ring. I don't mean to be rude but we dodged a bullet given that Peggy had been married before. But her husband had died recently. Her kids on the other hand are still trying to wrap their heads around that their mother is younger then them now.” Natasha said, as she leaned back against the couch and adjusted to get comfortable.

“Well technically she is still 95, just physically younger. I forget sometimes that Midgardians don't live very long. Though that wont be an issue for you.” Lash said to Natasha with an offhand comment at the end. Natasha stopped to look at him in confusion.

“The conditioning, and optimization. I would put your maximum age at around 200 to 250 years of age.” Lash said as he tried to figure the exact number. Natasha's eyes went wide.

“Wait, is everyone you optimized like that?” She asked, Lash nodded. She leaned forward and cradled her head in her hands. “Wow, that....Wow.” Natasha said then flipped her hair back and sat back up.

Lash had optimized a lot of people since the Triskelion. Every active Avenger, reserve, and auxiliary teams went through it. Including many others like Jane Foster. Why? Just because Lash wanted to, and he was getting experience with Source Code every time he did it. The medical bed that would be released next year would also help extend human life by several decades. Simply by repairing, replacing, and extending the shelf life of many Midgardians bodies. People living to see 130 would not be uncommon in a few decades. That was a little tid bit of information that the public did know about and were excited for. More time was always welcome!

“May I kiss you?” Lash asked Natasha out of the blue. Natasha had been smoothing her nails up and down the leather couch and had been glancing at Lash's lips for a while. When he asked his question Natasha froze for half a heart beat then smiled at him.

“I've been waiting for you to kiss me since we got to the island, Lash.” Natasha said, she pulled off her beach shawl and crawled into his lap.

Lash sat forward and let her legs wrap around him from behind. He ran his hands up her back, under her shift and learned she was not wearing a bra. Lash used his pheromone control from his Nature Domain cantrips to pump the room full of them. Even with the window open Natasha breathed them in and felt aroused. Her eyes glazed over slightly and she leaned down to kiss him.

Lash was gentle, and smooth for their first kiss. He took his time exploring her mouth even when she started to moan. Her nails dragged down his t-shirt he had been wearing so hard that she tore holes in them. They kissed for several minutes and enjoyed the close contact of each other. Natasha had always been a seductress. It had been a job! It had been a long time since she had been with anyone simply because she had wanted to be with them.

Lash adjusted and stood up in a fluid movement that surprised and excited Natasha. She locked her legs around him, and he grabbed her ass and gave it a soft squeeze. She broke the kiss and pressed her forehead to his own. She ran her tongue along her lips and savored his taste. Lash stepped easily through the common room towards the bedroom. Then when he got to the bed he dropped to his knees and gently set Natasha on the edge.

“Are you 100% sure you would like to continue?” Lash asked, and Natasha looked at him for a moment. There was a brief hint of recognition as Natasha's mind cleared of any pheromone or sense of lust.

“Are you asking me if I am going to regret this in the morning?” She asked, and Lash nodded at her. She took a moment to run her hands along his bald head, tracing the lines of his tribal marks.

“Yes, I want to continue.” Natasha said after a few minutes. That was all Lash needed to hear.

He activated Subliminal Seduction and pumped the room full of pheromones. He sent a slight gust of wind to close the door to the bedroom. Then he activated his skill Advanced Sex. With in seconds they naked in the bed and rolling around on top of the sheets. Despite the situation Natasha was surprisingly gentle, a slow gradual build up. Lash was no stranger to foreplay, and rather enjoyed performing it! He loved giving as much as he got.

He explored Natasha's body with his tongue. Even when she begged him to stop he didn't knowing she only wanted more. Then spent time simply kissing her over, and over for several minutes. Then after nearly an hour of foreplay which with Lash's abilities led to several micro orgasms on her part. He slipped inside of her and she gasped in delight. Lash made sure to switch positions for maximum pleasure.

The sight of Natasha riding him on top as her red hair bounced over her shoulders would stick with him for many years. Time, and time again they both reached an orgasm and with his never ending stamina, and ability to renew her own energy with spell craft they continued until the sun rose. The rays of light that passed over their skin as they lay across the bed with scattered sheets made Natasha wince as she buried her face into his neck.

“It's morning, and I totally don't regret that!” Natasha said, and peeked at him through her drowse eyes. Lash waved a hand and used Telekinesis to close the drapes.

“Good, because we have several days left at the resort I plan to spend most of it with you.” Lash said to her, and kissed her softly. She trailed her finger nails up and down his chest, and abdomen.

“As you wish, Lord Lash.” Natasha said with a smirk as she snuggled into him.

Sleep with Black Widow, scratch that off my bucket list! -Erik the gamer said over their shared link.

First Draft, Raw, Unedited. Thank you for reading!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.