Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 109: Berserker Staff


***HR. Watch Tower Station. Head Quarters***

The Head Quarters was a fancy name for the room with the big table. Where the senior members of the Justice League: International would meet. They would try to meet once a month depending on the overall situation in the global issues. However, today was a little different. They were discussing the global issues. But they were also discussing the need for a new name? Or a new sub-division. The Justice League didn't just cover Earth anymore. Three exceptional individuals on Mars had been selected to join the League and were currently training on the Watch Tower.

Then there was the debate or need for another division called, 'Shadow Operations' unlike the Young Justice system they had in place for espionage. The Shadow Operations would concentrate on the need for assassinations. It sickened many people on the senior staff that they even needed it. But a few people were pushing for it. They didn't live in a fairy tale world where everything could be placed easily into black and white.

But also most of all, the concept of killing. During the Invasion no one questioned the right for defending themselves, and the protection of others. Nearly everyone on the senior staff had killed the, 'Meat Puppets.' At the time one could argue that they were already dead. But Wraith disproved that theory by creating a recovery program for them. They couldn't be above the law. But many would say they already are. This was a slippery slope to be on.

“Five years ago if you had told me we would discussing the finer points on morality inside of a giant space station with aliens from another world, while I sit across from fairies. I would have asked you to share what ever you are smoking with me.” Arthur/ Aquaman said to the room with a grin.

“I'm a Sylvan, not a fairy.” Said the Seelie Court Councilor who gave Arthur a smile.

“Right! Cause that makes all the difference to a laymen.” Arthur said with a laugh, and jumped a little when his lovely Queen Y'Mera/ Aquawoman elbowed his side.

“Why don't we table the discussion of killing until later. But I still support the process of recruitment for the Shadow Operations. Even if we ban the rule of killing. Having the group for other positions, and duties will be necessary.” Black Canary suggested, and several people agreed.

“Next would be the discussion of the CSA program, and the United Nations World Security program for Earth citizenship. The three Martians in our League have no desire to become citizens of the Earth. They will come to help if needed. But they would ultimately fall out of Earths laws since they are not of the planet itself.” Black Canary continued another line of dialogue they had glossed over.

It put a few people on edge thinking about the ramifications. Should they even be allowed to work on the Earth if they were not citizens? If not, then all the Kryptonians, Thanagarians, Martians, and Tamareans would be technically outside their jurisdiction. Just because they were not 'legal citzens' should they not be allowed to live, and work on the planet they call home?

“If we sign onto the CSA they will demand that you give them your identity. For some of us that means little. While others it means the world.” Hawkman said to the room, and gestured towards Superman specifically who looked caught between denial, and acceptance.

“If you sign on for the UNWS citizenship program we'll do the same thing we did with Wraith. We'll know your ID, because technically we already do. You'll be doing the same 5-10 year program he is doing. You'll be working within in the confines of the law, but also have legal rights.” The Seelie Court Councilor suggested to the room.

“So, essentially the CSA is mostly for the people who don't want to go for the Superhero life?” Flash asked, tapping away on his computer a mile a second.

“The CSA/Ghost Industries currently has made no public announcement for a Superhero program. However, it is in the air.” Victoria/Vici said from her seat as she looked around the room. A few people were still wigged out by that.

“Right now it is mostly for people who need personal security, training, and the chance to choose between this, or that.” Victoria suggested to the room, and every nodded in acceptance.

“We'll of course share our psychological profiles with the League. In case we find anyone who may be a good fit for the League.” Victoria continued, and pushed several data files to the senior staff.

“I'm not sure about our other backers. But Queen Industries, and Merlyn Industries is more than willing to jump on the CSA program.” Green Arrow said from his side of the table. Speaking for Tommy who couldn't be here at the moment.

“The issue we have right now are facilities. I understand that Wraith wanted to establish a Lunar Colony. But for now, we should build additional structures where we can.” Dr. Wells said from his chair as he scrolled through the database.

“Should the CSA, and Justice League train in separate locations? I know we have the Watch Tower. But it would be nice to have a big open space to train?” Supergirl suggested, jumping into the conversation as she looked over the applicants.

“I think Wraith intended for everyone to work together. We'll just freely pass out basic glamour charms. Encourage people to practice secret identities. It would be good practice.” Svadeni said from her spot in the table.

“Oh hay! Slight subject change! Who is paying us? I had several recruits ask. I honestly don't know who bank rolls this operation. Some wealthy billionaires perhaps?” Flash asked from his seat looking/not looking at Green Arrow, and Batman.

“Wraith pays for this out of his own pocket.” The Seelie Court Councilor said from their spot, and a majority of the room turned towards them in confusion. Except for a few people, like Batman who already knew.

“For it all?” Flash asked, then turned towards Victoria who nodded.

“Have I ever told Wraith how amazingly handsome he is?” Flash asked with a smile on his face. That got a few chuckles through out the room.

“What is Wraith's opinion on the Shadow Operations. Do we know?” Superman asked, and looked around the room to see a few people trying to not look at him.

“He's the one that suggested it.” Hex said from their chair, in the far corner.

“Technically, Wraith as an Agent of the UNWS, and a Warden. He is allowed to kill people as long as they have been served a General Warrant, or a Red Notice. He is of course not suggesting we start an open slaughter. But take careful consideration, and use available information. Using his own words, and this is a quote. 'I've always been a sucker for redemption stories.'” The Seelie Court Councilor said. Superman smiled at that.

“So, he suggested Shadow Operations, and would vote on their ability to kill. But only as a last resort?” Supergirl asked, she was unusually focused when it came to Wraith's opinion. Most of the room nodded, or said a simple yes.

“Not everyone deserves to be killed. Some people are just in a bad spot and can't control their life. It is people like this that we can help. Than can be a redemption story, as Wraith put it. While there are others that are just disgusting and deserve nothing more than a trip to Tartartus.” Vyllith said from her spot, she was sitting in for Wraith since he was not available.

Though the subject had been tabled it seemed to come back around with out meaning too. No one objected to the change. But the creation of Shadow Operations, and the use for killing was put to a vote. In the end the new division was created, and the use of killing through extensive research was voted, yes. Though the vote was not unanimous by any means. That was the benefit, and flaw of a democracy. Little by little their world was changing. For better, or worse remained to be seen....


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Greenwich, University. London, England***

Mary Sue Poots, aka Sky, recruit of Shield was beset with an issue. What do you do when a literal god of Asgard was with in touching distance of herself. Lash, Jormungandson may not be Thor. But the man was still beyond handsome, and dreamy. Sky felt her knees grow weak just standing next to him. More than once she caught herself fantasizing about pushing the man onto the table he stood by and mounting him. With the stares he was getting from the other female agents in the room she was not the only one.

Sky was 5'5” with long brown hair, and brown eyes. She had an hourglass figure, with athletic muscles. She carried herself with a sense of pride and confidence most of the time. She believed herself to be a beautiful woman. But she had seen better looking people than her. She was currently measuring herself against the other women in the room. Then she glanced down at herself thinking if she had known he would be here she would have worn something a little more...

“Apprentice Sky?....Apprentice Sky, are you unwell?” Lash turned to look at her, and Sky blinked in confusion.

“What? Sorry, what did you say?” Sky asked, then she blushed hard core. She caught Agent May, and Agent Simmons smirking at her. While Agent Coulson, Fitz looked at her in worry. Agent Ward was rolling his eyes.

“Apprentice Sky, I asked if you would like to come into the ship with me. I heard you wanted to take it for a spin?” Lash asked, his face a perfect golden ratio of masculine beauty. Sky bit her lower lip and nodded several times not trusting her voice.

“Agent Simmons, Agent Fitz are coming as well, yes?” Lash asked, and Fitz-Simmons bounced several times in place.

“Yes! We couldn't get the door open no matter how hard we tried. Its made out of an alien-” Simmons began to use words Sky didn't understand. But it seemed Lash understood her perfectly because he began to speak to her in perfect English, but used words foreign to her.

“Take a breath, and ground yourself.” May said to Sky as they started to walk towards the ship with a security team.

“Am I that obvious?” Sky asked in a soft squeak.

“You, and every female Agent in the room.” Ward said with a smirk. Sky wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. But kept walking with everyone.

“Apprentice Sky, come here and place your hand.” Lash called out to her, and she blushed again. There was that fantasy again, what was wrong with her!? Sky swallowed audibly and placed her hand on the ship. Lash reached out and guided her hand to the exact spot. Wow he smelled good!

“Cccrrrrzzzttttt!” An alarm went off from the alien ship. Then chirped out a serious of words no one understood.

“Fascinating! Why didn't that work for anyone else!?” Fitz asked, dozens of people had placed their hand all over the ship. No reaction had taken place. But Sky felt an electrical hum go through her hand.

“Interesting.... I thought your Kree DNA would cause a reaction.” Lash said to Sky. Sky, along the rest of her team stopped to look at him.

“I'm sorry what?” Sky asked.

“Kree, you have Kree DNA in you. Though it is only a 1.9% margin it is enough to mark as you as another in the grand scheme of things. I had thought the ship would have reactivated its security protocols.” Lash replied to her, then gently placed his hand on top of her own. Sky went into overdrive. Kree!? Who, or what are the Kree!? Wow! Lash's hand was touching hers! Wait!? She was part alien!?


Lash smiled slightly at the confused look everyone gave him. As before Lash revealed an intricate part of the story way ahead of its natural reveal. But he said it simply as if he was discussing the weather. He could smell Kree coming off of Sky. He had even used Source Code to read her program. Sure enough she had the markers of a Inhuman. Or at least that was what Erik had said she was. The Dark Elf ship had read her DNA and denied her access. Lash expected a security activation, but nothing happened. The ship must be in dire straits.

Lash gently pulled Sky's hand back, and smiled at her. Her face, and ears turned bright red. Then Lash used Red Psionic Blade from his finger nails making Simmons jump in surprise, and Fitz eyes glowing bright. Lash began to peel the door apart, and slowly opened the way for the group. He informed Lord Phil, Son of Cole at the possibilities of Dark Elves with in the ship. A full security team with armor penetration weapons moved in with Lash by their side.

“Down!” Lash called out and yanked a SHIELD security forces soldier back. A red blast of energy melted the spot right where they had stood.

With a flash of darkness and smoke Lash sprinted across the room with a red energy blade bursting form his knuckles like a short sword. He cleaved the elf in half, and Blinked across the room to bisect another. The agents unloaded their weapons into another and by sheer force of will bullets found spacing between armored plates and put them down. Lash sent out a pulse of Nature Domain. No other life signs detected. He had gotten sloppy, so use to working with Asgardians he forgot how weak Midgardians could be. He jumped down and went to Lord Phil and took a knee in apology.

“I am sorry Lord Phil, Son of Cole I put your people in danger. It was not my intention, please forgive me.” Lash said, in genuine concern for his mistake. He noticed Agent May was glaring at him for his mistake, but held no true animosity for owning up to his mistake.

“Comes with the job, but we should clear the rest of the ship before we let anyone else in.” Phil said, and patted Lash on the shoulder.

Though Lash knew of no other sign of life. He cleared the ship with the security team all the same. The Dark Elves were an advanced race even beyond Asgard. They had played with Blach Holes for thousands of years. Learning to create a drive core using that very energy. As well as the compression of space. Simply said, the ship was far larger inside than out. This was not magic, but pure technological science. Once the all clear was given Lash met up with Lord Fitz, and Lady Simmons and brought them to the drive core.

“That is an artificial black hole!?” Fitz all but screamed in horror, and fascination.

“Yes, they used it for power. As well as propulsion. Though the Bifrost is far more efficient when it comes to transportation. The Dark Elves were in a close second when it came to travel time. Unlike the rest of the galaxy that used jump point FTL. The Dark Elves could propel themselves through space by folding like a black hole do.” Lash said simply, then also used a large amount of technological jargon that Erik the gamer didn't understand. It was one of those few moments where the Dream Engine took over. Science Fiction, and pseudo-science that hadn't technically been discovered yet.

“I'm sorry to interrupt but...Who are the Kree?” Sky asked suddenly. She walked up next to Lash determination written on her face. Fitz-Simmons stopped talking to wait for an answer. Lash tilted his head to the side in a way curious animal would.

“The Kree are a militaristic race of mostly blue-skinned humanoids from the planet Hala. One of the most technically advanced races in this galaxy, the Kree are skilled in genetic engineering. Politically, they are a powerful intergalactic state, controlling a vast empire. The empire is made up of dozens of conquered sapient species. Though overtime each of them come to call themselves, Kree. They are ruled over by a advanced artificial intelligence called, 'The Supreme Intelligence.'” Lash said, and his Background WP activated. He spoke as if he was reading from a book. Cause technically he was. Of course that didn't really answer Sky's question, if anything it raised more questions.

“One of your ancestors long ago was experimented on by the Kree. The Kree used humans expansive genetic design to create soldiers for a war. Most of these experiments failed, but not on Earth. However, the experiment was destroyed and their results were released back into the wild. Your ancestor.” Lash supplied another answer to Sky. NOW! That explanation surprised him, he wasn't sure where he got that from.

Sky looked like her world had just fallen on top of her. Thankfully the only people in the room were Lord Phil's team, and Lash. No one else heard this startling piece of information. Sky stumbled and Lash reached out to catch her. She flailed her arms not wanting to be touched by anyone. She started to hyperventilate until Lash cast Calm Emotions on her. She slowed her breathing, and found a place to sit down on. Phil, and May were by her side. Ward came to stand between her and Lash. A master protecting his apprentice.

“I seem to have said something upsetting? I am confused, there is an entire culture on Midgard who is in charge of educating, and safeguarding your people. Was this not all explained to you when you grew up as a child?” Lash asked, apparently his background was aware of the Inhumans. Sky looked up and even through Calm Emotions a shred of light peered through.

“Maybe that is who my parents are!?” Phil, and May looked conflicted at this piece of news. Had something happened?

“Ah! I understand, you have not been educated on your heritage Sky. If you like once we finish with the ship I can give you a detailed history report. I can even help you locate your people if you like?” Lash offered, and Sky jumped to her feet and gave him a big hug. Must have hurt because he was still in full Asgardian armor.

“Yes! Yes! Please that would be great!” Sky said with a brilliant smile that eased the tension in the room.

“For now, let's keep Sky's alien heritage to just us, please?” Phil asked, Lash tilted his head in confusion.

“As you wish Lord Phil. I apologize for speaking out of turn.” Lash bowed from his waist, and his apology was accepted. Sky was practically vibrating with excitement....

Over the next few hours Lash explained each section of the ship as best as he could. Though his degree of knowledge far out stripped that of Fitz-Simmons. He was still learning a lot about the ship as well. He kept getting experience prompts to his Partial-Science Älfeneel. But unfortunately they hit an impasse. Lash was ordered by Odin to dismantle the ship. Specifically the technology that was beyond Midgardian science. It was the age old discussion of not giving a child a loaded gun with no safety. Giving Midgardians a black hole drive core when they barely understood FTL mechanics could cause them to create a singularity on the planet's surface.

When Lash explained what his orders were, and what possible dangers came with it. Fitz-Simmons went pale with fright at the possible implications. Lash was going to dismantle this ship. He would fight SHIELD to complete his orders if he had to. But, he did say he would be happy to give SHIELD the mathematical equation of a basic form of FTL. After he was done with the ship. SHIELD, and more specifically Director Fury, and a man called Secretary Pierce agreed. Lord Phil's team was called away on another assignment. Lash promised Sky he would create an information packet for her and look for her people when he was done with the ship.

“Dawn, is it possible to scan this entire ship and upload it onto the Dream Store catalog?” Lash asked her when he was alone for a moment.

“Yes, User you could do that. However I am afraid you are not the first person to do so. Now, if you decided to place a plethora of engraved spell script onto the ship and turn it into a S+ rank ship. That may have some value.” Dawn suggested, and Lash stopped to think about it. Regardless, Lash took his time to scan, and create a blue print of the ship.

  • Attention User, you have copied the Dark Elf capital ship design. This is an A+ rank design of a different reality and you must use 100 DP to make a direct copy of it for your own reality. Would you like to purchase this copy?

    • Yes [+]

    • You have spent 100 DP.

    • You have acquired a Dark Elf capital ship design.

Ohhhhh! Lash could not wait to get this back home! Lash began to carefully use Recycle on the whole ship. Though the drive core was taken directly by Heimdall after Saurian dragged that entire portion of the ship apart into the open. Watching as a 60 foot tall kaiju pull a ship apart was a sight to behold so said the agents on the ground. With the main components dismantled Lash informed SHIELD that they could take the rest. It was mostly scrap metal, but scrap metal of an alien variety. He also confirmed there was no alien pathogen that could pose any threat to Midgardians.

The entire process took several days. During which a large gathering of press, and civilians arrived to watch the work as best they could. SHIELD handled the direct security of the area and they took their jobs seriously. Lash then spent time rebuilding the University that had been destroyed by the ship. When he replaced half of the library with a holographic interface, including a simple VI to help people find their books it made the government flip out with excitement.

He also planted a extraterrestrial tree type from Svartálfheim. Well the new version anyways. It was a tall, dark, and menacing tree. With black, and twisted thorns along its bark. It gave off an eerie feeling that naturally seem to pull people towards it. The bark itself was hard as iron. While the leaves could even be used in metal processing. Despite its twisted nature when one touched it, all they felt was sense of peace fall over them. Calm Emotions may have been inscribed into the tree. The tree was grown in the exact spot the Dark Elf ship had landed/crashed into.

“Lash! Agent Coulson requests your attendance on their transport. A medical issue involving Asgardian tech is affecting one of their people.” A SHIELD tech assistant called to him. Lash looked up from his discussion with another scientist.

“Very well, am I running there?” Lash asked, with a smile on his face.

“No sir, a quin-jet is coming to pick you up. Ten minutes.” The tech said and hurried off. Lash excused himself something that the scientists were upset about. He was telling them how to find, and travel through a wormhole.


An agent of SHIELD went over a data packet with Lash. He was surprised to see the Neo-Pagan hate group. Then laughed to himself at the idiocy of children. He then told the agent the several intricate ways of obtaining power from different dimensions, as well as the power that flows through the very planet of Midgard. Of course he never went into direct detail of how to obtain it. Just that it was possible. It was shame that the Druids never thought to write anything down. The SHIELD team tried to make it seem like they had not recorded everything he said for later discussion.

Their quin-jet landed at Seville, Spain. Lash was escorted aboard the air transport simply named the bus. Agent Melinda May was waiting for him. Lash took a moment to look her over. Melinda Qiaolian May, Agent, and specialist of Shield. Was approximately 5'6” with short dark brown hair cut to just past her shoulders. She had cold brown eyes with a haunted look that was hard to pick up. She was a true warrior with a rectangular figure. Sleek, compact muscles of a martial artist. True warriors are not bulky. Their muscles are dense, and tight to their bodies allowing free movement. She wore a form fitting leather outfit with the SHIELD logo on her shoulders.

“Lady May, I heard one of your team was injured?” Lash said with respect as he bowed from his waist. May nodded to him and led him inside the 'Bus' towards the R&D lab. Fitz-Simmons, Sky, and Ward were discussing something. Ward had his shirt off and was practically screaming at them.

“What is going on?” Lash asked as soon as he stepped in he cast Calm Emotions on Ward and his furious attitude melted away. He took a shuddering breath, and looked at himself. Then back at Lash.

“I'm sorry everyone, I don't know what came over me.” Ward said with a detached voice.

“Perfectly understandable, your chemical balance is all over the place. Heart rate is spiking, as is your adrenaline. Though there is an usual amount of strange energy running through you currently.” Simmons said as she read through the scanner.

“That's from me. I used an Asgardian technique to instill calm into Lord Ward.” Lash said to her, and she smiled at something new to study.

“Lord Ward please sit down a moment. Let me look over you.” Lash pulled a stool out for him, and Ward did as he was asked under the watchful gaze of May.

Grant Douglas Ward aka Agent Ward of SHIELD was approximately 6'3” with dark brown eyes that told a story if you looked long enough. He had short black hair that was trimmed along the sides, and a few inches long on his top. He held a warrior rectangular figure, though he was a little wide in the shoulders. That was common with males. He currently wore standard issue SHIELD black boots, and cargo pants. With no shirt.

Lash stood behind him and placed his hands on Wards shoulders. His fingers laced over his collar bones, and his thumbs on his spine. He closed his eyes and created several holographic windows for cosmetic purposes for anyone else watching. While he used Root of Information, and Source Code. There were several neural pathways that had once been blocked by designed through Wards mental control. Memories tied to hate, and fear.

“What did you do? What item of Asgard did you find?” Lash asked, as he continued to push through Ward's mind.

“It's called the Berserker staff.” Sky said, as Fitz-Simmons were to engrossed in looking at the holographic windows to respond.

“That old thing! It is a wonder that Ward did grow insane.” Lash said softly, his eyes still closed. Ward flinched under his tone.

“Ward I'm going to repair the area's being affected. This is going to feel weird.” Lash said to him.

“Great! Please, just...Fix it!” Ward said, the Calm Emotions wearing off.

The overall 'damage' was easily fixed with Restoration from his Nature Domain. However, Lash spent some time poking around Ward's mind, and memories. He left several Compulsion triggers in Ward's mind. Then he cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement on Ward to tap him off. He pulled his hands free but kept the cosmetic holographic windows up to talk over what he did. Ward felt the intoxicating rush of the spell craft. He looked 100%, he smiled and stood up with a stretch.

“Thank you, that feels amazing!” Ward said, he turned around to shake Lash's hand. Lash returned the gesture with a warrior hand shake. Ward went with the flow and clapped Lash on the back.

“Please be aware that if you handle the staff the same issue will arise. But, I don't plan to leave until the staff is retrieved. So I can repair the damage again.” Lash said simply, and everyone nodded in understanding.

“What does the staff do, our current Asgardian was not very descriptive.” Simmons said, and that caught Lash's attention.

“Asgardian?” Lash asked.


The moment Lash stepped into the holding cell aboard the Bus Elliot Randolph jumped from his seat and got to the far corner as fast as possible. Phil looked up in surprise at Elliot's reaction, he looked back at Lash who had a smile on his face. Ward was behind Lash, Phil sent a question with his eyes and Ward smiled at him. Phil let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. Lash walked into the room and stepped close to Elliot who looked like he was going to die of fright.

“So your completely calm with us. But Lash steps into the room and you lose all composure?” Ward asked, taking a bit of smug satisfaction from Elliot's reaction.

“Of course I'm afraid of him! He's Jormungand's son! He is destined to destroy the 9 realms!” Elliot all but screamed at them.

“My father! Is destined to do that. Not me! In fact the oracles had no idea I was even going to born. Odin has named me a guardian of the 9 realms. You have nothing to fear from me, brother Elliot. Though I do want to know who your commanding officer was. The fact that they would leave the Berserker staff here on Midgard is a clear violation of items of power.” Lash said with a smile that reached his eyes, but his eyes turned into Saurian. Elliot's heart rate kept spiking.

Elliot gave his officers name and Lash tucked that away for later to inform Heimdall. The staff should have returned to Asgard. Not be left behind. The idea that an Asgardian wanted to stay on Midgard was not unheard of. Lash respected Elliot's decision and would leave him out of his report. After that Elliot seemed more amiable to talking. They were given a destination to a monastery in Ireland.

“In simple terms the metal of the Berserker staff interacts with its wielder. It uses the memories tied to rage, hate, and fear to enhance the wielders existing strength. Like a form of catalyst. Now, the power or strength that comes from it is not exactly 'Superhuman'. You should know this, Lady Simmons. Midgardians only use about 60% of their total muscle strength. This is done on purpose to prevent them from hurting themselves.” Lash said in brief explanation as they were flying towards Ireland.

“The staff allows them to use all 100% muscle strength. While the metal's natural energy, or radiation I believe the term you use. Keeps them from hurting themselves. But the side effects are exhaustion, increased metabolism, and the raw feeling of emotion that Lord Ward experienced. You see the same type of emotion in warriors who have experienced centuries of combat with no end.” Lash continued, but the last part was lost on them. Midgardians didn't live that long.

“In the hands of Asgardians, we would also be able to use all 100% muscle strength. However, with our natural healing abilities we can push off the side effects to a lesser degree.” Lash said at last.

“Its worse for humans.” Elliot said in agreement.

“When we find all three pieces of the staff whats the protocol for items like that?” Phil asked, they were all currently sitting in the common room area aboard the bus. Big plane!

“It will be destroyed, I've already reported to Heimdall.” Lash informed him, and he accepted that.

“But as you said you can fix it?” Simmons asked.

“Yes, however hopefully no one will have to fight. But from what I understand about this...'hate group' they seem compelled to fight. So prepare for battle either way.” Lash said with a smile that was not mirrored by anyone else save for Elliot who laughed.

The Bus landed on the tarmac to an old military airport and they rode in two different SUV's. Fitz-Simmons were discussing theories, and idea's with Lash about Asgardian science. His few lessons he had taught at the SHIELD academy. Leopold James "Leo" Fitz was approximately 5'8” with blue eyes, and short curly brown hair. He had a lean athletic figure that bordered on skinny. Though that fit with his scientific background. Every SHIELD agent even if they were not cleared for field duty needed to be in shape. He wore a simple SHIELD tech field gear, something that made him look uncomfortable in. But was very animated discussing subjects about advanced tech. Like the Dwarfs he and Simmons had made together.

Jemma Anne Simmons was approximately 5'4” with brown eyes, and long brown hair past her shoulders normally tied back in a tail. She had the same athletic all be it skinny figure as Fitz. She wore the same tech field gear. But she was just as animated about Asgardian physiology, compared to Midgardians. The way she would become even more animated when Fitz joined the conversation made Lash ask how long the two of them had been a bonded pair. That made them both stammer, stutter, and turn bright pink. While Agent Ward, and Agent Sky in the car with them smiled at Lash's tact or lack there of.

When they arrived at the monastery a sight was before them. Hundreds of Neo-Pagan hate mongers stood on the main path to the monastery. They screamed, yelled, and swore up a storm. Simmons scanner that was calibrated towards the specific energy given off by the staff was spiking. Standing at the front was the man named Jakob Nystrom the leader of the group. He was holding a completed Berserker staff.

“We are the new order! We are Gods!” Jakob screamed at them.

“Lord Phil this is your operation, may I step in?” Lash asked, and Phil stepped back with a gesture of his hand.

Lash began to walk forward and with each step his body changed through Transformation. Skin gave wave to scales. Teeth became fangs, his eyes turned reptilian. His face formed into a snout. A royal skull crest grew. Tentacles slid from beneath his armor as did his spike tail. He went from 6'6” to 8' even. An elegant shroud of smoke, and shadow fell from his metallic scales. By the time he finished shifting the hate group fell silent. Lash snarled out a challenge and sprinted straight into the group.

It was like a fox in a hen house! Lash jumped forward with his bare hands and bashed Jakob into the ground! Lash picked up the staff and felt the affects cour...Nullification activated. Eh! Alright then. The staff glowed a brilliant color as Lash twirled it around thanks to his Weapon Master skill. His tail whipped out and flung six people into a stone wall. His tentacles reached out and plucked people up from the crowd like a grape farmer. Despite the situation Lash didn't kill anyone.

He twirled the staff around and sent over a dozen berserkers flying into the air! A young, small screaming woman who looked familiar from SHIELD's data base jumped onto Lash's back. He jumped into the air and twisted so he landed on his back, and directly onto her. Lash weighs about 500 pounds. She was alive, but not moving anytime soon. He flipped to his feet and tripped the last of the people to the ground sending out shock attacks to anyone still standing. The entire fight took less than a minute to conclude.

“The battle is won!” Lash called out to the Agents of SHIELD who had stayed back and watched.

“Please tell me someone recorded that!?” Sky said loudly.

“Oh yes! All recorded! For academic reasons clearly!” Simmons said, holding a camera.

Lash stood off to the side and held the staff away from anyone who wanted to touch it. Or was simply curious about it. He was more than willing to talk about it. But he was the only allowed to touch it for now. SHIELD came in and started to clear out the hate group. The two ring leaders specifically were taken away. Aside from major property damage, and excessive force. No one had been killed. The monks in the monastery received treatment from Lash.

“I understand that SHIELD would want to study the staff but under Asgardian law that can not be allowed. However, I have been given permission to grant Midgardian a simple trade for help in locating the device.” Lash said, and produced a hard drive he had recently crafted.

“This contains every thing Midgard needs to deal with neurological instabilities. Examples would be PTSD, Alzheimer's, and Schizophonia.” Lash presented it to Phil who looked at it in shock. Simmons all but stole it from Phil and held onto it for dear life.

Phil called in the trade, Lady Hill responded to the call who ended up asking additional questions but still agreed to the trade. At which point Lash used Material Shaping and melted the staff into goop. Then turned that goop into energy particles. What they didn't know was that he had sent the same information to Jarvis, Tony Stark's VI. It is not that Lash didn't trust SHIELD. It's just that he didn't trust SHIELD....

“Lash...” A familiar feminine voice called to him. He turned around and found himself back in the black room with Dawn.

“Ah! I was wondering when I would be called up!” Lash said with a smile. He walked over and swallowed Dawn in a hug who smiled, and returned the embrace.

“Time for the fall of SHIELD?” Lash asked, and Dawn nodded in agreement.

“But first it is time to decide what you do with the few weeks you have left. Because of the time between events only so much can happen. With that in mind you still get 100 WP, but you are given the chance to save any points you don't use for next time.” Dawn said, as she wiggled out his arms and brought up a tool tip. “Of course that is assuming you plant to stay for another event? Let your rewards carry over.”

“Interesting... Also yes, I plan to continue. I've already gain a lot of interesting abilities, and items from this Rift alone.” Lash agreed, and scrolled through the tool tip. So he had 100 WP's but didn't have to spend them all.

  • Secretly Support Hydra, 20 WP: You turn on a dime and support the organization of Hydra. Granting advanced technology, and abilities to the organization. This will dramatically change the series of events in the MCU.

    • Not Recommended.

“Wow! That is actual a possibility?” Lash asked, as he highlighted the option to allow Dawn to know what he was looking at.

“Yes User! Like I said before the Dream Engine Developers have seen some crazy butterfly effects in this Rift.” Dawn said in agreement.

  • Contact the Inhumans, 20 WP: Lash, Jormungandson contacts the inhumans of Midgard. They are shocked that Asgard even knows about them. Sky aka Daisy Johnson is reunited with her father, and mother.

    • You have purchased Contact the Inhumans for 20 WP.

  • Fall of Shield, 20 WP: Lash, Jormungandson spends weeks preparing for the inevitable fall of SHIELD. Making lists of locations, and supplies. (Though unable to tell a soul due to the 4th wall engine)

    • You have purchased Fall of Shield for 20 WP.

  • Tropical Paradise, 20 WP: Lash, Jormungandson spends a month in a tropical paradise with beautiful woman. All of which are more than happy to test the endurance of the, 'God of Monsters.'

    • Not Recommended.

  • Falling off the Radar, 20 WP: Lash, Jormungandson falls off of SHIELD's radar suddenly and can't be found.

    • You have purchased Falling off the Radar for 20 WP.

“I think that is everything. Anything else is a little too ridicules.” Lash said, and he still had 40 WP to carry over to the next event break. Dawn went over some details about the world.


Asgardian Lash, Jormungandson spent what time he could among the people of Midgard. Word had spread through the public of Stark Industries creating new cures for several neurological illnesses that had plagued Midgard for centuries. Lash spent sometime visiting different installations of SHIELD. All of the locations he had security clearance for. While on the sly he made a list of all the locations he was not.

He kept his promise to Sky and introduce her to her people. The Inhumans were shocked to know that Asgard not only knew about them. But had known about them since the dawn of their creation. Lash even introduced them to the Masters of the Mystic Arts of Kamar-Taj. Adding a new layer of safety and security for the Inhumans. Before he left he made Phils's team swear not to tell SHIELD about the Inhumans for the next few months. They were confused but agreed.

Lash on the sly used Awaken Trait on Sky aka Quake, and activated her Inhuman gene. He placed a bio-mechanical implant through Re:Implant to help her slowly come into her power. However he went a little overboard and gave Sky her comic book version of a power set, oops! She was granted, Enhanced reflexes, endurance, speed, strength, and Inhuman metabolism. All at G- grade but would slowly build up overtime. Along with Vibration Manipulation, and Vibration Immunity.

Then with out a word to anyone Lash simply disappeared off of SHIELD's radar. No one could find him! Something that was incredibly upsetting to several people. Especially Secretary Pierce who was overseeing the launch of the insight helicarriers. They had wanted Lash's opinion on several designs.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Old defunct SHIELD safe house***

Former Director Fury was in a bad state. He was sitting on a bed in the middle of an old hydro electrical damn that had been converted into a safe house for one of those rare occasions that people needed deep, deep shadow cover. He never thought he would be the one using it. But that had been an unexpected treat for him. He had so many injuries he was surprised he was even alive. Agent Hill was currently out in the field with out anyone knowing he was alive. She was looking for Captain Rogers, and Agent Romanoff.

Fury looked around the cold, wet, and dark room he was sitting in. A simple hospital bed, and life vital machines keeping him company. He looked around the room slowly with his one good eye. His natural Danger Sense was telling him something was wrong. He slowly reached under his pillow for his clock. Even in his own base he took precautions. Then he felt something crawl up through his legs. Into his injuries. Fury bit back a scream as his bones snapped back into place. His bullet wounds closed up, and all the aches and pains he had experienced were gone. He took a slow, relaxed breath as he looked around the room.

“Glad to hear you got my call.” Fury said to the darkness of the room.

“Sorry I wasn't here to stop it from happening.” Lash said as he stepped from the shadows.

“Sir, are you alright I..JESUS CHRIST!” The doctor, the only other person who knew Fury was alive walked into the room to see Lash standing off to the side.

“Relax doctor, he's a friend.” Fury said as he pulled the blankets off and stood up with out issue.

“Sir you...Really....Wait?” The doctor asked in confusion.

“Ya, about that. Come on let's get to work.” Fury said and walked through the room experimentally.

“I need you to work with Agent Hill and go find our people.” Fury said to Lash who bowed from his waist and faded into smoke and shadow.


***Rift. Story/Cross Over. Camp Lehigh, New Jersey***

Captain Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers aka Captain America stepped out of the stolen truck walking up next to Natasha Romanoff. Shield in hand as he walked towards the gate. He looked around confused, as he looked at Natasha GPS contained with in her phone. In another life such technology would have been considered science fiction. Rogers took a deep breath and spoke.

“This is it?” Rogers asked.

“The file came from these coordinates.” Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff aka Black Widow said as she tucked the phone away into her back pocket.

Both Rogers, and Romanoff were currently wearing civilian attire. Cotton hoodies, t-shirts, blue jeans, and tennis shoes. Though the outline of a gun could be seen in Romanoffs belt line, and Rogers of course carried his shield. He looked around, then looked up a sign. He took a breath and replied.

“So did I. This is where I was trained.” Rogers said pointing at the Camp Lehigh sign.

The both of them easily bypassed the chain link fence and started to look around. The sun was setting and soon a nice summer night would overtake them. They walked the breath of the military base looking things over in confusion. Rogers most of all as he looked around with an expression of nostalgia. Memories flood his vision. He turned to look at Romanoff only to see her feet planted and pointing her gun at a figure walking towards them. Rogers whipped around, shield at the ready. But he stopped mid swing and smiled.

“Respectful greetings to you, Lord Rogers and Lady Romanoff!” Lash said as he came into sight.

“Good to see you, Lash.” Rogers said and walked over to give Lash a warrior's hand shake.

“We could have used you earlier with Fury.” Romanoff said, as she came up. A look of sadness crossed her face.

“Worry not, Lord Furry will make a full recovery.” Lash said simply, making the two of them freeze. Then Romanoff jumped across the space that separated them and hugged Lash.

“THANK YOU!” She all but shouted in relief.


Lash easily caught Natasha in his arms and laughed slightly. This Midgardians always so hesitant to show emotion. All the same Lash returned the embrace then gently set her down to her feet. Steve smiled at him and clapped him on his back. Lash asked what they were doing here. They filled him in as they began to explore the base together.

Lash decided to remove his armor for now under a glamour. To the mundane eye he wore combat boots, black pants, black t-shirt, and a leather jacket. He was still 6'6” with deep caramel skin, and yellow green eyes. But no tribal marks were seen on his skin. He walked behind the duo and kept his thoughts to himself. Though he did reply when spoken too. Natasha frowned in disappointment as she looked around.

“Looks like this is a dead end. No radio waves, no IF.” Natasha said, as she watched Steve walk at a brisk pace towards a rectangular building.

“Army regulations state that you cant store ammunition with 500 yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place.” Steve said as he jogged up to the door and used his shield to break the lock. He pulled the door open with the help of Lash and they stepped inside.

Contained within the fake building was fully furnished all be it old office building. On the wall was a drawing of a bird of prey. Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, SHIELD. Three pictures were under the bird of prey one held a resemblance to Tony Stark. One was an older man in a military uniform, and the other was a beautiful woman that drew Steve's gaze for a moment.

“This is SHIELD, or maybe where it started....Who's the girl?” Natasha asked, and watched Steve walk away with out giving an answer. She looked back at Lash and he mouthed the words, 'later'. She nodded and continued to follow behind Steve with Lash behind her.

“If you are already working in a secret office, why do you need to hide the elevator?” Steve asked as he began to pull open a sliding book case. To reveal an elevator with a door code. Natasha flipped her phone out and used a program to read the pass code.

All three of them stepped inside, they both noticed the elevator groaned just a bit when Lash stepped in. Natasha smirked and kept what ever sarcastic remark she had to herself. The elevator went down several dozen feet then the doors opened up to reveal a vast room covered from wall to wall in old computer data banks. Despite their clear age the room had seen some activity. There were clear foot prints on the ground, as the lights turned on one by one with motion sensors in place.

“This can't be the origin of the program. These machines are ancient!” Natasha said as she walked around the room. Lash pointed out a USB port for her. She plugged the USB device in and started up the system. “Shall we play game?” Natasha asked them both.

“I am not entirely sure we have time for games?” Lash asked, not understanding the situation. Natasha snickered, and Steve for the first time didn't feel like the one man out of time. After a few minutes the main computer screen turned on to reveal a poorly pixel drawn man.

“Rogers, Steven....born 1918.” The synthetic voice said. Then the camera above the monitor moved towards Natasha. “Romanoff, Natalia Alianova born 1984.” Then the camera moved to Lash. “You....I don't know.” The computer voice said.

“I am from Asgard, I would be surprised if you knew me, machine.” Lash replied to the computer.

“Ah! That explains it.” The computer said in return. After a brief moment of discussion between Natasha, and Steve with the computer they came to discover it was Arnim Zola. Who was apparently a Swiss scientist that worked for Germany.

During the entire exchanged between Arnim, Steve, and Natasha. Lash sent his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits into the data banks. Despite their age, they were technically mechanical. Technomancy didn't care. Arnim very quietly sent off a message to SHIELD notifying them of where Rogers, and Romanoff where. Or at least that is what Arnim thought he did. What he actually did was send a message to one of Lash's tech-spirits. All the while Lash was copying the information, and downloading, 'Insight'.

  • Congratulations User! The skill/power Insight has evolved twice!

  • Minor Insight.

    • Effect: Increase in skill power.

    • Effect: Decrease in energy consumption.

    • Effect: Increase in skill target distance.

  • Basic Insight.

    • Effect: Targets affiliation is revealed.

A sinister grin spread across Lash's face as he absorbed the knowledge the Arnim Zola. Lash continued to watch, and listen as the computer intelligence droned, on and on about how they had won. Lash watched Steve punch a computer screen in pure frustration as he Arnim had insulted Steve's sacrifice. Steve demanded to know what was on the drive but Arnim stalled, then made the idle threat of.

“Unfortunately you will be to dead to hear it!” Arnim said.... Then a long pause that had Steve, and Natasha looking at it in confusion. “Ahem! Unfortunately you will be to dead to hear it!” Arnim said again...Then another long pause took place.

“Are we done?” Lash asked, as he stepped towards the USB port and pulled it out handing it to Natasha who looked at him in confusion but a smile was tugging on her lips as she took the drive from him.

“What did you do!?” Arnim seem to realize he had no control over his area of influence.

“Oh I cut off your control the moment you booted up. Also the signal you believe you sent to SHIELD never made it. You've been talking to me this entire time.” Lash said with a smug smirk on his face.

“You monster! That is impossible!” Arnim screamed at him.

“I've downloaded all of his memories, and files. We can leave as soon as I delete him.” Lash said to Steve who nodded with a smirk on his face.

“No! I will not let my life's work be for nothing!” Arnim screamed, but in the end couldn't do anything. Lash pressed his hand to the USB interface and deleted Arnim Zola from existence.

“Nooooooooooooo.........” Arnim screamed, then one by one the data banks stopped moving. Many of them burst with sparks as their tapes melted.

The three of them went back up to the surface and jumped into the stolen truck. Steve drove back into town at the suggestion of Natasha they went to see a new friend of Steve's. A man named Sam Wilson. It was another odd moment where the 4th wall engine prevented Lash from speaking up about just going straight to Fury. But that was fine. Samuel Thomas Wilson aka Falcon was someone Lash wanted to meet either way.

Sam lived in a nice neighborhood, in a nice home. Steve had parked the truck around the block and under a glamour they walked into Sam's backyard and knocked on his glass door. Sam came to answer with a confused expression on his face to see Steve, Natasha, and Lash standing in his backyard. Sam took it in stride an invited them into his home. Steve, and Natasha went to the guest bedroom to wash up. While Lash opted to cook everyone breakfast.

Sam was a good looking man who stood approximately at 5'10” with chocolate skin, with brown eyes, and short brown hair. He had an inverted triangle figure that many special operations retired military veterans carry. He was lean, and in great shape. He was sitting at the kitchen table watching Lash pull food from the energy in the air with wide eyes.

“Soooo....” Sam asked, as he helped Lash set the table.

“Let's wait for them to be done before we talk. I'm Lash, Jormungandson of Asgard by the way. Sorry for the late introduction.” Lash said as he bowed from his waist.

“Ya, I kinda put that together! You have a huge following on social media. I'm Sam Wilson, I know Cap from... Well I kinda just met him actually.” Sam said, a mystified expression on his face.

“Lord Rogers has that kind of appeal. He is good, just, and honest. Tends to bring that out of people around him.” Lash said in response, and Sam nodded in agreement.

“Tell me something Lord Sam. If you were given the chance to be like Lord Rogers, would you?” Lash asked, watching him as he began to toss some eggs into a pan.

“What you mean like a super-soldier?” Sam asked with a sarcastic grin that slowly evaporated as Lash looked at him. Then he swallowed and sat up straight.

“I mean... If there is a fight I'll be there. I don't need it, but it would be nice to have.” Sam admitted, and Lash could see that he was nervous.

“Sounds like they are finishing up, please go get them. We'll discuss your enhancement once everything is over.” Lash said with a smile. Sam slowly stood up and nodded then went to retrieve Steve, and Natasha. In the few moments that he was away Lash reached into the Dream Store catalog and purchased an evolution for one of his spells. For 20 DP he evolved Source Code.

  • Attention User! You've purchased the evolution of Minor Source Code into Basic Source Code. For 20 DP.

    • Effect: Increase in spell power.

    • Effect: Decrease in spell energy consumption.

    • Effect: Increase in spell targeting range.

    • Effect: You've been granted the 'insert code' spell variant.

Lash had experimented with this a while ago. He couldn't give abilities outright. But what he could do is implant a dormant trait. Then use Awaken Trait to wake that up. That is what he had done for Sky. So no, Sam would not be getting a super-soldier serum. But he would be getting something else! Lash finished setting the table and a breakfast feast awaited consumption. Natasha, and Steve froze in their tracks at the meal. Lash waited with a chair pulled out for Natasha. She smiled at him and took her seat gracefully.

Lash created several holographic windows, after they finished eating breakfast. Then they continued to much on a few things as they looked through the information that Lash had pulled out of Zola's data banks. This was also supplemented by Lash's own data diving that he had been doing for the past several months. Something that had surprised all three of them.

“You suspected something was wrong with SHIELD this whole time?” Steve asked in shock.

“Yes, far to many of your people were stained with the taint of Hel. I had thought that was simply the act of people doing what must be done. But too many of them enjoyed what they did. So I've been gathering information. I am happy to report several people are not corrupt. Like Director Fury, Lady Hill, Phil, Son of Cole is also clean.” Lash said to them, and Natasha smiled at him.

“But thanks to Zola's algorithm I can complete my list. We simply need to choose a place and time to release the information and help SHIELD weather the storm.” Lash declared, and Steve's face became filled with anger.

“We are not saving SHIELD! SHIELD, HYDRA it all goes!” Steve declared in a very triumphant voice as if his word was law. Natasha looked at him with a conflicted expression.

“Steve, I mean this in the best possible way. But that is incredibly childish, and naive.” Lash said to him, and Steve deflated just a bit.

“SHIELD is a global initiative. You can't just pop the metaphorical bubble and expect them all to disappear. HYDRA it self is far older than the Red Skull. If anything the Red Skull was a rogue group of HYDRA. From what I've been able to gather there are three main groups of Hydra. Military, Scientific, and Religious. Religious is by far the oldest. They've been around since before Midgardians thought the world was flat.” Lash informed them all, and brought up several holographic windows. Including the religious current leader, Gideon Malick.

“If you dismantle SHIELD as you think it should be. All you will do is make hydra go underground. Leaving the world as a whole unguarded.” Lash informed Steve who began to read through the information files. Now truly coming to grasp with the situation they were in.

“Holy Shit! There are records going back centuries here.” Sam said out loud as he read through the same files.

“Pierce is the current leader of the military faction?” Natasha asked as she pushed her plate away suddenly not so hungry as she pulled the information up.

“Who is Daniel Whitehall?” Steve asked, looking over the man's information. A disciple of Red Skull and leader of the Science sect of Hydra.

“Take out the bad, keep the good. Rebuild SHIELD. Trust me Steve, Midgard needs it.” Lash enforced his opinion one more time. Steve looked like he had chewed on something sour. He didn't say yes, but he didn't say no either.

“So, how do two of the most wanted people on SHIELD's radar grab Agent Sitwell in broad daylight.” Steve asked, as he was reading about Jasper Sitwell. Lash wasn't sure why they jumped topics but he rolled with it.

“The answer is, you don't!” Sam said as he threw down his military file.

“This Riley?” Steve asked, looking at the picture and Sam nodded. Lash was confused about who Riley was but with the body language in place he could tell it was sore spot for Sam.

“The Khalid mission, that was you? I heard the RPG's were so heavy they couldn't bring in a chopper. What did you use, a stealth chute?” Natasha asked, flipping through the files with Steve.

“No, this.” Sam opened the next file for his carbon fiber wings. Lash looked at the design and Erik the gamer was geeking out across the link.

“I can build that.” Lash said to them, and Sam looked up at him with a smile.

“Well I guess we don't need it from the military base then.” Sam said with a grin. “Oh, is it time to discuss the treatment?” Sam asked Lash.

“Treatment?” Natasha asked, Lash grinned at her.

“Oh yes! Asgardian made, I was planning on giving it to you and Sam before we moved out.” Lash said with a grin that made Natasha, and Sam shiver. Lash's eyes had turned reptilian.


At the roof top of a skyscraper located in Washington D.C. The rooftop door burst open and Agent Jasper Sitwell came flying through it. He rolled onto his hands and knees and slowly got up. He looked behind him and saw Rogers, and Romanoff walking towards them. He licked his lips and went through a dozen different excuses and reasoning to give them.

“What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?” Steve asked him.

“Throwing up, I get sea sick!” Sitwell replied as he looked at Natasha something was different about her?

“What is project insight?” Steve asked, continuing to walk towards Sitwell. Sitwell continued to back up until he hit the ledge to the roof top and nearly tumbled off.

“Never heard of it!” Sitwell said, and was caught by Steve before he fell off. “Is this little exercise meant to threaten me into believing you'll kick me off the roof Rogers? Because let's be honest that is not your style.” Sitwell said to Steve. Steve nodded in agreement and fixed Sitwell's suit.

“Your right, it's not....It's hers!” Steve said and stepped aside as Natasha kicked Sitwell square in the chest and sent him flying backwards by a fair amount.

“Good distance!” Steve said to her as Sitwell went screaming down below.

“Thanks! Still getting use to this.” Natasha said as she stretched out, her joints popping in release she groaned in satisfaction.

“Geeeaaaaaaaah!” Sitwell came screaming back up top carried by Sam. Sam flew over and landed on the rooftop dropping Sitwell along the way. Sam had a backpack on that created hard light energy wings, with energy repulsion engines that may or may not make Stark irritated that he has them. Then wings burst into light when they powered down.

“Zola's algorithm is for choosing Insight's targets!” Sitwell screamed in a vain attempt at mercy.

“What targets!?” Steve yelled at him.

“Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, a banker in Iowa, the valedictorian in New York.” Sitwell confessed and was pulled up by his collar thanks to Sam. Sam did it one handed.

“How could it know that?” Natasha asked.

“How could it not! The twenty first century is a digital book. Zola taught hydra how to read it.” Then Sitwell seem to realize what he had just said. “Pierce is going to kill me.”

“What then!....WHAT THEN!” Steve asked getting up in Sitwell's face.

“Then the insight hellicarriers scratch off the names on the list. A few million at a time.” Sitwell supplied the answer that no one wanted to hear.

“You were right, Lash.” Natasha said to the empty air. Then Lash appeared from his Invisibility making Sitwell jump in surprise.

“I was hoping I was wrong, but it was good to check. Thank you for humoring me.” Lash said to the group. Sitwell was looking at Lash in terror.

“Wait, you already knew!? How?” Sitwell screamed but soon fell to his knees asleep. Lash caught him mid fall. Making Sitwell sleep thanks to his cantrips from his Dream Domain.

“Alright, we should visit the director now.” Lash told them, and they all agreed.


A few minutes later they had packed into a vehicle that could hold them. Lash had kindly informed the Washington police department about a stolen truck. Steve was insistent that they had only borrowed it and should return it. While the new vehicle had been hand made by Lash while Sam, and Natasha got use to their new upgrades. Lash gave them Peak human stats about half of Roger's ability. Along with a bio-mechanical implant to help regulate the change and help them adapt to it. Not so quick that it was visible. But they would both look different by the end of the day.

Jasper Sitwell was asleep and laying against the passenger window when Lash heard a sound of impact above them on the car. They were driving down the highway towards the outside of town when a metal mechanical arm came through the window and yanked Sitwell out of the car and into oncoming traffic. The poor bastard was asleep the whole time, and died before he even knew why. Lash slammed on the breaks and launched a man off the vehicle.

The man aka The Winter Soldier was approximately 6' even with shaggy brown hair. He wore a tactical set of leathers, and kevlar. With a metal mechanical arm for his left hand, a red soviet star on the shoulder. He had a wrap around lower face mask, and sunglasses on. He lifted his mechanical hand and shot at their vehicle but the bullets hit the windshield with no penetration. Lash hit the gas and floored it towards him. Just in time for an APC to ram in behind them.

The Soldier jumped up, and over the vehicle using his metal hand as an anchor. The punched his way through to rip out their steering column. Lash snagged his hand instead and pulled him into the car with him. Then proceeded to punch the soldier in the face several times. Clearly taken by surprise the Soldier tried to fight Lash off. But then the APC rammed into them again.

“I'm going to take this outside!” Lash told Steve, Natasha, and Sam then opened his door and pulled the soldier out with him. The shattered sunglasses revealed the soldiers dead eyes, but even he was taken a back when Lash jumped out of the car with him in tow.

“Shit!” Sam called out and jumped into the driver seat just in time for another bull rush from the APC behind them. “Brace yourselves!” Sam yelled out because dead center in the road ahead of them was another APC blocking traffic.

The APC's in question were big rectangular metal boxes with six giant rubber wheels along the sides. The driver area was angled into a gradual point, while the back was cut off in the back. With a mounted light machine gun on top. The vehicle crafted by Lash looked like a civilian model but was far more durable. When Sam hit the APC the car absorbed the shock nicely. Sam smiled, then looked into the rear view mirror to see the APC behind them ram into the car. Now that created a shock! Compacting their vehicle together. But the vehicle held its shape....

Lash, and the Winter Soldier rolled across the concrete of the road together until Lash pushed him off into the concrete divider. He stood up and brushed himself off, the soldier stood up and sprinted at him. Lash lifted the soldier up into the air with Telekinesis and tossed him into another concrete barrier. Lash turned around and shot a localized EMP beam into another approaching APC. The armored vehicle rolled to a gradual stop right in front of Lash.

“I don't think you people fully understand who I am.” Lash said to the soldier as he stood up and glared at him.

Men in military gear came piling out of the APC, each of them had cybernetic implants on their arms in the form of a centipede. They rushed Lash and he reached out with Machine Control and shut them down. Each soldier dropped like a sack of potatoes. Lash ducked under the striking metal arm and used a palm strike on the soldier square in the chest sending him flying back into the concrete divider. Then a quin-jet from above started firing on Lash. Deflection sent the shots ricocheting in random directions. The Winter Soldier sprinted towards the others and left Lash to the helicopter.

Danger Sense activated for the first time in a long while! Lash ducked under a haymaker. Then dodged and weaved through a serious of professional boxing moves until he came to a stop to admire his attacker. Carl Creel aka Absorbing man stood by with a metallic finish to his skin. He was approximately 6'3” with broad a wide as a door figure. Well define muscles on his golden tanned skin with his bald head. (Baldies Unite!) He wore black boots, pants, and a black tank top. His arms were up ready to block anything Lash sent at him.

“Interesting, you don't smell alien. I assume this is random mutation?” Lash asked in a very polite tone surprising Creel.

“I just figured out how to do it one day...I mean! Fuck that! My compliance will be rewarded!” Creel shouted at Lash and rushed him.

“Ah! Brain washing! Don't worry I can remove that!” Lash said, and cast Personal Time freezing the immediate area. Lash walked behind Carl and cast Re:Implant, Root of Information, Restoration, and Source Code.

Lash installed a bio-mechanical implant to help Creel fight through the brain washing. Then used Root of Information to find the key phrases used by Hydra and repaired it with Restoration. Then implanted Mental Resistance with Source Code. They would all take effect the moment Lash unfroze time. He stepped back from Carl and reactivated time. Creel screamed in horror and absolute pain and dropped to his knees. Gripping his head, he went through several different adsorptions of his ability. Then he collapsed and fell unconscious.

A sphere of absolute darkness swallowed part of Lash's highway thanks to Darkness Manipulation. He used Manifestation and called a Elite to his side. He had the Elite secure Creel and take him to the base Fury was residing in secret. Lash didn't want to leave Creel to be captured again. The sphere of darkness collapsed and the quin-jet fired on Lash again. Or tried to as its weapons were magnetically locked. Lash jogged down the road towards the fight happening.


Natasha spring jumped over one of the centipede soldiers and brought her knee down on another. She wrapped her legs around a second soldier and used her momentum to twist and catapult him into the ground with a satisfying crack in the concrete. She blocked another strike from a soldier, the surprised look on the centipede soldier was clear. As she smirked back and punched him square in the jaw breaking it. She spun around and kicked another soldier square in the chest sending them flying backwards.

“Lash said we are only at half power!” Natasha said with a smile.

“I hear that!” Sam said as he flipped a centipede soldier through the air and impacted one of the APC's armor leaving a sizable dent.

Steve was punching his against the Winter Soldier. One of the centipede soldiers got onto the light machine gun up top but it wouldn't fire for some reason. Natasha threw one of her mini taser disks at the soldier he shook violently but continued to stand. Then he was picked up by some invisible force and flung across the highway into a concrete barrier. Then a six more soldiers were forcibly slammed into the APC's with bone breaking force before they were dropped. Again seemingly from thin air.

“Well you two seem to be growing into your powers. How does it feel?” Lash asked as he jogged over to them, then started to stalk around the Winter Soldier who seem to realize they were alone.

“Amazing!” Sam said with a grin, as he picked up a clock and pointed it at the soldier. Natasha didn't say anything but let her satisfied smirk, and playful wink answer the question.

Then in a lightning quick move Lash was behind the soldier putting him in a choke hold. The Winter Soldier flailed and tried to pull Lash off. But Lash was like a giant anchor in a storm. The soldier flailed, kicked, and even took out a knife to stab Lash. But Steve caught his hand and held on until the Soldier slowly lost consciousness. Lash continued to hold him a while yet, then slowly let go of him.

“Gather up you three! We are taking the express way back!” Lash called out, SHIELD APC's, and STRIKE teams were in bound.

A whirlpool of darkness, and starlight burst from the ground and all five of them sunk into it like quicksand. No, quicksand would have been slower. They faded into the dark and all Natasha could think about was how beautiful the darkness was. It was odd as they came out of it. It felt like an elevator as they were pushed back up through the darkness in a completely different place! It looked like an old abandoned hydro electric dam? Standing off to the side was Agent Hill with a wide eyed look on her face.

“Hello Lady Hill, we have company!” Lash said to her, and Natasha just laughed. When did her life get so weird.


“Well its about damn time!” Fury said from his seat at the table as they all walked in. Lash had the Winter Soldier tossed over one of his shoulders.

“Oh look you brought another stray in. Do I even want to know where your friend came from?” Fury asked as he pointed at the 7'6” tall Saurus Elite who stood off to the side with the still asleep Carl.

“I've removed the brain washing on Carl Creel, and we'll do the same here for James Barnes.” Lash said simply and didn't even pause when the whole room stopped to look at him.

“W...What?” Steve asked pale as a ghost. Lash set the Winter Soldier down and peeled his mask off. Sure enough it was James "Bucky" Barnes aka Winter Soldier in the flesh. Well except for his metallic arm. Steve rushed to his long and believed dead friend.

Lash soon did the same thing he did to Carl, to Bucky then crafted some beds for the both of them. The Elite continued to watch over Carl, while Steve refused to move away from Bucky's side. So they had the meeting then and there. Lash produced the same holographic windows for Fury, and Hill as he had done at Sam's place. Along with the entire record for Creel, and Bucky. Along with the secret that would crush Tony when he found out. That Howard Stark, and Maria Stark were murdered by Bucky.

Lash continued to review information obtained by his tech-spirits. He used the spirits so much he got another evolution out of them.

  • Congratulations User, Basic Virtual Intelligence has evolved into Intermediate Virtual Intelligence.

    • Effect: 4 tech-spirits.

    • Effect: Virtual Intelligence have obtained the ability to carry out more complex tasks, and have gained simple intuition awareness of their casters specific wants, and needs.

Hazah! So his 4 tech-spirits began using the new and improved Basic Insight to check the pre existing Hydra list Lash had made. His spell energy dropped below 50% several times but he wasn't doing anything taxing so he easily regained it. He answered any question Fury had for him. But in the end Fury was upset about not realizing the issues sooner.

“In sixteen hours the five insight hellicarriers will launch.” Hill said to the room. Five?

In the movies it was three. However thanks to Lash's interference in the Battle for New York. Or more specifically when he released the video recording of the UNWS council wanting to nuke the city. A vote of no confidence was quickly put into motion and the old security council was removed! While a new one was voted in. Additionally, Director Fury was granted additional trust, and SHIELD was given more funding. So, three became five. Great.

“So we have to stop them from leaving dry dock. As well as inform all of SHIELD of Hydra's infiltration.” Lash continued from Hill's topic.

“Hopefully we can salvage what is left and turn this around.” Fury said, and Steve looked like he wanted to say something but kept it to himself.

“We should call in the Avengers to aid us in this battle.” Lash suggested to the room and Fury looked conflicted.

“I don't want to get anyone else involved in this mess.” Steve said from the side as he looked up from Bucky.

“That is incredibly foolish. We are out numbered and about to storm one of the most secure facilities in the world. You want to do it with less people?” Lash said to him, wondering if Steve's head was not in the right place.

“He's right Steve, this is their fight too.” Natasha spoke up from her spot at the room. She had a burner phone in hand. Steve made a pained expression and turned away.

So some calls were made, Steve didn't think it was a good idea to call Tony. But it was more along the lines of he was afraid of what Tony would do when he saw Bucky. Natasha offered to coach Steve through the process. Lash stayed with Bucky as he used Connectivity to reach out to Tony, Rhodey, Clint, Banner, and Thor if he was available? All but Thor was able to respond. Lash couldn't get a hold of Lady Foster. Lash wasn't even sure if Thor, and Foster were on Midgard at the moment or not.

Six hours later Clint, Tony, Rhodey, and Banner were at the defunct SHIELD facility talking about the Triskelion. Bucky was in another room talking with Steve and trying to get a sense of time. He had woken up, and from his words had stirred from a dream where his memories were slowly drifting back to him. Carl was by Lash sitting down with a glass of beer in his hand. Carl was pointing out known Hydra tactics to the team as they discussed the operation.

Out of everyone present Banner had changed the most. He was taller! With more muscle growth, and had neon green eyes all the time now. When he spoke it was combination of Hulk, and Banner together. When it was subjects about science it leaned towards Banner. While anything about smashing became Hulk's bass tone of voice. Lash was currently applying the same super formula to Clint that he had given to Natasha, and Sam.

“So about half a strong as Cap? How long does this last?” Clint asked Lash as he felt the energy roll through him.

“Oh no, sorry Lord Barton. This is just how you are now.” Lash said as he stepped to the side and produced a holographic window for him to read. Clint blinked at him then at the window. A smile stretched across his face.

“I don't suppose you'd be willing to do that for the US military any time soon?” Rhodey asked, with a smile as he came over for his own treatment.

“Once all of Hydra has been removed from the military we can talk about it.” Lash offered, and Rhodey looked up in confusion. Lash produced a holographic window about the known military leaders who were Hydra. Including a certain US Senator.

In the end Lash optimized Tony, Rhodey, Clint, Hill, Fury, and even Carl. Banner didn't need it any more. Lash offered to fix Fury's eyes but the man took a rain check. Something about Alpha one security clearance attached to his ruined eye. Eventually Tony was called into a separate room with Rhodey by his side. Then Stark learned the cold hard truth about his parents death. He took it pretty well after he tried to bash Bucky's face in with his new found strength.

“Man that's rough.” Carl said in a soft whisper as he finished his beer and grabbed another. He was dealing with his own demons at the moment as his memories were slowing coming back to him thanks to the bio-mechanical implant that Lash installed.

“Better to deal with it now then hide the truth of it later.” Lash said to him, and Carl nodded. Carl looked at Lash and wanted to ask him something but held back. Lash watched him for a bit then turned back to Fury.

“So the issue now is how do we deal with all of Hydra in our SHIELD locations. We have the Friend and Foe program up. Jarvis, and your...'tech-spirits' will be helping with that. But we'll need fast response teams.” Fury brought up another subject and Lash used Manifestation to call a Saurus Warrior from the air by his side.

“Holy shit!” Carl said as he jumped to his feet and turned his body to concrete. The warrior looked at him with indifference.

“I'll be sending teams of my people to each location to hold the ground until confirmed SHIELD personnel show up. Worry not Lord Fury about SHIELD's secrets. I may know more about its secrets now then even you do.” Lash said to him, and the old man glared at him.

“That doesn't exactly fill me with comfort.” Fury replied and pulled up another window.

“Glass houses Fury! It's about time someone saw all your dirty secrets, and took a peak at your cross dressing events.” Tony said with a bit of snark as he strode into the room and took a seat next to Lash. He was clenching his jaw and trying to get back to 'normal'

With a viable plan set into motion. Lash started to make exoskeleton suits for everyone. Except for Tony, Rhodey, Banner, and Carl who wouldn't need one. Though Lash did make incredibly durable polymer suits for Banner, and Carl. Lash gave Carl slips of Nth metal, Admantine, and Vibranium. Contained with in two bracers. Lash weaved Vibranium thread into Banners suit. As well as Tony's, and Rhodey's suit. While the exoskeletons of Sam, Natasha, Clint, Steve, and Bucky got the similar package from the Battle of New York. Lash spun a suit for Hill, and threaded Fury's clothing.

“You all know your assignments. Let's do this right, and....” Steve started with his inspirational speech but was cut off.

“Ya, ya, ya!” Stark said, poison practically dripping from his words as he stalked off down the path towards the Triskelion in his armor. Steve looked pained, and Bucky wasn't much better.

“See you in a bit...” Lash said to them all and faded into the tree line.

Soon the battle would begin....

First Draft, Raw, Unedited. Cliff hanger!

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