Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 107: Son of Jormungand

(Warning Long Chapter)


***HR. WWN Studio***

“Hello everyone! I am Sara Bradley!” Sara said, smiling towards the camera. Her brown hair was tied back into a pony tail. She wore a casual deep red business suit to highlight her features. Despite her schooled expression her hands were wringing slightly on camera.

“While I am Luke Brendon, co-anchor.” Luke said next with his easy going smile. His amber eyes held a sort of warmth. Though his expression held an edge that would make a few people worried. He wore a pine striped suit, and adjusted his shoulders.

“Our top story today happens in our very own New York City! Ladies and gentlemen across the world we have found another Rift located the island of Manhattan.” Sara said, and she gave the camera frown.

“That is right, reports came in only a few hours ago. A Rift opened up on the first floor and quickly grew in size with each passing minute. Anything that the Rift touched was sucked into it like a vortex. It grew to be approximately 100 feet around in a perfect sphere.” Luke continued, and tried to give Sara a reassuring smile.

“Once the Rift had been discovered with in a few short minutes the NYPD showed up to quarantine the area. Only a few minutes later did the Justice League: International show up to help secure the area. They are currently in the process of evacuating the area.” Sara tried to smile back at Luke but failed, her hands were shaking in trepidation.

“We will now go live with our camera crew at the site. Please be aware viewers that they are only allowed to go so close.” Luke said to the camera. Then Luke, and Sara both turned to look at the monitor behind them. The camera zoomed in, and anyone watching could see it live.

The Rift was huge! It had all but swallowed the building it had appeared in. It was a deep blue, to light green color along the edges. However, one of its more interesting all be it eerie aspects was that no matter what angle one would look at the Rift it would always look like it was staring at you. The camera crew was standing on a nearby building and the Rift looked like it was looking right at them. But the camera shot switched to a street view. Same perspective, the Rift's door looked right at them.

Despite the Rifts appearance as a door. It had been proven that the Rift was in fact a perfect sphere. Then before anything more happened a new JLI spring jump appeared. Out came a familiar sight. An 8 foot tall lizard man dressed as the grim reaper appeared. Agent Wraith spoke with the officer in charge of the scene along with one of the JLI leading members. Then after a brief moment Agent Wraith walked into the Rift.

Now they played the waiting game. Would Agent Wraith come back out in a few hours? Days? Weeks? Or would something else come out to attack them? Time will tell!


***Rift. Story/Crossover***

Just as before Lash fell through a cosmic tube of information. A kaleidoscope of images, words, and events that spread back as far as the eye could see. Then as quickly as it started, it stopped. Lash once more found himself in what could be called a black room. Though the walls were nigh invisible to the naked eye he could feel them nearby. He looked around and he was in an ocean of stars. Then he noticed several stars coming together, merging, taking a humanoid shape.

The shape had feminine curves, narrow waist, wide hips, and bouncing breasts. Starlight danced past her shoulders, and two stars turned blue, a radiant smile that could literally light up the universe itself was revealed. The woman of starlight came up to Lash and pressed their hand to his reptilian snout. She leaned up on her toes and kisses his nose making him laugh.

“Hello Dawn, good to see you.” Lash/Saurian both said to her. A mixture of voices oddly in sync.

“Hello User!” Dawn said softly, she did a twirl and a robe made out of pure white wrapped around her perfectly. Despite its billowing mass it was tailored to her allowing one to see her curves with out giving to much away. Her hood was up, drawing ones eye to see a face made out starlight.

“So, are you ready to play?” Dawn asked, as she brought up a information tab. Lash walked over and poked the tab with a claw. It expanded out and he leaned back in shock. All six of his eyes blinking in rapid succession.

“We are doing the Marvel Cinematic Universe?” Lash asked, as he read through the information. “How is this a Rift?” Lash continued, looking towards Dawn who had placed a finger to her chin tapping it in thought.

“DC Comics, and Marvel Comics have several stories that are considered fan favorites. There are of course several novels, comics, and movies that are incredible stories that many requested to participate in. However, Marvel movies, and Marvel Comics are two different things.” Dawn said as she brought up several User reviews, and suggestions by the Alpha testers.

“Marvel Comics is one of the Beta Test games is it not? Am I going there?” Lash asked, curious if he could meet the X-men.

“Yes, and no. Marvel Comics is one of the Beta Test games selected for the Dream Engine. However, Marvel Cinematic not so much. However so many people wanted to at least play in the different movie events. So that is what this is. However, you may still see VI Avatars participating in the events. Keep that in mind.” Dawn said with a bit of a shrug. That was not the answer Lash was hoping for. But it would still be fun to meet Tony Stark.

“Alright, how do we start? This isn't like the time fragment as far as I can tell. Do I still get a background or do I just get dropped into the universe?” Lash asked, as his giant tail snaked around and wrapped around Dawn. She gave out a cheerful squeak, and started to play her fingers along his scales.

“That is up to you, User!” Dawn said, and brought up several tool tips for him to read through.

  • Background selection process activated. Marvel Cinematic Universe story/cross over. B+ Grade. Dynamic scaling for difficulty.

    • Super-Soldier Program, 100WP: You are one of Dr. Abraham Erskine earlier experiments into the program before he left Europe. However, unlike Steven Rodgers your serum had unforeseen consequences. With your new abilities will you fight for the Allies? Or the Axis? (Point of entry, Captain America: 1940's World War 2)

    • Alien Bounty Hunter, 100WP: You are part of a galactic enforcement program to aid the local star ways. Tracking, hunting, and collecting bounties to return to them to their place in prison. This background comes with a ship. (Point of entry, Captain Marvel: 1995 Kree Starforce. Or, Guardians of the Galaxy: 2014 Nova Core.)

    • 0-8-4, 100WP: You are an object of unknown origin that has landed on Earth. You are collected by an elite team of SHIELD agents lead by Agent Phil Coulson. (Point of entry, after the Avengers 2012, before Winter Soldier pre-Ultron.)

    • No Background, 0WP: You are given no background and are instead dropped into the Universe with nothing but your abilities already unlocked. You gain 5x the experience, and rewards at the end of the Rift. (Point of entry? Optional)

    • Recommended, 120WP: You are an Asgardian, a child of Jormungand the world serpent. Granted the ability to travel the branches, and roots of Yggdrasil. You have been tasked by Odin All Father to search Yggdrasil for the fallen Prince Loki Odinson on the slim chance he survived his fall. (Point of entry, Avengers 2012)

“Dawn? How come I can see the recommended this time? Last time in the time fragment it didn't do that?” Lash asked, honestly curious about the change.

“Different situations call for different information. Some Rifts let you see the recommendation, while others do not.” Dawn replied, but her face told another story.

“People complained and the developers caved and made a change?” Lash asked, Erik whispering in his ear. Dawn's shoulders sagged and she looked crestfallen.

“Yes! To many people didn't like the recommendation given to them by their VI Reps. So we are suppose to at least show the basic information. However, if you choose the recommendation you can't take it back.” Dawn said, and pointed at Lash with the promise of fury and possible tail smacking. Lash held up his hands in surrender and wrapped his tail around Dawn in comfort.

“As fun as it would be to do the 'No Background' I'll do what I did last time and go with recommended. You've never let me down before.” Lash said with a smile that Dawn mirrored. She raised her chin and nodded with a smile.

In a flash of light Lash's entire gear set was replaced with ornate protective armor that covered from him neck, to wrist, to toe. Unlike other Einherjar (Military/Police of Asgard) several pieces of armor were stylized with snake scales representing his background. He was also forcibly shifted back to his 'default' human shape. Though he retained his reptilian eyes. He had a bald head, where his tribal tattoos showed proudly.

“I don't suppose this is Eru metal is it?” Lash asked, Erik was practically vibrating with excitement across their shared link.

“It is not.” Dawn said with a smirk, and gave them a mock frown at how disappointed Erik had become. Maybe Lash could ask Thor to touch his hammer. It worked on Hawkman!

Just like before Dawn gave the Wold Point menu to Lash. He had 120 points to spend and he couldn't move on until they were spent. Several options were grayed out. With a notification telling him that because of his background he couldn't access them. Example of one was a Kree rank. That made sense since he was part of Asgard. Could he buy a ship? Did Asgard have ships? He scrolled through the whole WP menu.

“Does Asgard not have any ships?” Lash asked Dawn who shook her head in a clear no.

“Asgard in the movies is a technological advanced race that also uses a form of magic. But in many ways they are still backwards. They uses horses to get around, and longboats that fly through the air. Advanced yes, but nothing capable of FTL. That was what the Bifrost was for.” Dawn said in an advisory tone.

That had always bothered me in the movies. How could they be this advanced race that protected the nine realms but they didn't have a single FTL ship available? -Erik said across their link. Lash and Saurian had to agree, that was just sloppy! They flipped the WP catalog to the User review of the Rift and read a few comments to get an idea of the Rift. A few suggestions on what to buy.

  • Ability Booster, 50 WP: You automatically start the Rift with half of your abilities intact. Side-Note, this effects your background start.

    • You have purchased, Ability Booster for 50 WP.

  • Basic Reputation, 20 WP: You have established a basic reputation among your fellow Asgardians. As a son of Jormungand you are met with suspicion and often disgust. While a select few call you friend.

    • You have purchased, Basic Reputation for 20 WP.

  • Basic World/Other World Lore, 20 WP: You are aware of the basic histories, lore, and hidden places of the ten realms. Granting you insight into matters that others have never heard on.

    • You have purchased, Basic World/Other World Lore for 20 WP.

  • Intermediate World/Other World Lore, 20 WP: You are aware of the intermediate histories, lore, and hidden places of the ten realms. Granting you insight to locations, events, and abilities that many find to be impossible.

    • You have purchased, Intermediate World/Other World Lore for 20 WP.

  • Earth Legend, 10 WP: There are several legends about you on Earth. A monster? A God? Or maybe both. Several legends, myths, and histories have been written about you. Lash son of Jormungand. (This will effect your background start.)

Lash had read through the different recommended WP purchases and decided on these. The other world lore was raved about by the user reviews. At the Intermediate rank they were able to find Loki's secret pathways in and out of Asgard. Along with Asgardian historical sights on Midgard. While many did encourage buying the intermediate version of reputation. At the very least basic would ensure that the Thor knew who you were all be it in passing. Then Earth's legend was just something to use with what ever points they had left. It helped develop a story for Earth about the User.

“Alright User! Your point of entry is Avengers! Are you ready?” Dawn asked, as she skipped around the black room.

“Yes, let's get this started shall we?” Lash said with a smile, and saluted Dawn with a fist right above his heart. Lash then felt himself fall from the black room straight into the information tunnel once again.


Lash, Jormungandson, an Asgardian with a unique if not odd ability to travel through the different pathways, roots, and branches of Yggdrasil. Unlike others, Lash was able to travel the paths with no ill effect. Blessed by his father he was able to take a monstrous form that protected him from the ravages of space and its dark energy.

Lash had been tasked by the All Father to search the branches, and roots of Yggdrasil for the fallen Prince Loki on the slim chance he had survived his fall. Though in all likely he had died, Queen Frigga had implored King Odin to look for their son. Lash volunteered for the search and earned the admiration and thanks of Queen Frigga.

But now something had happened. Heimdall the all-seeing and all-hearing Asgardian called out to him from the roots of the great tree. Return to Asgard, something has happened. Lash gradually turned his reptilian form and made his way back to Asgard, realm eternal. For he had been away for over a year looking for the impossible. Only had searched a small portion of the tree. What could be so important to tank him away from his task?


Saurian twisted and turned like a giant crocodile swimming through the water. He bounced across the spectral roots of Yggdrasil towards the realm eternal far above him. The roots of the tree were intangible, and tangible at the same time. A ship could fly through the roots and never know they were there. While those with a different perspective could see the vast majesty that was the tree. Wrapped around the roots of Yggdrasil asleep was the world serpent Jormungand his father. But even in his slumber he helped anchor the different realms together with his massive form. How Saurian yearned to settle next to his father in slumber. But he was given a task, and he would see it through.

Asgard, realm eternal was a massive piece of land. Unlike the other realms Asgard was not a sphere but a disk. A crystal lattice of sorts sat at the bottom and spread across the entire realm. Keeping it stable, granting gravity, oxygen, and life itself. The entire realm was as large as Midgard's north continent merged into an artful designed by the ancestors before creation. Across the entire realm were different lands, places to see, and explore. One could spend a thousand years on Asgard and not see it all. Saurian knew this for a fact for he had seen much, and still had more to see.

Saurian bounced across the roots and climbed onto the crystal underbelly of Asgard. Then he started to climb towards the rainbow bridge or rather what was left of it. Saurian had not been present when Thor had destroyed it. He wish he had been, perhaps he could have stopped Loki from his actions. Loki and Lash/Saurian had always gotten along, or so they had thought. The God of Mischief wasn't always the easiest to read. That had been one of the reasons they had volunteered to find him. They were hoping to find their friend.

The edge of Asgard was nothing but water that fell into the vastness of space and became energy itself. The crystal lattice below would collect that energy and recycle it back into the realm eternal. A renewable source of energy that never ran dry, at least until Ragnarok came. But such a thing was centuries if not thousands of years away. At least one could hope? Saurian dove into the waterfall and swam up the current like a giant eldritch horror from the deep abyss. A snickering smile on his face as he erupted from the waters near broken edge of the Bifrost bridge.

“Greetings to you Jormungandson” Heimdall said from his place at the ruined bridges edge. Saurian grumbled not having the effect he was hoping for. He climbed out of the water onto the ruined bridge, water dripping from his massive form.

Heimdall was approximately 7'2” tall, with chocolate colored skin, black dread locked hair to his shoulders that was covered by a crescent moon helm. He wore ornate golden armor, chain mail, and soft leather. Wielding a large uru cast metal sword, named Hofund the key to the Bifrost.

“Greetings to you Lord Gate Keeper. This one seek entry to the realm eternal.” Saurian said in his animalistic voice. Like a crocodile chewing on a chalkboard. All the same Heimdall understood him, and nodded his head in acceptance.

“You are a child of Asgard of course you are welcomed to come home.” Heimdall replied, as he looked up at the monstrous face of Saurian.

“There are times I feel that the others do not appreciate my presence.” Saurian replied, his face downcast. An unwanted guest in his own home.

“They do not know you. Many fear what they do not know. Be at peace my friend for you are always welcome in my presence.” Heimdall said and for once in their long life did he give him just the barest hint of a smile. Such a compliment made Saurian stand up straighter.

“You must hurry along to the palace. Odin All Father calls for you.” Heimdall said after a moment of silence.

“Be seeing you Lord Gate Keeper.” Saurian said and bowed his head. Heimdall returned the bow, then turned back to view the nine realms once more. His gray eyes turning to starlight.

Saurian began to walk, then gradually turned it into a run down the rainbow bridge of the Bifrost. But unlike before the bridge was mute, no longer vibrant with color. He mourned the loss of the bridge and what it could mean for the nine realms under their protection. Maybe he should volunteer to ferry troops to the other realms. Though he can't carry much, it would be something rather than nothing.

The golden city, and capital of Asgard was a monument of all that was good, and glorified in the upper most branches of Yggdrasil. Only Valhalla the heavens above was greater where all warriors will eventually reside to live in honor, and glory forever. But in a more practical sense! The city itself was massive a metropolis of structures across a vast expanse of land. With the total coverage of approximately 1,000 square miles. While at the dead center was the castle made from gold, and spell forged metals. Like a lonely mountain all in itself it towered over all buildings nearby.

For a brief shinning moment Saurian felt his worries melt away. He was home, at least for now. Then he was brought to a halt at the gates to the massive city at the edge of the Bifrost. The Einherjar warriors, soldiers, and police of Asgard and the nine realms stood at the ready. A few pointed their spears at Saurian when he slowed to a halt. While the commander called for a rest easy.

“Jormungandson please change shape the city is ill prepared to welcome you back in such a state!” The officer in charge called back. Ah! Yes, Saurian looked down at himself. He was so use to traveling the roots of Yggdrasil this way he forgot himself.

Living shadows, and darkness ever night swallowed the monstrous form of Saurian. The sounds of bones snapping, flesh tearing, and the gradual change from a towering 60' by 120' to a 6'6” Asgardian male with golden caramel skin,a bald head with tribal marks across the skin, and yellow green reptilian eyes. Lash stood before the gates of the golden city. Wearing his ceremonial armor Einherjar. He saluted the soldiers, and they saluted back. Though a few were doing so begrudgingly.

“Please wait a moment. We'll have a longboat take you to the palace. They wish to see you in the throne room immediately!” The officer in charge called out.

Once Lash became aware he also seem to come into himself? Or rather he had been on auto pilot this whole time now was able to finally take the wheel. Saurian stretched out across the link and curled up, looking around the area with interest. So this was Asgard? It was impressive, Lash took a knee and ran his hand across the rainbow bridge and used his Transmuter title to learn the chemical composition. A wealth of information flooded his mind.

All of the Lash's Domains were unlocked while about half of the spells were active. A few specific spells were grayed out with progress bars. While a few didn't even have a progress bar attached. Specifically Manifestation was locked. That made some sense, Manifestation was an incredibly powerful spell. While every single skill, power, and trait was unlocked. Many of them were only as strong as F grade, though they all had progress bars attached. Interesting.

The golden city was an interesting place. Lash saw several technological advancements that would leave his Earth, his reality in the dust. While there was also several low grade, pre steam engine tech that made no sense. Horses were nice and all. But come on? A motorcycle would be so much faster. If they were pegasus maybe he could understand it. But no, they were normal horses. Not even a special breed either. Just horses.

The longboat or skiff arrived and Lash stepped onto it for an immediate transit to the palace. The longboat was interesting to say the least. It had several gun pods along its bottom section. While on the tail end it had a few energy missile pods. No actual ammunition, just self guiding projectiles. Fancy! The engine was in the back, while the pilot and or driver had direct control of the ship via steering stick? Oar? Behind the gun pods, and before the engine were twin towering pieces of metallic wings. That could unfurl and move through space surrounding Asgard. Given that Asgardians could survive in a vacuum oddly enough.

There was a driver, and a gunner aboard the skiff and they kept to themselves. Lash frowned at that, he understood they were on duty. But from the memories given to him by his background most Asgardians were friendly with one another. Maybe he should have spent more points on his reputation? It was to late now, if anything he would put a User review on the reputation WP catalog. It would be a few minutes traveling to the palace even as fast as they were moving so Lash spent his time figuring out how the skiff moved with his Science Intuition, and Magic Intuition he received several experience prompts and even received a progress bar for learning the design.......15%.......30%......60%......100%

  • Attention User! You've obtained the design for Asgardian longboat/skiff boat design.

The skiff stopped off at a entry port before even entering the palace. Security was tight around the palace as it always was. Lash stepped off the boat and bowed to the pilot, and driver thanking them for the ride. They nodded in reply and pushed off returning to their patrol. An officer stood by ready to escort him to the throne room. As Lash moved through the security point he noticed hundreds of Einherjar preparing for a long battle or maybe even a war.

That was right, with the Bifrost destroyed the enemies of the nine realms were noticing that Asgard wasn't around anymore. They would most likely attack the realms while they were away. Lash searched through his memories and knew at least three different secret pathways to three different realms they could take through Asgard with out the Bifrost. He'd have to tell Heimdall about it. Something was always better than nothing.

The golden palace was just as impressive on the inside as it was on the outside. What surprised Lash even more than that was he saw VI Avatars walking through the halls. Holy crap! He wondered how many WP's one needed to spawn as an Asgardian! Once again Lash was reminded that since he didn't restart his Dream he would never encounter an actual User in any Rift he went through. Just their VI Avatar counterparts. But it was still pretty cool to see them!

Lash was brought before the very large, and very ornate double golden doors that lead straight into the throne room. He was asked to wait while an officer walked in to announce his arrival. From Lash's memories he believed he would be waiting at least thirty minutes or so. It was a long walk from the door to the throne. So he spent his time admiring the architecture.

“Lash! Jormungandson it has been to long!” A woman's voice called out from behind him. Lash turned around and his eyes went wide. He quickly took a knee and bowed his head in reverence.

“Lady Sif, Goddess of War!” Lash said in a respectful tone.

Lady Sif was approximately 6'2” with long black hair that was tied back into several braids down her back. She had an inverted triangle figure with that looked great on her. She wielded a double bladed sword that could compress into a single blade, along with a shield that could block nearly all kinds of kinetic, and energy blasts. She wore a tailor made, ornate warrior garb that was a combination of white, silver, armor with red garments. She had deep blue eyes, and an infectious smile that could brighten a room. She was also one of the few Asgardians in her generation that held a Domain.

“How many times have I told you to just call me Sif, Lash?” Sif asked with a smirk as she walked over to pull him to his feet. Lash kept his head bowed and away from her face.

“At least one more time, Lady Sif Goddess of War.” Lash replied, and Sif groaned in annoyance and grabbed his head and forced him to look at her. She pegged with a glare and dared him to look away. Which Lash would have if she was not forcing him to look at her.

“We are friends are we not!? Friends look each other in the eye when they speak!” Sif called to him in challenge and let him go. She stepped back and put her hand on her blade fully prepared to kick his ass if he denied their friendship.

Lash/Saurian could feel the emotion tied to such a statement from Sif. Their background was filled with little problems that came with being the son of Jormungand. If Loki thought himself a pariah, it was nothing compared to Lash. The serpent was destined to fight Asgard. Yes Lash was allowed a home here on Asgard itself. But many looked at him with disgust. Sif, was one of the few that dared to call him friend and challenged any who named him ill.

“Yes! Yes! We are friends! Please don't hurt me!” Lash called out and recoiled from her. Though he did have a little smile on his face. A fact that was noticed by Sif. She took her hand from her blade and and smiled at him.

“You will not forget it, or doubt it ever again! Or will give you a thrashing! Now, what brings you back from the roots of Yggdrasil?” Sif asked, curious of his return. Lash opened his mouth to speak but the throne room doors opened revealing an officer.

“Lady Sif, Jormungandson the All Father orders your presence before him.” The officer said, Sif glared at the officer for not saying Lash's name but let it go at Lash's insistence.

They entered together and Lash took a step or two behind Sif until she stared daggers at him. So he picked up the pace and walked side by side with her. She smiled at him then walked toward the throne. Sitting on the throne was Odin All Father, king of Asgard and protector of the nine realms. Odin was a towering giant of a man at approximately 6'9” with long gray and silver hair swept back from his shoulders. A long white beard groomed, and trimmed. With a golden eye patch, while his remaining eye sparked with magical energy. He sat on a golden throne in ornate royal armor, wielding his spear Gungnir. A golden shaft, with a diamond shaped tip. A golden radiance washed the throne room in a glow from the spear alone.

By his side was Queen Frigga All Mother a beautiful woman at approximately 5'11” with a regal persona with a welcoming smile on her face. She wore a colorful aesthetically pleasing royal garb with a few decorative armored plates here and there. Along with a short sword tied to her waist along with a wand. Her long curly hair was a mix match of blond, silver, gold, and a little black highlights. She looked at Lash with fondness. Surrounding Queen Frigga was magical aura of great power. Yes, Odin had great power. While Frigga kept a sort of charm, and illusion about her. You never knew what she saw, and what you didn't see.

Last but certainly not least! Especially as Sif's eyes took on a dreamy appearance was Thor Odinson, God of Thunder. Who stood at approximately 6'5” with long shoulder length blond hair. Deep ocean blue eyes, and a winning smile that could melt the hearts of any woman that looked upon him. He wore a tailored made suit of armor. Leather, and splint mail with scale plated sleeves. A red royal cape adorned his back. Bound to his chest with two decorative plates. Thor's suit of armor was part of his Asgardian Domain capable of willing it into existence from thought alone. At his side clipped to his belt was Mjolnir made from pure uru metal. Lash was practically salivating at the thought of learning the chemical formula for the metal.

Sif, and Lash both took a knee and bowed their heads in respect towards Odin, Frigga, and Thor. Odin slammed his spear end into the ground with a resounding echo. The throne room doors closed behind them, and the Einherjar stationed in the throne room left at the behest of Odin. Once everyone had left the room that needed to leave. Odin sighed softly and leaned back in his throne, setting his spear to the side. He looked at Sif, and Lash with a complicated expression.

“Rise Lady Sif, and Lash we have much to discuss.” Odin said at last, Lash waited for Sif to stand before he did. Something that she glared at him for, and Frigga smiled at.

“Lash I order you to relax!” Odin called out, and Lash felt a powerful magical compulsion wash over him. Nullification activated and Odin narrowed his eyes when he felt his spell rebound.

“Please...” Frigga called out. Lash grumbled and straightened his shoulders out and looked up at them.

“We found him, Loki.” Odin said at last, and Lash looked towards him in surprise. A question clear on his face.

“I've been scrying for him since he fell hoping to give you some insight to his location. When at last I saw him he was not alone. A creature of pure malice sat before him instructing him on the use of a powerful artifact. A scepter with a blue jewel, and a spear pointed edge. Wrapped in a golden metal unlike anything we have seen.” Frigga said to Lash. Her body language was composed, and regal. But her voice had the slightest quiver in it. Something was wrong.

“He's on Midgard.” Thor said, looking at Lash with expression of anger but also sadness.

Lash and Thor had never really been friends. Lash had always been Loki's friend, but he had played mediator between brothers many times. Though he had not always be successful. Lash admired Thor and had said as much. Unfortunately Loki had over heard Lash's compliment. That was the day that Loki and him started to drift apart.

“With your permission I'll go and retrieve him then?” Lash asked them all. Frigga smiled at him, and Thor did the same. While Odin sat still on his throne watching Lash carefully. Sif clapped him on the back with a grin.

“How?” Odin asked, a simple question with a complicated answer.

“I'll travel the roots of Yggdrasil and arrive on Midgard. It will take... A few months, maybe a year Midgard time. Unless...We have a timetable?” Lash asked, curious about the situation as well as Erik whispered in his ear.

“Loki has found the Tesseract.” Frigga commented, and Lash leaned back in surprise. His background WP purchase filling him in on it. Though Erik knew it contained an infinity stone. That was not part of the background information.

“With the Tesseract we could rebuild the Bifrost!” Sif said suddenly, then chewed on her bottom lip in thought. Thor nodded in agreement, as did Frigga, and gradually Odin did as well.

“But if he knows how to use it, then Loki could travel anywhere he wanted to. No matter the distance or dimension. Alright! I have an idea that could take us to Midgard in less than a day. But its a bit dangerous.” Lash said after some thought, that got every ones attention.

“How?” Odin asked, a little bit of a smile tugging on his stoic face.

“I'll need Lord Heimdall, and Queen Frigga's witches assistance. I can bring one other person with me. The trip will drain me greatly. If Thor will honor me with his companionship. I'll open the way, and he can look for Loki on Midgard.” Lash asked, and Frigga, and Thor agreed immediately, but Odin waited for an answer. Lash had danced around it.

“In my travels I have learned to create portals between two locations. Despite which dimension they lay in. However it can only be to places I've been before. Specifically places I've been to after I obtained the ability. I've been to Midgard, but that was before I had this.” Lash said, and created a Phantasm to illustrate his method.

“We'll use Heimdall's all seeing eyes to look at Midgard. Thor we'll use your perception, and experience of Midgard as the focus point. While Queen Frigga's witches can channel power into the ritual. We will then jump from Asgard to Midgard.” Lash said, and gave a comical, all be it instructive explanation with his illusions. Puppets! Lots, and lots of puppets!

“Is that possible?” Thor asked, clearly puzzled as he looked at the puppets perform the ritual and jump from one point to another. Odin turned to his wife Frigga who had a look of concentration on her face.

“Yes....Yes! That may be possible!” Frigga turned to Odin who nodded. He slammed his spear into the ground and the Einherjar came back into the room.

“Call the witch council to the Bifrost bridge! Inform Heimdall we are coming to him immediately. We have work to do!” Odin announced to the soldiers who saluted and took off at a run.

“All of you head to the bridge, I wish to speak to Lash alone.” Odin said to the room. Everyone saluted, while Frigga kissed Odin on the cheek and whispered a few words to him. Thor clapped Lash on the shoulder.

“I'll see you soon! We'll soon join hands in battle my friend!” Thor said, and Lash felt himself stand up a bit straighter. First time Thor had called him that. After a few minutes everyone left the throne room.

“Come with me, I have something to show you.” Odin said to Lash. He stood up and Lash followed in his wake.

Odin took Lash towards the war room where a massive map magical map showed Asgard the realm eternal as well as the nine realms beneath it. There early warning system satellites showed several in bound marauder ships starting to land on different planets across the realms. Lash growled slightly at the sight and Odin smiled at him. Gesturing towards the map of Asgard.

“I know you and Loki were...Close. Or had been. In recent years Loki became more, and more excluded from the rest of us. But you continued to try and be is friend, and ally. I must ask, if I order you to retrieve Loki and the Tesseract will you do so with out question?” Odin asked, and Lash could feel a spell fall over him. This was a test.

“Yes All Father! He is my friend, but Asgard is my home. I will of course protect it, and do what I can to keep it safe. It and the nine realms we protect.” Lash said, and meant it. Odin watched him carefully for a moment. Waiting for any kind of deception.

“Kneel! I have a gift to grant you!” Odin called, and Lash dropped to a single knee so fast there was a resounding SMACK heard in the hall. Lash winced slightly, owe.

“Lash, Jormungandson for to long you have been a stranger in your own home. When you were born I had taken something from you that I know now I had been wrong to do so. I release the seal, and remove the spell I have placed. Stand now! Asgardian, God of Monsters!” Odin said, and slammed his spear into the ground three times.

Like a key unlocking a reinforced door. The proclamation sent a wave of energy crashing into Lash. He felt an untapped power bursting from his body and he had become one of the few Asgardians of his generation with a domain! Odin had kept this from him all this time? Testing him? Lash sighed in mental annoyance at the drama of his background. But it was nice to have his Divine Domain unlocked.

  • Skill/Power, Transformation has unlocked.

  • Spell, Manifestation has unlocked.

Ah! That was nice! Lash could use this! He stood up and felt his body become renewed with energy. He bowed from his waist at a 90 degree angle towards Odin. Who looked at him with acceptance and acknowledgment. But this made him wonder if he had spent his WP differently would he had ever unlocked his Domain of Monsters? Maybe he could redo the Rift at a different time. Was there a way to replay old Rifts? He'd have to ask Dawn later.

Odin called an officer of the Einherjar and had them announce to Asgard that a new God had been rediscovered. The officer was surprised but did as he was bid and ran off to tell the news to the realm. For better or worse Lash was going to be treated a lot differently now. He couldn't imagine the Monster domain was very popular in Asgardian history.


Different was the word to describe his reception through the golden city. Many people waved, and smiled at him. While others looked at him with pure fear, and mistrust. The simple truth of the matter is not all Asgardians are 'Gods, and or Goddesses'. Many are just people. Now! Every Asgardian is still a powerhouse compared to a human this is true. But only a few a generation are granted Domains. Sif is the Goddess of War. Thor is the God of Thunder, etc, etc. Being an Asgardian with a Domain was an incredible honor, privilege, and responsibility. Being the son of Jormungand Lash could in some small way understand why he had sealed it away.

Lash arrived on the rainbow bridge to find Heimdall, Thor, Queen Frigga, and over a dozen Asgardian witches at the ready to assist in the ritual at hand. Thor had a huge grin on his face, and Frigga had a proud smile. While Heimdall had an indifferent expression, but his eyes told another story of joy and trust towards Lash. Had they known before? Or was this news to them as well? Did it matter? If Lash was petty it may have, but honestly it didn't bother him as much. He understood why it was done, and rolled with it.

“Respectful greetings unto you sisters of the sun and moon.” Lash said to the witches and bowed from his waist deeply. They bowed in response, many of them pleased by his courtesy. The witches and him were a lot a like. Not everyone like them either.

“Lord Thor!” Lash called out and Thor laughed at him walking over and clapped him on the back.

“Just Thor, as Sif would say we are friends! Or shall I challenge you to it?” Thor said, and Lash tried to argue the point but... Now? Things were different.

“Thor, who in all of Midgard is most important to you?” Lash asked, and Thor's face took on an expression of happiness, and in part sadness.

“Jane Foster.” Thor replied.

“Lord H...” Lash started but stepped back at Heimdall's glare. Thor laughed in delight, a huge booming laugh that made others wince but grin all the same.

“Heimdall, can you please locate Lady Foster on Midgard for us?” Lash asked, as he started to inscribe a ritual spell into the air around them. He instructed the witches to take place around the circle with the Queen at the main power point.

“I see her...” Heimdall called out.

“Thor come into the circle.” Lash called, and directed the God of Thunder through the intricate pattern. The witches began to empower the ritual circle. “We are hand in hand in this, Thor. The door will only be open for a moment. We rush through and meet this woman who has stolen your heart.” Lash said with a smile, and Thor. Stars above and below, Thor! Blushed a bit, then grinned.

“Heimdall grant us your sight.” Lash asked, and Heimdall used his power to enchant their eyes for a brief moment. There in perfect clarity was Jane Foster talking to a young woman with glasses, and a sassy attitude. Darcy was her name, Erik said across the link.

  • Attention User, Portal Creation has temporarily been reinforced.

    • Penalty, Portal Creation can not be used again for one month of Dream Time. (Rift time does count)

Unlike the sling ring portals that Doctor Strange uses. This portal was a vortex of animated darkness, and starlight. It grew to be about ten feet around from its center point and pulled everything around in its immediate area towards it with a gradual insistence. Not enough to yank anyone off their feet. But enough that if they were not careful it could knock them off their feet. Lash pulled Thor through the portal as quickly as possible. For as soon as they stepped through they were gone!


The ritual circle broke apart into pieces and several of the witches fell to their knees in exhaustion. Queen Frigga felt more than half of her spell power leave her as quickly as she could snap her fingers. She felt her heart clench in worry as she saw her son sprint through the portal. She sent a silent prayer to the ancestors above to watch over them both. Then she looked towards Heimdall who was looking out across the stars.

“Did they make it?” Frigga asked, her voice laced with worry. Heimdall turned towards her with a smile on his face.

“Yes, they made it.” Heimdall said, and Frigga let out a breath that she didn't realize she was holding.

“Thank you ladies for your efforts.” Frigga said to the witches who bowed to her in respect.....

Queen Frigga, All Mother returned to the palace in search of her husband. Feeling with her magic she went into the bowels of the golden palace to the energy core of the palace it self. Odin was standing in front of a massive generator. A generator that used dark magic as its power source. Frigga walked to her husbands side and took his hand into her own. Odin was startled a bit but returned a gentle squeeze to his loving wife.

“Are they off?” Odin asked, not taking his eye off the generator.

“Yes, all we can do now is hope.” Frigga replied, watching her husband with concern.

“If Lash had not offered a way to Midgard I would have used the dark energy to send Thor. Now, now he may have saved this old mans life.” Odin confessed to his wife who frowned at him.

“Buying us a few hundred more years together?” Frigga said with a smile, one that Odin returned.

“You don't look a day over three thousand my love.” Odin said, and Frigga raised an eye brow at him.

“Only three thousand?” Frigga asked, and Odin laughed a grin spreading across his face. Frigga snuggled into Odin's embrace and they stood there watching the dark energy generator working.


***Rift. Trosmo Norway***

A spinning vortex of darkness and starlight opened up and spit out to confused, and puzzled travelers from another world, another dimension. Then they both realized something. They were about a few miles off course, vertically! They dropped from the sky as gravity took effect and flew like bricks towards the surface.

“Wooooooohoooooo!” Lash called out with a triumphant smile on his face. Thor let out a loud guffaw and spun his hammer to fly straight down.

“Do you need me to carry you, friend Lash?” Thor asked before took flight.

“I'm fine Thor! Go see your lovely lady!” Lash called out and cast Falling Glide on himself. He dramatically slowed down, but kept falling at a steady pace. Thor laughed again and flew towards an observatory.

You've arrived safely then. I will begin to look for Loki. But be patient, his magic has always distorted my sight. -Heimdall said, using his avatar projection...Or was it Telepathy? Lash wasn't sure. Marvel magic was different in many ways. But also similar to DC magic...

Lash had never been to Norway as far as he could recall in his home reality. But he had been here once or twice in his background. He distinctly remembered his father Jormungand telling him about Midgard about the different places there. Lash had wanted to see it when he was younger. Being able to travel through the roots of the world tree he didn't need permission to use the Bifrost he could just go himself. That had been one of the few times he had been summoned to Odin's throne room to be punished for insubordination. One of the few times that Loki had come to his defense and convinced Odin not to punish Lash.

Gliding across the city below Lash followed the unique scent of magic that came off of Thor. Or more specifically his Divine spark as a God. Different rules in this universe, but somethings stayed the same. He came to a large observatory off from the side of the city and Lash cast Invisibility on himself so he would not be seen by the mortals of Midgard. Though Lash at the time looked largely human save for his reptilian eyes. He landed softly, and with barely a sound.

Surrounding the observatory were several black armored SUV's with the SHIELD eagle logo on the side. Honestly how can you be a secret organization if you have a public logo? Lash rolled his eyes and walked up the lawn off the sidewalk so he wouldn't be ran into. He cast Anonymity on himself and pulled Invisibility off. Then slipped through the front door. More specifically through the broken glass door that Thor walked through when it refused to open for him. More than likely shouting that he was a prince of Asgard and would not be denied.

Taking care not to run into anyone or do anything out of the ordinary. Lash knew that his armor would easily make him noticeable. He could feel his spell threatening to break at any moment. He was a very tall, armor clad, alien from another dimension walking through the halls. A few people glanced at him rubbed their eyes but looked away believing him to be...Who ever should be here at this moment.

“Get a room you two!” A young woman said with obvious good nature teasing in her voice.

Lash walked through a busted door and saw Thor, and Jane Foster making out. Beside them was Darcy Lewis. A young woman who stood approximately at 5'8” maybe taller if she would stop slouching. With straight brown hair, green eyes hidden behind black rimmed glasses. She wore blue jeans, tennis shoes, and a hoodie that said, 'My god wields a hammer, your god was nailed to a cross. Do the math.'

Jane Foster was approximately 5'7” with long brown hair currently being messed about by Thor's hands. She had blue eyes that were fluttering open and closed. As if she was afraid Thor would disappear from her once again. She wore tennis shoes, blue jeans, and white buttoned up shirt. Unlike Darcy with her hoodie on, Jane had a good athletic figure. Something that Thor was clearly enjoying. Lash coughed a few times until Darcy screamed in shock at seeing him standing so close to her.

“HOLY CRAP!” Darcy jumped back in surprise when she looked at Lash appear out of now where. Thor, and Jane broke their kiss and Jane's eyes went wide at the sight him. Thor looked a little confused not sure why they were surprised.

“Oh! Forgive me! Lady Lewis, Jane this is my friend Lash Jormungandson.” Thor said with a smile and clapped Lash on the back.

“Respectful greetings to you Lady Lewis, and betrothed Lady Foster.” Lash said, and bowed from his waist to them both. Darcy smiled at the sight of him, then had a full blown grin when Jane turned red as a tomato when Lash said she was the betrothed of Thor.

“Wha? What!? I...What!?” Jane said, stammering in embarrassment. Even Thor looked surprised, but the idea was growing on him quickly.

“Ohhh so the whole God and Mortal thing is known on Asgard? Coooool.” Darcy said with a smirk.

“Darcy!” Jane said, glaring at her intern who shrugged her shoulders all innocent like. Then took out her phone to send a tweet.

“Ummmm, excuse me. But...Who are you people?” A shield agent asked who was standing off to the side.

“Oh!” Jane cleaned her mouth off a bit and tried to fix her hair. Thor smiled at her, then looked at the agent with a faint recognition.

“We need to speak to Phil, son of cole. Is he available?” Thor asked the agent who looked at him him in confusion.

“Dude! He's talking about Agent Coulson, get with the program, yo!” Darcy said from the side, not looking up from her phone. The agent sent an annoyed glance at the woman, but when he realized that was who Thor meant he got on the phone.

“Where have you been?” Jane asked Thor now that they were not trying to devour each other.

So, that was when Thor described what had happened. His return to Asgard and the destruction of the Bifrost. This also explained why Jane could never get a working wormhole to Asgard. At the time she couldn't explain why the portal would stabilize for a moment then become unstable. There was no viable connection on the other side! Then Thor talked about his brother, how he was on Midgard now. With the Tesseract. They had been tasked by Odin to retrieve the Tesseract, and bring Loki home. He also informed Jane that it was Lash who brought them both to her specifically.

“Wait!? You created a portal from Asgard to Earth through...Magic? All by yourself?” Jane asked, looking at Lash with surprise.

“We used the magic of the sacred coven on Asgard to power the ritual. Then with the all seeing sight of Heimdall we made a connection. Using your feelings for Thor as the anchor point to propel us through the dimensional wall that separates our two dimensions. Simple.” Lash said to her. While Jane, and Darcy looked at him like he had lost his mind.

“No, no! Hold on back up!” Jane said as she stepped closer to look at Lash like he was a piece of prime rib.

“Wait! Jane's love was so powerful you could use it as an anchor to pull yourselves across the universe! Dude that is so sweet! That is going up!” Darcy said with a smile then snapped in annoyance when the SHIELD agent took her phone from her.

Unlike Thor who didn't understand that Midgard didn't teach advanced physics as basic education. Lash sat down with Jane and went through the entire process. Explained what magic was aka universal energy. The ability to pull on cosmic energy to manipulate reality. Or make ones desires into reality. He received several Science, and Magical Intuition experience points during the discussion. Thor stepped in several times explaining different points. But mostly he stood by Jane, and held her hand taking great joy in the simple contact.

“Excuse me? Agent Coulson is sending a quin-jet to pick you both up. They have your brother Loki in custody.” The agent told them both. Really!? Lash thought they were going to have to hunt him down.

“Wait! Before we go!” Lash said, and used Enchanting Word, Quality Enhancement, Compression Transformation, Fabrication, Alteration, Portal Creation, Phantasm, Clairvoyance, Bending, Artist, and Crafting to make two talismans.

  • Oan metal, and Nth metal talismans x 2

    • Rating: B+ *

    • Effect: Long distance, dimensional communication.

    • Effect: Calling.

    • Effect: Focus, and body heat symbiosis.

    • Effect: Natural Energy Absorption as power source.

    • Comment: A satellite phone that can call across the universe. Only has one number available!

The talisman had a simple Nth metal chain, and threaded through the Oan metal disk. He handed the two pieces to Jane, and Thor and explained it was capable of talking even if they were in different universes. This way even if they couldn't see each other they could still talk to each other. Thor looked at the talisman than at Jane who had tears in her eyes. She quickly cleaned her face trying to not cry. Darcy had a huge grin on her face.

“Do I get something?” Darcy asked, looking at Lash with hopeful determination. Lash thought about it for a moment than snatched her phone away from the SHIELD agent who took it. Then changed the phone into a holographic one. Technically Stark industries already had holographics. He also increased its durability, and battery life.

“NO FUCKING WAY!” Darcy squealed when her twitter page was popping up in her face with information.

“My friend I will never be able to repay this treasure you have given us!” Thor said with a smile and brought Lash into a bone crushing hug. Lash was actually surprised Asgard didn't have long distance communication.

“So how do these work?” Jane asked her eyes a little red, but she was determined to push past the awkwardness of the moment.

Lash explained quantum entanglement, and faster than light speed communication. Etc, etc. Jane about lost her shit when she looked down at the tiny metal disk in her hand. The SHIELD agents were practically drooling at the idea of getting their hands on it. Thankfully the spell Calling could transport the talismans back to their original intended if anyone stole it from Jane, and Thor. But Lash was sure Thor would kill anyone who would try and take his from him.

The quin-jet was still about an hour out. Lash encouraged Thor to spend some 'quality' time with Jane before they left. While Lash took a bit to talk to Darcy who was asking questions about her new phone. While Lash waited around he used Sherogoth's Blessing to inspect all of the SHIELD agents. Thankfully all the current agents seemed like the good sort. If this was the movie universe that would mean SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra.

Though Lash was not really surprised by it. Thor apparently was when Jane insisted that she come along to help. Thor wanted to object about the dangers but she pegged him with a glare and Thor became meek as a kitten. Lash leaned back in total shock at the sight of him like that. With Jane coming along, so would Darcy. So the quin-jet was now flying with four passengers towards the helicarrier.


***Rift. Helicarrier, somewhere near North America***

Nick Fury! Director of Shield and all around bad ass! Stood on the bridge of the helicarrier watching a monitor of a quin-jet landing on the strip. Out came four individuals that upset, and confused him. Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis he knew. Talented astrophysicists, and loyal intern he could handle. But a literal god of thunder, and an unknown? An unknown that from the reports could craft technological advanced pieces of hardware and place them in simple piece of jewelry. The Council was going to be shitting bricks when they found out.

“Agent Hill. Please bring our guests to the control room. Assemble the team for another debrief.” Fury said, his voice leveled, smooth, and indifferent. But Hill who had worked with him for years could see the signs of stress building in his body language.

“Yes sir!” Agent Hill said, turning on her heel and walked out of the control room to pick up their new arrivals.

Fury sent out a few messages calling back Captain Rogers, Stark, Dr. Banner, Agent Romanoff, and Agent Coulson. Then Fury brought up a view screen of Loki sitting in the Hulks cage on the main detention center level. Loki was pacing in the cell with a little smirk on his face. But something odd happened, the moment that the two Asgardians stepped into the main command tower Loki twisted and turned towards their direction even though hundreds of metal separated them. Loki looked...Nervous? Interesting, Fury could use this.


“This is so cooool!” Darcy said, bouncing up and down in the metal hallways of the helicarrier.

“Darcy!” Jane said, pulling her intern to her side and glared at her.

“Well your no fun! Hay Lash, why cant my phone work in here?” Darcy asked, not getting any signal bars.

“I believe that is because the SHIELD is blocking the transmission to prevent lost of information aboard their flying boat? Ship? Lady Hill is this vessel capable of space flight?” Lash asked Agent Hill who was guiding them to the control center.

Agent Maria Hill! Erik the gamer was practically dancing across their link he was geeking out! Hill was approximately 5'10” with intense brown eyes, and shoulder length brown hair tied up and out of the way with hair pins. She had a strong athletic rectangular figure. She wore a black jump suit, with navy blue along the hem, and inner zip line. The SHIELD logo on her shoulders, and one over her heart. She glanced back at Lash and looked at him in mild confusion.

“No.... It floats in the water, and flies through the sky.” Hill replied, Lash nodded in understanding.

“I'll have to speak to your engineers when this is all over. Perhaps we'll get an FTL engine installed as well.” Lash said so in such a easy going tone. Like one would be talking about the weather, and not interstellar travel. Agent Hill missed stepped just a bit but quickly recovered.

Darcy looked back at Lash and grinned. Giving him a thumbs up. Lash looked at the gesture in confusion then looked up at the ceiling expecting something from it. Darcy covered her mouth with a laugh, and Jane leaned in to tell Lash was a slang term on Earth. As in he did, 'OK, or that was great!' Lash looked confused, even though internally he was laughing. This was to much fun, misinterpreting Earth slang, and common terms.

“Where you serious about the FTL engine?” Jane asked in a hushed whisper but despite her low volume Lash noticed Hill tilt her head to the side to listen.

“Very much so, Midgard can't not always rely on Asgard for protection. No offense Thor. Having a ship capable of FTL would greatly allow Midgardians to protect themselves.” Lash replied with an honest smile that Jane mirrored.

“Where have you been all my life?” Jane asked, and Thor looked at her in shock.

“No! No! Thor that isn't what I meant at all! I...I” Jane said, then stopped to look at Thor who was hiding a grin. “Ohhhh you are lucky you are cute!” Jane said, and crossed her arms over her chest and looked away.

Their little group walked into the central command deck of the helicarrier. From wall to wall were computer screens, and SHIELD agents doing their jobs. Though every single one of them stopped for a moment to watch them come in. Darcy shrunk under their stares, and Lash being the Asgardian Warrior stepped up to shield her from their eyes. Darcy grinned and winked at Jane who rolled her eyes. Thor stepped forward and greeted them all.

“Hello warriors of SHIELD! I am Thor Odinson, and this is Lash Jormungandson. We are here to help!” Thor said in a booming voice and award winning smile. Nearly all of the women including Agent Hill blushed just a bit. Along with a few men.

“My god! He's just a living idol of wet dreams isn't he?” A man said from across a table in the central operations deck.

Anthony aka Tony Stark 'Iron Man' sat at the table with a business casual black suit jacket on. A NIN t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers. He currently had his legs up on the table, with his hands crossed behind his head. Tony was approximately 6'1” maybe taller if he stood up straight. With short styled black hair, and a pair of blue eyes that despite the smirk on his face held a bone fire of intelligence. He had a firm athletic figure. Showing that he trained regularly, but no so much to be a body builder.

“Welcome aboard.” Director Fury said as he walked over to the table looking at them. Darcy went quiet, and Jane swallowed audibly.

Nicholas Joseph "Nick" Fury, Jr. Director of Shield stood approximately at 6'3” with chocolate brown skin, a firm athletic rectangular figure. With a bit of broad shoulders. His left eye was damaged and hidden behind a leather eye patch. Despite the injury he made it work for him. He wore all black shoes, pants, shirt, with a leather trench coat. He just oozed confidence, and secrecy. To his left was Agent Phil Coulson.

“Son of Cole!” Thor said with a smile and walked over to clap the man on the back and to shake his hand.

Agent Phillip J. "Phil" Coulson aka Son of Cole stood at approximately 6' even with slim but sturdy figure. He had calm blue eyes, and short brown hair that looked like it was receding gradually. He wore a tailored SHIELD suit. Black on black, with a very nice tied clip with gold calligraphy. A present perhaps from someone? Phil had a smile on his face when he met with Thor.

“Come Son of Cole meet my friend and ally! Lash Jormungandson.” Thor said, and turned to Lash who walked over with a smile. He gripped Phil's forearm in a warriors hand shake and clapped the man on the back. Phil stumbled just a bit but smiled all the same.

“Pleasure.” Phil said.

“A privilege.” Lash said, and smiled at him. Someone cleared their throat and three more people awaited introduction.

Steven "Steve" Rogers aka Captain America sat at the table wearing a blue under armor shirt from his standard uniform. Looked like he had just taken it off. He was about 6'2” with an inverted triangle figure, hard dense muscles that could even match Thor in size. He had short on the sides, and three inch long blond hair. Piercing blue eyes that told a sad story. He sat in a relaxed posture in his chair, but the way his muscles tensed at every movement told Lash he was ready to jump out of the chair any time.

Standing off to the side was Dr. Bruce Banner aka The Hulk! He was about 5'10” with short curly brown hair that was gray at the edges of his side burns. He wore gray slacks, brown shoes, and a purple buttoned up shirt? Little on the nose there. For a brief moment when Lash looked at Banner his brown eyes turned neon green. Lash felt more than heard a growl of challenge from the Hulk lurking in Banners subconscious. Banner seem to notice something amiss and took a few steps back. That was when a woman stepped in front of him staring Lash down.

Agent Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff aka Black Widow! She was about 5'7” with short above the shoulders red hair that curled naturally along the edges. Her blue eyes contained a hidden sorrow that Lash could practically taste! Sherogoth's Blessing showed almost hellish sin taint on her. But Lash could also see that she was trying to balance her karmic scales and was doing a good job at it. She wore a black leather SHIELD shadow ops jump suit, with electrified gloves. Her zipped was pulled down from her collar to about mid sternum showing a bit of cleavage. She was staring daggers at Lash.

“Apologies, I didn't mean to offend. I was surprised to see another Monster on the ship. I thought I would be the only one.” Lash said to Banner, and Natasha. Everyone in the room looked at Lash, then at Banner who looked just as confused as they were.

“Ah yes! Forgive me, Lash Jormungandson is the God of Monsters on Asgard. He has a natural affinity for them.” Thor said, not entirely sure what the situation was but a jovial smile on his face seem to sooth the tension in the room.

“So that means you are best palls with Godzilla then?” Tony said with a bit of snark. Lash turned to him in confusion not understanding the reference.

“Where is Loki? Perhaps we can convince him to give up the Tesseract.” Lash asked the Director who looked at him for a moment.

“Yes we must return to Asgard with the Tesseract, and Loki. As soon as possible, the nine realms are in grave peril.” Thor said to the room, his smiled slowly wilted when they all looked at him like he was crazy.

“We are not giving up the Tesseract.” Fury said to him, Thor turned him in confusion and starting signs of anger.

“The Tesseract is of Asgard. We must return it to the proper place with in Odin's treasure vault. It will help us repair the rainbow bridge.” Thor said, as he took a step towards Fury who was doing his damn best to stare Thor down. It appeared to be working.

“Woah, Woah! Calm down! Why don't you tell us why you need the Tesseract?” Rogers asked, he was up and out of his seat and coming around with his hands up but he froze because Lash stepped between him and Thor. Tension was growing rapidly.

“OK! Just stop with the dick measuring contest! Thor, what is wrong with you!?” Jane called out across the control room. Thor was startled and looked at her in surprise as she started to walk over to him.

“I... I'm sorry Jane. But it's important...” Thor began.

“Ya I get that! But starting a fight on a flying brick is a bad idea!” Jane said, and stabbed her finger into his chest. Each time she did Thor flinched and got smaller, and smaller. Shrinking into himself

“Oooo! Ooooo! I like her! Can we keep her!?” Tony asked, a huge grin on his face. A smirk grew across Natasha's face.

“Why don't we all sit down and share our stories in a peaceful manner. Agreed?” Lash asked the room, and they all agreed.

So they all took their seats. Banner taking the furthest seat from Lash as possible. Each time Lash glanced at him, Banner's eyes would turn neon green for a brief moment. That was going to be a problem. But they laid it all out. The situation, why they needed the Tesseract. Who Loki was, the situation with him. Along with the Chitauri an army seen through Frigga's scrying. Loki will give up the Tesseract as payment for an army that will help him conquer the Earth.

“The Tesseract can not stay on Midgard for the simple reason that its very existence invites war to your realm. Any, and every time you use it. It sends a signal across the universe, and dimensions alike calling to those with power to obtain it.” Lash said to the room after they had ended their discussion.

“Won't it do the same on Asgard?” Rogers asked, not that he wanted the Tesseract on Midgard anymore than they did. But he being who he was worried for Asgard. Lash smiled at him.

“Asgard is more than capable of protecting itself from invasion. But let me ask you this. All of you. You claim you want to use the Tesseract as an energy source. But is not the Vibranium core in Stark's chest a viable solution to that?” Lash asked, pointing at Stark who looked up at him in surprise.

“Wait! Hold on, you know what this is?” Stark asked, pointing at his relatively new V-core.

“Of course! It is a synthetic version of Vibranium. One of the nations on Midgard has a mountain full of it.” Lash said simply then paused briefly.

How the hell did he know that? He had tried several times during the Rift to say certain things and the 4th wall engine stopped him. Almost as if responding to his question Dawn linked the black ground Lore WP he purchased. Oh! Of course that would make sense that Asgard kept a record of Wakanda's advancement. After Lash pointed it out he started to point out design flaws in Stark's rig. Which made the man flippant, but also interested. They went on for almost twenty minutes before Fury dragged them back on topic.

“So you don't need the Tesseract for your energy project. Unless you plan to make weapons of mass destruction what other use do you have for it?” Lash asked, turning towards Fury. Director of SHIELD held his ground. But apparently what he had said hit the nail on the head.

An epiphany seem to click into place across the table. Rogers looked incredibly pissed off. This had been everything he had fought against. He had practically given his whole life to prevent this very thing in this previous war. But before they could get into it! A soft alarm went off. Banner jumped from his seat and took out his phone.

“Oh! They found it! The program we were running found it!” Banner took off down the hallway to the lab.

“We are not finished with this, not by a long shot!” Rogers said to Fury. Rogers got to his feet and followed after Banner. Tony looked smug, as he knew all along and left as well.

“If SHIELD is in need of defenses I am more than willing to stay on Midgard and help you develop.” Lash said to Fury who froze in his seat, but slowly turned to look at him. Hill chose this time to lean in and whisper to Fury about the FTL engine.

“Maybe we can come to an agreement about the Tesseract then. But lets go see where it is first.” Fury said and got to his feet. Thor winked at Lash and followed Fury down the hall.

“Come on! Lets go!” Darcy said, practically bouncing. She had been really well behaved during the whole discussion. That and she had been playing some kind of game on her phone.

Lash left to follow the group. Jane was behind Thor, but Natasha had stayed to escort Lash, and Darcy to the labs. While Hill, and Phil stayed on the control deck. Natasha eventually stepped up ahead of them and lead them towards the labs. She would glance back at Lash from time to time. Each time she did Lash would look at her. She would size him up, and have a little smirk on her face. Darcy leaned in and whispered.

“She is checking you out dude!” She said with a smirk.

“Yes, as a warrior it is part of her skill set to assess a proper threat. Her smile is meant to put me off guard. Most men would find her incredibly alluring and attempt to show off. By doing so she would have me eating out of the palm in no time.” Lash replied to Darcy who looked at him in confusion. Natasha looked back, a look of surprise and bit of mischief on her face.

They reached the R&D level of the helicarrier and they heard shouts, and angry ranting. Natasha looked back at them and Lash gestured for her to continue on with out them. She took off at a jog. While Darcy and Lash took their time....BOOM! The entire helicarrier rocked back and forth and started to list to one side. A red alert sounded off. One of the engines sub-sections had exploded. They were loosing altitude.

“Holy Shit!” Darcy screamed in surprise, but Darcy being Darcy started to film the whole scene on her phone to uploaded later. Lash rolled his eyes at her and helped her to her feet.

“ROOOOOOOAR!” A monstrous shout echoed through the whole helicarrier and everyone aboard with in sigh range froze. Lash felt a huge bloom of energy from his Domain of Monsters. Lash reached out and snagged a SHIELD agent.

“Get her someplace safe, please!” Lash said, pointing at Darcy while he sprinted towards the roar.

Rogers, and Tony were scrambling out of the lab followed by Fury, and Jane. But no sign of Natasha, Thor, or Banner of course! Lash moved into Jane's side and she pointed at the hole in the lab. Who puts glass as the floor in a lab inside a flying object!? That is just stupid design right there! Lash snagged another SHIELD agent to escort Jane to the safe location. Then Lash jumped down into the pit to find Thor waiting for him.

“Ready to fight an ogre my friend?” Thor asked, with a grin.

“I am, but remember he is just a man inside. If we can calm him down all the better.” Lash replied, and Thor nodded in agreement.

Another shout of pure rage rang out through the helicarriers bowels. Lash, and Thor took off through the ship each taking a different path. Lash came across SHIELD personal and he told them to clear the deck as fast as possible. Lash concentrated on helping to clear the deck. Then saw Thor fly through the air and leave a sizable divet in the concrete and metal of the deck. Thor stood up and brought his hand to his nose and came away with blood. He smiled and held up his hand calling his hammer to him. However, unlike in the movies Hulk got to him just a bit quicker.

“ROAAAR!” Lash let out an Intimidating Shout and used Transformation in a blink of an eye went from his Asgardian form to the 8 foot tall grim reaper reptile. Hulk stopped mid strike of Thor and glared at Lash. Just in time for Thor to bash his head to the side with his hammer!

Hulk was catapulted across the deck and collided into a aircraft fighter jet. He roared in defiance and tore the wing off the fighter and flung it at them. Lash reached out with his Telekinesis and shot it right back at him. Hulk looked slightly surprised to see the thing fly back at him for no apparent reason. BAM! Hulk to the wing to his chest and roared in anger as he took a moment to pummel the wing for no logical reason. Thor came up from behind and used his hammer like a choke hold.

“Banner! We are not your enemy! Try to think!” Thor called out.

“NO BANNER! ONLY HULK!” Hulk roared and jumped up ripping through the deck into the next one, and the next one.

“Well that's not good!” Lash said as he scampered up into the hole.

Lash jumped up onto the next deck and worked with Thor to try and beat some sense into the Hulk. Which if anyone read the comics knows that is stupidly impossible. So Lash used Calm Emotions on the Hulk. His energy reserves took a nose dive! He went from 98% to 3% in two seconds flat! But for a brief moment Hulk seem to stop and think. Then he punched Thor and screamed in rage when he couldn't lift Thor's hammer. Lash dropped to his knees and tried to stop the room from spinning.

  • Congratulations User! Minor Calm Emotions has evolved into Basic Calm Emotions.

    • Effect: Increase in power level, decrease in power energy consumption.

    • Effect: Works on a wider range of people, creatures, and beings.

    • Effect: Greater casting range, and time limit.

    • Effect: Decrease in side effects (Raw Emotions)

“Yay....” Lash said weakly as he tried his best to get to his feet. His energy levels jumped a pit when Healing Aura popped. Lash was thankful for it but quickly deactivated it so it wouldn't consume his energy. Lash focused for a brief moment and used Reality Armor and infused his gear.

Lash jogged towards the fighting dynamic duo and found Hulk beating Thor's face in. Lash used Telekinesis and lifted Hulk. Or he tried to! Fuck the man was heavy! For a brief moment Hulk was floating in the air. He swung his arms, and hands around in confusion. Then he looked over at Lash and roared. He opened his arms wide and slammed them together creating a thundering shock wave! Every glass window..Again with the glass! Along with all sorts of lose debris went flying! Lash stuck to the ground with Gravity Stride. Then Thor kicked Hulk in the balls!

“Gaaaah!” Hulk said in a almost in audible squeak and collapsed to his knees. Ah, some weak points are universal it seems.

Lash sprinted across the deck and tackled Hulk from the side. They catapulted through several walls! Thankfully no one was in the rooms. Hulk screamed in rage and punched Lash. Lash blinked and found himself several hundred feet through metal, and concrete. Then he saw the skyline, that couldn't be good! He thankfully stopped flying after that point and bounced across the tarmac. Then out came Hulk to bash his brains in...Great!

Lash activated Personal Time just as Hulk entered his sphere of influence. The world came to a stuttering stop. What was incredible! Was that Hulk seem to be fighting the time freeze. Wow! Lash took up a position, spread his feet apart and prepared to twist using his hips. Then he unfroze time and used his new and improved spike tail to base ball swing Hulk. BAM! When his tail connected Lash used a Telekinesis burst to shoot him off the helicarrier.

“GRAAAAAAAH!” Hulk screamed in pure rage as he flew off the helicarrier and into the distant land below.

“I hope he doesn't hurt anyone....” Lash said as he plopped down on the deck of the ship. Thor jumped up and looked around in confusion.

“Thor! This wasn't an accident! Go check on Loki!” Lash called out, and Thor came to the same conclusion. He summoned his hammer and raced off towards the detention block. Lash groaned in displeasure and slowly stood up maki...Why was the world tilting?

“Ah crap!” Lash called out as the whole helicarrier was tilting completely to one side. Two of the engines had shut down. One was broken, and one was offline.

Lash raced across the deck towards the offline engine. He jumped over cargo containers, and quin-jets that were flying off deck. He snagged a few SHIELD techs that were about to fly off with out a parachute. He threw them! (softly) towards the hatch. They landed and secured themselves to the safety lines secured there. Lash at last reached the offline engine and looked to the down the helicarrier to see Tony in his suit attempting to jump start the broken engine.

Lash reached out with his Technomancy Domain and used Connectivity, and Repair. As his barely above 30% energy reserves started to dive again he obtained a splitting headache for his troubles. As the engine turbine kicked back on ever so slowly. Lash could feel a malware program fighting against him. He sent one his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits to deal with it. With in a minute the program was removed. The engine started up again. Just in time for Stark's. Good timing! The ship started to level out. Lash climbed back up to the main deck and saw a quin-jet that hadn't fallen off the carrier. A SHIELD SWAT officer was escorting....

“LOKI!” Lash called out across the deck. Despite the fierce howling winds across the flight deck Loki stopped and turned towards Lash. The God of mischief froze, and a look of conflict settled across his face.

“PLEASE, COME HOME! I'LL PROTECT YOU LIKE YOU DID FOR ME!” Lash yelled out across the flight deck.

“IT WAS NEVER MY HOME!” Loki called out, and stepped onto the quin-jet. Lash sprinted across the flight deck and Loki went wide eyed. He yelled to the pilot and the quin-jet took off into the horizon.

“HEIMDALL! LOKI IS TRAVELING NORTH EAST! TRACK HIM!” Lash called out to the skies above.

I see him! I... I....I am sorry Lash, his magic distorts my vision. He is lost to us. I will keep trying. -Heimdall called across space, and dimensions. Lash roared in pure anger and bashed his hands into the reinforced concrete of the helicarrier leaving deep impact craters.

Lash pulled his Transformation off and returned to his Asgardian default form. He tried his best to keep his anger to himself but it must have still shown as anyone he encountered got out of his way quickly. It was so bad that he cast Calm Emotions on himself. He felt the cool sensation of his emotions leveling out. It would be a bitch to deal with the side effects later on. Hopefully he'll have something to hit by then. He snagged a passing SHIELD agent.

“Where is your medical deck?” Lash asked the agent who looked at him in surprise.


About twenty minutes after Lash arrived in the medical bay he was being escorted to the morgue at his request. Why? Well there was no one left to heal in the medical bay. The doctors were beside themselves as was Jane, and Darcy at the sight of bones snapping back into place. Bullets popping out by themselves, and even old scars being repaired. When he asked about the morgue he simply said death does not mean the same thing to an Asgardian.

The morgue sad to say was filled with more bodies than the medical bay had been with the injured. There was still over a hundred crew members MIA. Lash was happy to learn that it was standard operation for anyone on the flight deck to wear a parachute while the helicarrier was in the air. Hopefully there was some SHIELD techs waiting for pick up on the ground below. Maybe they could find Dr. Banner?

“What do you think?” Jane asked, she had followed him into the morgue. A morbid fascination driving her on. Despite the circumstances Jane was focused on the situation. She had recently used her new communication talisman and spoke to Thor. It worked!

“I can save a few, others not so much.” Lash replied. He pointed at several bodies that still had their soul tethers in place. Including but not limited to an Agent Phil Coulson.

The doctors, and nurses rushed to move the selected bodies out of their bags and onto the tables. Lash used Corpse Repair and the bodies mended themselves back into working order. Then he used Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, Regrowth, and flipped his Healing Aura back on. Doing a wide area of effect casting. All of the bodies looked healthy and waiting. Then one by one because it took a great deal of energy. Kiss of the Grave.


Darkness...Silence.... He was so tired. He wanted so desperately to sleep. Phil curled up in the nothingness and tried to sleep. But something nagged at him from behind the darkness. He saw a light, a beautiful amazing light in the distance. Calling him, like a siren calling a sailor to crash on the rocks. Phil felt that if he listened he would not be coming back. Back? Back to where? He had something he was suppose to do, a duty to fulfill.

“Hello Phil, son of Cole.” A voice said to him. That voice was rough and hard on the ears. But it held a sweet, and bitter promise. If Phil listened to it he felt he could go back. Back to a life of pain, and hardship. But also a life of joy, and accomplishment.

“I won't force your return, son of Cole. But I believe you have a woman you love waiting for you here.” The voice called out.

“AUDREY!” Phil yelled out at the top of his lungs and sat up right on the cold metal examination table in the morgue.

“HOLY FUCK!” Darcy screamed in surprise as she jumped back. “Zombies! Living dead!” Darcy screamed, and held up her fingers in a poor attempt at a cross.

“Calm your self Lady Lewis!” Lash said to her, then settled a hand on Phil's back.

Phil jumped at the contact but felt a sense of calm, and renewal wash over him. He looked around the room there were several agents of SHIELD talking to doctors, and nurses. Phil looked down and saw blood on his white buttoned shirt. What? Wait!? Hadn't he been stabbed!? Didn't he die!? He looked at Lash with an expression of pure confusion and fear.

“Welcome back Phil son of Cole. I'm afraid to say the living are not finished with you yet.” Lash said with a grim smile.

“What?” Phil said in complete shock.


Lash spent the next few minutes running through a long list of things that the recently dead needed to do towards the doctors on staff. The feelings of being hollow, not comfortable in their own skin, phantom pain in the area's of death, etc. All normal feelings, and the estimated time it would take to get over them. All of them needed intense R&R and a evaluation before they could go back on duty. A few more dead bodies showed up while he was talking and he noticed their tethers were in tact so he did it again in front of the SHIELD agents so they could see the whole process.

“You just reattached that guys leg! Is this normal on Asgard!” One of the doctors asked, completely overwhelmed with scientific curiosity.

“Yes and no. Some of us have a unique ability to heal. Much like you and your other peers do. You have a talent for healing. As do I.” Lash said with a smile, as he finished repairing the damaged tissue and cast another Kiss of the Grave.

  • Congratulations User! Kiss of the Grave has evolved into Minor Kiss of the Grave.

    • Effect: Increase in spell power, decrease in spell energy consumption.

    • Effect: Slight decrease in target side effects.

Lash excused himself and went to the damaged turbine that was barely holding on. He helped the work crews start repairs. Then eventually they all stepped aside and watched him in fascination as the he created materials, and seamlessly merged them into the super structure. Then repaired the broken pieces. What normally would have taken weeks in dry dock Lash was accomplishing in hours. All the while his three tech-spirits were using Repair on the helicarriers systems.

One by one the carriers systems started to turn back on. He was half way done with the repairs when Rogers came up to find him. He was in full uniform, including his helmet. A bright blue armored fit with a star dead center in the chest. Along red, and white stripes along his midsection. His vibranium shield at his side. Lash looked at him in curiosity, and Captain stared at him in return as geometric patterns took shape, materials made of light became solid and a ruined catwalk came into being.

“Lord Rogers? Everything alright?” Lash asked, and Rogers was startled for a moment then nodded.

“We found it, you coming?” Rogers asked, Lash didn't need him to explain what he meant.

“Yes, please lead the way.” Lash said and excused himself from the repair crews who got out his way.

Rogers led him down to the under carriage flight deck. There they met up with Natasha, and a new face. Agent Clinton "Clint" Barton aka Hawkeye. Who stood at 6'3” with high and tight blond hair, and blue eyes. (Lots of blue eyes!). He had an inverted triangle build. Wide shoulders, and very dense muscles on his arms. He wore a leather carbon polymer suit, with a quiver of tech arrows, and a specialized mechanical bow. He looked focused, and intent on the mission ahead. But even still he still looked at Lash and gave him a nod.

After a slight dramatic moment where Rogers all but kicked a SHIELD tech out of the quin-jet. They took off, following in the wake of the Iron Man suit. As soon as they left the bay the SHIELD helicarrier hailed them. Natasha flipped it to audio only and a voice came over that made Natasha pull on the controls in surprise.

“Agent Romanoff, Agent Barton, Captain. May we assume you found the Tesseract?” Phil asked over the radio.

“PHIL!? Wha...What!? Furry said you were dead!” Natasha shouted over the line, Captain came to the receiver in confusion.

“He was...For about an hour.” Lash said very nonchalantly to them. Rogers turned on his heel to look at Lash. Barton who was flying the quin-jet couldn't turn but Natasha was looking at Lash hard enough for both of them.

“Asgardian medical science is far more advanced than Midgardian's. An hour dead is only a little dead.” Lash said with a small smile. “Phil, Son of Cole. I left clear instructions for you to be off duty for the next foreseeable future!” Lash shouted across the quin-jet at him.

“Well ummm.... You see...” Phil said with a bit of nervous energy.

“Yes, we found the Tesseract. It is at Stark tower in New York. Tony figured it out, Loki plans to use the arch reactor to activate the cube.” Barton said across the line, a small smile growing on his face.

“Copy that! We'll send all the help we can your way! Good luck!” Phil said across the radio and turned it off before Lash could growl at him. Speaking of communication, Lash gave himself a mental facepalm and sent a communication to Darcy's phone to tell her and Jane where he was headed.

“So you can bring the dead back to life?” Captain asked, clearly skeptical. But his body language spelled optimistic.

“Midgardian medical science says that the brain can go 15 minutes or more with out oxygen before brain damage sets in. I respectfully disagree. It is more around 1-3 hours.” Lash said with a smile, that Captain mirrored.

“Good to know!” Barton said from the front seat. Natasha looked back at Lash and she mouthed the words, 'thank you.' Lash bowed his head then stood up in the back.

“Captain come here a moment I need to update your gear a bit.” Lash said with a smile.


Less than an hour later they were flying over New York City and something out of this world was in view. This was different from the movie! At the top of Stark tower was the Tesseract using the machine built by Dr. Selvig. However that is where the similarities stopped. About a hundred feet above the device was a giant prism. A massive thousand foot radius hole was above Stark tower. While the beam also refracted its energy through the prism. Creating four, five hundred foot portals scattered above New York. While another three portals were shot down to the ground allowing for Chitauri to deploy both air, and ground troops.

  • Attention User! You entered a dynamic event!

    • Objective: Figure out a way to close the auxiliary portals.

    • Objective: Close each auxiliary portals in succession then close the primary portal.

    • Note: The primary portal has a one way shield and will remain open until all additional portals are closed.

    • Comment: Now this is a battle!

The main portal was spitting out leviathans, giant mechanical bio-mechanical snake creatures. They were long, serpentine, and had razor sharp fangs exposed up front. While the rest of their body was covered in a metallic shell. Along the back were ridges that helped glide the creature through space, air, and water if need be. While it had several dorsal fins. Electricity bounced between the ridges. On occasion Chitauri foot soldiers would repel out of the leviathan as it passed by buildings.

Following the leviathans wake were hovercraft vehicles. 1-3 passengers with a driver interfacing directly with the machine. While one or more soldiers were sitting on the back chained to it to keep them from flying off. There was barely any cover on the skiff looking vehicle. The armor looked golden, and two gun pods were placed on the underside that show blueish energy shots.

From the auxiliary portals in the air dozens of fighter craft came flying out. These were interceptors, and bombers! The interceptors had a single narrow pilot module in the middle. While the wings opened wide when they pass threw the portals. The wings look like the letter 'L' but upside down, and sideways. Gun barrels from the tip of the wings. While the bombers looked much the same, they had an additional module connected to the pilot that shot out self guiding energy missiles, and dropped contained energy bombs.

The ground portals had hundreds of ground troops spilling out. While the Chitauri flying on the skiff vehicles only wore basic equipment. The ground troops were in full kit. The Chitauri themselves had gray to blueish skin. With four claw like fingers on each hand, and three clawed feet. The armor was sleek, and compact leaving very little bulk. While the color scheme was golds, and purples. The commanders had face masks on that looked like crowns that tipped up in the back. Everyone of them wore face masks that only intensified their disturbing appearance.

Behind the ground troops were magnetically floating tanks. Soft edges on the bottom, sharp edges on top. With duel barrels on a rotating turret. Purple lights glowed, and revealed to be a form of basic shield generator. They deployed what looked like listening posts that seem to link up with the forces and improve their combat capabilities. While the nodes themselves were guarded by hulking brutes. Like a giant gorilla had a child with a Chitauri.

It looks like what the battle for New York should have looked like if Marvel had a billion dollar budget to make the movie! -Erik the gamer said across the link.

Before they even got half way towards the tower interceptors shot at the quin-jet. Lash used Deflection and expanded the field to cover most of the quin-jet at the cost of spell energy. Their wings were clipped and they were struggling to stay aloft. They crashed into an overpass with little no damage to main cabin. Lash lost about 30% of his energy but it was quickly climbing back up. The cargo bay door opened up and Captain America stepped out wearing a medium tier exoskeleton suit.

He looked like the Iron Patriot's little brother from Iron Man 3. The entire suit had Vibranium laced into it. Because Lash got a hold of the shield! He was so happy to learn that formula! While Natasha, and Barton had light tier exoskeleton for increased speed and minimal armor. Flex plates made with a Vibranium polymer alloy. The skeleton structure went over their bodies and gave them a good 20% increase to all stats. While Captains increased by a good 40%.

“So when we kick all their asses, can I keep the bow at least?” Barton asked, Lash had informed them they couldn't keep the gear since it was Asgardian made. it would break the rules. But War allowed for certain rules to be bent.

“We'll talk about it later!” Lash said, and he activated Transformation and grew to his 8 foot tall lizard warrior form with living shadows dancing around his body.

“That's a neat trick!” Natasha said with a smile.

“Alright lets move!” Captain said and they sprinted towards the tower at nearly impossible speeds for a normal human.


New York City was in a panic! Portals opened up across the city in the skies, and on the grounds as creatures of an extraterrestrial threatened to swallow the city whole. A call for help went across the entire city. NYPD scrambled to respond, and the Mayor of the city called for the Army! They called for the Marines! The Navy! The Air Force! The Coast Guard! Anyone with a gun! Please help us fight off the alien invasion.

AMERICA! FUCK YA! Hundreds of thousands of people flooded the streets with small arms, to assault rifles! While people in costume, to simple durable clothing rushed into the streets. Many of these costumed people seem to be a bit stronger than normal. While others were of this world in ability. Thankfully New York citizens could tell which was which. Even a boy? A man...A spider-man!? Swung from webbing and strung up the Chitauri. Heroes, vigilantes, and even criminals were coming out of the wood work.

While minutes away, hundreds of quin-jets from the Triskelion did a hard burn towards New York. While dozens of fighter planes burned their emergency fuel and went on ahead! Anything and everything that was SHIELDS that could move quickly was being sent to New York. Storm clouds rolled into New York as the god of thunder brought a leviathan down with a lighting strike.

All the while, Loki the god of mischief sat on royal escort skiff. Scepter in hand, as he smiled in glee as he shot up the streets below. There was no stopping it now. He had come too far to give up now! There is only the war! With his inevitable rule afterwards! The paltry might of Earth couldn't stop him. It was clear that Loki didn't understand the true meaning of humanity. They were all kinds of stubborn!


Lash sprinted along with the group and cast Cat's Grace on all three of them. Faster than a sports car did they race towards the tower. All the while Lash's tentacles on his back shot Eldritch Blasts from a casting circles they created. Red energy arrows shot into the sky and self guided towards the skiffs. As they moved through the battle field Lash tasked his tech-spirits to analyze the Chitauri and send all relevant information back to the helicarrier to be broad casted to their forces. Also please don't shoot the giant Asgardian lizard, thank you!

“Stark! Come down to meet us I have to update your armor!” Lash said over their communication line.

“This isn't really...Gah! Fuck you! This really isn't the time to be trading engineering tips!” Stark shouted over the line as he zipped across the sky line shooting down the skiffs, and trading blows with interceptors.

“Stark, trust me you are going to want to let him update your armor!” Captain said as he threw his shield up the street. The shield's edge took on an electric blue glow and sliced through each Chitauri it came across. Bounced off several surfaces and swerved back towards Captain.

“Any word on Banner?” Stark said over the comms. Before anyone could ask what Stark was smoking.

“He's about thirty miles out on a motorcycle. He's doing his best.” Lash replied back, everyone turned to him with a question on their faces. “It's complicated.” Lash told them. Then his tentacles shot another interceptor down.

“Captain would the city of New York mind if I use these materials in weapons of war?” Lash asked as he pointed at the wrecked cars, and empty buses.

“What do you have in mind?” Captain asked, as he blocked energy shots from several soldiers.

Lash reached out with Telekinesis, and Machine control. Pulling the scrap, and salvage pieces together. He cast Recycle break them down. Then used Fabrication, Alteration, Compression Transformation, Virtual Intelligence, False Life, Infinite Supply, and Connectivity. Then he applied the Asgardian skiff design. Then he slapped a Quality Enhancement onto it for good measure.

What he ended up making was a six legged spider walker tank. With a main module that held all of the interface, and ammunition. While it had a rotating twin barrel shredder turret, and a single barrel pulse rifle for precision shots. Along with self guiding energy shots on the main tank module. On the end of each leg was an omni direction wheel. Essentially a sphere, capable of propelling the tank thirty miles per hour in any direction. A tank about twenty feet high, and fifteen feet long spread its legs out and started to shoot its twin barrels up at the sky. While its precision rifle shot the troops on the ground, and the energy shots went after the fighter craft. The entire construction took about five minutes.

“That is what I have in mind! Do you think they'll be upset?” Lash asked, his reptilian face scrunched up in worry. Barton laughed his ass off for a good ten seconds.

“No, Lash I think we'll be just fine!” Natasha said with a smirk, and a playful wink at him.


Tony Stark aka Iron Man was flying through the streets of New York at high speeds doing his best to shoot every Chitauri he came across. But more were coming out of the portals. He swung past central park and nearly dropped to the street level just to take cover. Dozens of tanks, and surface to air missile batteries from the aliens were set up. Dozens of projectiles shot straight at him! Several point defense lasers, and repulsion shots saved his ass. But just barely.

“WAR MACHINE COMING AT YOU!” A familiar and all to welcome voice screamed over his comm line. Colonel James Rupert "Rhodey" Rhodes aka War Machine shot straight down from the sky and took up a position next to Stark.

“Hay buddy! Why don't you ever invite me to your crazy parties? I always have to find out from some one else!” Rhodey said, under his mask he was smiling at Tony.

“Oh you know! I can never tell if your in the mood, or if you have a head ache. Or if your just with another suit of armor. I get jealous, I have feelings you know!” Stark said with some snark to his old friend.

“Well I am here now! Let's kick some ass!” Rhodey said and pushed forward. His mounted mini gun shooting at anything with in a 100 meters.

“Stark! Come down to meet us I have to update your armor!” Lash said across the comms line.

““This isn't really...Gah! Fuck you! This really isn't the time to be trading engineering tips!” Stark shouted back as a skiff shot him with an energy blast. Stark shot a full energy repulsion blast into the driver. Sending it crashing into ground.

“Stark, trust me you are going to want to let him update your armor!” Captain said across the line. Rhodey sent a private message to Tony.

“Who's Lash?” Rhodey asked, reading his UI.

“The god of hentai, and tentacle porn!” Stark said back, and Rhodey couldn't help but laugh shaking his head back and forth.

Tony, and Rhodey swung around back to 3rd as he continued to talk to the group. He asked about Banner, and was relieved to hear that he was on his way. Then they came to an abrupt halt at the sight of three scrapyard metal tanks made out cabs, city buses, and street lights? The tanks moved around nightmarish mechanical spiders and were shooting down dozens of Chitauri with expert precision, and brutality.

“I want one!” Stark said, and flew in towards the giant lizard impersonating the grim reaper.


Iron Man landed right next to Lash and shot several repulsion blasts at the ground troops. Then War Machine was next. Erik the gamer was doing a little happy dance across the link. Focus! -Saurian said to him. Lash reached out and placed his clawed hands on Iron Man and used Quality Enhancement. Then cast Infinite Supply to refill some of Iron Man's ammunition. Infinite Supply only did mundane things like bullets. So Lash supplemented it with Fabrication, and Alteration. Able to refill a majority of his suits needs.

A circuit like spider web crawled over Iron Man's suit. The suit was now lighter, more durable, and was more flexible. While the energy core increased by several percentile. Overall the suit increased by about 10%, for an Iron Man suit. 10% is amazing! Lash reached towards War Machine and did the same, refilling his ammo, and upgrading his armor.

“Alright! You and I are going to have a serious discussion when this is all over!” Iron Man said and flew up into the sky, followed by War Machine.

From one of the sky scrapers near Stark tower a figure landed on the building. Channeling lighting into their hammer and shooting it directly at the main portal. A leviathan took the brunt of the attack and screamed in agony blowing up mid flight from the portal. While the stray bolts of lighting danced across an energy barrier covering the rest of the exit point. Then from the skies landed Thor, god of thunder. He collapsed to a knee and weakly pulled himself up.

“Thor!” Lash called out and came to his side helping him up and holding him steady.

“I am fine my friend! What of Jane?” Thor asked, clearly worried for his love.

“Back at the helicarrier. Here let me help you!” Lash said, and cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement. He wanted to wait for a true emergency for Nature's Kiss. The color returned to Thor's face, and he stood straighter.

“Aha! My friend you are a wonder!” Thor clapped Lash on the back and came to Captain to give his report.

“Whats the story upstairs?” Captain asked.

“The cube is surrounded by an energy barrier that is impenetrable. Loki refused to tell me how to take it down.” Thor replied his face taking on an expression of aggravation.

“I know how to take it down, or at least in theory.” Lash said, and they looked at him.

“Each auxiliary portal is feeding ambient energy to the cube's main battery creating the shield. We have to close the auxiliary portals. There should be a control node, or even a guardian to each portal. Destroy those, and the shield to the main portal should drop...Should.” Lash said in turn and sent the information towards every ones UI. Except Thor, because he didn't have a heads up display.

“Its the best plan we got! Alright we need to work on containment! Stark! Rhodey look for the control nodes while you turn anything you come across into ash. Thor keep doing what you did before but on the other portals. Bottle neck them! Then when you can go after the big ones and crush their moral! Clint, Natasha, and I will stay here under the main portal drawing fire and troops. Lash go from street to street and make more of those spider tanks. And....” Captain said and stopped when they saw a familiar face getting off a motorcycle.

“Well, this all seem horrible.” Banner said with a contrite expression.

“I've seen worse. Thor remember the battle of Vanaheim, after the third moon eclipse?” Lash asked, and Thor grinned.

“A good battle!” Thor said with a grin. While everyone else looked them, not sure if they should laugh or ask what they meant.

“Stark you were right. He's here.” Captain said across the line.

“Banner? Tell him to suit up! I've got incoming!” Stark said across the line, and curved around a building playing possum with a leviathan.

“Woah! Hold on! I'm sorry but we don't have time for a berserker! Banner tell Hulk I'm sorry for this next part!” Lash said and walked up behind Banner and beach ball palmed the mans head with one of his tentacles. Lash cast Re:Implant, and Source Code. Implanting a bio-mechanical device. Then implanting a simple program code into Banner/Hulks source.

“Gaaaaah!” Banner dropped to his knees and green energy poured from his body. His shirt came apart, his boots popped their shoe laces, and his pants barely held on. Lash cast a quick Fabrication, and Alteration stretchy pants!


“What....WHAT DID YOU DO!? Banner screamed, and not only felt, but heard the other guys voice calling out. His body expanded, twisted, and changed into the Hulk. But for the first time Banner didn't swap out and go to the dark place where he normally went. Now, Hulk was in the driver seat, but Banner was sitting shotgun in the passengers.

They looked at one another. Then Hulk looked at Lash. There was an energy, a feeling coming from Lash that Hulk had never felt before. When they had first met it seemed like Hulk wanted to challenge him to a fight. But now he understood what that feeling was. It wasn't a challenge, it was new, it was sweet, and it was kind. Lash was a monster just like Hulk. The giant lizard extended his hand to Hulk and smiled at him. Hulk to his hand and let Lash pull him up. Though Hulk towered over Lash now standing at his full height. He felt in some small way that Lash and him were standing side by side against the world.

“Brother Hulk! Brother Banner! There is smashing to do! Care to join us for a fight!?” Lash said, and pointed at the Leviathan that was nearly upon them.

“HULK SMASH!” Hulk screamed and rushed towards the leviathan. Banner sitting beside him in the driver seat pointed out a specific point where the armor joined together. Hulk slammed his fist into that exact spot and the whole creature screamed in agony falling on top of it self.

Two crimson red beams shot out from the tentacles on Lash's back and bisected the leviathan in half! Hulk grumbled at the show of force! Why didn't lizard friend do that...Lizard friend? Hulk looked and saw Lash had collapsed to his knees gasping for air. Hulk picked the upper half of the leviathan and tossed it away like it was nothing. Racing towards Lash face full of concern.


“I'm fine Brother Hulk. I...I just need a bit of time to rest!” Lash said with a smile as exhaustion oozed out of him. A cacophony of roars rang out from above them. As dozens, no hundreds of Leviathans came pouring out of the primary portal. Great!

“Hulk bring down as many of those things as you can!” Captain said to him, Hulk grinned at him. Double checked on Lash, then catapulted himself straight into the air at the nearest leviathan.

The three scrapyard spider tanks started to unload everything they had at the leviathans, skiffs, interceptors, and bombers. But it was a losing battle! They were to out numbered. Until the sound of millions of spent rounds rang through out the cities sky line as hundreds of SHIELD quin-jets showed up and provided air support. Each one dropping off a SHIELD strike team. Before taking back off. A dog fight between interceptors and the fighter planes performed a brutal ballet of death above. Reinforcements had arrived!

Lash dragged himself to his feet and started to move towards more scraped cars. A SHIELD strike team was ordered by Captain to stay by his side while he worked. Also to ensure no one on their side shot Lash while he worked. Despite being an ally, Lash in his current form looked like an alien monster. Can't win them all. Lash had to stop half way through one of the spider tanks. His energy reserves barely above 5%.

“Give me your side arm!” Lash called to the nearest strike soldier. The man gave up his side arm with out question. Lash did a little enchanting on it then handed it back. “Give me your primary!” Lash asked, next the man looked confused but complied. The when Lash handed back a gauss rifle that ripped through Chitauri armor, and ships alike. All the soldiers wanted an update!

“Rotate out with another strike unit! I'll update every ones weapons between tanks!” Lash said to the lead officer who did as he asked. Lash went back to work on the spider tank working slowly as his spell energy recharged a tiny bit faster than he was using it.

One spider tank hummed to life and took off down the street to cover another position. Firing on any Chitauri it came across. Another strike team showed up to get their gear updated. Lash did a quick Quality Enhancement on the SHIELD strike armor. But he also left a tiny time release self dissolve code. So when the battle was done every ones gear would revert back to normal. No way was Lash handing a potential weapon to Hydra.

“Time to move to the next street!” Lash called out, and began to use his Team Work, and Military Special Operations skills. He moved in perfect sync with the soldiers as they went from cover to cover, corner to corner.

“Sir! Where we headed?” The SHIELD strike team leader asked.

“Central Park, there is a control node there supplying power to the main portal battery.” Lash responded and the team leader nodded, and told the squad as they moved.

From Sherogoth's Blessing only one member of this current team looked like they belong to Hydra with the crimson stain of hell on them. While the rest had done bad things, but were doing their best to reset their karma scales. Lash made a quick ID copy of that specific agent. Never to early to make a list, and check it twice to find out who has been naughty or nice! They passed an alleyway and Foresight kicked in. Three seconds ahead of them Chitauri soldiers pop out of the windows and unload on them.

“AMBUSH! COME TO ME!” Lash called out using Commanding Presence. The strike team jumped to him immediately just in time for the Chitauri to pop out and start blasting. Lash cast a wide area of effect of Deflection. But once again it was far larger than he was suppose to use and it drained his spell energy greatly.

But before the Deflection fell. Men and women wearing colorful clothing burst from circles of bright orange light. Along the hem of their clothing was spell script. They moved with the practice grace of martial arts, and flung spell construct weapons. While one particular woman stood off to the side throwing out spell crafted fans that bounced from Chitauri to Chitauri. The battle was over before it even really began. Lash stepped forward and gestured for the strike team to lower their weapons.

“Respectful greetings to the warriors of Kamar-Taj, and the Sorcerer Supreme!” Lash said, and bowed from his waist. His back ground World Lore activated. Telling him the relevant information.

“Asgardian, glad we could be assistance.” Sorcerer Supreme made a hand gesture and the warriors scattered back to their portals and out of sight.

If you survive the battle come to 22 Bleecker Street in Greenwich Village,New York City. We have thing to discuss. -Said the Sorcerer Supreme through Telepathy. Lash bowed in respect and she disappeared through another ring.

“You sure know some interesting people sir!” The team leader said with a smile.

“Anyone injured?” Lash asked, and everyone shook their head.

“No sir, you called for cover just in time!” The team leader said, and a firm look of respect was filled in every ones eyes.

“Let's keep moving!” Lash said, and they started towards the park again.


“OH MY GOD! WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING!” Shouted Peter Parker as he jumped from building to building. Shooting out his artificially created webs from his shooter. He jumped down and punched an alien square in the face sending him flying and saving a police officer who shouted thank you at him.

“Don't mention it!” Peter said in his horrible imitation of a mans voice. That he hoped didn't crack. But in all honesty Peter didn't think the cop cared.

Peter aka Spider-Man shot another web towards a wall and pulled himself up. From line, to line across the city. Hundreds...No thousands of aliens were marching together and annihilating anyone they came across. Peter shot a web at a destroyed taxi cap and sling shot it over the street straight into the group. They scattered like bowling pins. Bowling pins that shot back! Peter jumped from building to building. His Danger Sense aka Spider Sense giving him advanced warning.

Then a beautiful sight to behold zipped by! Iron Man, and War Machine poured everything they had onto the group and melted them like ice cream on a summer day. Peter cheered and clapped his hands. Iron Man stopped, and looked at him with a nod.

“Good job, kid! Keep it up!” Iron Man said, and Peter stuck his chest out just a bit.

Oh man! Iron Man complimented me! He couldn't wait to tell Aunt May, and Uncle Ben. Well he couldn't tell them he was Spider-Man. But he could at least say Tony Stark said nice job! Right? Oh no, Aunt May would kill him if she found out he was out here. Crap! He'd have to keep the whole thing..Oh crap! Mind on the job Peter! Mind on the job! As he jumped to another building out of range of the snipers.


Draw, aim, fire...Draw, aim, fire...Draw, aim, fire. Again, and again Hawkeye repeated the same mantra during the battle. He seriously loved this suit. He loved the quiver, and the bow most of all. Every ten seconds a new arrow would self replicate in the quiver. Along with his choice of arrow heads. While the bow would auto pull, and create a heads up display targeting on his UI. Draw, aim, fire! Hawkeye jumped on top of city bus that hadn't been scrapped. That was a ten foot jump minimal and the suit made it seem like it was nothing.

“Its just like Budapest all over again!” Natasha shouted at him from down on the street. A sub-machine gun popped out of her right gauntlet and sprayed into the the crowd of targets.

“You and I remember Budapest much differently!” Hawkeye replied with a smile. Then a alarm triggered on his display and the suit forced him to twist to the side as an energy blast shot past where his head had just been.

“Out fucking standing!” Hawkeye shouted as he turned and shot another arrow getting a head shot straight through the eye slit of the helmet. The arrow burst like a fragmentation grenade sending shrapnel in every direction.

“Hawkeye! We need you up top calling out units, and taking out strays!” Captain called out to him.

“You got it Cap!” Hawkeye said with a grin. He slung his bow on his back than ran straight towards the edge of the bus. He shot out a grappling line from his arm and climbed the surface of the building. When he made it there his hands, and feet gave him a confirmation beep! Then he started to climbed up the wall of the building humming a tune.

“Spider-Hawk, Spider-Hawk. Does what ever a Spider-Hawk can!♪” Hawkeye sang to himself climbing to the top to make a snipers nest.

Draw, aim, fire! Draw, aim, fire! Ah, that never gets old! Hawkeye smiled as he began to shoot again. The suit, and bow auto adjusted for the distance. The draw on the bow increased, unlike other bows Hawkeye would have to account for a casual arc. But the bow had a magnetic shot system. That was right he was using a magnetic projectile bow and arrow system. Bad ass! He'll have to beg on his hands and knees to Lash to keep the bow. He doesn't mind swallowing his pride.


Black Widow danced around the Chitauri like a butterfly but hit like a semi truck! The left arm exoskeleton charged up an electrical bolt of energy and jack hammered straight into the Chitauri's armored chest. Black Window felt, and heard the satisfying crunch of its sternum caving. The electrical bolt fried its nervous system. Thing was dead before it hit the ground. The hammer reset and a progress bar showed up on the gauntlet. Thirty seconds before she could do that again.

Black Widow watched Hawkeye climb up the wall humming his tune. She wasn't sure if he realized he was broadcasting on the local network. That, or he didn't care! She smiled to herself then sprinted towards another soldier. She jumped into the air and brought her knee crashing down on its skull. The thing screamed in pain but struggled to get back up. Widow pulled out a garrote wire, that started to turn searing hot the moment it was exposed to the air. Her gloves were immune to the effect as she wrapped it around the Chitauri's neck and pulled. The garrote passed through the things neck, and spine like it was made out wet clay.

She rolled to the side to avoid another soldier stabbing down with one of those spear/sniper rifles they carried. She lifted her left gauntlet up and a mini-shotgun popped up and explosive rounds blasted a basket ball hole straight through it. Oops! Its spine was in two parts. #Sorrynotsorry. She picked up the rifle and whirled around to attack the next soldier only to freeze as Captain landed in front of her with his shield up.

“Hay Cap.... Not that this isn't fun but it wont mean a damn thing if we can't close the portals. Not that I'm doubting Lash, or Thor. But maybe someone else should take a look at it?” Widow asked, as she settled back down on the ruined bridge.

“Our biggest guns couldn't touch it.” Captain replied as he listened to his communicator.

“Well maybe it's not about guns.” Widow said, as she stood up and rolled her shoulders.

“If you are going to get up there you are going to need a ride.” Captain continued as he watched a team of skiffs fly by. The spider tanks took them out one by one.

“I got a ride! Could use a boost though!” Widow said as she walked to the other end of the bridge getting ready.

“You sure about this?” Captain said, as he positioned himself and his shield at the ready.

“Ya! It will be fun!” Widow said, then sprinted towards Captain. Jumped into the air via her exoskeleton and Captain shot her into the air. Spider tanks took aim at the skiff but suddenly turned away. Widow had landed on the skiff and took over the pilot seat. Or rather killed the pilot and steered the corpse.


“This is quin-jet unit Echo-Zero-One-Six. Confirm for rejoining the AO?” The pilot said into his mouth piece as his co-pilot started to do a systems check on their weapons. They had just gotten back from the SHIELD helicarrier for resupply. Back into the pit of hell!

“Echo-Zero-One-Six, confirmed! Welcome back, and good luck! Make your attack run 57th street but stay low. Central Park has a lot of anti air established.” The SHIELD tech aboard the carrier called back.

“Roger that! Moving for-” The pilot tried to say until a static screech went across the communication line. He winced in pain but couldn't remove his headset.

“To all SHIELD ground and air units in the area of Central Park. This is Asgardian Lash Jormungandson. Please be aware in approximately one minute I am about to attack Central Park. If any of you see a giant reptilian monster wearing armor, with tentacles writhing on its back please do not shoot me!” The gruff voice said over the communication line.

“Shoot you? What do you and a giant reptile have to do with each other?” The SHIELD tech said over the communication line.

“Well I am the God of Monsters on Asgard!” Lash replied, and when the pilot to the quin-jet flew over 57th he understood why they were warned. A giant 60 foot tall, and 120 foot long monster in alien armor was sprinting full on towards Central Park. Riding on top of the monsters back was a SHIELD strike unit.

“Good God!” The pilot called over the open channel. He couldn't be the only one seeing this. He turned to his co-pilot who was just as stunned as he was.

“See! See! I told you! God of hentai and tentacle porn!” Iron Man said over the communication line.


Saurian roared in triumph as he sprinted down 7th avenue with a strike team on his back being held in place by his hundreds of thousands of tendrils. Despite they had zero chance of falling off, they were still in great danger being exposed up top. But they volunteered when they saw Lash swap places with Saurian.

With Adaptation he adjusted himself to be a quadruped. Then shifted muscle mass, bone density, and joint placement. He lowered his skull crest like a living shield and charged towards Central Park. When he was with in a 1000 meters they started to fire on him with rapid succession. He cast Deflection, and Acceleration on himself and zipped straight into the fire. As the energy bolts collided with the ground, the buildings, or the sky itself.

“This is Kilo-One-One-Six. Following behind the big kaiju for attack run on Central Park. All quin-jets available line up on me!” A quin-jet pilot said over the comms and the jet it self was soon right behind Saurian's massive tail.

“Roger that!” “Moving in” “Over and out!” Dozens of replies came over the radio. Dozens of jets fell behind Saurian like he was a battering ram towards the enemy gates.

Saurian roared, a deep bellowing that rippled across the whole park. Intimidating Shout froze the whole army for half a second. Then Saurian jumped into the park and activated Plant Control, and Animancy. Energy currents flashed into the trees through out the forest and they came alive to have a feast of Chitauri meat! Tree branches reached out and plucked the aliens from the ground. Massive maws opened from their trunks and began to chew. The Chitauri's screams were sweet music to Saurian's ears.

“All pilots fire at will!” The lead quin-jet yelled over the comms. The co-pilots released their entire store of ammunition into the swarm of ground forces. While the strike team on Saurian's back tried their best to use full auto on their gauss rifles. Spray and pray!

At the center of the park was portal to some distant starscape. Maybe a distant moon, or asteroid in Chitauri space? Standing at the foot of the portal was a Chitauri general in ceremonial armor. Ornate gold, and purple armor. He wielded an energy tower shield and a pike with a serrated edge. He pulled it up and took aim. The pike sent a massive blast straight into Saurian's skull crest. The energy was absorbed, and washed off thanks to a brand new combination of Reality Armor, and Vibranium alloy along his skull crest. His scales were metallic after all!

The general was calm, and cold to the event. He continued to fire again, and again. But eventually he started to shift away from the portal. Then he stopped firing and turned on his heel to move out of the way of the giant monster headed his way. Saurian was having none of that and jumped into the air. The strike team let out a serious of woops, and yeehaaas! Then Saurian pounced on the general and ripped him in half! One of his tentacles blasted the control node and the portal closed just like that! The energy beam faded from sight at the primary vortex and the main portal shield shrunk just a bit.

“All SHIELD units this is Black Widow. Lash was half right! We need to destroy the auxiliary portals first. But we also need Loki's scepter to close the last portal. I have Dr. Selvig here with me at the top of Stark Tower, he has confirmed it. He placed a fail safe into the machine. Locate Loki, and bring the scepter to Stark Tower.” Black Widow said over the communication line before Lash could report the first portal was down.

“Portal one in Central Park is down.” Saurian said across the line. A little less enthusiastic about the report now. But there was always another portal! “Next portal location, central Harlem. Moving to destroy.” Saurian said over the line and shifted to run through the park at best speeds.


“Mother fucker! Shit! Cock! Balls! Kiss my sweet ass!” Jessica Jones screamed as she slammed he fist into one ugly fucker! Then continued to swear up a storm that would make a sailor blush. Her fist caved the Chitauri's chest cavity in.

"If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims!” A man said to Jessica as his left hand turned into a metallic stabbing weapon and impaled another Chitauri.

“What the fuck does that have anything to do with what we are doing, Omni!?” Jessica screamed at the man? Silver? Thing?

“I don't trust stairs! They are always up to something!” The man? Named Omni said to Jessica with a bright smile.

“I'm going to fucking kill you!” Jessica roared in rage.

“Well are you going to fuck me before or after you kill me? Because I think Luke would be jealous of one of those.” Omni said as he decapitated another Chitauri.

“Why don't we all just settle down and take a breather!” Luke Cage said from behind them as he snapped the neck of another warrior.

“Why take a breather, when you take blow job!” Omni said with a grin. Then Jessica punched him square in the face and the man was flung straight back into a wall. His entire body turned into metallic goop that looked like mercury. Then retook his human shape.

“I guess BJ's are out?” Omni said, and jumped out of range of Jessica Jones.

ROOOOAAARRR! A monstrous shout rang across the whole part of Harlem. But everyone who heard it felt renewed, and invigorated. Luke, and Jessica looked at one another in confusion. While Omni jumped up an down in excitement!

“Oh yes! Yes! It's him! Everyone be cool! Be Cool!” Omni said, as he smoothed back his hair and changed its style.

“What the fuck was that!?” Jessica screamed, then watched in horror as a fucking dinosaur raced down the street. It ground to a half right next to them and Jessica felt a little bit of pee come out of her.

“Are any of you injured?” The creature said to them.

“Dude! I fucking love you! I have heard so much about you! Can I please have your autograph!?” Omni shouted at the giant dinosaur. The creature tilted its head at Omni then a smile pulled back on its lips. So many fangs!

“Perhaps once the battle is over! Good luck in battle, Midgardians!” The creature said and took off down the street. Jessica fell to her knees. Soon followed by Luke who was just as terrified.

“He's seems super laid back! I thought he would be all cold an indifferent! But no! Man I understand why so many people like him!” Omni said to them then looked at them in confusion.

“Whats wrong?” Omni asked.

“WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A DINOSAUR IN HARLEM!?” Jessica screamed at Omni.

“For the event! Duh!” Omni said, as if it was completely obvious.

“I'm going to kill you! You hear me! I'm going to kill you!” Jessica said as she jumped to her feet.

“Luke, save me please!” Omni danced away from Jessica.

“When did my life get so crazy?” Luke asked no one in particular but desperately hoped for an answer all the same.


Saurian raced past the interesting alien creature he found in Harlem. Erik the gamer recognized the woman, and man. They were Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage. From the Marvel Comics, and Netflix specials. While the alien creature was a VI Avatar with the ability Cosmic Awareness. Which allowed him to be able to talk more freely than most.

Just as they did before Saurian led the charge and the quin-jets used him as cover. But unlike last time there was no trees to assist. No there was something else. A cemetery! Saurian cast a wide area of effect Animancy and hundreds of rotting corpses burst from the ground.

“The dead shall rise! Just because I said so!” Saurian called out to the skies above. The zombies crawled out of the ground and attacked the Chitauri with unstoppable vigor that only comes with the dead.

“You are one scary mother fucker!” One of the strike team soldiers said. But he said with a smile as they continued to ride the crazy train that was Saurian.

This time the quin-jets all incinerated the Chitauri general in charge of the portal. Saurian destroyed the control node and yet another auxiliary portal was closed. He reported in and moved to the next location only for Iron Man, and War Machine to report it was taken care of! Now all that was left was the thousands of Chitauri soldiers already deployed on the ground. Along with thousands of interceptors, bombers, skiffs, and leviathans in the air. Yay! Go team!

“What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? Supplies!” Saurian heard the alien creature say loudly at his companions.

“OK! No, no more! I'm going to kill you now!” Luke shouted at the creature.

“Eeeeeeeee! Why is six afraid of seven? Cause seven eight nine!” The Omni creature shouted as he grew spider appendages and crawled up the side of a building. Saurian couldn't help but chuckled as he ran past them again.

“I think your jokes are entertaining.” Saurian called as he passed.

“See! See! Some people have a sense of humor!” Omni called out.

“WHY IS THERE A FUCKING TALKING DINOSAUR IN HARLEM!?” Jessica yelled again, apparently have a miniature panic attack.

Saurian cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on all three of them as he passed. For a brief moment Jessica, and Luke both seem to just sit down in total stress free moment. Then Omni oozed down to the floor and poked them softly whispering something into their ears. Luke snapped out his hand and started to strangle Omni. But the metallic ooze just laughed and wobbled back and forth.

As he passed several destroyed vehicles Saurian made another spider tank. It hummed to life and started to patrol Harlem. Killing any Chitauri it could find, and providing anti air for any quin-jets that flew by. Saurian raced back to the starting point of their little expedition hoping that everyone was still alive. Once they arrived with in a few blocks of Stark Tower. Saurian crouched and had the strike team jump off.

“Thanks for accompanying me on my hunt! But I must move on my own, I have giant snakes to hunt!” Saurian said to them, the SHIELD strike team saluted him and moved into the streets of the city to hunt for more Chitauri.

Saurian used Gravity Stride and climbed a building like it was the floor. Though he stepped carefully he didn't want to crush any walls, and stick his foot through a window. Gravity was weird like that. He climbed to the top of a skyscraper looking down. Waiting as his tentacles created spell circles and shot down the Chitauri air craft. Only three auxiliary, and primary portal to go. Making progress, Saurian saw a fleet of skiff ships zip by and for a brief moment he saw Loki sitting on a throne. Loki glanced at Saurian and paled.

You can still end this, Loki! -Saurian's voice called out with Telepathy.

No, I will see it to the end. I who was, and should be king! -Loki replied, and shut the connection down.

Following close behind the fleet of skiffs was Iron Man, War Machine, Thor, and several quin-jets. The sound of shattering glass, and crushed concrete woke Saurian from his thoughts below him between buildings flying over the city streets was a leviathan. Ignorant of the hunter above it, Saurian sent out a mass wide area of effect Compulsion for any civilians, and soldiers to move out of the street. Then he jumped off and pounced straight on top of the creature.

Roooooar! The leviathan screamed in surprise, then soon in agony as Saurian raked his claws through metal, flesh, and bone! He tore straight through the creatures spine, and it flopped like a fish out of water. Crashing into the ground and twitched for while. It opened and closed its mouth trying to scream but no sound came out. Saurian climbed towards its head, wrapped his arms around it and snapped its neck. No reason for it to suffer. It wasn't its fault it was on the wrong side of the battle.

Saurian cast Nature's Passage and Chameleon on himself and blended back into the city it self. Hundreds of fighter craft passed by in search of him but missed him by only a few meters. Saurian climbed down gently, and moved to another building waiting for another leviathan to pass by. He eventually found himself back at the main street where he had left everyone. Captain was fighting the good fight taking on dozens of soldiers. While the spider tanks continued to shoot at the ships above. Hawkeye was above at a snipers nest and...Wounded?


Draw, aim, fire....Breath...Try not to pass out! Draw, aim, fire! Breath....Fuck! Hawkeye took a knee and wheezed. Several of his ribs were broken if his UI was to be believed. He couldn't see out of his right eye anymore. But he kept at it! Draw, aim, fire.....

“Your hurt...” A predatory voice said, and it sent a shiver down Hawkeye's spine. It was the type of voice that told his primal part of his brain to run, hide, and hope the predator doesn't notice him. Hawkeye slowly turned around and saw a massive scaled snout in front of him.

“Sit down Hawkeye I'll treat your wounds.” Saurian said to him, and Hawkeye passed out. Clearly believing he had sever blood loos. That would never explain a giant dragon sitting on a building next to him....


Hawkeye woke up with a start to find himself in the middle of a massive scaled tail? He slowly sat up and realized that his ribs were fixed? He could see out of his right eye again. He slowly looked up and saw the giant dragon shooting Chitauri craft down with his ten...

“Lash!?” Hawkeye shouted in surprise.

“Yes, and no. While I am in the shape my father bestowed on me I take the name Saurian. How are you feeling?” The giant reptile asked, and Hawkeye sat back down on the ground.

“Fuck! So much better now! I mean I head you over the radio but I thought people were just seeing stuff. But wow! You are really big like that! Thanks for the save by the way!” Hawkeye said, as he slowly stood up. He also noticed his exoskeleton had been fixed. Just another question to ask the big guy later.

“I am happy you are safe my friend...Oh! Forgive me I didn't mean to be so forward with my feelings.” Saurian said, and looked a little bashful. Hawkeye looked at him with wide eyes, and a grin slowly spread across his face. The big guy was like a kid in this shape, interesting. Kids Hawkeye could handle.

“No, no! Of course we are friends, Saurian. You've saved my life how many times today! Friends take care of each other!” Hawkeye said, and noticed that Saurian's tail wagged just a bit. Yep, Hawkeye was going to tease Lash about this later.

“Well I should go! Your quiver is resupplied, your armor is fixed, as is your body. Good luck!” Saurian said and faded from sight right in front of Hawkeye.

“Wow, that is a nice trick!” Hawkeye said, then he went back to his job. Draw, aim, fire! Draw, aim, fire!


Hopefully Hawkeye wont be to upset with him if he ever found out that Saurian was playing a part. People seem to react to him better if he acts like a creature that is bashful and unsure of himself. He was not entirely sure why? He'll have to ask Thor. Or maybe Darcy she seems to have a good handle on things on Midgard?....No, Saurian better ask Jane instead.

It seems that one of the quin-jets found the control node to one of the auxiliary portals flying above because they were now down to two auxiliary, and one primary. Saurian switched through his full spectrum sight until he saw a glimmer of energy flowing from one of the portals down into the city below. Saurian climbed over the buildings carefully, and slowly like a predator cat in a concrete jungle. Slinking casually below him was a leviathan with ornate golden armor, and extra automated turrets that swiveled in all directions.

Just as he was about to pounce down on top of it he heard a tremendous roar. A giant green gamma infused monster burst from the nearby building and tackled the creatures mouth. Ripping, and pulling on its teeth. The leviathan cried out in pain and turned towards the direction Hulk was pulling. Saurian watched him for a bit then jumped own and slammed into the creature from above. The sudden shift in direction surprised Hulk as he looked up in confusion then his eyes went wide.

“Brother Hulk! How goes it!?” Saurian called out to him, and Hulk became a little sullen.

“Brother Lash is bigger than Hulk!” Hulk said, his voice fallen. All the while the guardian leviathan was under Saurian's claws desperately trying to wiggle away.

“Never fear, Brother Hulk no matter what form I take you will always be the greater power. For your strength is with out equal!” Saurian said to him, and Hulk grinned at him. Pulling his shoulders back, and chest out.

“Hulk is strongest in the world!” He roared, and jumped down to drive his elbow straight into the leviathan. Shattering the things skull, and splattering its brain.

“Yes, strongest in the world indeed.” Saurian replied, and watched as the energy current disappeared and another portal closed.

“Come, there is another creature we must find before we have one portal left! It is hiding between those two buildings. Race to see who kills it first?” Saurian asked, and Hulk grinned jumping up into the air and racing off. Saurian laughed, a sound that would send lesser men to their knees.


“Director Fury, the council has made its decision.” Said an older woman from the view screen. Her face partially hidden by the camera.

“I recognize that the council has made a decision, but considering its a stupid ass decision I've elected to ignore it.” Fury said back at them, nearly earning his name as he was moments from taking out his side arm and shooting the view screen.

“Director! You are closer than any of our subs! You fire that missile immediately.” Gideon Malick said to the Director.

“That is the city of New York councilman! Until I am sure that my team can not handle the situation I will not order the annihilation of a civilian population!” Fury snapped back.

“If we don't do it now we may lose everything!” Malick shouted back at him. But before Fury could reply another window appeared. Though it had no video everyone, and the council soon discovered who it was.

“Alright listen up you stupid pieces of shit!” Saurian roared across the line. “How many of you have a mastered the higher learning of Astrophysicists? Perhaps you have a greater understand of energy beyond Midgardian understanding? No? Then shut the fuck up and listen!” Saurian shouted, the council looked shock at being spoken to like that.

“Even if you send a hundred missiles of destruction. What do you call them? Nuclear missiles? The primary portal will not be destroyed! The barrier surrounding it is pure energy. Even if you destroy Stark Tower the portal will remain open! All you will do is destroy your peoples homes, and your best soldiers for a wasted effort.” Saurian said across the link.

“Now you listen to me, you freak!” Malick shouted.

“Freak!? FREAK!? I am Asgardian you pathetic shit! I am over a thousand years old! But I swear to the All Father that if you fire a single missile at our people I will use my considerable life time to hunt each of you down and SKIN YOU ALIVE! Then I will ensure your entire family line lives in disgrace as every Midgardian in the world learns that you ordered a missile attack on a civilian population! I've recorded his entire conversation and am more than capable of ruining their lives!” Saurian shouted, and the security council went deathly silent.

“Director! Please turn them off and let the mewling shits bicker over petty things they no nothing about. We need your tactical advice with the soldiers in the city! Jormungandson, and God of Monsters over and out!” Saurian shouted, and closed the line. Fury had a smug satisfied grin on his face.

“Well, I think that is all that needs to be said. Unless you want a pissed off God to hunt you all down. Good bye!” Fury said, and shut the communication down. He looked at Agent Hill with a smile on his face.

“I like him...” Fury said, and Hill smirked.


“Enough! I am a God you dull creature and I will not be bullied!” Loki shouted at hulk then was picked up by the monster and repeatedly slammed over, and over into the stone floor in Stark's common room. Hulk looked at him to see if he was still wiggling, then bashed him a few more times. Once he was sure Loki was down for the count he walked away back to the fight.

“Puny God.” Hulk said disdain, and jumped out of the window.

That was good, awesome job big guy. -Banner said across their shared link.

“Hulk like this better! Banner no shouting, working together.” Hulk said out loud.

Ya, I think this could work. One step at a time, but let's go kick some more ass! -Banner replied to Hulk and the other guy grinned.

Hulk leaped tall buildings in a single bound and slammed into leviathans, skiffs, and Chitauri soldiers hiding on the walls of buildings. Banner would point out a few civilians in need, or a shield strike unit. Or even a few city vigilantes in costume. Always offering a bit of advice, but never forcing Hulk to do anything. Banner didn't understand why this was different. What did Lash do to them? It's like before Banner would be asleep, while Hulk was awake. Then Hulk would be asleep while Banner was awake. But now? Now they were both awake, and talking! God to honest talking!

Cascading crash of thunder, and brilliant light burst across the skies. The giant prism above the Tesseract exploded in the skies. The giant portal slowly closed, slicing a leviathan in half as it tried to move through. The primary portal closed, and all was silent for a brief moment. But the fight wasn't over. The Chitauri continued to fight to the last...man? Bug? Thing?

“HULK SMASH!” Hulk roared and tackled a Chiauri in glee.


In the movie the Chitauri fall like puppets with out strings. Of course in the movies Stark rides a nuke into the portal and destroys the control ship. Maybe that is why they are still fighting, or maybe its just part of the event. Let the low levels get some experience hunting the Chitauri down. -Erik the game said across their shared link.

Saurian contemplated that little fact. It could mean several things, knowing their Cosmic Patron there could be one...No! No! That's a red flag! Don't stay it! Saurian shook his head back and forth, and his scales rattled lightly. He was perched on top of another building shooting down the remaining interceptors. One by one they started to fall with concentrated fire, and team work. However, he did notice hundreds of them flew off into the horizon. While some of the remaining leviathans started to fly straight up into the upper atmosphere.

Saurian took a deep breath and let loose a roar! Rallying Call washed over nearly the entire city. A few moments later, Hulk roared back with an enthusiastic cheer! Or maybe he was just shouting. Saurian wasn't sure. It had been mid day when the battle had started. Now it was almost sunset. In the distance he could see the SHIELD helicarrier slowly coming towards the city.

“It seems the security council took my threat seriously.” Saurian said across the communication line.

“I still can't believe they were willing to nuke New York.” Captain replied back.

“You have the whole thing saved on something? Cause I still think we should let the tape loose on the public net.” Tony said next, he was flying around with Rhodey cleaning up a few straggling skiffs.

“The world wide web I assume? I uploaded a version of it a few minutes ago.” Saurian said, and received nothing but silence on the other end.

“BUHAHAHAAAHAHAHAAHHA!” Tony started to laugh, he laughed so hard he fell from the sky and dragged himself across the street. But he never stopped laughing the whole way down.

“Holy shit, he's not kidding! It's up there! It shows the security council names, and the entire conversation about how they are trying to tell the Director to nuke New York. While Fury continues to tell them no, Saurian calls them on their shit. This will have huge consequences!” Rhodey said with a grimace.

The whole team continued to talk but Saurian noticed the world was slowing down to crawl. Then time itself stopped. He looked around, still able to move but nothing else was. A glowing light gradually came down from the sky. It took the shape of a beautiful woman made from the very stars themselves. Saurian smiled and watched Dawn descend like a an angel, or maybe a goddess? She stopped a few feet away from his face, floating in the air.

“Congratulations User! You've completed the story event! Now, the question is do you wish to leave the Rift and return to your reality. Or do you wish to continue the story, and see the results of your actions.” Dawn asked, and Saurian raised a scaled brow at her. All six of his eyes focused on her.

“Consequences? Wait, do my actions effect the next event?” Saurian asked, a bit of anticipation in his voice.

“Oh yes! The butterfly effect is real in this Rift. Also you can choose to accept your reward for this event now. Or you can double down and put your reward into the next event. Please be aware that the difficulty will scale anywhere between 10-50%.” Dawn said, as she fluttered about in the sky like a will-o-wisp.

“Wait, why is the difficulty scaling so wide?” Saurian looked at her in curiosity, then he flickered his long forked tongue at her. She giggled in delight and danced out of the way.

“It depends on your butterfly effect. Depends on your performance here in this event.” Dawn replied, and moved over to run her fingers along his scaled snout.

“I guess I should have rethought sending that recording out.” Saurian said with a bit of regret. This would spell a disaster for the security council. Which may crash back onto SHIELD. Or, it may give SHIELD more power, and control. Which sounds good on paper, if he didn't know for a fact that Hydra was in SHIELD.

“I would like to continue to the next event. I'll also let my rewards slide to the next event as well. See how far I can go.” Saurian replied, and Dawn smiled at him.

“Wonderful User! I'll unfreeze the Dream in a few moments. Continue to do as you have always done. Before long I'll call you back to black room and we'll move to the next step. Good luck, User!” Dawn said, and kissed his snout. Saurian wiggled his nose a bit and watched her leave. Slowly the Dream started to move again.

“Captain! Would the people of New York be upset with me if I started to help them with the wounded, and rebuild their city?” Saurian asked, and their was a brief pause before he got a reply.

“I'm sure they would welcome the help Saurian. But before that, come to the Tower. We are not finished yet.” Captain replied, and the group made their way to collect Loki, and the Tesseract.....

First Draft, Raw, Unedited. Hello everyone! I would like to reassure my readers that yes I do plan on writing a Marvel Comics Beta Tester novel all on its own. This story/cross over is just a silly thing I've wanted to do for a while. I hope my readers will indulge me! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the ride.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.