Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 106: Summer Ball


***HR. China, Hong Kong***

Hong Kong one of the worlds greatest cities. Its towering structures of glass and concrete was considered the highlight of the world as the city was hailed one of the most modern places to live. Or at least it use to be? Now, the island was in destructive ruin. Skyscrapers had fallen onto one another. Over a million people had died during the three month long invasion. A majority of it was done by their own people. As gangs, soldiers, warlords, and the common man/woman destroyed what little was left.

The hollow shell of the city was all that was left when the JLI showed up to build the solar power plant that helped rebuild power, and repair the city. When the JLI came they recruited several dozen different people that had volunteered their time to the protection of others. One of them now was driving through the ruined city on a motorcycle. Bobbing and weaving through double decked buses, and trams.

The JLI member turned their motorcycle down Ladder street, moving towards Western Promenade towards the Jardine Noonday Gun. A relic from the old days. The streets were empty except for trash, and the birds waking up as the dark sky turned into a deep blue. The sun would be up in a few hours. The motorcyclist stopped at the gun and looked out across the bay. Standing at 6'3” was a man with broad shoulders, and narrow hips. He rolled his shoulders, and flexed his gloved hands back over the throttle. He kicked the cycle into first gear and road it straight into the water.

The standard issue JLI medium tier suit sealed into a vacuum sealed suit as soon as the driver gave it the command. The cycle went from a street bike to underwater propulsion bike. Both wheels split in half and went to either side and turned side ways as they spun rapidly to pull water through them and push the bike forward. The driver dove the bike to the watery floor towards a cliff wall. When he reached it the wall pulled back to reveal a tunnel.

This was one of the JLI bunkers that had been built for its members. Driving through a long underwater tunnel that had several security scans in place. The driver at last came up to an enclosed space and converted the cycle back into a motorcycle. He rolled up to a door and stepped off his bike. After passing a series of security checks the motorcycle was taken into a side entrance to be looked over and repaired if needed. The driver went through had eventually been called, 'the kill box'.

It was a 10' squared room with dozens of sensors, and a solar flame thrower mixed in meant to destroy any living thing on Earth. Thankfully the driver passed the tests and the next security door opened up. The next space had two passages, the driver went to the left and stepped into an automated ring control. He clamped his feet into the bracers, and pushed his hands into the rings. His arms, and legs were then spread out evenly and mechanical arms came down to help him out of his mid-tier suit.

What would normally take an hour to do by himself the automated machine did in less then five minutes. It even helped him peel off his form fitting polymer suit. Once he was done he was naked, and stepped into the private showers. The man in question of scandinavian decent, with a shaved head, deep blue eyes, and pale skin. He had several dozen scars from bullet wounds, burns, and newly grown skin. All of them showed repair. Thanks to the JLI's medical wonders aboard the Watch Tower such things could be overcome with time.

After the shower the man wore a pair of comfortable slip on shoes, sweat pants, and a gray hoodie. When he stepped into the central chamber of the bunker he noticed that only one other individual was in the bunker. The bunker it self had three floors. The bottom floor contained the generators, and utility engines. Second floor had living quarters, kitchen, medical, and a training room. First floor had operations, and a machine shop, with a tiny kitchen for Chang. He could see his bike being worked on behind a pane of glass as automated arms were just finishing it up. A few bullet holes did nothing to slow the bike down.

“Ingvar! Welcome back!” Chang called out, he was the bunkers IT guy, and over watch for their team when ever they were deployed.

“Where is everyone?” Ingvar asked, Ingvar was actually named Nikandr Onufriy. But they tried to always use their code names while in, and around the bunker. Kept up their identities. Despite that Ingvar was not in uniform, around his neck was a celtic knot. Which held a glamour charm. Different skin tone, eye color, and hair color. Ingvar had been surprised how much it had helped keep his identity.

“Leora, and Panan took the previous day shift, so if they are smart they should be asleep or just getting up now. But knowing them they most likely stayed up at the club last night.” Chang said, as he began to list off the names on his fingers.

“Kalama, Durkhanai are both visiting family back home. They are on their three day rotation. Ashur, and Khalon came back about thirty minutes before you. They went to the station to the club for happy hour. You are the last one back.” Chang said as he stood up from his station, with no one to watch he was officially off duty.

Chang was 5'8” with short military cut black hair. Yellow tanned skin, and an athletic body. Oddly enough Chang had fiery red eyes that would change color when he was excited. He wore a light armor variant for JLI logistical crew. Form fitting, offered protection, but was comfortable to sit in. Had all the little bells and whistles. Ingvar never saw Chang sleep. Yes, he did take breaks. But not one did he ever see the man sleep. He assumed he was a meta with abundant energy. Must be nice.

Unlike the rest of the team that called this bunker home. Ingvar was the only mundane as far as he could tell. Four of the team were meta's, while the other two were supernaturals? He wasn't sure if someone who could throw a 'ki punch' counted? Why was Ingvar in Hong Kong? He was a tourist! He was visiting the city when the invasion started. Thanks to ten years in the military, and mixed martial arts training. Ingvar stepped up to help when few others would.

Because of his training, and determination to do the right thing when the JLI showed up they recruited him quickly. At the beginning he was the voted leader of their little group because everyone was young, and inexperienced. Now? Not so much, thanks to the JLI training regime everyone was becoming more skilled at a daily pace. Ingvar was starting to feel like he was dragging his weight.

“Oh hay! Orders came down from the station. They wanted you to come up and meet with Ethan about some medical thing.” Chang said from across the room. He had opened up a micro brewery bottle and took a sip. Ingvar hung his head in dismay.

“I just got off a fifteen hour shift!” Despite his whining. Ingvar went over to a metal wall. Chang pressed several keys on his operations center and the wall slid to one side to reveal the personal portal hub. Space for eight, and a small supplies pad. Ingvar stepped onto one and waved at Chang.

A spell ribbon wrapped around him and with an audible pop! Like one would hear with a balloon popping, or a pop corn kernel popping. Ingvar found himself on portal hub C-2. At some point the portal hubs had all been moved to their own little sections on the cardinal points. With a blast shield wrapped around them. On occasion they had used the portals to transport people to medical centers quickly. So from where they were, to the station, to the hospital. Why they couldn't just go straight there Ingvar didn't know. He didn't even understand how the portal system even worked!

Watch Tower Station was busy! It was always busy it didn't matter what time of day it was. It didn't matter what the station tower time was! It was busy! Thousands of people were coming and going across the station that could barely contain them all. But, it was not as busy during the war. Third world war? Did an alternate reality count? Ingvar cleared his head and went to medical.

Once upon a time medical had been little more than a single box with several beds. Now, it looked like a small hospital. Ingvar went to the front desk and spoke to one of the medical droids. The droid looked like a combination of geometric shapes, and human qualities. The machine had a very soothing feminine voice that Ingvar found he could fall asleep too. Or maybe he was just tired. Turned out his meeting was at the PR relations module.

Ingvar had never been there, so he took out his holographic and went on a guided tour of the station. He gingerly walked past the torture chambers aka therapy center for mentally unstable people. Didn't anyone tell them it was perfectly healthy to bottle up your emotions!.... No, that was a lie obviously. Everyone was required to go once a month for an hour. If you were a risk sometimes more. Ingvar went once a week. Stress from being a leader.

The Public Relations building look a lot like the rest of the station. It was several cubes, and rectangles stacked on top of each other. With the letters PR written in gold across the top, with spell inscriptions along the door. At least that is what everyone said they were. Magic gave Ingvar the wiggins! To many old stories from his Grandmother, he was terrified to discover more than half of the stories were based on true events. Did you know Santa Clause was a Fae!? Ingvar didn't know that!Krampus! Krampus the monster who carried off naughty children, and ate them! He was real too!

Ingvar was shown to a delightful room with a sinfully comfortable chair that hugged his body perfectly. The sound of a little koi pond waterfall was in the background. He was served some black ichor. Awesome stuff, it came from Mars apparently? Very sweet tasting, and full of caffeine. Ingvar had about to cups of it before Kyoko, and Mezo came in quickly followed by Ethan. Kyoko, and Mezo were the picture perfect representation of the broadway show Cats! They were anthropomorphic cat people. Kyoko was a man panther with golden amber eyes, a black pinstriped suit. While Mezo looked like a mountain lion, with the same golden eyes as her brother along with her big tail that begged to be squeezed.

Of course the last person to try and squeeze her tail ended up in the medical module. Then came Ethan one of the oldest androids in the JLI next to Vici of course. Ethan was a supermodel! He had blue eyes, slicked back black hair, and an athletic figure for his 6' tall build. He was normally found wearing hospital scrubs, and a doctors coat. But on occasion had been seen in other styles when he attended the club with a host of men, and women attached to his hips. Ingvar stood up and shook hands with all three of them.

“Thank you for coming in, we understand that you just finished a long shift in Hong Kong so we'll do our best to keep this brief!” Kyoko said, as he pushed a holographic display forward for Ingvar to read. He had a huge cat grin on his face that sent a shiver down Ingvar's spine.

“Stop that brother!” Mezo said with a roll of her eyes. She tried to send an apologetic smile towards Ingvar who returned it. He shrugged with the universal gesture of 'younger siblings! What are you going to do.'

“Hay! I know that look! I am only a few minutes younger. That's all!” Kyoko said with a mock glare.

“Yes, which makes you younger!” Mezo said with triumphant smile. Ethan coughed politely getting the two of them back on track.

“As you know, Ingvar!” Ethan said, trying to steer the conversation. “When Wraith came back from the alternate reality he brought back a lot of valuable information. One of them being how they were able to artificially implant a meta gene into someone. However, the gene normally caused a plethora of issues from organ failure, to brain death.” Ethan said, as he flipped through several holographic windows.

“Yes! One of the instructors in the training hall use to be a meat puppet.” Ingvar said, and snapped his fingers several times trying to remember her name. “Jennifer! You were able to remove the implants, and stabilize the gene. E grade Superhuman durability!” Ingvar said, only a slight tone of bitterness in his voice.

“That is correct. However, we did that before Wraith when to the alternate reality. When he returned with the data we able to expand on the genetic modification. Also thanks to the Kryptonian scientists Jor, and Lara we were able to expand on the gene therapy center.” Ethan said, and before he could say the next few words Kyoko blurted out.

“DO YOU WANT SUPER POWERS!” Kyoko said with a huge grin! His tail was twitching back and forth and his fur was standing on end! Clearly, he was very excited. Only for Mezo to tap his nose, which made him flail about.

“What my brother means to say! You, along with a few hundred others have been selected to undergo gene therapy to grant an artificial implantation of the meta gene.” Mezo said, as she glared at Kyoko who grinned back.

“Wh-What?” Ingvar said, his mouth hanging wide open. Ethan pushed two lists towards Ingvar.

“The first list are the known E grade powers that can be granted to you. Now, as you should know from your studies every Meta is granted one base power, and several sub-powers to aid that base power. Now, that base power can evolve to include other abilities over time. As do the sub-powers. This is where the research labs in the alternate reality went wrong. They tried to force to much at one time.” Ethan said, as he threw a whole lot of technical education at Ingvar.

“We can only give you ONE! E grade ability, with zero sub-powers! Otherwise you'll go into the same issue the meat puppets will!” Kyoko jumped in to save Ingvar from falling asleep. Ethan rolled his eyes but stayed silent.

“That is why the first list is so short. These are all the stand alone powers you could obtain with out any sub-powers.” Kyoko said with a triumphant gleam in his eyes. As Mezo who desperately wanted to bite him couldn't because he was making sense for once!

“What's the second one?” Ingvar asked, looking up from the first list.

“If you don't want a single E grade power. We can give up to six nuance or G grade powers to you. However, they will never grow past G. So, that was the mistake the R&D labs made. They tried to do both. We won't make that mistake.” Ethan replied, a smile tugging on his lips.

“Please understand that we have already tested this. We had several alpha testers over a month ago go through the process. Everyone of them was a success! You, along with hundreds of others are the Beta test.” Mezo said with a reassuring smile that Ingvar took to heart.

“What is the survival package?” Ingvar asked, he was reading through the second list. A bright light gleamed in Kyoko's eyes.

“That is a suggested list of six G grade abilities! 1. Accelerated healing. 2. Regeneration. 3. Natural Energy Absorption. 4. Self Sustenance. 5. Luck! 6. Analytical Mind!” Kyoko said as practically vibrated with energy.

“Luck is a simple term to describe a ten foot ambient telekinetic field around the user. It is always active, and will always do its best to help its wielder. Imagine being in a knife fight and the attacked slips on a small pebble just enough to twist their leg at the wrong angle. For someone of your skill that would be enough.” Ethan explained to him.

“Analytical Mind is something that can be turned off, and on. It would greatly help you take in a scene, or battle plan quickly and efficiently. While Natural Energy, and Self Sustenance will help with healing, and regeneration.” Mezo supplied the next bit of information.

“Do I have to decide now?” Ingvar asked, he was incredibly excited! But he was afraid his fifteen hour shift was dulling his mind.

“No of course not! However, you can't tell anyone about the procedure. We are still in the testing phase and don't want to show all of our cards about it. You can talk to Chang though, he was an alpha tester.” Ethan said, and Ingvar snapped his head up in surprise.

“He got the survival package as well.” Kyoko said helpfully. Ingvar grinned! Aha! He fucking knew it!

You don't need powers to be a superhero. All you need is a will, an idea, and the determination to carry it out. Of course having the equipment, training, and logistical aid helps a lot as well. Being able to have powers even if they never went above G grade would be a phenomenal help. The four of them talked for a little while longer. Turned out the procedure could be done in a few short hours. All he had to do is confirm what he wanted and come to the medical module to get it done. Ingvar went to the personal quarters section of the station and rented a private room to sleep. When he woke up he talked to Chang about the power list. After a discussion, and a short medical procedure later. Ingvar went back to Hong Kong as a brand new nuance G grade meta....


***HR. Space Sector 2828, Vega***

The Vega solar system was a haven for pirates, criminals, and the worst of the worst to find a place to sell their wares be it valuables, minerals, or sentient/sapient people. Vega contained dozens of livable planets, moons, and asteroids turned into stations. Vega was also the home to races like the Psions, the Citadel, and the Tamarans. But most of all! Vega is where Larfleeze resided the sole owner of the Orange spectrum of avarice. Or the Orange lantern corp.

Because of the complicated situation that the Vega system was. The Guardians of the Universe decided to forbid any Green Lantern from entering it on thread of court marshal, and banishment. So, as it was said before sector 2828 was a pirate haven. Despite this the planet of Tamara was a tropical paradise where its people were currently in the process of repelling another slaver attack.

Hundreds of pirates descended from the sky to land and attempt to capture any children of Tamaranean decent. The warriors of Tamara came from the sky themselves capable of flight through their unique alien physiology. The children ran away on foot still in training to manipulate their bodies in such a way. Before one of the ships could escape with their prize a man, and a woman flew down from the sky and shot star energy into the ships engines. Disabling it, warriors of Tamara assaulted the ship and saved the children. After a grueling hour all of the pirates ships were disabled, the pirates themselves killed or captured.

The two Tamaranean's that shot energy from their hands were part of the royal family. A brother, and a sister. Ryand'r, and Kamand'r, both capable of converting the ultraviolet light into energy projectiles. Ryand'r shot dark green energy, while his sister shot black energy. They were named Darkfire (former) and Blackfire (latter) respectively. They were giving out orders in quick succession to get the children to their homes and escorting the pirates to prison by the warriors.

“Another attack! I swear what are those fools doing with the defense net!” Komand'r asked rhetorically, her voice like a poisoned viper.

“The defense net is down sister. Its been down for weeks.” Ryand'r said in a soothing voice, he gently placed his left hand on his sisters back. Komand'r growled gently but didn't shake him off.

“Princess, Prince, your are wanted back at the castle we have.... Something showed up in the central cargo bay in the castle grounds.” A Tamaranean warrior came to their side and informed them.

“Something? What do you mean, something!?” Komand'r hissed, and before she could attack the warrior her brother pulled her back much to the warriors relief.

“He obviously doesn't know sister. Let's just head back.” Ryand'r suggested, and Komand'r agreed.

They took off into the air and flew back to the royal castle as fast as possible. Komand'r in the lead with her long black hair that flickered with energy along its tip. The energy trail followed behind in her wake. She was approximately 6'4”, with piercing green eyes, orange skin, hourglass athletic figure, and wore Tamaran battle armor. The armor was dyed gray, and starlight black. The armored plates protected her vitals while a solar absorption suit covered her from neck to toe.

Ryand'r followed along, always just a few feet behind Komand'r not because he felt he had to. But he knew his sisters, she would see it as a challenge. Not in hostility but more like a game, and Ryand'r didn't want to race his sister today. He was approximately 6'5” with calm green eyes, orange skin, and red dread lock hair to his shoulders. He had a inverted triangle build, broad shoulders, narrow hips. Many would say we has handsome if not for his entire right arm from shoulder down was mechanical. It marred his pretty appearance. He wore a light purple body suit with armored plates, and solar absorption suit.

Tamara was a tropical paradise! It was this way because the Tamaraneans made it so. They firmly believed that one could live in civilization, while coexisting with nature. Because of their feline heritage they had several primal instincts that 'encouraged' them to go hunting. They were also a very emotional race of people. They felt emotion in extremes, but most of all they felt love more than hate. So their people were often peaceful. If it wasn't for the constant state of war their world kept encountering they would have been a peaceful society only using war as a ceremonial position.

The pair flew towards the royal castle a combination of ancient stone, and metal. One could see where the ancient portion of Tamara use to be, and where the modern invention had come into being when the castle had been destroyed a few times. Their architecture had sharp points, with rectangle portions. If someone from Earth was here they would say it looked like an Aztec temple. While the metal portions were sharp, and pointed towards the sky. They landed just on the outside, no one was allowed to fly over the castle.

The pair were welcomed home by the royal guard and the tension between Komand'r's shoulders loosened. She always had to play the part of the warrior queen her parents wanted her to be. With a warriors fist, and a queens heart. She was still finding the balance, thankfully her brother Ryand'r kept her level when she went out. They walked at a brisk pace towards the main cargo hold in the castle as an attendant gave a brief run down of the situation across their world.

“It just appeared? Do we have a video of it?” Ryand'r asked, curious about what looked like a cargo shipping container. About ten feet high, ten feet wide, and fifty feet long. Made from a smooth metal that not appeared on their sensors.

“Yes your highness. The video was odd, these lines or ribbons of energy and unknown language appeared in the cargo bay. Then when...Well here!” The attendant showed a magical spring jump that many would be familiar with from the JLI.

“Interesting, do we know who its from?” Ryand'r asked, fascinated about the level of technology that could bypass the palaces defense network. The attendant paused, not sure how to reply. Ryand'r and Komand'r stopped to look at them.

“Her highness Koriand'r sent it.” The attendant said. There was a long pause before.

“WHAT!?” Komand'r shouted, then flew through the halls of the palace straight towards the cargo hold. Ryand'r fast on her heels.

On the front of the cargo container was a message that played when accessed. It was Koriand'r sending them a pleasant greeting, and love. She had escaped her capture from the slavers but had chosen to not return home. Something that filled Komand'r with fury! How could she not come home!? While Ryand'r was just happy to hear she had escaped slavery. The sin of sending Koriand'r to be a slave in order to bring peace to their planet had been a grave sin on their family. They both missed her greatly as did their people.

They opened up the container after Koriand'r made reference to an event in their childhood that only they would understand. Once opened they found the container filled with hundreds of rare, to exotic resources from minerals, metals, and organic materials that could be battered and traded on the galactic market. Along with a purchased receipt for a galactic sheriff hub for their world. Platinum grade! Which would vastly improve their security. Just because the Green Lanterns were not allowed in the Vega system doesn't mean the security corporation wasn't!

“Do we know where it came from!?” Komand'r asked, stuck between fury, and relief.

“We do not... We don't even know how it got here.” The attendant said.

“Well, once the sheriff station arrives we could ask them. It must be in their records. Sister, lets go to the communication hub.” Ryand'r said softly, and Komand'r agreed.

Despite the chaotic time their planet was experiencing they were able to establish comunication with the galactic sheriff corp in their area. Once the receipt was verified they were quickly transferred to a very happy, and overly enthusiastic attendant that said they would have the sheriff station built, and operational by the end of the month. Which was in thirteen days! They asked if the attendant knew the location of the original buyer. Sector 2814 in the sol system, client Wraith. Wraith? Who, or what was Wraith? How did Koriand'r know this...Wraith?


***HR. Fae Summer Wilds, Seelie Summer Castle***

The 1,985 hunted were teleported into an isolated portion of the castle where they could freshen up, get their party clothes put on and were not allowed to be attacked by would be assassins unhappy that they had lost millions of dollars on a bet. They had learned from the attack during the Winter Ball where Lash was attacked with a cursed dagger. The hunted cheered and danced with joy as they were one by one escorted to their private fitting rooms. Where Seelie court servants would quickly make lavish clothing, and imbue it with protection.

Saurian was the last one to be teleported in given his size! He towered over everyone at his 60 by 120 feet long form. His ruined armor practically hanging on by a thread. He settled, and laid down on his side taking in the warm air of the summer night in the isolated gardens. Kory, and Kara flew over to his side. While Vyllith, and Booraku jogged over. They all took a seat next to the giant reptile and smiled. They had done it.

“Well that was pretty fun!” Booraku said with a big grin. His glamour had fallen and the 10 foot tall war troll was out. His armor was ripped up but mostly intact. The tusk from his mouth were adorned in tribal decoration that showed his age, and accomplishments in his life.

“Aside from the battle with Ares, yes that was an entertaining time. Speaking of which?” Vyllith asked, looking at Saurian.

“Not here, as far as anyone is concerned Ares got his ass kicked and fled the field.” Saurian replied, after he created a baffle field to block being spied upon. Even then he wasn't sure if it would hold against the referee, or Queen Titania.

“Why should we not be proud of our accomplishment?” Kory asked, clearly confused.

“Politics!” Booraku, Vyllith, and surprisingly Kara said all at once. This got all three of them to laugh. It had been a long, and stressful journey for them.

“So for the rest of the night it is a cocktail party filled with sexual encounters. Dancing, and the occasional duel of skill?” Vyllith asked with a small smile while looking at everyone.

That about covered the summer solstice ball. One by one they were collected and showed to their own private dressing rooms. Saurian swapped out with Lash and went to sleep. Lash was guided to a private fitting room under the protection of several summer knights. Lash wore black dress shoes, black slacks, gray buttoned up shirt. Then flew custom out and wore a dark forest green gambeson. Threaded with orichalcum, mithril, and nth metal. He used Enchanting Word, and Quality Enhancement. To place the customary spell wards onto the suit. Which surprised the tailors greatly!

Despite its appearance it was pretty easy to remove. Several buckles across the front kept it closed. Dozens of spells were placed into the suit allowing it to protect him, and also allowing the summer court referee to have him at availability in case anything happened. The tailors went over a few things added a bit of threaded decoration. Then once he was ready he was escorted to attend...The Queens chambers? Not her throne room, her chambers.

Along the way Lash, and his summer knight escorts went by dozens of fae were watching Lash closely. Several seething glares were sent his way as per usual. While many more sent him coquettish glances, and inviting murmurs. Soon they went past the public areas of the castle and entered the private. Only a few were allowed out here and it showed as they didn't encounter a single person or servant for nearly ten minutes. Then at last he we shown to double oak doors and invited in by a servant.

The room in question was a wide open space with the ceiling nearly a hundred feet up. Grand white columns stretched from floor to ceiling. While white marble was carved and set across the floor. The sound of water was ever present has several stone figure heads spewed hot water into the giant pool sized bath. Steam rose in heavy currents in the air and that was when Lash realized this was the Queens private bath tub. Several female sidhe all of which were completely gorgeous wore white easy to move when wet clothing that barely covered them. Their hair was done up so it was up and out of the way.

Across the pool were several naked women all enjoying the water, and a few stole glances at Lash as he stood on the other side. None of them were bashful, or shy. These were not human. They were fae, and they had their own values. One of them did excuse herself from the ladies and gently swam over to greet Lash. This woman was Li'ana. The 5'9” pale skin beauty with blond hair tied up was a sight to behold. Her clearly defined muscles only added to the erotic situation in Lash's opinion. While her light blue eyes looked Lash up and down.

“Sorry for stabbing you.” Lash said to her softly, and clear delight glowed in Li'ana's eyes.

“It's alright, you understand why I didn't tell you?” Li'ana asked, he did. She couldn't tell him about the game or who's side she was on. Orders from the Summer Queen. Even though they were a pack it didn't matter. When the Queen gave a Seelie Court Fae an order they obeyed it.

“Not that I don't mind watching you swim around in the water. Why am I here?” Lash asked softly, and Li'ana gestured with her eyes.

Further into the room which was large! Was another pool up several stone steps. A servant with wet....clothing stood off to the side beckoning him. Lash winked at Li'ana who mouthed the words, 'good luck!' to him. He gradually walked across the room as Li'ana returned to the ladies across the way. Despite the clearly erotic and arousal moment Lash found himself in. He did not have a rock hard erection. Simply because this entire situation was incredibly dangerous! For all of his abilities, the Summer Queen Titania at the height of her power could turn Lash to ash with a flick of her finger.

The Summer Queen Titania was a gorgeous creature of pure delight, and predatory beauty. Men, and women would go to war for her favor. It was also in this moment that Lash realized that the Summer Queen had Master Charming Presence he assumed so did the Winter Queen. It appeared that since he had the skill/ability mastered as well he could see it.

Queen Titania and/or the current incarnation of her. Given her soul was currently residing in a borrowed body. Was 5'10” with long auburn hair that naturally curled in the hot hair of the baths. It framed her perfect face, with golden eyes that sparked with seductive delight. Lash shook his head softly as he heard Saurian growl at him across the link. He was falling under a charm. She had a hourglass figure that suited her perfectly. Bouncing breasts, wide welcoming hips, and the right combination of soft flesh, and muscle build. Lash bit his own tongue trying to focus himself.

Several female attendants were currently washing Titania's body in slow gradual almost theatrical fashion. They were wet, and their white clothing stuck to their bodies inviting eyes, and hands to help them free of the binding cloth. Some of them started to rub against one...

“Summer Queen how man this Warden be of service to you?” Lash asked, as he took a knee and bowed his head. Trying to not listen to the delightful moans, and gasps of pleasure. Many would ask, why not enjoy it? Are you out of your fucking mind!? Dozens of fae shadows were in the room hidden from view. Assassins and bodyguards. If Lash stepped with in twenty feet of the Queen they would kill him.

“You find me at an impasse, Warden. On one hand I wish to congratulate you not only on successfully completing a great hunt when it was correctly stacked against you. But also in your accomplishment of fighting off Ares the Olympus god of war!” Titania said, her voice a collection of past, and present queens, as she stood up in the bath and let the water fall down her insanely attractive curves.

“On the other hand, you embarrassed the summer court. Not one hunted was captured by the hunters. In fact we were pushed back so brilliantly that we had to make concessions towards the hunters for a hunt they didn't complete. Though many of them did eventually find enjoyment out of fighting your reptilian spell craft.” Titania said as she walked gradually across the pool. Then came right to the edge where Lash was kneeling. She sat sideways in the bath, her lower half in the water. The upper half moist, and dripping. Her lon....

“I'm starting to wonder if I should be insulted that you wont look at me.” Titania said with sly grin, but held up a single finger to stop an assassin who had appeared behind Lash with out a sound. They faded into thin air at her dismissal.

Titania folded her arms on top of one another and placed her chin on them. Staring up at Lash with upturned eyes, a scheming smile on her face. She artfully bit her lower lip and Lash felt a thrill of energy pass through his whole body especially in his nether regions. The Winter Queen had used her magical energy to push against Lash and Nullification had activated. The Summer Queen was using her Charming Presence to great affect, something that didn't activate Nullification. This was a test.

Lash looked up and gazed into the eyes of Titania. She smiled at him and he felt his knees grow weak. Saurian reached out across the link and gave him a bit of strength. Lash's eyes had always been reptilian yellow green. But sitting behind his eyes was Saurian who despite the erotic moment huffed in annoyance. He was tired, and wanted to sleep. Titania was bothering him. (Grumpy Lizard!) Titania leaned back laughed! A great big belly laugh that even caused her to miss step and fall into the water. Though that did little to stop her from laughing even underwater. Of course she could breath under water!

“Ahahaha.....Oh your hunting partner is a delight! Very well you pass!” Titania said as she gradually swam back over to the other edge. The sexual energy in the air seem to gradually evaporate. Though the sidhe women continued to enjoy each other. Making Saurian roll his eyes at them.

“I can't name you a summer knight.” Titania began to say, which surprised Lash. “Because you are a demigod of a foreign pantheon. You are above such a station. You are a winter knight only because you were named thus before you joined the pantheon. But even then it is little more than a title.” Titania explained and called for her robe.

“I'm not upset about it, you granted the Seelie Court a fertility charm. L says hello by the way!” Titania said, her other soul fragment was in the central time zone in north america. “The hunt was interesting, and I believe maybe next time we'll do a war game that I would like you to attend. But from what our councilors say there is another alien invasion on the way?” Titania asked stepping out of the bath to be toweled off and gathered up in her royal robe.

Once the Queen had exited the baths so did everyone else. Li'ana and the rest of the women who had been in the bathtubs excused themselves to be fitted for dresses for the ball. Li'ana's eyes, and now Pack Bond established between them warned him to be careful. Lash followed behind the Queen, clearly their conversation was not over yet. However, Lash did stop at the threshold to the Queen's bedroom. Ya, that was a big rule unless he was.

“Come in!” The Queen called, Lash gritted his teeth and walked across the threshold to her private room. Several maids were gently brushing her, hair, and collecting her royal garb for the party.

The Summer Queens bedroom was massive! You could fit a three bedroom home inside this place. A emperor size bed, surrounded by spell inscribed silks, sheets, and wooden frame decorated and etched with the finest craftsmen/women. The vaulted ceilings held dozens of gargoyles? Gargoyles in magical armor that glared daggers down at Lash. The ceiling itself was a cast expanse of an ocean of stars. Even...Oh no! That was the summer fae wilds night sky. Magical ceiling, check! The bedroom had several doors that led to other rooms. But Lash was stuck in this room for now.

“Lunar Academy...” Titania said as she let her servants start on her hair. Lash turned to look at her, a tilt to his head like an animal would.

“You plan to expel necrotic creatures existing on the moon and create an academy there, yes?” Titania asked, looking at him through her mirror.

“Yes, it is on my very long to do list.” Lash admitted, and the Queen nodded in understanding. A faint hint of understanding, always so much to do!

“The school in question will be for everyone, yes? Magical, meta, alien, and mundane?” She asked, clearly thinking about.

“Essentially yes, I was planning on transforming the whole moon into another living biosphere. But only have a single colony on it. Letting the rest of it be a....Testing ground..No! A proving ground of sorts.” Lash said, his eyes taking on a distant look as he thought about it.

“Good! Then we'll make it official. The Seelie Court will support you in this endeavor to establish a colony on the moon. Of course the other Courts are welcome! I would never ask you to pick a side.” Titania said with a smirk as a writ was presented towards Lash. Right! This was first claiming rights, by being the first ones. That would mean they get better benefits.

Fucking politics! Lash looked over the writ, it was fairly straight forward. Administration activated and Lash couldn't find any loop holes. It stated that the Seelie Court would provide material, and logistical aid in the building of the colony. Not the attack, and cleaning up of the revenants. By accepting the writ the Seelie Court would be allowed to choose their embassy location on the moon. It would be no bigger, or smaller than any Court. But they got to choose first. Lash signed it, and it was official!

“Good, you can go now.” Titania said with a smile. Then just like that Lash had left her attention. A summer knight appeared by his side ready to escort him back to the party.


Why was everything his Cosmic Patron gave him such a double edged sword. When he had been granted the demigod physiology he assumed it was a great reward! But it had all these unforeseen consequences! He had hoped to be declared a summer knight, another title, another special ability and a rank with in the Seelie Court. But noooo!

“Attention User! The special package has been sent, and received on Tamara!” Dawn said to him delight. Lash grumbled a thank you, Dawn had been one of the voices in Titania's collection. She enjoyed teasing him.

Lash had sent the package to Tamara at the request of Kory a little while ago. Turned out he could do it at the cost of Dream Points. He had the materials, and the solar coin. So he spent 100 DP to teleport the container to Tamara straight into the royal palace. This if course made Lash wonder what else he could teleport and ignore the rule of distance, and location. But Dawn put a stop to that quickly. It had been something his Patron allowed him to do. Which of course meant it would cause trouble down the line. Bleh.

From what Erik the gamer said about Tamara, and from Kory the planet was in a horrible place. Location wise! It had horrified Lash to learn that the Orange Lantern Corp sector that the Guardians had given up? That was the same star system as Tamara! He didn't know that! No wonder Kory's home life was so fucked up! In the comics Tamara gets destroyed like three times! As in the people leave, find a new home, then that home gets destroyed, etc, etc. Lash was evenly considering inviting them to establish a colony in the sol system just to ensure their races survival. Thousands of people just like Kory around? Not sure if that would be good, or bad.

The summer knight excused themselves upon the arrival of the Gotham City party area. Lash thanked them in ancient sidhe, and smoothed out his suit. He put away his childish antics for later, and let Saurian get back to bed. The giant reptile figuratively patted Lash on the noggin and fell asleep. Lash walked into the hall with barely a second thought. That was a mistake because upon stepping into a hall a servant announced his arrival. Crap! Over a thousand faces turned in an almost comical and horrifying fashion! Then the shouting, cheering and stampeding of people coming to talk to him.

“They've been checked for weapons right!?” Lash called to the servant who announced him, and the servant had to stop and think about it. It took to long for Lash so he jumped up and climbed onto the walls with Gravity Stride escaping the tide.

A roaring laughter was heard over the stampede a giant reptile lay on his side in a balcony lounge above him. Torloth, the giant dragon with a jagged scar down his face. He was like a giant scaled cat looking at the scene below with delighted interest but not so much that he would move to join in. His tail twitched back and forth, and his wings settled against his back. His giant draconic eyes watched Lash run from the mob in delight.

“Respectful greetings Lord Torloth!” Lash called out as he ran around the room.

“Hello Warden Lash! What causes you to run about in such a way!” Torloth called out, despite Lash's clear display of not wanting to be rushed the crowds continued to follow him.

“Well last time I was rushed after the hunt I was stabbed by a cursed dagger. So I am taking the situation with caution.” Lash called out, and eventually stopped at the dragons balcony. Torloth's good humor melted away as he remembered.

“Settle down children!” Torloth called out to the room and vast crowd stopped chasing Lash.

“Thank you!” Lash said to the giant dragon who nodded in acceptance. Lash jumped onto the balcony at the invitation of the dragon and looked for Juliana.

“She's down there mingling with a pure blood-kindred.” Torloth said with a bit of apprehension. Such a move was a little odd for Torloth the master of Shield and Sword. A pure blood-kindred was a kindred who had finished their conversion. “One of the primal breeds.” Torloth said, after Lash looked at him for a bit. Realization dawned on Lash and he understood.

The primal blood-kindred were a breed/house type. They all had the ability to take on a primal war form. Like were-breeds only vampire related. They could turn into an assortment of shapes. Like a giant bat! They were also incredibly powerful in this form. The side effect was that their primal form could take control of them if they were not careful. However, nothing aside from something over a thousand years old should make Torloth uneasy. Unless the primal was a house master of high rank...

At Torloth's behest Lash found Juliana with in the crowd and made his way down there under the guise of glamour and Anonymity. He moved through the crowd, though not everyone was tricked by his spells they thankfully didn't say anything. When Lash arrived at Juliana's side he was delighted to feel a spark of life coming from her abdomen. The spark reacted to him, and Saurian. Juliana jumped in surprise when she turned and 'noticed' Lash.

Juliana was approximately 5'9”, with long brown hair that had been curled and tied up to reveal her neck. She wore a silver thread necklace that wrapped around her neck several times before the tail end fell between her cleavage in her dress. Her amber eyes glowed with latent power fitting her station has a dragon. She had golden caramel skin, with a hour glass figure. She wore a spaghetti strap cocktail dress in a shade of deep greens, and blues. It was in a scaled pattern. Along with naked toed three inch heels. She smiled brilliantly at Lash and walked over to give him a kiss.

Next to her was the pure blood-kindred. A ten foot tall nosferatu man-bat creature. Covered in deep mahogany brown fur. Longer than normal arms, and legs. Along his arms were wing fringes that could grow into a wing span at his command. A hulking muscular figure, long and pointed bat ears, and bat nose. Deep crimson red eyes, and mouth full of fangs. He smiled wide at the sight of Lash.

“Respectful greetings unto you Keeper of House Talthos, Nicodermus.” Lash said, as he bowed his head and used the Warden etiquette to best of his abilities. What was a Keeper? House Masters rule the branch houses scattered through out the globe. Keepers, are the masters who rule over House Masters. So it was House Masters, Keeper of the House, and the Progenitor of the House.

“Greetings unto you, Warden, and demigod of Monsters and.....” Nicodermus said as he sniffed the air around Lash then his eyes went wide. “War? How did you obtain the domain of war?” Nicodermus said, his voice was guttural, and harsh on the ears. But just like Lash/Saurian used Partial Telepathy to convey his words clearly.

“Such a subject should be discussed in a private location.” Lash said as politely as possible. He understood Torloth's nervous energy. A Keeper could go claw to claw against any adult dragon, especially a primal.

“Wonderful! Because I had a business opportunity to discuss with you! Juliana was telling me about this wonderful business you've started called, Ghost Industries!” Nicodermus said, his lips pulling back to reveal even more fangs.

Juliana came to Lash's side and took his hand into her own. She smiled at him, but he could feel the tension through her hand. A group of blood-kindred knights that were escorting the Keeper. Brought them to a secluded room left aside for such activities. These things happened often at parties like these. Nicodermus took his seat first at the head of the table. The chair designed to take his weight and unique shape. Lash pulled Juliana's chair out for her much to her annoyance. Lash sat next and looked at Nicodermus waiting for him to speak.

“So you killed him then, Ares?” Nicodermus asked, placing his clawed hands together and looking at Lash over them. Juliana stiffened next to Lash and gave him a sideways glance. The doors to the room had been closed, and a blood-kindred knight had placed a very expensive and detailed baffle field item down.

“Yes, his essence is currently looking for a new host.” Lash admitted after a bit of reluctance, but he was very clear that Nicodermus wouldn't take, 'no comment' as an answer.

“A demigod of monsters, and war! Wonderful! I look forward to the day you obtain your first divine spell. But let us get to business so you two may return to the party!” Nicodermus said, he clicked his tongue and one of his knights provided a spell woven crystal that displayed an arcane image. Technology had a hard time working in the fae wilds. Yes, yes! Technomancy was a work around.

“As you know genetic alteration for humans to take on animal traits has been in effect for many countries for awhile now. The CIA had a few of them for counter espionage, and wartime effort. What you may not know is that House Talthos had providing funding for this. But with the....Invasion.” Nicodermus said with a grin that sent a shiver down Lash's spine.

“Most of the global governments are in disarray. Also they are not so interested in animals splicing anymore. But more interested in Metas! We were hoping that Ghost Industries would take up the charge.” Nicodermus said, as the arcane crystal went through several designs.

Why was this important? The Supernatural Council was trying to gradually change humanities perception on what was considered a monster. If a human showed up with cat eyes, ears, and a tail. There would be many people that were fascinated, but also a lot of people that would be disgusted. Now, imagine if you could go to a medical center and get your DNA spliced (cosmetically) with an animal. Have leopard spots down your neck. Webbed feet, and hands for swimming. Or pale skin, red eyes, and fangs?

If genetic splicing became a something that was albeit uncommon, but available. Then more supernatural creatures, and breeds could reveal themselves to the public. At least partially. Not everyone could afford a glamour charm that completely changed what they looked like. This would also help the Meta populace as well. Not everyone looked fully human when their meta gene activated. Some changed physically in appearance but gained nothing power wise. They could undergo the same treatment and maybe get something out of it.

“Alright. I can't of course 100% agree, yet. We'll have to look over the fine details. But I am interested. This will help us all in the long run. You should also be aware that Ghost Industries is footing the bill for the CSA program. So it may take a bit before things get underway.” Lash said simply, and Nicodermus smiled wide at his response.

“Most excellent! Not to worry about time table, I have a lot of patience! I will see about House Talthos investing into your company. No strings! Just the promise of carrying on the project!” Nicodermus replied to him.

Juliana jumped in at that point and discussed a few things then and there. Time table was estimated in the next one hundred years. Talthos would provide hundreds of millions of dollars in funding. Also any opposition from the nations leaders would be gently persuaded to allow it. Lash could just imagine a black bible tyrant senator using the splicing as a means to condemn them all. Wait a minute? Did they even have senators anymore? Did the Zeta teams kill them all? A world with out politicians? Lash shivered for a whole new reason.

Juliana was on point, and concise. They finished their preliminary discussions. Anything else needed to be discussed with a fine toothed comb, and in with Victoria Ghost. Ghost Industries was a privately owned company. Lash was the chairman, the enigmatic inventor. Victoria was the CEO, and daughter of the crazy man making things. Of course the mundane world had no idea it was Lash. That was on purpose.

Nicodermus excused himself a huge grin on his face. Happy to come to an agreement. Juliana sank against Lash's shoulder and sighed softly. Lash moved his seat around and pulled her out of her own. Soon she was in his lap snuggling against him. His hands dancing up and down her legs, playful but respectful. Then his hand settled on her abdomen and he felt the pulse of life again. The unborn dragon hadn't even take physical shape. But the spirit was present and responded. Juliana placed her hands over his a smile on her face.

“Shouldn't you be wearing slippers? Those heels can't be good for your back!” Lash said in a teasing tone and Juliana signed in annoyance.

“Please not you too! I swea...Hmmmf!” Juliana tried to say until Lash stole a kiss that turned into something a little more passionate. Juliana moaned into the kiss and pulled her skirt up just a bit so she could straddle him in the chair.

“Careful you don't start something you can't finish!” Juliana said with a seductive look as she licked her lips.

“Who said I can't finish it?” Lash said, as he reached down to squeeze her ass.

“Because we can't spend five hours in here.” Juliana said reluctantly. This was true, neither of them would settle for a quickie. So, they made out for a few minutes then separated from one another.

Lash and Juliana walked back into the main hall hand in hand. Juliana being a lawyer, and a dragon was well versed in this kind of battle field. She led Lash around to who he should speak to at least once. They also ran into a few friends. Along the way they encountered Edwardo of House Kuldr. Lash had won 368 millions dollars. That was after the Fae courts took their cut. Lash asked Juliana to place it into a scholarship charity, and glamour charm for low income families. Apparently Juliana predicted such a move because all the paper work was ready for his signature.


“Red, who's that on Lash's arm?” Harley asked Ivy. They were both across the party hall with a large crowd around them. More specifically Harley, as a new seedling of Loki people came to lick her boots. Or more specifically her heels. Ivy looked annoyed at the situation.

“See the dragon up there, the woman on his arm is the dragons daughter.” Ivy said, chewing on her plump red lips. Harley made an O face. Then sipped her glass of wine. She wrinkled her nose at the liquid and warped reality to turn it into fruit punch!

Poison Ivy stood off to the side next to Harley in her two piece skin tight red dress. While Harley wore a diamond encrusted dress. It was strapless, open in the back, with a heart shape front to emphasize her bouncing breasts, and a long slit went up the front to her hip. If she stepped to wide she would give plenty of people a show since she didn't have underwear on. The dress had originally been a little more conservative but Harley wanted something flashy! So she warped reality to make the diamonds! She had rainbow hair swept past her shoulders. No, her hair continued to change in all of the colors of the rainbow. Each strip of hair holding a different color that would change over time. It hurt Ivy's eyes to look at her for to long.

“Well why don't we go find Timothy? He's always willing to pay attention to you?” Harley suggested, and Ivy hung her head in disappointment.

“I can't... Lately Timothy has been... I don't know he seems clingy. Which isn't like him.” Ivy confessed to her friend.

“That's weird....Oh! Look who's coming this way!” Harley said, and bounced up and down. Ivy looked up and saw Lash heading towards them.

“Hello!” Ivy called out, and tried to not look to eager. Lash came to her side and kissed her cheek, then did the same for Harley who cooed at him.

“Your in bloom, or pollinating.” Lash said to Ivy, it was a weird compliment to say the least. Lash laughed lightly, and Ivy's knees grew weak at the sound of his laugh. When did Lash get so handsome? Wait? Was this one of this fae things?

“Your have a plant like physiology, Ivy. Its spring into summer. Your toxins are stronger now then they were during fall, and winter. Timothy may be immune to poison, but the addictive effect from your plant based abilities are making him cling to you.” Lash said, clarifying what he meant before. Ivy gave herself a mental face palm.

“So Red is even more addictive than before! Wait, if you two have sex does that mean you'll stick around more?” Harley asked loudly, never one to care about tact.

“I would be largely immune I think. However, I have about an hour to spare if you want to find out?” Lash said nonchalantly to them both. Ivy blinked as her train of thought derailed. Then Harley spoke for her.

“OK!” Harley snagged Lash's hand, along with Ivy's.

“Wait..What?” Ivy said in confusion.... A tingle sensation rolled down her spine and spread warmth through out her body.


One hour later in a secluded alcove was small room with tossed pillows, sheets, and a sort of couch/bed. Lash was laying in the middle completely naked with Ivy, and Harley on either side of him. Though an hour wasn't a long span of time, at least Lash got to have that talk with Ivy. He was immune to the addictive effect of her summer bloom. Though Harley clearly wasn't, thankfully due to her divine seedling she wouldn't die. Though she kept humping Lash's leg while she was passed out for a moment.

  • Attention User! You've used, Apostle of Qetesh.

    • Effect: For the next 48 hours the User, as well as the Target will have 30% increase to all stats.

Ivy stirred from her sleep and began to kiss Lash along his neck. She pulled her messy curly red hair back from her face and looked up at him like a cat that drank a bowl of cream. She looked sleepy, satisfied, but she also looked like she wanted to go again. The sounds of the party outside continued to push on into the night and they both knew they didn't have such time.

“So the addictive effect will wear off once autumn comes?” Ivy asked, as she slowly crawled on top of Lash. She rocked her hips back and forth as his erection pressed up against her. They both shivered, all the while Harley hugged Lash's arm and continued to rock back and forth.

“Yes, I believe so. So don't be surprised if your lovers seem a little clingy. You are like a drug right now. Easy to pick up, hard to put down.” Lash said as he ran his free hand over Ivy's hips, along her abdomen, and caressed along her bouncing breasts. She smiled down at him.

“It will be a while before either of us see you again, wont it?” Ivy asked, her smile wilting just a bit. Lash nodded in a clear, yes. “Then I better do this while I can.” Ivy said with a smirk. She slipped down between his legs then began to kiss his erection. Then before Lash could stop her she took him into her mouth.

“I've got next!” Harley said with a grin, apparently awake...


Thirty minutes later Lash, Ivy, and Harley rejoined the party. Thanks to the spell Immaculate they were all fresh, and clean. If only a little disheveled. Several party goers gave him a knowing smile but didn't say anything. Lash gradually made his way around the party until he found a few people. More specifically he found John Constantine completely wasted and wobbling on his feet. With a annoyed Zatanna at his side. Lash walked over to them and Constante stumbled into his arms.

“Yau...Yau are amazing! I ever tell yau that'? If I wasn't' with Z I'd climb all over yau!” Constantine said in his very drunk, and very thick accent. Lash grinned at him, and leaned down to give Constantine a deep kiss. Constantine smiled into the kiss then stepped back to look at the cheshire grin worn by Zatanna. Then he looked back at Lash, then back at Zatanna.

“Oh no....” Constantine said, growing pale. Zatanna laughed in pure delight and pulled her boyfriend into her arms. She grinned at Lash, giving him a seductive look.

“I don't think Z would mind if we had a threesome, Constantine.” Lash said with a grin. Constantine blushed harder than Lash had ever seen him. “Here let me get that for you.” Lash finished and cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement. To pull the toxins out of Constantine and replenish him.

“Oh no mat'! What' hav' yau don'! Now I don't' hav' the excus' of, 'I'm sorry I was just' so drunk!” Constantine said loudly that soon devolved into a whisper. Constantine shrunk his neck into his suit so far Lash was surprised. Zatanna laughed and pulled Constantine over to a chair, tugging Lash along with her.

“It's good to see you relax some Lash. I swear you work more than Bruce does.” Zatanna said, as she sat down and crossed her legs. Her leg pinned Constantine to his chair he'd have to crawl out of it to get away. Which the man desperately wanted to at that moment. Lash admired the long profile of Zatanna, who was looking right back at him.

“There is something different about you, Lash.” Zatanna said, her expression said it all. She was having fantasies about the very thing Lash suggested. He grinned back at her and shrugged his shoulders.

“I change a lot in a short amount of time apparently. Is your father, and mother around?” Lash asked, looking for them. Zatanna shook her head, no they were not.

“They were here, but they had to leave. Something came up back home. Or rather the Wayside inn of Mystery.” Zatanna replied and looked over at Constantine who was trying to get a servants attention for more booze so he could forget this whole situation.

“Either of you have any interest in teaching magic at the Tower?” Lash asked out of the blue, Zatanna and Constantine both looked up at him. A different subject that Constantine held on for dear life.

“What' do yau mean?” Constantine asked, Zatanna mirrored the question.

“The next Watch Tower upgrade will allow us to build a pocket dimension for a school of magic. Safe environment, (kinda) to practice schools of magic with in reason.” Lash said, showing a Phantasm appearance for the design. He had read up on it in the Dream Store catalog. Zatanna, and Constantine leaned in to look at it.

“Not very big, but it would grow with time. What kind of environment were you planning on?” Zatanna asked, clearly intrigued.

“Either tropical.” Lash said, and smiled when Constantine hissed. “Or just a standard landscape with all four seasons.” Lash finished, grinning at Constantine's nod of approval.

“I'd suggest the latter. That way the students can experience seasonal magic. With a pocket dimension you can set the weather on a watch if you like. We can still have plenty of hot sunny days.” Zatanna suggested with a smirk.

Lash spoke with them for a few more minutes then excused himself. He gave Zatanna a hug and she bit his ear gently. Clearly she was still thinking about something else. It was at this time that Lash remembered that Master Charming Presence lowered inhibitions. That would mean things that people wouldn't normally consider, would strike them interested with the User. Ah! He'd have to be careful with that.


When the sun began to rise over the Fae wilds the party was officially declared finished! This also marked the end of Lash's three day weekend! Woohooo! Time to work! He of course saw his people home and tucked them into bed. Vyllith, and Booraku went to Lash's bedroom together after Booraku got permission from Lash. Delighted that his pack brother, and hell knight were getting to know one another better. Lash put on his Warden/Daemonic gear, then ensured Saurian had his gear properly attended too.

It was a brand new day in Gotham! He was going to spend the next few days rebuilding his home! He would then go back to the Watch Tower and start up the next upgrade. He had the points for it, after that he would start the campaign for the moon! Then..Ding! Ding! His communicator went off.

“Wraith! We have a B+ grade Rift in New York.” Vigil's voice called over the communications channel. FUCK! Lash hung his head and went to the balcony, with a pop he was up in the Tower. Then with another pop he was in New York in front of a towering Rift.

  • Attention User, this is a story generated Rift.

    • Difficulty: B +

    • Type: Story/cross over.

    • Rift Walker allowed 0/1

“Well here we go again!” Lash said, and stepped into the Rift....

First Draft, Raw, Unedited.

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