Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Zephyria Edelstein

“Tell him that the piece is being sold at a fixed price. We cannot give them a discount on that one.”

“Understood. Master Jack.”


“[Knock] [Knock]”

“Who is it? Come in.”

“It’s me, Master Jack. Tetia.”

“Tetia? I thought you were down in the shop. Do you have something important to say?” says the man.

“It is fairly important, Master jack.” She says.

After that, Tetia steps into the office the man sits in. a very professional and tasteful styled interior. Mostly focused on the antique side of furniture and design. In that room, in front of the window, he sits behind an intricately designed desk.

“What might it be, Tetia?” he asks.

“Master, I have two guests who would like to meet you.” She says.

“Meet me? They do know that people make a proper appointment with me before they come to meet me.” He says.

“They have come for The Vilari.” She says.

“The Vilari? Tell them that it’s up for auction. They can bid on it tomorrow.” Says the man.

“I predict that they might be worth more than the auction.” She says.

“More worth than the auction? How so?” he asks.

“I am the one guaranteeing it.” She says.

“Is that so?” says the man with a smile on his face and a hand to his chin.

“Certainly.” She smiles back.

The man, brimming with ambition for business could not resist the temptation of worthy prey placed before him. And he agrees to test it out.

“Bring them in. Let’s see how big of a fish they are.” He says.

“Right away, Master Jack.” She says.

After that, Tetia steps out of the office to give the news to the two guests waiting for the sudden meeting.


[Perspective change: Willis.]

Lady Tetia went to the upper floor of the shop to talk to the person that runs the Jack Merchantry. Apparently, he is in this kingdom for the auction of the fish that we want to buy.

This has been quite the hassle, we could have chosen any good fish and gone back home but Lord Vejetar insists that we must buy this one as this will taste miles better than any others. I agree with that too but I think we might have made Great Velkra quite a bit.


After several minutes, I hear someone coming down the stairs. I turn my sight to discern who that might be and it turns out Lady Tetia is coming down with a sublime smile on her beautiful face.


“So? What happened?” asks Great Vejetar.

“He agreed. I would suggest that you be careful regarding your pockets. He might swindle you to the point you’re broke.” She says.

“Don’t worry. My pockets are so deep that you will stay in an eternal fall if you were to fall in them.” He says.

What a way to say that he has unparalleled riches.

“Oh my, I’m sorry if I was presumptuous, Mister Vegra.” She says.

“Let us go then.” He says.

My involvement in the matter regarding the fish has been very little as I’m now a background character. It’s better this way as I’m supposed to be serving Great Velkra’s brother, not have him follow behind my back.


We walk to the upper floor and arrive in front of a fancy antique door. Lady Tetia knocks on it and a reply comes after a moment.

“Come in.”

Lady Tetia opens the door with a certain elegance. She steps in before us, then directs us inside. As we step into the room, my gaze falls on the silhouette of a man sitting behind the desk.

He must be in his mid-forties. Black hair combed backward. Sharp eyes that exude cunningness and a clever aura. Truly fit for a soldier on the battlefield of trade. You might think that his cleverness might cut through a blade.

“Welcome gentlemen. Have a seat. My name is Jack Ofaltra.” He says.

“Greetings, Mister Ofaltra.” Says Lord Vejetar as he walks towards the two seats in front of the desk to sit down.

I follow him and take a seat beside him, carefully observing the person’s movements. I can’t help but be on edge as his aura is truly dangerous. Not in a sense of physical strength, but actually in intellect.

“How may I help you, Mister…?” he asks for Lord Vejetar’s name.

“Vegra.” He answers.

“How may I help you, Mister Vegra? Miss Tetia here told me that you want to buy The Vilari. She seems to hold you in high regard.” He says with a smile on his face.

“Hmm… We do want the Vilari indeed. Can we buy it before the auction?” he asks.

“Buy it before the auction. That will cost you much more than the usual price, Mister Vegra. Are you able to accept that term?” says Mister Ofaltra.

Mister Jack says that in a challenging tone.

“Can we buy it if we pay the extra fee? If that is so, I will buy it.” Says Lord Vejetar.

“Of course, if you can manage to pay the additional fee, The Vilari will be yours.” He says.

“Then how much? Tell me the price.” Asks Lord Vejetar.

“Five Million Large Gold Vezas.” He says.

“Wha-?!” I say out on reflex.

 Lord Vejetar turn to me,

“Is something the matter, Willis?” he asks.

“Isn’t… That a bit too much…?” I ask.

“Why so? The Vilari is sold for 2 Million Large Gold Vezas. Surely that much additional charge is not that great.” Says Mister Jack.

“Don’t tell me you do not have the money, Mister Vegra.” Asks Mister Jack.

He asks in a condescending tone. Standing up and looking down on us.

“You are correct I do not have the money.” Says Lord Vejetar.

At that, Lady Tetia steps forward and I look at him with a surprised gaze.

“Mister Vegra?” ask Lady Tetia.

“I suppose your esteemed guests are not worthy of this treatment, tetia. Can you escort them out of my office?” says Mister Jack.

Everyone goes silent for a moment. Then Lord Vejetar straightens up in his seat.

“I merely said that I do not have the money. I do not enjoy having a bag full of clinky coins on me that’s all to it.”

After saying that, Lord Vejetar reaches for a pocket inside his green coat. As he brings his hand out, Lady Tetia goes back to where she was standing. She is visibly relieved.

What I see in Lord Vejetar’s hand is a Green Stone. It is about the size of a thumb, circular and flat.

“This is the Zephyria Edelstein.” He says.

Mister Jack looks at Lord Vejetar with a suspecting gaze.

“That surely cannot be true. There are only two Zephria Edelsteins that I know of. And you say that you are the owner of one of them?” says Mister Jack.

“I am not the owner of one of the two. But I must say that this can become the third one to be owned by you.” Says Lord Vejetar with a mischievous smile.

“I will not believe it. The Zephyria Edelstein cannot be owned by someone like you.” He says.

At that, Lady Tetia intervenes,

“I suppose I should call Dezim. He can confirm it, Master Jack.” She says.

Mister Jack goes silent seeing Lady Tetia’s confidence and after several moments, she comes back with a man in tow.

“Examine it, Dezim.” She says as she points to the gem sitting on the desk.

The man brings out a small microscope that he puts on his eye and brings the gem close. He examines the stone many times in confusion and then looks at Mister Jack with a troubled face.

“I assume that it is fake?” says Mister Jack.

“Um… It is… real… Master Jack.” He says.


Mister Jack jumps up from his seat and looks at me and Lord Vejetar in utter confusion.

“But how can this be? A third Zephyria Edelstein?? It cannot be true…” he says.

“So? will you give the fish to us now?” asks Lord Vejetar with a smile.

“I cannot! You can buy 30 Vilaris with this! I cannot take it!” he says.

“You can keep the change, Mister Jack. I just want the fish.” Says Lord Vejetar.

The man in front of us is torn between the decisions he needs to make. He looks at Lady Tetia for help.

“I advise that you take it, Master Jack.” She says.

“But… I cannot take a gem like this for just one Vilari! That would be plain ripping off!” he says.

“It would be ripping off if I didn’t know about it. I’m presenting you the opportunity to buy this in exchange for Vilari.” Says Lord Vejetar.

“I’ll have Dezim bring the Storage tool.” Says Lady Tetia.

“Tetia Wait!” he tries to stop her but she walks away.

I think Lady Tetia might be the one that forces him to make decisions like this sometimes.

She later comes back with a black box in hand. The box in question is a magus that stops the flow of time within a closed space and allows it to store objects greater than its usual capacity. It’s basically portable spatial storage that prevents foodstuff from rotting.

“Here it is, Mister Vegra.” She says as she hands him the box.

Lord Vejetar opens the box and examines the fish inside.

“There are two Vilaris in here.” He says.

“Ah. I was going to keep the other one for myself, Mister Vegra. You can that one too and you can also take the Box.” Says Mister Jack.

“Then I suppose you are happy with this exchange.” Asks Lord Vejetar.

“Happy is not the word for it. I am greatly exhausted by the amount of shock. I have greatly disrespected you, Mister Vegra.” He says.

“That is not true. Trade follows all kinds of conversations. But I must say that you should stop judging people based on their appearances.” Says Lord Vejetar.

“Thank you, Mister Vegra.” He says.

Lord Vejetar hands me the box and stands up from his seat. I follow him toward the gate.

“I presume you know Julius Ofaltra.” Says Lord Vejetar as he turns to Mister Jack.

“Yes… He is one of my Great ancestors. How do you…?”

“He was a good man. It’s good to see the Ofaltra Line to be thriving.” Says Lord Vejetar and steps out of the room with me.

Did he know that person?


Author's Note:

Hello! I'm Back with a new chapter. Vejetar brings out the big guns in this one.

Uploading a chapter after some time makes me feel a bit troubled and I think about it every day that I can't upload much regularly. But that's not a problem as you guys say. Studies are getting much more important as my year is coming to an end. everything is fun about my studies but it's mind-consuming. I'll work through them. University life here is much calmer than the study I'm doing right now.


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