Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The Monster Wave.

After we had exited the Office, Lady Tetia came out of the office too. She must have ended her conversation with Mister Jack for now and was now walking in front of us in order to escort us to the exit of the shop.

“Tetia. You can tell him the truth about me later. When we are gone, to be exact.” Says Lord Vejetar.

Lady Tetia turns her head and gives him a surprised expression.

“Are you sure about that, Great Vejetar?” she asks.

She must have thought that he would keep it a secret. So, she is asking once more to confirm it.

“Yes. It is going to prove problematic in the long run. And I’m very sure Velkra is going to make use of him very soon. I’ll recommend this Merchantry to her.” Says Lord Vejetar.

“So that is her name…” wonders Lady Tetia.

We walk down the stairs and start walking towards the exit of the shop.

“Great Vejetar, May I ask what element she is?” says Lady Tetia.

Oh. This is going to be a bit surprising for you, Lady Tetia. I’m sure there isn’t anyone else like Great Velkra.

“Every one of them.” He speaks.

She looks at him for a moment and then looks at me with an expression of confusion. I think she might not have understood what Lord Vejetar just said.

“I’m not sure if… I understand, Great Vejetar.” She says.

Lord Vejetar looks at me and gives me a mischievous and proud smile. He seems quite proud of Great Velkra. He sure does love her very much. I can tell this much. He’s marveling at the brilliance of his own sister right now.

“Just as I said, She has every one of the elements. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, Darkness, and Space that is.” He says as he walks a bit closer to her.

We are talking as we walk to the exit. Lady Tetia turns around in a flurry.

“But that is not possible, Great Vejetar!” she exclaims.

“Keep your voice down, Tetia. And call Vegra here for now.” He prompts her as he holds up his palm.

Lady Tetia bows a bit and then says,

“I apologize for my rudeness, Great Veje- Mister Vegra.”

Lord Vejetar puts a hand on her head and pats her. This must be very much out of the ordinary as Lady Tetia almost jumps out of her skin. She looks at him with a blushing expression, which very strongly suggests that she was very embarrassed and quite confused at that point.

“What might… You be doing… Great Vejetar…?” she says as she struggles to bring words out of her mouth.

“Hmm…? I’m giving you a head pat. Is there something wrong?” he asks.

“No, Great Vejetar…. It’s nothing.” She says as she looks down with a red face.

I want to help her in this situation but her reaction shows how much Lord Vejetar must have changed from the moment she last saw him.

“It was never impossible. It just didn’t happen until now. My sister having all elements sure is quite surprising, but is it abnormal? It is not. It just shows how great she is. She might even be stronger than me in a few years.” He says.

“Even stronger than you…?” she asks.

“Yes.” He replies.

“But are you not one of the oldest among the Elder Dragons?” she asks again.

“Yes, that is true. I, Vatra, and Julac are the oldest among the siblings. But I am very sure that she will be much more powerful than us. She might even have surpassed others except us right now. And in surpassing, I mean in terms of feats of Combat and power. But us? We have higher combat prowess but she far surpasses us in the actual amount of power and strength.” He says.

I can’t believe that an Elder Dragon is saying that our Master is stronger than them. In fact, One who has lived a millennium.

“But… I know I might be speaking out of my place but… does that not lower your... authority?” she asks.

“I have a very vague idea that she does not want to rule over us Dragons. I don’t know why but I know it. Vaguely.” He says.

“I… Understand. Then… When may I present myself formally, My Lord?” she asks.

“Hmm… You can wait for now. She’ll be quite busy after all.” He says.

“Understood. Then may we head to the exit now?” she asks.

“Yes. And one more thing, tell Jack about yourself too. he can handle it. I’m sure.” He says.

“I-I… Understand. I hope his heart doesn’t stop from the stress.” She says.

Afterward, we walk outside the door and again smell the salty air. The sun will go down after an hour or two so we should go back to the mansion.

“Shall we go now, Lord Vejetar?” I ask.

“Indeed. She must be waiting.” He says.

We walk into an alleyway beside the shop we were in and walk inside it. Lord Vejetar then signals me to come close and casts a spell and I start floating.

“We go now-“




We hear soldiers shouting all over the place all of a sudden.




“What’s happening, My Lord?” I ask.

“It seems there is a Monster Wave.” He says.

A Monster Wave is when a large group of monsters attacks. It can be caused by many things.

“Stupid obstacles between us.” He says.

“Shall we take care of it, Lord Vejetar?” I ask.

He thinks and then says,

“Might as well do it. It won’t be a problem. Let’s go. “ he says.

Lord Vejetar flaps his wings just as Great Velkra does and gently takes off the ground. If he did it like the last time, then two or three buildings around us might be crushed or be blown away from the shockwave.

We soar into the sky toward the way we came from and see that the kingdom’s entrance was being held by more than 500 hundred Knights and Adventurers.

The horde in front of them isn’t as nearly small if compared to their numbers.

“Lord Vejetar. Don’t you think that it is too big of a Monster Wave?” I ask while we are suspended over the scene.

I see too many monsters that the land in front doesn’t have leeway to step on it. The monsters are pouring in from the forest behind them and are fiercely charging at the brave people still holding their ground without fleeing.

“Indeed. There are more than 1500 Magic Beasts in there. Over B-Rank. Several of them are A-Ranked.” He says.

Over B-Rank?? Will they even be able to handle that much?

“I suppose it can't be helped. I’ll lend them a hand.” He says.

He lowers the altitude for a small amount and then looks at me with a smug expression.

“You want to see something very good? I’ll show it to you.” He says.

He holds his palm facing the sky and looks down at the horde charging at the City gate.

“[Rage of Vulturn]” he says.

Just as he says this, several small wind blades appear above his palm and sharp sounds of blades crashing could be heard from those raging blades.

“Now looks at this... [Fuu]” he says.

He blows those blades with a gust of wind from his mouth gently. Those blades duplicate into countless thousands of Huge blades which rage toward the horde of monsters that threaten the kingdom.

“[FIIIIIING]” the sound of blades cutting through air is heard.

They automatically target the monsters. Each blade travels towards its own target.

The blades cut down the monsters with a single hit,

“[Slash]! [Crack]! [Shing]!”

Sounds of cracking, slashing, and blades going through can be heard. The horde goes into complete chaos as they see that they are being killed in high numbers.

The blades rage through the monsters as if they had their own consciousness. They travel at such speeds that a normal human could not see them from the naked eye. Even I need to strain my eyes a bit to see them clearly.

The countless blades of wind… I see why Elder Dragons are held in high esteem. They deserve to be. Right now, I am watching the immense display of ultimate heights of power in front of my eyes. Taking down thousands of enemies within several seconds.

“[Return]” he says.

The blades that were cutting down the enemies a second ago change their course immediately and travel towards us at high speed.

I feel a bit uncomfortable, watching those blades come at me. But those blades once again converge into the three small blades Lord Vejetar had on his palm in the beginning.

“There. Now only five hundred of those Magic Beasts remain. And they are Lower than B-rank. They should be able to handle it now.” He says.

I am dumbfounded. He not only eradicated a thousand monsters in mere 8 seconds but he also managed to specifically kill the ones that were stronger. Of course, I was counting the seconds it took for him to do this. This is…

“Perhaps, this became a bit too gruesome. I did not expect that. And I do not like killing Magic Beasts but… I noticed something.” He says and stops.

I look at him to see that he was contemplating something.

“I felt a tinge of… That mana.” He says.


“You mean the mana we felt there?” I ask.

“Indeed. This is uncomfortable as they seem to follow us from place to place. I think that these Magic Beats might have been controlled” he says.

“Controlled? If you felt their mana then it can't be something that we can take lightly.” I say.

“They must want to gauge our power. Someone knew that we were in this kingdom.” He says.

“This is truly unnerving, Lord Vejetar.” I say.

He looks up at the sky,

“Gelda, I hope I can protect your sister this time…” he says.

His expression, sad and melancholy, suggesting he might be in pain. But that expression turns to joy as he says,

“Let’s go. She’s waiting for us.”



A. N:


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