Drag Sister to Dominate Hogwarts

Page 196

The power of thunder and lightning!

Suddenly, there was a roar in the sky, and a bolt of lightning fell from the Nine Heavens, hitting Cassandra.

The gesture of destroying everything gave Voldemort an illusion.

Is Cassandra going to die under the thunder?

Unfortunately, what Voldemort expected did not happen.

When Thunder arrived in front of Cassandra, it began to restrain its power, and finally turned into a handful of tears and poured into Cassandra's wand.

Weather spell!

One of the spells that Cassandra learned with Newt in the past two months.

Of course, the weather spell is not just thunder and lightning, it can also be wind, rain, cloud, fog, frost and snow, and it should not even be a battle magic itself.

The lightning weather spell requires too long preparation time and is too dangerous. Newt always prepares artificial power sources when casting the weather spell.

Too bad Cassandra is different.

Her magic power is sufficient, and she has a control over magic power far beyond ordinary people!

Even though her weather spell is only a mere second level, and the casting process is quite slow, as long as the opponent can't run away, Cassandra can exert the power of this move.

More than half of the magic power in Cassandra's body, plus a handful of strange powers transformed by the majestic power of nature, are now gathered in Cassandra's magic wand.

Cassandra could almost hear her wand roaring with excitement.

"If that's the case, let's go!"

The wand waved, pointing at the basilisk.

The sudden light in the sky was not because there was another lightning in the sky.

It's because the lightning has become a weapon tamed by Cassandra, while shining brightly to illuminate the entire Hogwarts.

It turned into a sharp sword that destroyed everything, piercing through the head of the basilisk!

160 1/3 This wave can't be lost

The basilisk originally had unparalleled magic resistance.

Not even Cassandra's spell had much effect on it, not even Transfiguration.

However, in front of Cassandra's weather spell, the basilisk was like paper, and half of its head was melted.

But it's not over yet.

The sharp lightning flashed through the gap on the basilisk's head, igniting the flames.

This kind of flame seems to have a strange power, and it can eat away the body of the basilisk in an instant, turning the basilisk completely into fly ash.


The basilisk died just like that?

The entire Hogwarts fell into a huge passive state, and even Dumbledore, the headmaster, was kicked out because of this.

As a result, the basilisk was caught by Cassandra in seconds?

The eleven school managers were all lost and shocked, unable to accept this reality for a while.

Little Avery patted Lucius on the shoulder, at this moment he couldn't even pretend to be a bad guy.

"You have a good daughter."

Only then did Lucius react and grinned.

Throwing the rooster in his hand directly into the sky, amidst the crowing of the rooster and the flying feathers, he opened his arms and made a gesture of embracing the sky.

He actually wanted to hug his daughter more, but unfortunately he couldn't use Apparation now, so he could only look at his daughter from a distance.

But that's enough.

Cassandra is only 13 years old, and she has achieved achievements that the entire Malfoy family has to be proud of!

She drove Dumbledore away, killed the basilisk, and saved Hogwarts!

Even if she is only 13 years old now, no one will question her current position anymore, because the entire Hogwarts teachers and students owe Cassandra their lives!

Compared to the excitement of others, Cassandra was much calmer.

To be precise, she used up half of her magic power for this blow, but even so, her entire arm is numb now.

If it wasn't for her enough magic power, even a little lightning in the sky would be enough to chop Cassandra into ashes first.

This is why Newt repeatedly reminded Cassandra that weather spells cannot change nature at will, but are more used in certain indoor environments.

Because the power of nature is absolutely beyond the control of small mortals, if you are not careful, you will be backlashed by the power of nature, which will lead to your own body and spirit.

Fortunately, the results are all good.

The basilisk was dead, and Cassandra opened her eyes and scanned the scene.

Then it was a little confusing by the chaos of the scene.

Lockhart has been exhaling more air than inhaling, and his wound seems to have been bitten by a basilisk.

There was still a Luna lying at the bottom of Gryffindor Tower, but at a glance, Cassandra felt a familiar and foul-smelling magic.

At 2 points of magic perception, Cassandra can feel the effect of Polyjuice Potion.

Not to mention the current 4-point magic perception, Cassandra can even easily distinguish the people under Luna's appearance.

Pettigrew Peter!

How dare he do such a thing!

Cassandra hadn't forgotten the time he bit her back then.

But since Cassandra wasn't supposed to know about Peter Pettigrew, he wasn't identified.

But it's different now.

Cassandra raised her wand again.

The tip of the wand still flickered with lightning.

The lightning received from the sky seemed to have changed the magic wand.

Cassandra just waved her wand and used the lightning spell in the weather spell, and immediately a thick thunder shot out, hitting Luna who was lying on the ground.

It should have been more of a weather spell for virtual images, but now it really has the power of thunder and lightning.

Although I don't know how much weaker than the blow that pierced the basilisk just now, it has also been promoted to a powerful spell.

This scene scared the school directors in the distance to scream.

They rushed over, worried that Cassandra would lose her mind because of the battle.

Even inside Gryffindor Tower, bursts of exclamations erupted.

It turned out that the basilisk really almost broke through the defense of Gryffindor Tower just now.

The fang made the window of Harry's dormitory show the prototype, and Professor McGonagall, Snape, Hermione, Ron and others crowded inside were watching Cassandra fight anxiously through the window.

The reason why they exclaimed was because Cassandra would kill Luna.

They naturally knew that Luna was fake, but how did Cassandra know?

Then, Lei Guang scorched the fake Luna's entire body black.

Then, under the more astonished eyes of the school managers and Gryffindors, Luna's figure began to change.

First, he became taller, fatter and wretched, and became Peter Pettigrew.

Seeing this scene, Hermione covered her mouth, and Snape's eyes widened even more. A possibility flashed through his mind, and his lips trembled.

Peter Pettigrew should have died, and it was Sirius Black who betrayed the Potter family. This is the consensus of the entire wizarding community.

But now Peter Pettigrew is still alive, what does that mean?

It means that Peter Pettigrew left his finger to feign death and escaped, but Sirius might be the innocent one!

After all, Peter Pettigrew is still working for the Dark Lord, but Sirius has been in prison for more than ten years!

He put his hand on the wand, even if he was a master of Occlumency, he could hardly control his hatred and anger at this moment.

He really wanted to rush downstairs right now and torture this guy over and over again with the Cruciatus Curse until he collapsed and died!

However, Peter Pettigrew's change in the next second made him calm down.

After Peter Pettigrew showed his original shape, he struggled and moved a few times.

Under everyone's gaze, it turned into a big mouse.

His whole body was scorched black, his hands and feet were trembling and he wanted to crawl away, but in the end he lost all his strength.


Ron was most familiar with his mouse, and he watched his mouse appear downstairs in a daze.

He didn't even understand why Peter Pettigrew disappeared and his own mouse appeared.

Was it some kind of magic that switched his pets and Death Eaters?

But then, Peter Pettigrew, who lost his power, could no longer maintain the appearance of Animagus, and turned back into Peter Pettigrew.

This scene made Ron fully realize that his mouse turned out to be alone!

A person turned into a mouse and has been a pet in his family for more than ten years?

This is too irritating, and too disgusting!

Thinking that he ate and slept with the mouse, feeding the mouse with his hand, it was worth talking to the mouse so much, Ron covered his mouth and wanted to vomit.

"Is this the guy who bit Cassandra?"

Hermione was even more concerned about which pot was left unopened and which pot was lifted. When Ron wanted to vomit, he felt a great sense of guilt.

It would have been nice if Cassandra had really killed the mouse back then... Even if the mouse was seriously injured, the mouse would show its true form, and today's disaster would not have happened!

With such apologies, Ron looked at the standing on the top of the building, with the dark clouds swirling above his head.

Like the most powerful magician, Cassandra felt a sense of admiration in her heart.

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