Drag Sister to Dominate Hogwarts

Page 195

Lockhart tried to laugh, only to get more froth at his mouth.

Why is there an Imperius Curse in this world?

If not, he will definitely choose to serve Cassandra!

If Voldemort knew what Lockhart was thinking, he would give Lockhart a big bite first.

Voldemort's majesty is almost wiped away today!

Facing a Hogwarts without Dumbledore, he couldn't do anything without saying anything.

Now Cassandra is here too!

This terrible Momoran that made his body fail, now looks stronger than last year!

Sure enough, she was still in the period of rapid development, and her future achievements were simply unimaginable.

Can you leave her here today?

Is Basilisk enough?

Facing Cassandra, Voldemort dared not stand up directly.

Now his strength is not as good as the previous combination of Qiluojia body.

After all, Harry Potter is too weak now, and Quirrell is a real elite adult wizard.

Perhaps, the only choice is to sneak attack.

Thinking of this, Voldemort's lips moved, ordering the basilisk to attack.

And he himself chose to hide and wait for the opportunity.

After receiving the order, the basilisk became restless.

It's still being watched, it can feel it!

The human girl in front of her could still see it even with her eyes closed. This strange experience made the basilisk very anxious.

Originally its eyes were its sharp weapon to prey on its enemies.

If the enemy looks at it, then the enemy will be killed by it; if the enemy dare not look at it, then the already powerful one will be even more beneficial.

Now that the eyes are useless, it can only rely on teeth and body.

Unfortunately, under the influence of the contract left by Slytherin, it can only start to prepare to attack Cassandra.

The body began to climb up along the edge of the Gryffindor Tower. The basilisk's sneak attack was like a cat trying to clean up the table in front of its owner.

Cassandra moved.

Her figure suddenly disappeared, and she came to the tower opposite Gryffindor Tower.

The basilisk that might have attacked Cassandra in the first place was suddenly dumbfounded.

Unless it can fly, it's impossible to touch Cassandra at all.

The basilisk cannot touch Cassandra, but Cassandra will not let the basilisk go.

With a light snap of his fingers, a dazzling golden light began to appear on the top of the basilisk's head.

The basilisk began to shake its head uneasily, hitting it against the wall, trying to stop Cassandra's transfiguration.

Cassandra frowned too.

Part of her magic power was quickly consumed, but the effect on the basilisk was not obvious.

Sure enough, the basilisk was very resistant to magic, and Cassandra's magic power couldn't even penetrate into the basilisk's flesh and blood.

Seeing that Cassandra stopped attacking, the basilisk climbed down from the tower and swam towards Cassandra again at the urging of Voldemort.

Cassandra's ineffectiveness against its attacks made it a lot bolder.

Since the human in front of me can't hurt it, so what if she has more magic power?

Cassandra looked at the basilisk that was getting closer and closer, and she could completely use the elf appearance to deal with the basilisk.

The school managers will be here soon, they can't beat basilisks and shake people.

Cassandra can now order the Hogwarts house-elves to act.

Although not every house elf is good at magic like apparition, it is probably not a big problem to shake hundreds of people in half an hour.

At that time, the pile will also kill the basilisk.

But Cassandra had Luna on her mind, and she didn't want to waste time here.

However, remember the spells you have learned.

Except for Transfiguration, all combat magic is basically for humans, or wizards.

There are really not many ways to kill large magical creatures.

This is also a common problem of all wizards, otherwise the Triwizard Tournament in the original book would not have chosen Fire Dragon as the object of assessment.

Cassandra tried the freezing spell and the lighting spell, and sure enough, the spell hit the basilisk, as if it had no effect.

Instead, the roof below the basilisk was ravaged by Cassandra and became potholed.

"Sure enough, Transfiguration is still indispensable."

Cassandra sighed, and snapped her fingers with her left hand.

The roof of the originally bumpy building has leaked the stone structure inside.

As a result, the stones began to grow outwards, and delicate stone figurines grew out, which looked somewhat similar to Professor McGonagall's stone chess pieces.

But they are too small, only the size of an ordinary person's fist, and there is no way to face the basilisk.

Even punching and kicking at the basilisks can't shake the basilisks in the slightest, and the basilisks don't even know they exist.

But it doesn't matter, one after another magic spell has been injected into their bodies, it is the expansion spell.

The expansion curse activated by the powerful magic power caused these stone statues to suddenly expand from the size of a fist to three meters high, turning into stone giants one by one.

The thick body of the basilisk is not unattainable for the stone statues.

The next second, Cassandra waved her wand.

The seven stone statues rushed towards the basilisk. This time, the basilisk finally realized that something was wrong and swung its tail to throw the statues down.

It's a pity it's too late.

The two stone statues lowered their waists and immediately swung their arms around the basilisk's tail, and then their feet merged with the roof of the building again.

The other four locked the basilisk's body and neck respectively, and then the stone statue turned into a huge stone lock, preventing the basilisk from moving.

As for the last remaining stone statue, a huge stone sword was pulled out from the roof below, and amidst the angry roar of the basilisk, it jumped up high.

Facing the basilisk is a sword.

As if a bell was ringing, the tooth-piercing crash resounded throughout Hogwarts, and the basilisk was also dizzy from the blow.

Cassandra flicked the wand in her hand, and with each swing, the gargoyle would smash the basilisk's head in one direction with the sword in his hand.

It was as if slaps hit Voldemort's face one after another, causing Voldemort, who was hiding under the invisibility cloak, to turn his face into a blackened face.

Is such a powerful transformation technique really a power that a little witch can master?

This is obviously not just something that can be done by magic power. Compared with Cassandra's transformation technique last year, she has improved again!

That multitasking control method, as well as superb timely response, coupled with the adrenaline-soaring violent aesthetics, has she reached the level of a transfiguration master?

After more than a dozen swords in a row, the basilisk was beaten so badly that its head was deformed.

And the stone giant sword in the stone giant's hand was broken.

Cassandra snapped her fingers, and the stone giant sword directly turned into a stone mace.

Convincing people with reasoning in front of him, the basilisk finally went crazy.

He directly opened his mouth and bit the head of the giant, injecting toxin into the body of the stone giant for free.

Under the basilisk's venom, the polymorph magic failed, and the stone giant was reduced to a heap of rocks.

The basilisk also began to frantically bite the stone chains on its body, trying to escape.

The wizard in front of me is too terrifying, it has mastered powers that do not belong to humans!

At this time, the school managers from a distance finally appeared.

They couldn't Apparate, watched Cassandra and the Basilisk fighting from a distance, and didn't dare to get too close.

Lucius was also carrying two roosters, which Dobby had apparently found impromptu.

The rooster struggled frantically and croaked unwillingly.

The sound entered the Basilisk's ears, making the Basilisk's movements stiff.

Legend has it that the basilisk came from a magic egg laid by a seven-year-old rooster when Sirius was in the sky, and was hatched by a toad.

So when the basilisk hears the crowing of the rooster, it feels that it has found a mother's love, so it will stop being violent?

Regardless of the specific reason, Lucius' cock did the trick.

The basilisk struggled less violently, leaving enough time for Cassandra.

Now that she is the principal, she can naturally use the sorting hat and the sword of Gryffindor hidden inside.

However, fighting with a sword is obviously not Cassandra's style, and she doesn't want to fight desperately near the mouth of the basilisk.

A wizard naturally needs to use a wizard's method to solve the battle, and Cassandra must have a fighting method that fits the name.

Cassandra raised her hand slowly, pointing her wand skyward.

This scene stunned the school directors, even Voldemort himself.

There are not many spells with wands pointing to the sky, could it be...

Cassandra injected more than half of her body's magic power into the wand, and a strange force penetrated the sky.

The originally clear sky suddenly became cloudy, forming a vortex like eyes above Cassandra's head.

The vortex seems to be attracted by Cassandra below, it keeps going downwards, and finally gives people a feeling.

It seems that as long as you jump up, you can touch the dark clouds above your head.

At the same time, a surge of power condensed in the dark clouds. It was not only the power brought by Cassandra's magic power, but also the power hidden in the world itself.

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