Demon Bound

Chapter 4

Maria found it rather easy to relax in Edith’s house. Of course there was that strange feeling of being somewhere you aren’t used to, but for the most part Maria found that she could ignore that. In truth this place felt a lot more homely than any of the places Maria had lived over the past three years. Maybe even more so than when she lived with her parents…

She wasn’t sure how she felt about having these feelings of being in the right place by Edith’s side. Was it the magic that was making her feel it? Taking control of her own emotions and influencing them? It didn’t feel like that. These didn’t feel like foreign emotions to her. It felt more like she couldn’t hold back her emotions. That in the presence of Edith she couldn’t hold back what lay in her heart. It was disconcerting not feeling able to hold back. Admittedly the parts of her not holding back were very happy to be fully expressing themselves, and her body wasn’t complaining about getting that physical that fast either. It was aggravating to the still rational part of her mind, but as far as she knew there was nothing she could do about it.

 Hours went by as Maria watched a good handful of her shows. She even found a bag of chips to snack on as she did. Still, it did eventually get a bit boring and awkward just being alone in the house. She wanted Edith back already. Not that she didn’t understand the importance of work. Her father had always been a busy man and put his job before a lot of things. Maria just hoped Edith wouldn’t be like that. Putting everything down to go to work instead of spending time with her. She berated herself internally for how fast she was getting attached to the demon, but she couldn't help it.

Lunch time came and went with Maria making herself a ham and cheese sandwich. Well ham was the closest thing she could think of to describe the container of ‘Kimph’ meat. It was actually even better than ham. It was more savory while also having a natural honey smoked kind of flavor. Whatever this dimension was, it had some really good food.

At some point Maria couldn’t take much more TV and decided to pick up one of those romance novels that lined Edith’s bookshelves. By the gods’, it got straight to the point with the erotica. Not that Maria complained at all. In fact, that combined with this morning's activities made her feel rather pent up. Enough so that she catches herself either groping her breasts or giving her cocklette a few slow strokes through the shorts. There was a really big part of her that just wanted to get on with it and rub one out. Relieve her aching member and relax. 

However, there was another part of her that really liked just occasionally teasing herself so that she would just get more and more worked up. If she did so she knew when she eventually came it would be that much sweeter. Though it was hard to admit it to herself, she desperately wanted Edith to be the one bringing her to that breaking point. Shaking, screaming, and moaning in Edith’s arms as her demon brought her to new and bigger heights of pleasure. Gods, Maria was horny, but she held herself back. Never letting the horny beast inside her win. 

At some point Maria noticed that the suns were going down. That’s right, this dimension was going full on Tatooine with dual suns. She felt a little pained that Edith hadn’t returned yet. Fear however, made her worry that Edith wasn’t coming back. What if Edith thought she wasn’t good enough? That she wasn’t what Edith had been waiting two decades for? What if she was out there right now finding someone else to make a new deal with so she could kick her to the curb? That all her shit with dysphoria was just annoying and got in the way of what Edith wanted?

The front door suddenly opened and Maria jumped to attention. There was a little wall between the entryway and the living room which added just a couple of seconds before she could see the demon. Those two second felt like an eternity to Maria.

“Hey,” Edith’s voice sounded meek as she rounded the corner. She looked a little disheveled and worn out to Maria. Maybe even a bit sheepish. “I’m really sorr…” Her voice trailed off as she openly stared at Maria, causing her to blush. “Oh, that’s just not fair.”

“Wha...What do you mean?” Maria asked instantly afraid she had done something wrong.

“You. I had this whole apology speech prepared, and here you are looking like a cute little girlfriend wearing my clothes. Now I can’t remember a single word of it.”

Maria’s eyes went wide at the mention of the word girlfriend and she felt her cheeks redden at the compliment. It did dawn on her that she was fitting into the “girlfriend looking cute wearing their bigger partner’s clothes” stereotype. It didn’t help that she consciously decided on wearing Edith’s clothes and not her own. Panties excluded.

“I. I didn’t mean to… I just...” Her nervous stammering wasn’t helped by Edith closing the distance between them. “They just looked really comfy…”

Edith chuckled before saying, “Well you do look very comfy, cutie. I hope you don’t mind but I brought takeout.” Maria only now noticed the cheap looking plastic bag with a big smiley face on the side, as Edith set it down on the coffee table. “I hope Chinese is okay.”

“Yeah. Chinese is fine,” she said sitting back down on the couch as Edith sat on the floor on the other side. “So there’s Chinese take out in this dimension...plane...thingy?”

“This and nearly every other plane. It’s the one thing nearly everyone likes about Earth,” Edith said as she started setting all the food out. There was a lot and a large variety. “I, um, didn’t know what you like so I just got a lot.” 

“That’s okay. I always find that some stuff is better the next day as leftovers. But I will claim those dumplings for myself,” Maria chuckled out.

As they started eating both of them stayed mostly quiet. Though Maria did find it immensely funny that Edith couldn’t handle the spicy stuff. Still it was like they were both school kids with crushes on each other and neither one of them could take the first step. Eventually Maria cracked and spoke up.

“So where exactly are we?”

“My house?” Edith answered with a raised eyebrow.

“No, I mean like planar, dimensional wise. It’s not Earth, but I don’t know what it is.”

“Oh, right. I guess I should have told you. I probably should have told you a lot, actually.” Maria nodded and Edith actually looked embarrassed that she had forgotten to tell her stuff. “Well we are currently on the midway plane Celesque. It is basically the center of all the other planes. Traditionally a meeting ground and neutral place for denizens of every plane to come together. Now it's more of the center of government for all the planes. Well, each plane still has their own rulers and laws, but Celesque sets the groundwork for everything.”

“Okay. That would explain why I’ve seen both demons and angels outside without fights breaking out.” That caused a laugh to rise out of Edith.

“Violence isn’t allowed here, and most of the people who are born and raised here don't have any problems with other types of beings. It’s mostly people from other planes that have grudges against beings of other planes.”

“So the supernatural world/worlds were more civilized than humans typically believed. That’s good,” Maria said as Edith nodded, taking another mouthful of food. Demons do eat. Good to know. “Are there other humans here?”

“Some, yeah. But Earth and humans are special. You aren’t like us magical beings. Your soul is placed into a body, rather than the body being made from your soul.” That would explain why Edith mentioned being transgender doesn’t really happen in demons. “And that makes you… it’s not lesser. Just different. There’s so much politics around humans and how they both are and aren’t part of the Interconnected Planes League. I know! Think of it like the prime directive in Star Trek, only the league allows for small scale interactions.”

“Did you just reference Star Trek to me?”

“Yeah? What about it?”

“I don't know. I just thought a sexy demon woman wouldn’t be into sci-fi,” Maria admitted.

“I will have you know I have watched every episode of TNG while it was coming out.”

“TNG was good, but Voyager had a more compelling story overall.”

Edith did an over the top laugh gasp before saying, “Blasphemy!” Both of them couldn’t hold back the giggles very long before breaking out into a laughing fit. This whole situation was absurd, but it wasn’t bad. Though it did remind Maria of her biggest question. 

“So… What are we?” Somehow Maria managed to actually ask the question. Her heart felt like it would beat out of her chest, but she did it. “You said you claimed me. That I’m yours. But you’re not treating me like a slave, just taking what you want from me.” Edith looked away and pulled her legs in close to her chest. Maria felt a little shaky herself. “You’re being really kind to me. Treating me with respect. Worrying about my feelings. You brought my stuff here and cleared out half your own closet for me. Hell you even brought what seems like the whole damn menu of a place just because you didn’t know what I like. I just don’t know what this is.” She felt like she managed to find a bit of back bone in that. It felt good, but it also felt like she took it from Edith as she wasn’t looking at her. She was staring at the ground holding herself tight. Even her tail wrapped around her. In another circumstance Maria would have thought it cute, but right now she wanted an answer.

“Say something please.” Maria’s voice was less powerful now, but no less impactful.

“It’s… It’s embarrassing, okay. Just give me a minute.”

So she did, and after what felt like an eternity to Maria, Edith started.

“In demon culture it’s seen as a weakness to care romantically for one another; to want a relationship with someone that isn’t just fuck buddies. But when I look at my parents I see how happy they are together. That they love each other, and I wanted that… So I made a pact and asked… I asked for you...”

“Asking for a human’s unborn child is called a nuptiae pact. The idea of it is that a human willing to give up their own child would not give said child a good life, but the magical being can. And out of it the being will get a life long partner. It’s said that the Fates will choose a soul for the promised human that will be a match for the beings own soul. That the two will be connected by ancient and powerful magic.”

Maria was starting to get the picture as she felt a strange tugging at her heart. She was shocked, but also not at the same time. There was a weird feeling telling her that everything will be okay. She felt the pentacle tattoo flower with heat as she spoke.

“So I’m like your fated girlfriend?”

“Wife would probably be more accurate,” Edith said so quietly that Maria could barely hear it. “Fuck, it sounds so dumb and wrong when I say it out loud!” Edith seemed to wipe away a few stray tears. Maria only then realized that she herself had shed a few tears. She wasn’t sure if it was because she was actually sad in herself or if she felt upset seeing Edith so worked up.

“A week ago I had convinced myself that none of this would work. That I shouldn’t go through with it. That there was no way people could so easily be connected to each other. So I… I went to your apartment to see you. To see that there was no way you could this person the Fates chose to be my match. But then I saw you.” Edith finally looked back at her. Maria could now clearly see some tear streaks down her face. “You were so beautiful. So amazing and perfect. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. My heart yearned for you.”

Maria had been called beautiful by other people, people she had loved, but her heart didn’t skip the same way it did as when Edith said it.

“I’m sorry, Maria. I… I shouldn’t have taken you. It wasn’t fair of me. I don’t know what I was thinking. I can take you back. We can forget about all of this and go back to our normal lives…”

Maria wasn’t really thinking as she climbed off of the couch and crawled around the coffee table. She was just acting on instincts now. Edith's eyes, which were glowing again, though maybe that was just due to the light in the room being dimmer, dilated wide. Maria thought it looked adorable, like when a cat’s eyes go extremely wide. She realized Edith had no idea what she was about to do. She actually looked a little scared. Maria didn’t like that look on her.

With all the courage she could muster, she did what she had wanted to do earlier today. She kissed her. Maria kissed a demon of her own free will and volition. It felt so right to kiss her demon. To kiss the woman who she deeply yearned for, and who yearned for her in return. Slowly she pulled away and looked into those confused red eyes.

“Please don’t take me back… I… I want to stay here. I want to stay with you,” she finally admitted to Edith and herself with flushed cheeks. Edith’s hand reached out and found its familiar place cupping Maria’s cheek. The smile on Edith’s face seemed to brighten the whole room to Maria.

“Thank you,” was all Edith said before pulling her into another kiss. This one lasted longer, but it didn’t get any deeper. It just stayed a light gentle kiss. Eventually it ended and they both just sat there in silence for a while, both of their faces flushed.

“So, um. What now?” Maria asked. The confident smile soon returned to Edith’s face before she spoke.

“We could actually finish dinner, and then maybe watch some Star Trek. TNG naturally.” the customary smirk found its way back onto her face.

“Naturally,” Maria responded, giving her demon an exaggerated eye roll. “I do still have one question.”

“Okay, I’m sure there will probably be a lot as time goes on. Please don’t be afraid to ask anything.”

“You’ve said a lot that I’m yours, but does that also mean you’re mine?”

“I… I guess it does,” Edith said with a shy smile that Maria returned.

Finally they went back to eating dinner, only this time Edith sat next to Maria on the couch. Making conversation was still a bit awkward but they managed. Mostly about what kind of foods they liked to begin with. Half the food’s Edith mentioned were things Maria had never even heard of, but apparently Edith was having the same reaction to foods Maria liked. Who knew bananas aren’t a cross dimensional food staple? Or peanut butter! Not That Maria was that fond of peanut butter, but still it's a staple.

With dinner finished, Maria helped Edith clean up. Apparently Edith was the kind of person to immediately clean dishes after having meals, which made Maria feel a little ashamed for having left her plates from lunch and breakfast in the sink. It was a bad habit she had grown up with thanks to her family having maids and cooks to do dishes, but she vowed to get better at it. While in the kitchen Edith also admitted that the reason it was so well stocked was once again because she wasn’t sure what Maria would like. Maria found it rather cute and endearing.

Once again they both settled back down on the couch. They stayed apart much like they had during dinner, neither wanting to push anything. Edith found some random episode of TNG for them to watch.

Two episodes later the two of them were cuddling up on the couch. Edith had been the one to start the cuddling and at first Maria was a bit hesitant but slowly gave in as the feeling of her demon’s warmth enveloped her. Maria was now leaning back into Edith as her arms wrapped around Maria’s stomach. The demon's tale taking its customary spot wrapped around her calf. It felt good to be in someone's arms again. It made her feel safe and at home. Even though the person holding her was a powerful demon and she had only been in this house for a day.

As an episode came to an end, Maria felt Edith shift behind her. She was about to get up and let her out but then she felt Edith’s warm breath along the back of her neck. Her heart started to beat faster as Edith turned off the TV. That hot breath washed over her again as she did her best not to gasp.

“Remember when I said it wasn’t fair earlier?” The demon’s lips grazed across the side of Maria’s neck before coming up to her ear. “Well there was one other thing I didn’t mention.” Her seductive tone sent jolts of electricity straight to Maria’s lower half.

“What,” Maria managed to breathily get out. “What’s that?”

Edith chuckled in her ear as her arms pulled her in closer.

“It wasn’t fair that I could smell what you were doing in this room without me.”

Maria's eyes went wide when hearing that. She could smell that she teased herself? Demon’s had that good a sense of smell? Why was that turning her on even more? Apparently it was also doing the same for Edith as she felt a nice bulge growing behind her.

“I’m…” Edith nipped at her earlobe causing her to shudder. Her own cock was starting to strain against her underwear. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…” One of Edith’s hands slid up under the jumper, running her soft hand over the skin over Maria’s stomach.

“No you shouldn’t have.” Edith emphasized her words by biting Maria’s neck. Maria cried out as her hands gripped onto Edith’s thighs. She didn’t bite hard, but those sharp teeth only added to the pleasure Maria felt.

“I waited all day to finally come home and please you only to find you did it without me.” She bit her again. “The thought of you bringing yourself to release without me only made me want you even more, Maria.” Edith clamped down again, sending Maria’s insides aflutter. 

Maria was panting hard now. The bites on her neck were the best kind of torture to her. She could feel her cocklette starting to make a noticeable wet spot of pre-cum in her panties. Her demon’s roaming hand was so tantalizing close to grabbing her breasts it was driving her mad. Even with all that she still managed to speak out in admittance.

“I. Fuck. I didn’t come.”

Edith suddenly stopped her oral conquest of Maria’s neck, giving her a second to breath. Though in truth Maria was upset she stopped.

“You didn’t?” The confusion in Edith’s voice was genuine as Maria turned her head to look at her.

“No. I didn’t.” She could see her demon’s eyes were wide and glowing again.

“Why didn’t you? Is it something to do with the HRT?” Gods, just the fact that Edith was willing to ask questions about her transition made her so happy. Most people were too afraid to, even in situations where it would be beneficial to know. 

“No. I can still orgasm. It actually feels a lot better now thanks to HRT. One of those nice side effects.”

“Well that's good to know,” Edith said, giving her a predatory smile. “But that still doesn’t tell me why you didn’t come my dear, Maria.” If her face wasn’t already flushed, it would be now.

“I…” Embarrassment swept through her and she could no longer look Edith in the eyes. “I wanted to wait for you.”

“Oh, now aren’t you a good little girl waiting for me,” Edith said in her domineering tone causing Maria to shudder. Then she leaned in close and whispered in her ear with a gentle voice, “Thank you.” Edith had talked about her being unfair, but it wasn’t fair that both Edith’s dominant and sweet sided could make Maria’s stomach do flips.

With ease Edith lifted and turned Maria around so she was now sitting in her lap. Maria could feel Edith’s arousal pressing up against her own smaller arousal. Without even thinking about it her hips started to push and grind herself against her demon. 

“I told you there would be plenty of time for you to sit in my lap didn’t I?”

Maria’s only response was wrapping her arms around Edith’s neck and kissing her deeply. Her demon growled in approval as Maria eagerly deepened the kiss. Her tongue easily found its way between Edith’s lips before colliding with the demon’s. As they both fought for oral dominance, Maria’s grinding increased tenfold. It all felt so good. Edith’s tongues. Her much larger member. Her breasts pressed up against Maria’s. It was mind numbingly good.

One of Edith’s hands snaked its way under her shorts waistband to claw at her hip as the other climbed up under her jumper. Maria let out a loud moan of approval before snaking her own hand down from around Edith’s neck to rest just above her breast. She hesitated for a second, not sure if Edith wanted to take this that far. Without skipping a beat Edith’s tale grabbed her wrist and dragged her hand down onto her breast. Maria was a little shocked by the tale grabbing her wrist and Edith just smiled into the kiss.

Though she had a bra on Maria could still feel how soft her flesh was. Her hand eagerly kneaded her tit causing her demon to let out a moan. Somewhere in Maria’s mind she realized this was her first time hearing Edith moan. She liked that sound. She liked it a lot. Determined to hear it more, she doubled her efforts on her breast.

Edith seemed to decide that the groping shouldn’t be so one sided as her red hand finally reached Maria’s breast. Maria gasped at the warmth of her palm and reviled in the gentle touch of her lover. Unlike Edith who had a bra on, which dulled her sense of touch, Maria was braless. It also meant Edith had a much easier time finding her sensitive nipple. At first she was gentle, just teasing it with her thumb before starting to pinch and pull on it. Her demon seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the gasps and moans Maria made into their kiss.

Pulling away from the kiss Edith got a good look at Maria’s reddened face and smiled.

“I do think it’s about time we take this to the bedroom, and away from potential prying eyes,” she said nodding over to the window that was still open. Immediately Maria buried her embarrassed head deep into the crook of Edith’s neck. She had completely forgotten about the window. Someone could have seen them. That terrified her, but there was some part of her that experienced thrill at the idea of someone catching them in the act.

“Yeah that sounds like a good idea,” Maria said a little breathless. With that Edith wrapped her arms tight around her and picked her up. Of course Maria let out a small yelp as she wrapped her legs around the demon in a desperate attempt to cling on. Edith chuckled before a sudden sensation of dizziness overcame Maria.

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