Demon Bound

Chapter 3

Before Maria’s lips met the demon's, a shrill ringing permeated the room. Maria had been so focused on what she was about to do that the sound literally made her jump in her seat. Her heart pounded from the sudden scare.

“Sorry. I really should have unplugged the phone. Give me just a minute,” The demoness said with a wink before leaning over towards a bedside table and picked up the antique looking phone.

With Maria’s attention drawn away from the kiss she actually began noticing the room they were in for the first time. It was a decently sized bedroom, with the larger than life bed taking up a large chunk of the room. The room overall looked like it had come straight out of someone's house restoration dreams. The walls and ceilings had kept the Victorian era moldings, but had been painted with a modern light gray color scheme. Much like the walls, the furniture around the room, like the vanity table and the loveseat in the corner, were all antique looking but done up with a modern touch. Overall it created a modern Victorian vibe about the place. It was something Maria thought her mom would die for. Not that she wouldn’t either, especially considering she was about to lose her own home…

Then she noticed something that really threw her through for a loop. The bedroom’s large three pained window had its chic gray curtains pulled back, giving Maria a view outside. From the bed she really couldn’t see much of the area around the building she was in, but one thing she could clearly see was the sky. It was violet. A bright and beautiful violet. The kind of colour to put any sunset or sunrise to shame. The only issue was that it clearly wasn’t sunset or sunrise. The sky was just purple on its own. What was going on? Where was she? The demon did mention something about ‘the world you are now in’. Is… is this hell?

The demon’s rising voice brought Maria’s attention to her. From the tone of voice she seemed rather annoyed at whoever she was talking to.

"For fucks sake I ask you guys to deal with the orange bastard while I take the next two months off."

That sounded like a work call. Do demons work? Don't they just all do whatever they want? The chaos of hell and all that. Maybe not. Maybe they all work jobs like everybody else. Well everybody else in the sense of humans.

"No I know it's only three week paid leave, but I'm cashing in my vacation days I've built up over the past two years."

That's definitely a work call. Maria was actually intrigued about what kind of work the demon did. Too bad she couldn't hear anything on the other side of the phone.

"I’ve already told you why. No, I…” The demon quickly turned and looked over at her for a second. She quickly turned back to the phone conversation and said with a hushed tone, “I did a nuptiae…”

Maria couldn’t be certain what the loud noise on the other end of the phone was, but it sounded like a laugh.

“Fuck off, I’ll be in in half an hour,” the demon said before slamming the phone down, cutting off whatever the other person was going to say. Without missing a beat she was sitting back up. “Sorry, dear. I had hoped to enjoy our morning together.” The red hands now gently grabbed Maria’s hips as those red eyes looked over her longingly. “But I do really have to go to work.”

Maria just nodded her reply nervously. She had been about to kiss the demoness of her own volition before the phone interrupted it, and now she was at a loss of what to do. Her instincts told her that everything would be fine, but there was still that voice screaming at her about how she should be freaking out because there was an actual demon in front of her. What should she do? What is there to do in this kind of situation? Ask the demon who kidnapped you to take you home? Just let them go off to work and patiently wait for them to return? Try and escape even though she is magically connected to this demon?


“Yes?” she responded through the haze of everything sinking in.

“As much as I like you sitting in my lap, I do need you to get off.”

Maria’s eyes went wide as she suddenly remembered how intimate she was casually being with the demon. “Gods, sorry,” she said, scrambling to her feet, still clutching the sheets to her chest.

The demon chuckled before standing up. “Don’t worry though my sweet Maria, there will be plenty more time for you to enjoy sitting in my lap later," she said reaching out and cupping Maria’s face. That was quickly becoming a habit that made Maria both blush like no tomorrow and swoon into the comfort of it. It also didn't help that she was taller than her, which flipped that little submissive switch in Maria's brain.

Too soon the hand left her face as the demon walked past towards one of the three doors in the room. Not really knowing what else to do, and feeling a bit nosy, Maria followed behind her. Which also gave her the bonus of being able to see her owners ass for the first time. Of course, Maria felt a wave of lust wash over, but she managed to keep it from getting a rise out of her, literally. 

The door the demoness led them to opened up into a walk in closet. It wasn't the largest Maria had ever seen, that medal went to her own mother, but it was still big. The inside contained a vast variety of clothing. Power suits, formal dresses, sun dresses, everyday clothes, and a section that looked like it was straight out of the Victorian era. It was a rather intimidating closet, well at least one half was. The other was pretty much empty, except for a suitcase and a medium sized cardboard box. Why would you only put your stuff in one half of the closet?

Instead of questioning it, Maria just watched quietly from the door. Well she was quiet until the demon bent over in front giving her a perfect view of between her legs from behind. “Oh gods!” she finally realized what was off about the demon's crotch. She didn’t have testicles. Not only that, but instead of balls she had a cunt. An actual vagina.

“What?” the demon asked, pulling up her underwear and turning to face her.

“You… You have… a…” Maria swallowed before managing to get out. “You have both.” Her eyes constantly glancing between that elven face and covered behemoth.

“Yes I do.” That familiar smirk returned to her red face. “And you are more than welcome to explore either as much as you want.” As quickly as the smirk came it disappeared into an expression of worry. “Wait. Does me having both make you feel… I don’t know what the word is.”

“Dysphoric. The word is dysphoric…” Maria replied.

“Does that make you feel dysphoric?” She didn’t answer. “You can be honest Maria. I won’t be upset.”

Maria had a partner in the past who got mad at her for admitting that their body made her feel dysphoric. But in this moment something told her that she could believe the demon. It was weird to feel like you can trust a demon, but this whole situation is weird so why not right?

“It does a bit.” She admitted. “It mostly makes me jealous if anything.”

“That’s better than how most people feel about it,” the demon admitted.

“What do you mean?”

Now it was the demons turn to look a little shy. “Well demons aren’t naturally intersex. I’m only like this because mitéra is one of Hermaphroditus’ nymphs. Demon blood doesn't do half breeds and I took after my mother, but I still got some traits from mitéra. So I’m not a ‘full normal’ demon. And among demons that's seen as something distasteful. But combined with the fact that I’m intersex. some people find me... ‘repulsive’.”

“I don't think you’re repulsive,” Maria instantly responded, shocking them both.

The demon seemed to blush, which on an already red face was quite the impressive feat. Then she gave her a thankful smile that made Maria’s heart skip a beat. 

“Thank you. That means a lot.” Now it was Maria’s turn to blush at the demon’s words.

“Shit. I better hurry before they start having a panic attack over there,” the demon said as she hurried to get the rest of her clothes on. “Would you grab me my work badge from the vanity table please?”

“Oh, um sure,” she responded. Did a demon just say “please”? Either way she headed over to the table and grabbed the badge. Of course Maria couldn’t help but take a look at it. It was pretty much what you expect from a work badge. Company logo in the corner, which was just a jumble of arcane symbols to Maria, barcode at the bottom, and a small picture of the demoness. Next to the picture the badge read ‘Cross Dimensional Relations Administrative Supervisor: Edith τύραννος’. Maria chuckled at how much of a mouthful that was, before she suddenly realized that she had just learned the demon's name. Edith. That didn’t sound very demonic, unlike the last name which Maria would never try and pronounce. Edith did say her mother was a demon and her mitéra was a nymph, so maybe the nymph won out on naming their child.

Turning back around she saw Edith was now fully dressed in one of her power suits. Which both enticed Maria but also made her conscious of the fact that the only thing she was wearing was loose fitting bed sheets. Edith walked over to her and reached out for the badge. 

“Thank you. Couldn’t get into work without it.” She said with a light laugh.

“You’re welcome. So, um, your name's Edith?”

Edith gave her a little wide eyed look. 

“Yeah, I thought I… oh fuck I didn’t tell you, did I?” Maria shook her head. “Fuck, sorry. Had a lot going through my head. Well, mostly thoughts of all the things I could do to you,” She finished with her seductive confidence returning.

“It’s okay. I just didn’t know if you wanted me to call you that or something like…” Maria felt her cheeks redden and a slight tinge of arousal shoot through her at even just the thought of the word, even though it would be appropriate given that Edith owned her. “Mistress…” She did her best to say it as quietly as possible. She watched as Edith’s face went from a questioning look to a deviant one. 

“Oh my dear, Maria.” The seductive tone was back in full swing as she placed herself inches away from her. “I do very much like the sound of that.” Edith used the tip of her fingers to lift Maria’s gaze right into her own. Maria couldn’t help but gulp. “We will definitely be exploring that soon enough, but I’m happy for you to call me whatever you desire.”

Maria let out a shaky breath before saying, “O...Okay, Edith.” The demon smiled down at her before leaning in and giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can. Why don’t you have a look around the house and get yourself feeling at home,” She finished off by giving her a big smile and running her hand through Maria’s hair, causing a warm comforting feeling to wash over Maria. “See you soon, dear.” With that Edith walked out of the bedroom, leaving Maria.

Maria just stood there looking at the open bedroom until she heard a door open and close. Quickly she hurried over to the window and truly looked out over the street.  The street itself looked like it came straight out of Victorian London. This house was across from a quaint little park that took up the majority of other sides of the road. The only thing that was different, much like how the purple sky was different, was that the grass and trees were bright red. This definitely wasn’t Earth… Looking to the side she could see Edith hurriedly walking down the street past a number of other pedestrians. None of which looked human. Not gross hulking monsters like you would imagen to see in hell. Some of them were demon’s like Edith, but others weren't. Maria could tell they weren't human, but she couldn't name what they were.

After watching Edith go around a corner Maria left the window and went to sit on the bed. Staring at nothing her mind began to process everything that had happened in the past night. A demon had claimed her and taken her away to hell. That same demon had marked her, infusing her own magic that would eventually change her. How or into what she didn’t know. Though the way Edith said it implied that maybe she would be able to have her greatest dream come true, which was an upside to all this. Then instead of trying to escape or fight back against said demon, she made out with her. Naked. With full intent of letting it go as far as possible. 

What was Maria even doing? What were Edith and her even doing? Shouldn’t they be having a more master/slave relationship? Edith taking whatever she wants while Maria fights back? Instead they were having meaningful conversations and respecting each other's feelings. Comforting each other. They were acting down right domestic. Like they were in a romantic relationship. Which even just the idea of that set Maria’s heart fluttering. But why was it causing that kind of reaction out of her? Probably because she actually did have an ever growing crush on the demonic woman. That can’t possibly be healthy, can it?

For the next half hour Maria let all the emotions wash over her. She even spent half of the time crying and she wasn’t sure if it was because she was sad about all of this or if she was extremely happy to have someone looking after and caring for her in her life. Even if said person was a demon.

Eventually Maria managed to calm down and started to finally feel level headed again. She hadn’t really decided what she should do about everything. Whether she should try and make a break for it, or just accept her new life. Well the warm feeling in her heart told her that it decided it wanted her to stay and enjoy every second she could with Edith, but her brain was still arguing against giving into the demon. But laying here on the edge of the bed wasn’t going to help her, so she might as well get up and explore like Edith suggested.

The first stop on Maria’s exploration journey was of course the third mysterious door in the bedroom, which was, as Maria guessed, the bathroom. Good, she could really use a shower. Much like the bedroom it continued the modern Victorian theme, except for the waterfall shower that could easily hold the both of them at once. Maria was disappointed with how fast her mind came up with the image of the two of them having a steamy experience of another nature in there.

One glorious shower later, Maria was starting to really feel like herself and a bit in control again. It was also a nice surprise to find a new toothbrush had been laid out for her. Seeing it she suddenly realized that neither her nor Edith had any form of morning breath. Odd. Either way she still brushed her teeth before setting out on the search for clothes.

Maria felt awkward looking through Edith’s clothes for something to wear, but what other option did she have? Quickly she located a very comfy looking sweater and a pair of lounge shorts that didn’t have a hole in the back for a tail. Guess she was going commando because there is no way she’s wearing Edith’s panties. After putting it all on curiosity got the better of her and she decided to open up the suitcase and boxes laying in the closet. It was all her stuff. Not that she had much to begin with, but it was all there. The pitiful wardrobe that consisted mostly of random business work shirts and old jeans. The cardboard box had all her meager possessions, an old laptop, the four books she owned, her very first stuffed animal, a small jewelry box, purse and phone, which had no reception, and a few other knick-knacks. 

Edith had brought all her stuff with her. And she had put it in the closet, which Maria now realized had been pushed all to one side so she could have the other. Why would she do that? She definitely wasn’t treating Maria like a slave, more like a… Maria felt a wave of mixed feelings rush over her as she thought of the word. Like a girlfriend. Nope, she wasn’t dealing with that right now. She wasn’t going to let her mind wonder about that possibility. Instead she decided she wasn’t going to go commando because she once again had underwear. She also could have put on her own clothes, but she had already put these on and they were so comfy… plus they smelled like Edith. That cinnamon-y smell that reminded her of sitting close to a fireplace on a cold winter's night. 

Now to explore the rest of the house. The rest of the second floor consisted of a spare bedroom with a small but full bathroom, and a small home office completed with an antique desk and a very modern and expensive looking desktop. Okay so Hell had electricity and the internet. Or maybe it was powered by magic? Good to know. Going up to the third floor she found a small sitting room with a set of glass doors leading out onto a terrace on the side facing away from the street.

Now for the downstairs. Heading down the stairs the first thing she saw was of course the front door and her heart caught in her throat. It was right there. Her escape could be right there. She could leave this all behind and go back to a normal life. Well, a crappy but normal life. Without realizing it she found herself standing right in front of the door. But there’s no way that Edith would make it that easy for her to get away. The door must be locked. She would be an idiot to leave it un… 

It was unlocked… The fucking front door was unlocked. Maria could run. She could escape right now. She pulled the door open and looked out onto the street. Her freedom was right there. Well she would still be in hell, but still. She could leave Edith. But how would Edith feel? She would be sad wouldn’t she? And Maria would be alone again. But why would Maria worry about that?! As these thoughts rushed through her head she noticed someone walking down the street. They didn’t look like a demon, in fact they looked quite the opposite. They had big white feathered wings and a golden halo floating above their head. 

The angel noticed Maria staring at them and decided to smile and wave at her. There was an actual angel. Maybe she could help free Maria? Wait, Edith had said that  by the laws of both fiendish and celestial she was Edith's. So even if she went to this angel for help, they would abide by the same laws. What kind of supernatural world was this? Clearly it wasn’t as black and white as humans typically believed. For gods’ sakes, Edith’s mitéra was a nymph. A being from Greek mythology! Okay… Maria made a mental note to ask Edith to thoroughly explain everything. Guess that also meant she had decided to stay and not run away.  

Not really knowing what else to do, Maria smiled and waved back to the angel. The angel seemed content with that and continued walking on down the street. Closing the door she began to wonder if maybe she wasn’t in hell. Edith’s name badge alluded to other dimensions and she had also said something like ‘interconnected planes’. Yeah, Edith had a lot of explaining to do. 

With too many questions that couldn’t be answered Maria decided to finish her house tour. The living room was just as large as the master bedroom, if not a bit larger. It also had the same modern Victorian motif about it. Large fireplace, with a massive mirror over it. Larger refurbished vintage couch with a small wooden coffee table in front of it. A few other chairs and loveseats, and walls lined with bookshelves. Most of the books were old and written in languages Maria couldn’t read, but there was a rather large section of romance novels. Most of which were seemed to be your typical ‘bad erotic romance’ with a fantastical theme. Vampires, werewolves, demons, angels, you name it. Maybe Edith liked those because she thought they were funny, being an actual fantastical being and all that.

Maria did find an old family photo, and by “old” she really meant antique. It was one of those old black and white photos that people had to stay still for like ten minutes so it wouldn’t blur. In the photo was a child version of Edith, who Maria couldn't help but find adorable, and standing behind her was an adult demon woman standing next to a woman whose hair seemed to be made out of leaves, twigs, and flowers. Guess, those were Edith’s parents and her as a child. How old was Edith anyway? Maybe she would ask her later.

The next stop was the kitchen/dining room. Unlike the rest of the house it had a purely modern aesthetic. All new cooking wear, a large table and chairs. A fully stocked fridge and pantry. Some of the food Maria recognized but some of them looked like food you'd find in a fantasy video game. To be honest some of the stuff looked really appetizing to Maria at the moment. Especially considering she hadn’t eaten since her late lunch yesterday. So she made herself some toast and eggs. Hopefully they were chicken eggs but there was no way to be sure. They did taste good though. Part of her wondered and hoped that Edith managed to find something to eat. If she does eat. Do demons have to eat? Well there's always stories of demons eating souls, so maybe? Edith couldn’t have possibly gotten all this food just for her right?

Either way, she finished her breakfast before exploring the backyard. It was small and fenced in, but very cute. Different flower pots were strewn about the patio and there were a number of small flower beds in the yard. Most of the plants looked completely foreign to Maria, but one or two she recognized. Apparently Edith really took care of the garden. That or these flowers were easy to handle. 

With not much else to do besides wait for her demon to return, Maria decided to relax in the lounge. She was happily surprised to find that the large mirror over the fireplace doubled as a TV. So now she wouldn’t be horrendously bored while she waited. Oh and Edith apparently had streaming services here. Even better. Maria wasn’t quite sure of the logistics of streaming from one dimension to another or how payment worked for that matter, but hey, at least she could catch up on some of her shows.

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