Delayed Transfer

Chapter 57

Mark turned his attention to the most important part of completing the 10th dungeon.  That was to check out the next safe location which was the 11th floor.  He proceeded to go there and his first reaction was to drop his jaw in awe.  It was the most beautiful forest clearing he had ever seen. The color of the trees covered the whole range of autumn season from red to yellow to magenta and all sorts of golden colors.  There was even a small spring near a miniature hill with baby waterfalls falling to a tiny brook. 

The temperature in the forest was comfortably cold.  Even though it was only about noon outside, the forest clearing was in early twilight, still bright enough to see everything but it was mellow enough that it brought a sense of restful comfort.  He couldn’t see any sign of a sun at he sky and he was wondering if when the night came, there would be stars or even if there was a night.  There was a high possibility that it would always remain at the same hour every day.  He walked to the spring and he actually saw some fishes.  He scooped the water and tasted it and it was refreshing and pure.  He sat on a rock nearby while looking at the spring and fishes and he actually heard some birds singing.  Well he read somewhere that the birds were actually not singing but screeching a warning to others to stay away, that this is its territory or something like that.

Mark tried to check the upper parts of the trees to see if he could find any of the birds that he’d heard but he only saw some shadows flitting here and there.  He was sure that if he made an effort he would see them.  Since this was a system assigned safe location, he was sure there were no animals that could remotely posed a threat to him. 

After a few minutes of relaxing by the brook, he stood up and walked to see if he could find the portal to the 12th floor and it was actually tastefully located at the far end in a middle of what looked like an elven ruin.  Well that was what it looked like based on the movies he had seen.   When he saw the portal, he then turned around to check how far he could go because maybe he’s actually in another world already.  After walking for a few minutes he saw the border.  They were beyond some trees so it wasn’t obvious and it was a wall of fog.  When he found the courage to test the fog, he was unable to enter it.  He even hurled a Void Lightning but the spell just dissipated.

Mark tried following the border and found out that the forest clearing was about the size of a football field.  It was huge enough to build himself a two story Villa.  He was thinking of making the 1st floor his storage area and this floor to be his home, since it was incredibly beautiful. 

Mark then proceeded to take a picture in all angles and all corner of the forest clearing as well some extensive video.  He was planning to give to a team of architecture designer so they could design a beautiful house for him.  He would also asked them to list all the materials that he would need in detail so he could purchase them and start building his dream villa in a forest paradise.

After a few more minutes of quiet contemplation by the spring, Mark went back home.  After showering, he went and prepared himself a nice lunch and while he was eating, he was planning in his head the list of what he wanted to do next.  First, contact an architectural design company for the design of the villa.  Second, plan on how to invite Sam and his online gamer friends for dungeon diving.  Third, his world wide vacation.  Once he was done with his lunch, Mark went to the garage to test something out.  When he got there, he put his car into his Inventory and he was able to.  Looking at his Inventory, it seemed like he could fit at least four more cars there.  That means that he had a big enough Inventory for now to serve his purposes.  He promptly made a copy of his Lamborghini then put the replica back to the garage.  He then went back to the 1st floor of the dungeon and store the original car there after he performed an Inventory Item Restoration to it to restore it to its peak.  He thought of buying some gallons of fuel that he could store here and replicate as well.

Mark went to his office because he wanted to stay there when he called Manuel, the agent that was assigned to him by Donald Dren.  He wanted to use it at least a few times.  He laughed at the idea of himself having an office and thought that it was really grand to have money.  For a few seconds, he wished that his parents were there so he could share the joy of having wealth with them.  He would have loved to see his mother spending money buying Gucci Bag, Chanel Shoes and the likes and his father complaining how being extravagant his mother were.  And for one second, he thought that maybe when his level was high enough he would have a skill that could defy the heaven and bring his parents back and then that second passed.  He knew it was futile and his mother taught him better.

Mark called Manuel and asked if he could help him find an Architecture design company that could help him design a villa.  Manuel said that if its alright with him, after an hour, he would come by together with someone who could help him regarding this issue and he agreed.  He also asked Manuel something that he said would be a bit bothersome but Manuel just assured him anything would be fine.  He then asked Manuel to have several containers of gasoline for the Lamborghini at least enough for a full tank delivered at his house as well and Manuel agreed.

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