Delayed Transfer

Chapter 56

When Mark checked the time, it was still early.  It actually only took him around 2 hours to kill the boss and its minions.  He thought that it was shorter but was surprised at the length of time he spent.  Since there were only four items that he needed to Identify, he identified them.

The  first item that he identified was the sword and it said that it’s a Magic Iron Sword that added 5 to Strength with 30 to 35 damage and 50 durability.  The good thing was, it had a skill that could be used by anyone who equip the sword.  The skill was called “Cleave”.  The description of the Cleave skill said that activating it would hit all enemies in-front of the sword wielder with 100 physical damage.  It had 30 charges and one charge would be earned every 10 minutes.  It actually had no cooldown but the global cooldown of skill of  1 second. 

The second item was the staff.  When Mark identified it, it said that it was a Magic Iron Staff.  It added 5 to Intelligence with a 30 to 35 damage and 40 durability.  It also had a skill that the user can activate which was “Fire Ball”.  Its description said that activating it would hit all enemies in a 10 by 10 feet area of effect and it had a 70 feet range with 80 fire damage.  It had 30 charges earning 1 charge per 10 minutes.  Mark wondered why all the skills provided by the System didn’t have a cooldown just the 1 second global cooldown.  He just shrugged and said to himself that he shouldn’t question good things.  Any advantage that he could get was a way for him to survive.

The third item that dropped from the boss was a bow and when Mark identified it, it said that it was a Magic Iron Bow.  It gave 5 Dexterity to the holder and it has 30 to 35 damage and 40 durability.  It also had a skill called Triple Strafe and activating it would split a shot arrow into three hitting the enemy target with 30 physical damage per arrow.  It had 30 charges and also would also earn 1 charge every 10 minutes.

The last item was a ring.  When he identified it, it said that it was a Magic Iron Ring.  It gave 5 to Wisdom and had the skill Cure Wounds.  Activating it would heal the intended recipient of 20 HP.  It had 30 charges and also earned 1 charge for 10 minutes.

Mark thought that the items would basically allow him to form a very basic 5 man party including him, that would be able to tackle the first five level of the dungeon without so much danger.  And besides, he would actually be there and wouldn’t allow anyone to get killed.  He would do this for entertainment purposes only for him and his friends to enjoy dungeon diving.  He also decided that he would not give them armor items and let them equip the items that would drop from the enemies they killed.  He couldn’t wait to start adventuring with his friends.

After Identifying all of the items, Mark proceeded to check his System Interface to see what other things he earned from the boss and its minions.  He leveled up from level 42 to level 45.  The total stat points that he head earned was 13, 3 from leveling up and 10 from the glowing gem.  The skill points were 13 as well, 3 from level and 10 from the glowing gem that he got inside the treasure chest.  The third glowing gem was actually a skill called Comprehend Language.  He had thought about it.  When he transmigrate to the other world, he was sure that the people there would have their own language and it would be difficult for him to blend in at first because of the would be language barrier.  Even though this skill had a limitation, only allowing him to understand and speak any language but would not be able to read unknown languages.  It also had a duration of 1 hour per cast with a cast cost of 30 MP although once it expired, he could just cast it again.

The Comprehend Language skill would probably allow him to learn written skill much faster than normal since he already could understand the spoken words.  It would also help a lot once he started his vacation, not needing an interpreter anymore.

Since Mark had a remaining 2 stat points, the total stat points that he had right now was 15.  He decided to add 5 to Intelligence, bringing it up to 35 and increasing the damage multiplier to 7 then he added 10 to Wisdom bringing it up to 50 increasing his MP to 1000 and his MP regeneration to 25 MP every 5 minutes.  He kept the remaining 13 skill points because honestly, he didn’t know where to put it right now.  He thought that he would wait until he’s level 50 for the new skills before spending it. 

Mark thought of spending it on Void Teleportation first because maybe it would allow him to teleport great distances or maybe at a higher level he could create warp points or something that would allow him to instantaneously travel to different parts of the world but he stopped himself since he really didn’t want to use his first reset if he made a mistake.  He also thought of putting the points on the Earth Mage section since he actually did not have any offensive or support control skills from there and he thought maybe it would be useful in constructing his home as well but on the other hand, he actually was looking forward on constructing his home by using his hands and not just conjuring it using skills.

Mark also thought of starting on putting points on Rune Engineer so he could start learning how to craft things but then held off and decided to just start Rune Engineer at the latter part of the year.  He then remember the corpse of the evil creature that was dragged from Amanda Dren.  When he checked his Inventory, it was still there and because he was creeped out by it, he destroyed it immediately using Inventory Material Destruction.  It said that he earned a Death Gem.  When he identified it, it stated that it was used to enchant an item with death magic.

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