Lucifer's entrance into Kamar-Taj was nothing short of dramatic. He had never settled for the mundane, so why would he start now?

With wings wide unfurled, He stepped right through the mystic barrier as if it had never existed, directly emerging on the vast training square of the sanctuary.

Immediately, he was struck by the sight before him: hundreds of monks, their robes swishing in unison, practicing their forms with a fluidity that seemed almost psychic. Their movements were precise, each strike and block a clear show of countless hours of disciplined training.

It was only a matter of seconds before they detected his presence, and when they did, a palpable shift occurred.

The harmonious flow of their practice halted instantly, and the entire rank seemed to hold its breath as the disciples assumed a defensive stance, their eyes narrowing in wary focus. A sudden stillness replaced the previous rhythm and shouts of their training.

Lucifer met the scrutinizing gaze of close to three hundred eyes with a charming smile, similar to the one he spared for Trixie as if they were all little children who should be awed by his presence.

Cold, murderous gazes were all he got in return.

"Be at ease," a gentle, yet commanding feminine voice cut through the tension from behind the disciplined ranks.

The disciples' rigid posture softened as they parted, revealing the source of the voice. Lucifer's gaze fell upon her, and for a moment, he was entirely captivated.

The Ancient One stood before him, her presence serene and regal. She was slender and elegant, her eyes carrying a depth of wisdom that seemed to pierce through flesh. Her calm demeanor exuded an aura of unshakable confidence.

Lucifer's initial impression was one of intrigued astonishment. This woman, so seemingly delicate, held a presence that was paradoxically both unassuming and profoundly formidable. From one look, one could tell she was accustomed to both grace and control.

"You are not welcome here, Lucifer Morningstar."

Lucifer was momentarily caught off guard by the use of his name, but just as quickly, his calm demeanor was back. He was aware that the use of his name was meant to tell him that the Ancient One knew exactly who he was. But so did he—it was all fair play.

His lips curled into a sardonic smile. "Ah, I see. Well, I'm not here to trouble myself with welcomes. What I need is far simpler. I'm here for the Time Stone—or the Eye of Agamotto, as you call it" he streched his hands to elaborate. "Hand it over, and I'll be on my way."

The mention of the Eye of Agamotto ignited a chorus of angry shouts from the assembled disciples. Their collective fury was palpable, their stances tightening as if ready to spring into action. This was, after all, what they spent years being trained to protect, yet here was a stranger who had waltzed into the sanctuary and rudely asked for the sacred artifact.

Without even turning around, the Ancient One raised a hand. The noise abruptly ceased, and the disciples fell back into a tense silence.

"Samael, you have come a long way for nothing."

The Ancient One's calm voice carried a note of subtle menace as she spoke.

The name struck Lucifer like a physical blow. His eyes widened, a flicker of shock breaking through his otherwise composed facade. No one had called him by that name in centuries—no human dared. It was a name reserved for the dark corners of his past, a name that only his father had ever used. The insult seared through him, igniting a fury he hadn't felt in ages.

His eyes flared with burning embers, and for anyone who knew him, they would tell you this was the time to flee. Yet, as he looked at the slender woman before him, her serene expression remained untouched by fear. Her calm was almost tangible. His eyes met hers.

As if touched by an invisible hand, Lucifer felt a profound shift within himself. The seething anger that had clouded his vision began to dissipate, replaced by an unexpected sense of tranquility. His breathing evened out, his heartbeat slowed. The anger that had burned so fiercely within him was quelled by the calming force emanating from the Ancient One.

He stood there, momentarily disarmed, as the peacefulness that the Ancient One exuded seeped into his core.

Lucifer, now composed, looked at the bald woman with a mixture of reluctant respect and suppressed rage. "I see," he began, his voice softer but still carrying an edge, "you have a rather unique way of addressing..." He trailed off suddenly, just as he had planned.

Lucifer's façade of calm shattered in an instant as he disappeared from the training compound. Instantly, he had shed his physical body and assumed his angelic form.

Almost immediately, he found himself confronting an array of ancient magical barriers, each one more formidable than the last. His angelic form pushed through what could have instantly killed a mortal.

The sheer strength of the enchantments pushed back with an almost palpable force. These were no mere obstacles; they were ancient, complexly woven spells, brimming with arcane power that defied physics. Despite his near-nigh power, Lucifer felt each barrier's strain, the resistance pushing the limits of his celestial form.

But he was not just any powerful entity; he was the Firstborn of them, an archangel who had existed before the advent of magic itself. With a little more angelic touch, he shattered the final barrier, his essence penetrating through to his destination and reconstituting back to his mortal body.

"She is powerful, gotta give her that," he sighed, taking time to straighten his suit.

For a while, he began to doubt whether his fears were unfounded. The only reason he was after these stones was the belief that Thanos was capable of defeating all those who held them. But seeing what he had just faced, he had a feeling that the Mad Titan might have, after all, found himself greatly outmatched. He, however, discarded the thought.

The Ancient One might be powerful, but it was clear that the Time Stone was part of that power. If so, the Titan had two of the Infinity Stones and a whole horde of stupid minions willing to die for his cause. Suddenly, he wasn't so sure.

The place he had emerged into appeared to be a big library. The entire place was lined with huge shelves of books and scrolls that towered to the roof. Lucifer was not surprised to feel the deep aura of magic that covered this place. He had expected as much. His attention, however, was fixed on the object that lay before him.

The time stone rested on a pedestal less than four meters away. Its appearance was striking: a gem of deep green hue, set within a latticework of gold. The stone seemed to pulse with an inner light, its surface swirling with patterns that shifted and danced with an almost hypnotic grace. It was both beautiful and foreboding. Lucifer could almost see himself hunting for it—he, after all, was a collector in his own right. Such could not be said about the Titan.

Lucifer could feel the raw power exuding from the gem, and for a while, a sense of premonition fell on him. If Thanos lay his hands on this stone, then destruction would be inevitable—destruction to a place he had come to love. This had to be the one stone that would make the Titan unbeatable, because no matter how many times Thanos was defeated, as long as he had it, he could turn back time after a thousand defeats and still press his cause. Which is why he would not allow it.

With a calm and composed look, Lucifer took the first stride toward his goal.

"You shouldn't have come here, Samael."

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