Lucifer blitzed toward the massive spaceship, his mind focused on one objective: find and free Nebula. Two, actually. Coming here, his plans had rather focused on acquiring the Infinity Stones from Thanos, but he had had to reconsider that move.

He knew Thanos already had two Infinity Stones, and a direct confrontation would be unwise at this stage. True, the Titan had some reservations against wiping the population for fear of losing his adopted daughter, but Lucifer did not fancy testing that reservation. Pushing the Titan might trigger his draconian side. Besides, he now preferred another approach, one that would also give him a similar advantage as he would also have two stones, just like the Titan. That would even the confrontation that was bound to come.

It was not that he did not trust his abilities; if anything, since they had returned, he felt more powerful and more certain that his almost nigh powers could best the Titan. It was Gamora's story that made him choose caution over force. Thanos was passive for now, but if push came to shove, he would use the Power Stone to wipe not only half but everything...and that was a mistake he was not going to commit. There was a better way.

Approaching the ship, he noticed the hatch was already open, with Chitauri warriors pouring in and out. Perfect. This would make his entry easier. He was flying directly into the hatch, dodging and dancing through the attacks being directed at him. Most of Thanos' army had lost track of him as he had adjusted the reality around him to resemble the Chitauri. Now the best part of their efforts was being directed at the Avengers and their allies. Still, the entire skyline was chaotic with missiles, debris, and all manner of creatures flying around.

It was at this moment that something else happened to him. He was so much focused on evading the attacks and trying to reach the ship faster that he wasn't paying much attention to what was happening to himself. He was only conscious of thinking that it would have been faster had he been able to burn his way through when suddenly rings of the familiar hellfire stretched from around him, seemingly consuming all the barriers.

Lucifer was caught off guard. "What in the bloody hell," he cursed as he watched the flames extend further and fly ahead of him, incinerating everything in his path. He had never used it before, but then he recalled that it was part of his angelic power. Angels were, after all, self-actualizing, one of the traits that made them formidable.

To his relief, Lucifer found that the ship's hatch was big enough that even with wings fully unfurled, he was still able to enter with no trouble. Time was ticking. The Titan was caught in the thick of the battle against the humans, and it was this distraction that Lucifer was counting on to execute his mission unhindered.

Navigating the chaotic interior filled with smoke and debris, it was clear that the ship too had taken its fair share of the attacks. Still, it showed no sign of failing.

"Looks like a fine investment, Thanos," he muttered.

He readjusted his appearance to one that would make his task easier. He had fought the alien ballet dancer who had swapped her tutu for a spear, and he knew she had some kind of say in the Titan's Black Order. So to anyone he encountered within the ship, that is what they would see—they would see Proxima Midnight. In truth, he had just twisted reality to suit him. People, after all, see what they want to see.

He actually found himself enjoying this. It was becoming more fun than he expected. True enough, the few Chitauri minions that he encountered barely spared him a glance, and some even scrambled out of the way as they threw themselves out of the hatch directly to the death that awaited them below.

"Always so eager to demonstrate their unique talent for avoiding survival," he muttered as he headed toward the direction they were coming from. "That is probably the wisest thing anyone can do when dealing with the Chitauri—do the opposite of what they are doing," Lucifer thought. This time, though, it did not work that way.

The path he was following brought him to what looked like the ship's control room. On entering, he came face to face with what appeared to be yet another of Thanos' lieutenants. This one was unfamiliar to Lucifer.

The alien was an imposing figure. His skin was a sickly shade of gray, stretched tightly over angular features. A pair of dark, calculating eyes peered out from a face that was partially obscured by a hood. His posture was rigid, exuding an air of authority and menace. Metallic armor adorned his body, and an ornate staff was gripped tightly in his hand, indicating his high rank within Thanos' forces.

A quick scan of the place confirmed that Lucifer had indeed come to the right spot. The control room was filled with various screens and panels displaying the ship's internal and external surveillance feeds. From here, he could potentially locate where Nebula was being held. That was if he could find a way past the menace that now stared at him.

The Other turned and stared at Proxima Midnight in disgust. It became clear to Lucifer that these two, though they served the same master, definitely did not see eye to eye.

"Should you not be with your master, fighting? What brings you back?" The Other asked in a menacing voice.

Lucifer smiled inwardly. He could actually take that tone as a reason to start a fight already, but if tact worked, why not give it a chance? He realized he was not well-versed in how this race spoke and interacted with each other, so even the way he answered could potentially give him away. He chose to give it a chance.

"What business of yours is that? Fetch the woman. Master wants her with him," Lucifer answered in an equally icy voice. He knew that the alien would hear it in the voice of the person he thought he was speaking to.

The Other threw him a scrutinizing look, as if gauging the extent of the truth in his words. It was clear The Other felt insulted to be ordered around by Proxima Midnight.

"I shall do no such thing," The Other replied disdainfully. "It was the master's clear instruction not to let the woman out at any cost."

The Other ignored him and went back to monitoring the footage while mumbling, "I have to keep moving the ship. If it gets blown, all my army is dead...and you will bear the blame," he cursed as he went back to playing with the console.

Lucifer felt his patience crashing. The Other's dismissive attitude and blatant disrespect were pushing him toward the edge. Lucifer took a step forward, his eyes narrowing as he tried to maintain his composure. He could feel the simmering heat of his angelic powers threatening to surface, and he knew he had to control his temper if he wanted to avoid a direct confrontation.

"You dare defy a direct command from him?" Lucifer hissed, infusing his voice with as much authority and menace as he could muster. "The master is in the thick of battle, and your insolence could cost us everything. Fetch the woman, or I will make sure Thanos knows where the failure lies."

The Other paused, his fingers hovering over the control panel. He glanced at Lucifer, clearly torn between his orders and the fear of retribution.

Finally, The Other seemed to come to a decision. "I shall ask him myself," he said, suddenly reaching for what looked like an alien communication device.

Lucifer decided that enough was enough. He could not afford to have Thanos rushing back here, and time was not on his side. In a swift and instantaneous move, Lucifer appeared behind The Other. With a quick snap of his neck, the Chitauri commander lay dead on the floor.

"You shall do no such thing," Lucifer said coldly, while his eyes scanned the surveillance screens.

"Let's see where they're keeping you, Nebula," he muttered, his fingers flying over the controls.

The monitors displayed various parts of the ship, each filled with the chaotic frenzy of battle and maintenance. Lucifer's gaze darted from screen to screen until he finally spotted her. Immediately, he could tell it was Nebula. The woman was chained in a dimly lit cell on the lower deck.

"Bingo!" he exclaimed as he bent and retrieved what he was certain was a key card from the dead alien. He had seen that the doors of that cell would need one.

The door to Nebula's cell slid open, revealing her restrained and battered but still defiant. She looked up in surprise at the sight of Lucifer. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice strained but strong.

"Name's Lucifer," he replied, breaking her restraints with a touch of hellfire. He took a step back, smirking. "Your sister might kill me for this, but you look like hell. And I mean that as an expert."

Nebula's eyes narrowed slightly, but she nodded, her gaze hardening with determination. "He knows...he knows about the Soul Stone," she said, her voice shaking as she struggled to stand.

Lucifer quickly reached out to steady her. "Well, so does she, darling," he answered, his tone comforting but urgent. "She knows that he knows."

They exited the cell as the ship shuddered from a series of explosions. Lucifer realized Nebula's escape might have been detected.

"This way," he urged, leading Nebula through the chaos.

Navigating the labyrinthine corridors, they easily avoided the ship's automated defenses, with Lucifer using his various powers to clear their path. Finally, they reached the open hatch.

"Hold on tight," he told Nebula, grabbing her around the waist. He took the

 dive, bursting out of the ship just as it erupted in a series of massive explosions.

Nebula pulled away, taking a deep breath and fighting hard to stay on her feet. It was clear she had taken a toll.

"Thanks," she said, her voice a mix of relief and frustration. "But Thanos isn't going to stop."

Lucifer nodded, still catching his breath. "I know. But we've bought ourselves some time. Now, I need to get you to safety."

Just then, a familiar voice called out. "Lucifer!" It was Iron Man. Lucifer could see his barely contained anger. He knew Tony had always thought the best of him. It was he, after all, that had vouched for him to join them in the first place. However Personal feelings had to take the back seat for the moment.

"what's with you and abducting alien women" the iron man asked clearly struggling not to react at his own joke..

"what do you think" lucifer countered," it's a particular kink of mine."

the two paused for a while before Lucifer broke the tense moment.

"Hey...good thing you are here," Lucifer said in haste as he pointed to Nebula. "Keep her safe...you lose her, you lose the battle." He paused to see that Tony understood the underlying message. "It's bigger than you think," Lucifer finished. Stark nodded as he hovered towards the woman.

"Where are you going?" Iron Man asked as he landed next to Nebula.

Lucifer gave him the 'as- if- I- would- tell -you' look before recalling something. "Oh...and someone should blow up the ship...it is the only reason the Chitauri are alive." And with that, he turned and disappeared.


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