Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 53: An outing around town


So, for those who were wondering, 6 chapters till you get what you want with another soon after that and I have also uploaded another at chapter 82as I post this

Anyways, enjoy~♥


The group of five girls (Qin no longer bothering to hide in the shadows) walked out from the palace while the curious grey-hound couldn’t help pondering.

“So why are there images of ojou-sama?” <Qin>

Of course the wise tortoise couldn’t resist sharing her knowledge with the world.

“It’s because Violet Ojou-sama is strong of course~!” <Ashue>

“That… Is the most rational thing you’ve said in a long time…” <Slate>

“Wow, that feels weird, are you alright Slate-sama?” <Qin>

“Heh it just means she has finally recognised my genius ohohoho~!” <Ashue>

Although it really was the first time Ashue said something that had some basis of rational thinking, the shock displayed by Qin made her brow furrow. The follow up from the now smug tortoise only worsened Slate’s quickly souring mood which had the obvious end result. That being Slate’s hand flying across the back of both their heads thanks to her being the person in the centre between them as they followed behind the Tiguar & Oni pair.

As should be expected by now the young big cat was nervously looking around while the domineering oni dragged her along by her hand. They did try asking the oni before yet as one can imagine, without Onyx around, her growling at seemingly random while showing off her admittedly impressive muscles did nothing to help them understand. For as amazing as she was, Violet also wasn’t exactly easy to understand at the best of times since words were rare and full sentences were impossible.

Knowing that they had been beaten while not understanding the reasons for the very obvious signs of Demon God Empress worship the servants could only sigh. As they exited into the shining sun from above they were met with the smiling figure of the black haired prince Alic who was standing upon the path in front of the palace guards. From his gaze which was clearly following Violet closely it was very clear he was here for her.

The only reason he didn’t wait for her outside her room was rather simple. He couldn’t enter the palace even if he desired it - the {Palace of Immortals} was the home of one of the strongest humans who existed within all the realms. In truth, even if one wouldn’t expect it from the ‘opulent nature’ of those in charge, the power of the {Immortal Emperor Dong} was considered the strongest out of the four emperors. Which has led to them gaining the richest lands though not the most as the emperors represented the direction of their empire.

<Even I can’t enter this palace yet that stupid cat can? If it wasn’t for the yakuza’s deep foundation I doubt imperial father would so much as look at her as nothing more than a possible asset to increase his own power just like the rest of my sisters. No matter, I too want this connection so I can’t blame her for warming up to these monsters, originally I was planning to make the second sister my concubine. The young leader would of course be a far better choice though; especially since she should be easier to mould to my needs than that arrogant girl!>

With thoughts like those the prince came to stand in front of the group of girls with a ‘charming’ smile plastered on his face. Although he definitely wasn’t the most manly one couldn’t deny he perfectly knew how to make use of his charms as a prince. Holding his hand in his fist he greeted though refused to bow in order to show his power over the oni as she approached.

“Greets young leader of the {Little Hannya Family}, I was th-*Guh*!?” <Prince Alic>

Despite his ‘best efforts’ Violet didn’t even entertain him with a punch as she literally just walked into the man causing him to be majorly shocked. Still he could only become more surprised as the tiny oni’s calm walk managed to shove him out the way upon his ass with a *thump*. Worse still she didn’t even look back while her servants didn’t so much as give him a glance as they seemed too busy discussing something beyond him.

Grinding his teeth he turned back to the guards in front of him who stood guarding the palace as he quickly wished to yell out. Yet before he could have his words leave his mouth he saw they eyes of the guards which made him silently shake with fear. Unlike the emotionless husks or dutiful loyalists one would expect from the emperor’s guards these were… Cruel.

Even with his status as the favoured prince the gaze they gave him when seeing him suffer was one of sheer malevolent joy. As if seeing someone ‘like him’ suffering was their favourite hobby while waiting for him to complain so they could teach him a lesson themselves. Worse yet was the fact he saw the look they gave to the oni - one of sheer respect on the point of fanaticism.

Seeing such a reaction he initially thought they just respected her position as the young leader of one of the oldest organisations within this realm if not the oldest. Despite that they would surely be more respectful of their prince yet here he was being looked down upon by some door guards who did nothing but stand around. This was only made more menacing by their uniforms and weapons that went against the usual appearance.

Each had [Accursed Blood Ocean Obsidian Halberd], which was a rare material that could only be obtained from around the thermal vents in the {Accursed Blood Ocean}, It formed due the the unique nature of being bathed in the blood from aeons of bloody fighting that was filled with the curses of those whose blood makes up the ocean.. As time went on the blood leaked to the bottom of the realm creating an ocean of blood from all sorts making it a holy ground for demonic beings. It didn’t take a genius to figure out which realm that place is which of made the rock material yet also made each a demonic weapon without the need of sacrificing vast amounts of sin/spirit to create. Demonic weapons each greatly enhanced the users ability, many even having their own unique abilities, though at the cost of taxing the users mind and possible body with their demonic qi.

Regardless of price or requirements each of the guards proudly displayed their weapons with seemingly no regard for the dangerous nature of the weapons. Their actual uniforms were black with a silver trim though they were just the lowest rank of the guards from the palace. The captains had a golden trim around their gear and the most elites that guard the inner most sections have a crimson trim; only the emperor himself being allowed the black with purple trim.

The prince had no knowledge about this though as one of the guards with a sadistic grin that revealed his cananes spoke down to him.

“It seems you fell down; it’s a good thing we don’t need to rely on trash like you to keep our nation up or you’ll buckle under the breeze.” <Immortal Palace Guard>

“*Snort* Don’t bother with him. It will only sully our names if we associate with the trash not even aware of their real role in life as well as the great empire. You know captain won’t accept any more mistakes like with that nosy maid who discovered more than she should; it would be a pain to cover up the death of a prince as dumb as he is.” <Immortal Palace Guard>

Despite the second one's response his expression was only mpre sadistic than the first even if it contained noticeable signs of disgust. In spite of his words it was clear he had clearly hinted to some plan the emperor wanted to keep hidden so prince Alic had no intention to quip at their petty insults. Only crawling backwards with a cold sweat before soon turning around to sprint away as fast as he could - surpassing the group of girls who paid no mind to all that.

“Hm~? Why is that suicidal prince running… Could he want a race? I love races!” <Qin>

That response was met by another slap on the back of her head.

“Ugh…” <Qin>

“He probably tried to order around those guards to do something for him. Though I think that’s an absolutely dumb move since they feel more threatening than any of the cultivators I’ve seen before… Well outside the palace at least they are.” <Slate>

Saying that the ever wise Ashue slowly stroked her chin before speaking.

“Well personally I think that purple haired girl Violet Ojou-sama met outside that pagoda was far more dangerous - though it may be because my bloodline makes me more sen-” <Ashue>

“She wasn’t a cultivator you dumbass - obviously she’s stronger than those mere guards though since Ojou-sama gave her a response!” <Slate>

Slate of course slapped the back of her head as well yet that had little effect on the sturdy woman other than working as an off switch for her nonsense. Meanwhile Qin already ran ahead to look towards the trembling cat. If anyone saw the fearsome hybrid big cat trying to avoid the grey-hound who can say what their reaction would be.

“Say; do you know how those nifty guards got those weapons? They seem scary!” <Qin>

“N-no I’m as confused as you all are nya… I’ve only seen I-Imperial father a c-couple times within the p-palace of the w-world w-when he requested nya.” <Princess Kitty>

With the disappointed dog letting out a soft whine they continued on out of the palace with anyone that tried to stop them being literally walked over by Violet. Upon walking out the already bustling imperial land they were met with so many people walking around the streets that the area behind them may as well have been empty. That meant little with Violet bulldozing through the crowd of course.

It seemed like nothing could stop her until Kitty lifted her head up to sniff the air with saliva leaking from the side of her lips as she found her gaze drifting to a three story restaurant.

Seeing that Violet tilted her head.

“Want?” <Violet>

Kitty unconsciously walked into Violet’s back causing her to yelp however hearing that bell-like voice calmed her down a little.

“I-it does smell nice so maybe it wouldn’t be bad to have some nya…” <Princess Kitty>

Little did Princess Kitty realise she was about to learn the true meaning of one of the most popular sayings past down in the {Demon Realm}…

The truly powerful don’t order, they demand and they don’t demand a little, they demand it all!

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