Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 52: Not everyone who wins wins


Seems to be some interest in new chapters focusing on the side characters which is a first; though I must also point out that we're over 28 chapters ahead... I'll write something up about them either this or next patreon chapter though!

Anyway, thanks~♥


Princess Kitty felt the sheets resting upon her supple skin while feeling the heat from something even softer than the sheets.

The only thing that was troubling was the fact she couldn’t actually breath due to having her face shoved between a pair of malleable yet pleasant feeling marshmallows. Feeling stuffy she opened her eyes yet all she was was the crystal like flesh that entrapped her face preventing her from seeing the light of day. Any attempts to pull herself free resulted in her feeling the restraints wrapped around her becoming very clear as they refused to give even an inch.

Although she certainly wasn’t ready to die - pushing against the squishy pillows with her hands she didn’t realise had reappeared - Kitty oddly felt calm. In fact it could even be said she was truly content with her life at this moment. She couldn’t even help take a deep breath where a flowery scent filled her nose making her muscles relax with no chance of her breath going panicked as you would assume from someone having their face smothered.

Luckily it just so happened to be 6 hours & 66 minutes since they went to bed as the restraints on her loosened allowing her to pull back only to realise what was really happening. Meeting face to face with the beautiful purple-haired oni who had awakened her hidden bloodlines allowing her to feel more powerful than she ever had. Also the same person that had quite the terrifying ‘impression’.

Those beautiful focusless peered into her own, causing the scaredy cat to freeze up while getting lost in those powerful eyes, certainly distracted her from the strange situation. That was until she felt a cold draft across her back bringing her back to the world around only to finally notice that not only was she humanoid again… She was naked and so was the oni!

Seeing that Kitty couldn’t help but yell out a yelp while seeking to push away from the other girl yet it seemed her qi also rose up to accomplish her goal. She could feel it pouring out her hands as she pressed against the other girl making her terrified - it wasn’t as if she hated the girl she just was surprised so reacted instinctively to get some distance. Already in her head she was begging for forgiveness as she knew she couldn’t hold back as her powerful qi exited her body in the form of a pure white yin qi.

Even before awakening her bloodline she had already known her qi was like a potent poison with her being complimented for her powerful pure snow yin qi. Mind you the reason for this was her accidentally scratching a maid who was pulling on her hair resulting in them dying from freezing due to the poisoning from yin qi - resulting in her being beaten till the pretty maid’s admirers were caught thus sentenced to death by duke Duke. Images of the same thing happening to the oni in front of her…

Was something she just couldn’t picture..

She thought that it would happen yet for some reason the very concept of the oni in front of her dying just couldn’t come. Not even suffering from the poison was a thing her imagination could formulate which in turn made a cold sweat run down her back. For some reason thinking such things appeared like a sin; as if imagining this girl in front of her being anything but absolute was a grievous sin her mind simply wouldn’t allow.

Other than meeting they shouldn’t have any connection…

Still she didn’t get much time to dwell on such thoughts as her palms slammed into the chest of the oni. Since it was her own qi - with her now being foundation formation - she could actively feel the qi crash into the girl's flesh. From that the oni slowly looked down on the two palms pressing against her chest before looking slowly back up to Kitty who was now crying.

“Breezy…” <Violet>

“W-what…?” <Kitty>

The oni didn’t even shiver nor stumble at the ‘powerful’ blow that Kitty delivered to her body making the kitten obviously quite confused at the strange situation. Was it the case that her bloodline may have not only reduced her control but over all power making everything seem stronger despite being weaker? Violet of course offered no words of wisdom however as she rose from the bed without any wasted movement as she walked over to the desk.

There was already a book as well as charcoal pencil ready for her at the desk as she climbed up upon the nearby chair. Without so much as a pause she wrote something on the front of the table then continued to draw in the following pages - her attention strangely focused while something made Kitty strongly believe she shouldn’t stop the girl. If she did something bad may happen to her, she knew this because her bloodline told her but the question was which bloodline wanted her to be so careful around this girl.

So Violet was left to peacefully write her [Primordial Demon Treatise to the Cultivation of the Demonic Dao by Violet L. Shuten - Third Child of Indigo]. A manual which would become the third and most legendary text for demonic cultivators. As one can imagine the very concept of a demonic cultivator is a process that seems to have no single right way like how body & qi cultivation clearly do though as a result makes little progress without interference from the demons themselves. One thing that is known about it for sure is that the source of it all is Violet.

First of the legendary being her first diary which she wrote when becoming ‘{Demon God Empress}’ which began the concept of demonic cultivators. It was full of nothing but abstract meaningless words with random pictures that appear to be drawn by a child yet by reading this the mortals achieved demonic cultivation. Although the demonic arts made mortals powerful they just made the body & soul stronger than that of a regular cultivator while giving their qi demonic enhancement. Though the horrid side effect was mutations based on which method was used.

That book was strangely found on the body of the first {Heavenly Demon Jeeves}.

The second legendary manual was a battle record from the beings which would later become the demon gods and allowed for far greater pushes into the demonic way. With an accurate recording of their own arts as well as sightings of demonic incursions over the years it slowly became possible to create Demonic Arts. Of course the Demonic Cultivation Techniques also improved greatly just from having access to demons.

Yet it also led to the development of Evil Cultivation Techniques & Arts which used one's spirit converted into ‘sin’ through misdeeds; a rather interesting situation honestly. It also led to the phenomena of ‘demonic & evil cults’ which truly worshipped Violet’s demons which in return got blessed similarly to how other powerful beings bless their followers… But demonically?

Interesting and somewhat suitable since the Demon Realm is just about the only place where an angel can be seen…

Well except that archangel of life.


In a sub-realm with no sky that was sealed far under the surface level in the very depths of the deepest seas was a single figure. They looked like a shinto priest yet they were overall quite androgynus which wasn’t helped by their medium length black hair and soft features - still it wasn’t as if anyone was around to judge them. In this entire world of theres they were the only one alive as the only thing that was around was the buried corpses caused from the two great wars in this {Primordial Graveyard}.

One can tell how chaotic the war was since many of the burial mounds had no name or identifier leaving them completely forgotten to the world. Despite that one could tell this place was well maintained with an ironic aura of life flowing throughout that allowed for plant life to prosper while being well cared for by their guardian. The guardian in question simply with a simple broom which they used to collect up the fallen leaves from the tree’s for use in mulch later.

Despite the monotony and loneliness that should be present it was quite clear the priest was content with their life. They certainly didn’t look old yet they had a divine aura which far surpassed that of most gods in Mother’s pantheon showing they were no mere priests - a warm smile while closed eyes also hinted at the beings origins. The original archangel of life created from Gaia in order to protect all life yet now finding purpose in taking care for the dead…

An ironic turn of events.

On their waist was a ‘sword’ which was more like a shattered piece of glass in the general shape of a katana. It hadn’t seen blood for a long time however since that meant the archangel also hadn't they were more than content all things considered. Unfortunately their peace was soon quelled as something felt… Wrong.

Even if they were an archangel of life that didn’t mean they had the obtuse spirit/qi that came from the venus bloodline so their own detection abilities weren’t passive. A quick sweep with their mana revealed something that made that smile vanish right from their face while their eyes shot open only to pour with a thick golden liquid. The liquid being very similar in nature to that which fills the veins of the Mothers!

The veins all over the beings body bulged with the golden blood while their skin began to fracture before exploding out. In the place of skin was what could only be called shards of glass which worked together to form the general shape of a human even as they shifted about. More of the golden blood filled in the void space between the shards as it dribble out from between the glass shards.

Their monstrously distorted voice that would cripple the mind of a mere mortal yelled out in a mixture of rage and horror.

“You won’t escape from me you foul sticky fingered undead imp - return my bodies and I may allow you to reincarnate within your despotic realm!” <Good Doctor>

“Zahahaha~!” <Imp>

With that being the only reply the figure the angel sensed seemingly vanished leaving the being unable to figure out who they were or give pursuit. It didn’t end there though since the crazy figure rammed their finger-like shards into their own cranium giving a maddening screech which made all the tree’s around begin to crack. Shards making their body moved around frantically showing their franticness.

Soon a gathering of crystal shards shot from the figures back to form six wings as they shot upwards with no plan other than to madly pursue any demons it finds. This of course was a dumb plan with how they were about to crash into the human realm which would offer them no actual demons. The result would only be a random slaughter which ironically many would consider closer to the work of a demon than a being at the peak of angelhood.

Such a lack of logic is what can be expected from an angel with a dead master though.

“Everything is going well, I knew that someone would break into this subspace if I gave an option but it being a demon couldn’t be any more convenient. I don't think that buffoon would even care if it was merely a weak imp. Though that Imp certainly was unusual…” <Munzumira>

That single line coming from the shadows under the tree.

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