Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 43: What is this? The third time already!


If anyone reads hero this may have some information you'll find interesting... Either way this shows the middle child of the indigo family you guys no doubt love!

Anyways enjoy~♥


Violet turned to storm out from the tent however when she got passed the section used as a dressing room she felt a familiar ‘shift’ in the space around her.

She didn’t panic as some would when separated from the outside world; she was more than used to situations like this. Some fools even used such methods in attempts to threaten her in the past yet that never ended well for them. Still she couldn’t help but be curious which idiot had dragged her into their Domain or Divine Realm however upon seeing the scene she was brought to she couldn’t help freeze for a moment.

All around were the derelict remains of various weapons, tools of punishment and strangest of all were the discarded items of clothing. That wasn’t to say it was ‘different types of clothing’ but rather all the things in question had a single thing in common - they were all designed with the intent to block one's sight. It wasn’t even limited to the current or past ages of technology as Violet recognised everything from a piece of rotted wood with stones upon the end to antimatter detonators which had long fallen into disrepair.

Under her feet she felt the shifting dust  showing this place to truly have lost all grandeur it once presented. Her head slowly turned away from the ground to look into the distance where many ruined buildings from several time periods and cultures laid littered around just like these instruments. Chief among them was a large scale which had lost one chalice resulting in it always being skewed - the sound sound coming from the constant storm above punishing the god in charge for losing their way… An ironically unjust situation for the owner.

Still despite its current state, a state which brought untold sadness to her who hadn’t seen this place in a long time, she recognised it for what it was.

“{Realm of Justice}? Alice and older sister have been looking for you….” <Violet>

“You know it’s strange~! Despite everyone always looking for the real me all the time, I have the odd feeling they don’t actually wish to sit down and discuss anything with me over a nice cup of Earl Grey. If I didn’t know any better I would say they don’t like me jehehehe~♪” <?>

From behind her stood a figure. Based on height looked about as old as herself while a tattered cloak was wrapped around his neck to below in the wind while hiding his form and based on her being this age was in order to go under the radar due to the birth of a hero… She was sure his own physical age was also very much on purpose.

If anyone was an expert in hiding it would be the {True Rogue} afterall.

Still it was hardly as if one could recognise him as one side of his face softened to look down on her with a kindness only found in an older sibling while the other shared something in common with her own older sister. That entire side of his face had a permanent pained sorrow etched upon it for all of time - his half navy half indigo hair also proving his true identity. Though unlike the ‘wild appeared’ many associated with him he actually carefully pulled a comb through his combed back hair which still had the two colours perfectly parted down the centre. Unlike the many ‘undead copies’ this person behind her obviously put a lot of care into his appearance, all things considered.

He was a being known by all seen by few, the last pillar which many either feared and a creature that was neither heavenly or demonic. In some ways he was the representation of all the mistakes Violet’s ‘friends’ had made - the last beacon of ‘the old world’ which was left in the {Mortal Realm} which had long moved on.

The {Heavenly Demon}.

“Why are you here…” <Violet>

Meeting this person she hadn’t seen since the second great war, a time when she wasn’t even in her right mind, she couldn’t help but become more talkative. Usually she didn’t talk because she neither felt the need nor wanted to talk. Here she had all the need as well as want.

Knowing this he couldn’t help but chuckle softly while the comb seemingly made from black rocks with molten red veins slowly decayed into dust like all things eventually will. Beyond being dust it turned back into a state of pure energy; the end for all mortal items. Letting his arms fall to his sides they quickly vanished under his billowing cloak as she spoke in the same joking tone as always.

“Well I was planning to open all the gates to both the {Demon Realm} and {Heavenly Realm} thus making your {Demon God Armageddon} to Jizzum. As you do, y’know~? Yet when I finally saw you again I couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed in our helicopter par- sister for what she’s left you little Bud~♪” <Heavenly Demon>

“Why here?” <Violet>

“Oh you meant literally? Well it’s you, with the whole I am absolute but in 10 words or less thing going on, I should have expected that…” <Heavenly Demon>

The man tilted his head a bit to silently look at Violet as he titled forward to have his head rest just above her head; softly taking in her scent.

“I was planning to ‘tactically borrow’ some of your qi and aura in order to bait out the demons from the {Demon Realm} and those [Yang Undead] from the {HEavenly Realm}. Considering you fucking murdered them all those old bastards should get really roudy upon sensing you about little Bud. Although most of them are even dumber than when they were alive - difficult to believe I know - since they’re all ‘you are courting death!’ when they were alive I doubt they’d suddenly be smart enough not to charge at the person who killed them~♪ Oh, I also already took advantage of Dory being gone to ‘precure by chance’ her keys!” <Heavenly Demon>

His tone of voice adapting made the whole thing quite humour which brought an amused smile upon her face; a sudden thought crossed her mind.

“Why not joi-” <Violet>

“I’m not going to the {Demon Realm} little Bud… I’m not him. Although I’m certainly higher spec than those undead berserkers they are still something I produced from the flakes of my fractured soul. Their insane desire to end it all is true; I’m not going to play games with big L’s infamous Scaleless cunt like you and older sister do.” <Heavenly Demon>

Those words caused Violet to quiver and clutch her chest with a quivering lip as she turned to look at the ground. Her shoulders lowered while her large eyes teared up slightly; still she didn’t argue with the boy since his answer was an obvious one. She should have known he would hate the idea of leaving his realms as the joke they currently were - only lasting due to last minute patches made by them on top of his suffering.

Although the undead may do it out of a sense of unending suffering there was also more which he couldn’t help despise.

“Let me ask you little Bud… What are you even doing, what is your goal? If you really want to protect the oni, why are you pussy footing around and why haven’t you done anything before in all the aeons you’ve left them alone? Are you so respectful as to follow some stupid rule about staying put when you finally arrive in the {Mortal Realm}...” <Heavenly Demon>

“I-” <Violet>

“You're growing weak.” <Heavenly Demon>

That shook her yet she ground her teeth as her dominating aura flooded out making a cold sweat form on the boy. He didn’t step back but just grinned. Lifting his right hand up to cover his constant throw would have a black stone like skull with crimson cracks inked upon the back of his hand. But despite being 'nothing but rock’  it seemed filled with malicious glee.

“Not weak!” <Violet>

To Violet that was the greatest insult that she wouldn’t allow anyone to throw at her even if he was her older brother!

The middle child didn’t take her words to heart as he continued on.

“Then I hope you won’t falter in the future little Bu- no, little Flower. You need to think about what you want to do in this world before you do anything else. Remember before anything else you are an Indigo just like me, the amazing (name drop) Navy Indigo. Means you can’t go around showing weakness to every tom dick and jona - especially to those we considered to be allies in the past. The members of Stratos made a move; that includes the tentacle hentai loli-monster-thing so don’t let your guard down… Now, I’ve stole what I needed while we were talking, so I’ll be heading out now jehehehe~♪” <Heavenly Demon>

As quickly as the scene had appeared before her it began to all crumble into dust which she took as a que to turn around to finally see the boy. She did try to meet his eyes but found that he was actually wearing a pair of thick black framed glasses with swirled glass and a big red nose with a handlebar moustache under it. Seeing that she couldn’t help burst out in cute laughter causing him to frown with a pout.

“What? I’m a famous rogue known for his dashing good looks - only make sense I would need a disguise so nobody would recognise me! Before I leave you don’t need to worry about how long our little chat took… I judged that it didn’t even last a second~♪” <Navy>

Violet nodded while taking in his form so even if he never appeared in front of her again she would at least be able to look back to his current appearance. Imagining he was doing well despite the harsh conditions he’s grown used to. Still it didn’t last long as he seemed to fade into the background while the Divine Realm vanished to leave her back in her tent.

“Are we leaving Ojou-sama?” <Qin>

She didn’t reply for a second since she couldn’t help but think things really had been happening quite abruptly lately… Still she soon nodded her head. Beginning to walk towards something she hadn’t dealt with in a long time.

Noble stupility.

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