Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 42: Mission accepted


So many answers to questions nobody answered~!

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The powerful {Sovereign of Storms} slowly turned to look at Ebony; even if she didn’t intend it the mere pressure of that gaze was enough to suffocate any regular person.

Ebony of course could feel those two eyes resting upon her - even if only one was visible - but who was Ebony? She wasn’t about to crumble upon being merely gazed at. Afterall she wasn’t just some ‘regular person’ but the leader of the famed {Little Hannya Family} who ruled over the infamous {Asura Yakuza} who then ruled over the other yakuza families!

On top of that she was also the first Oni who had managed to become Kijin in a while. While that certainly didn’t mean she was the toughest oni in existence (she knew her race had their old monsters with Ruby being on the forefront of that) she was no weak Low tier God. Still the person staring at her said nothing for a solid second - seemingly deep in thought.

When she finally opened her mouth.

“Vagina.” <Sohn-Tochter>

With that single word the entire place got far more tense since nobody actually expected an actual answer, not even Ebony didn’t even if she was aware. Even her own knights couldn’t help but turn their heads slightly since they knew it wasn’t a joke for a fact - their queen was renowned for sending slurs towards her own family upon mention of marriage. If anyone was known for ‘going against expectations’ in the higher rungs of society it was certainly her.

The mumbles of the surrounding yakuza made it clear they weren’t knowledgeable about high society; at least not the highest level of high society. These were people of the mortal realm so they focused their pursuits on the mortal pursuits; only the {Little Hannya Family} as well as their elders ever received information about any powers above the {Orthodox Alliance}. To make matters worse the oni weren’t exactly the ‘sit there and read report’ type so unless they directly went to any events, which they didn’t since it was ‘all politics’ they knew little.

They were already allied with the {Imperial Phoenix Family} (thus also the [Three Legged Golden Crow] who served the Phoenix) and {Water Dragon Clan} so it didn’t matter to them who ended up marrying who. More worth their time focusing on the equally complicated world of mortals since that’s where they lived and made their money. Since that was the case they came to the same conclusion most had until recently; that Sohn-Tochter Zhu was together with Photon Stratos.

Though that was brought into question when Sohn-Tochter ended up nearly murdering a possible heir of the {Qian Family} after he captured and raped a girl she was interested in. She certainly didn’t fail from a lack of trying from the reported damage to the {Qian Family}’s strength with several Spirit Elders and even a Nascent Soul cultivator dying.

“So how did that bastard from the Qian family not get his ass fried?” <Ebony>

“Oi, lang-” <Wine>

“Violet isn’t even here you decrepit hag!” <Ebony>

Apparently the two of them weren’t feeling as on edge as the other people in the camp since they didn’t even seem to care about bringing up a touchy subject. Luckily Sohn-Tochter didn’t seem to care much since her expression didn’t change… Then again it never did.

“The fodder managed to buy a second thus allowing the fool to escape from my grasp; then they must have used a [Heaven Evading Stone] since I can’t detect him. I’ll get my target in time though whether they know it or not. In fact they’ll probably give me the fool themselves if they want to have more than him as a possible heir…” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Oh, how come?” <Wine>

“They can only have so many [Heaven Evading Stones] while I have as many storms as I desire; it’s simply math at this point.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Huh, makes sense.” <Wine>

In the end, despite their leader & granny’s valid attempts, there continued to be an awkward silence filled with tension. Additionally any attempts to get the knights attention from the more courageous yakuza was met with stoicness. Even if they were visiting allies they were still proud knights so could hardly talk when they should be guarding.

There was one more person not affected yet the mischievous {True God} just watched while letting out the occasional chuckle of amusement. As if she only just noticed Mother was there the regal Queen turned her gaze towards her. Of course Mother was less caring for that stern gaze since her gaze was far more terrifying; the natural pressure exuded from someone with the blood of Leviathan simply couldn’t be understated.

“What are you doing here, Scaleless? This is clearly not your territory nor is it on the waters which no one can overpower you in - if I was you I would remain where you belong. If not, I may need to remind you of the obvious fact you're not uncontested.” <Sohn-Tochter>

“Hohoho~ very scary but I’m not here to start a fight with you, as enjoyable as I would find that, I’m more worried about what Munzumira will have planned for this place. I can’t find the real living body of Jeeves so he either hasn’t made any moves or discovered a way to cross the borders which isn’t unlikely considering his strength… Just concerning. Though his relationship with Munzumira has been strained with the living body, that is more terrifying than the two holding each other back.

Not to mention it’s been awhile since any of us has actually faced that monster while as you know Photon was injured by an unknown poison. If I had to guess that Kaiser likely used uncle Tyrant's natural greed to buy some of their poison; a poison that turns someone into something so gaudy while being that effective couldn’t come from anyone else. Your flames managed to stop it before it spread past his legs but until he’s fully healed we don’t have our perfect counter should he try something with more than just his undead.” <Mother>

“True - just Jeeves alone being so actively avoiding detection is worrying. On top of that Munzumira is probably excited that things aren’t going her well; on top of that you have me arguing with her on top of Violet being weakened. I also sensed the {Qian Family} & {Absolute Divine Truth Sect} leaders had aspects of the {Spirit World} upon them showing they’ve recently interacted with someone from the {Spirit World}- with that it’s fairly obvious that this whole war may be her fault.” <Sohn-Totcher>

“I didn’t know that… That does make things a bit more problematic, hohoho~.” <Mother>

Sohn-Tochter just nodded to Mother while mother had the same kind motherly smile upon her face  and Sohn-Tocther was stoic as always.

Honestly, it was hard to understand just how serious they were considering one showed no emotions while the other just seemed like a slightly worried mother. It did make all the knowledgeable {Female Executives} frown since they knew enough about the threats of the world to know what the two meant. Even Ebony & Wine couldn’t help but frown at the realisation that forces above them may be intervening.

“And we sent the {Asura Ancestors} as well as the Demon Gods away like bloody idiots - leaving ourselves wide open except for me and Wine…” <Ebony>

“Mmm~ if Ruby was about things it would be less problematic since that one can certainly put up a good fight but as things stand… Well it’s not a hopeless situation since I’m still here so Munzumira won’t be able to act directly. It may just be us overcomplicating this matter since someone as selfish as those two would have either contacted demons or spirits eventually if they didn’t already.” <Mother>

“Hmm… True and I doubt they could summon anything I can’t handle since the stronger spirits are basically impossible to summon in strength.” <Ebony>

Meanwhile in the tent Violet was currently wearing a beautiful one piece dress that was open at the back to show her surprisingly dainty back. Coming down from the waist a skirt hung around her knees where she would be wearing two sandals with her nails painted a nice purple. From the shoulders - which had blue plate-like draconic scales which went down the top of her upper arms - came two long sleeves. Around her waist and chest were more of the high quality draconic scales.

Of course the most noticeable part of the entire outfit was the rainbow ends of the otherwise blue dress. It wasn’t a static rainbow either as the colours constantly changed like some rainbow borealis located upon the dress - one didn’t need to know the materials used to make it in order to tell how high quality it was. The people watching Violet twirl around in front of a mirror couldn’t help but wonder what the dress would be ranked by an expert.

“So the rainbow comes from some [Vermillion Phoenix] but what type of sub-dragon was used in it… Then again it’s probably from an actual dragon since it’s her. We Oni practically grew up with stories of the {The Three Dragon Slayers} as a fairytale.” <Slate>

“So did we but it was more like a boogeyman for us since I have dragon and turtle bloodlines inside me~. I can tell at the very least it’s from a very strong dr-” <Ashue>

“Not a dragon.” <Violet>

Violet turned around to look towards her advisors and Shadow Guard with a clear frown on her face as she crossed her arms with pouted lips and puffed up cheeks. With that statement Ashue just nodded while hitting her palm as if she realised something.Though it did cause the other two to tilt their heads; afterall it was confirmed by the only one with dragon blood between them that it was a very strong draconic bloodline so what could it be other than a dragon?

Qin decided to turn towards Ashue.

“Then what is it if not a dragon?” <Qin>

“No clue~!” <Ashue>

“And no ducking surprise…” <Slate>

With that the two instead turned to Violet who was holding the edges of her dress as she cutely tilted her hips around, spinning on her toes and generally being cute in the mirror which honestly dwarfed her small size. It was perhaps rather odd that the dress fit her every curve perfectly though it also brought to light one more thing… Such an expensive dress was bought for someone going through a growth spurt would have to be the biggest waste of money ever.

“Ojou-sama… What creatures are used to make up the dress?” <Slate>

Upon being questioned she stopped playing about in the mirror for a second with another little pout.

“No creature.” <Violet>

“Ah, I see~!” <Ashue>

Everyone ignored Ashue.

“Then..?” <Slate>

“Big sister.” <Violet>

“Not who gave it to you Ojou-sama but what was used to make it.” <Slate>

To that Violet pout turned into a frown accompanied with the sound of grinding fangs as she turned to look at Slate with a gaze that made the mature oni shiver.

“Big sister.” <Violet>

“Y-yes!” <Slate>

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