Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 35: A Jingye Dai for the road part 2

It didn’t actually take much time to reach their destination and the Oni probably could have reached this place in a second if not being forced to push her along while also literally dragging the core-disciple. He had woken up at some point however since his vile comments were met with a foot pushing his head into murky water he stopped. Where they went was the ex-base of a rather powerful medium sized sect - they were on the cusp of being a large sect while having a rich history leading to them being chosen to ‘lead the charge’ despite their disgusting beliefs of human supremacy as if humans weren’t just another mortal race. This point is vividly proven with the strong walls they were so proud of being blown apart so their enemies could more easily walk in and out after capturing the area. She couldn’t help smiling as she saw how little worry the Oni put into their enemies' possible counter attack… She herself knew it would take ages for the alliance to take an offensive stance now.

The larger sects want to wait for more information on their enemies while those smaller sects don’t want to attack without support in case they become the next Oni forwarding camp. Moral overall was low as the slaves of the sects were forced to work nigh and day to increase defences in the sect while disciple were like needy children sick of doing nothing. In contrast the supposed ‘beasts’ were happily working together with their mortal servants - the heavy lifting was actually done by the strong as they lugged around the lumber from a tree that appeared to have been dropped on the ex-human base. All the while she saw the occasional pregnant human or beast-kin passionately rubbing themselves on the hardworking men. Giggling as high worth [Spirit Stones] casually were inserted down their privates despite these women being far too strong to come from a lowly brothel. There appeared no arrogance or unwillingness to do ‘unfitting jobs’ nor was there any apparent anger when what were usually disgraceful acts were done as long as there was no malicious intent.

Paying them so much was simply a compliment.

<What was that line from Shuten Doji? Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win… It seems even to today he’s influencing his race for the best. Or was that line from his daughter the {Demon God Empress}?>

She may hate overarching concepts like war however she knew how to appreciate classic literature as there was often advice that could be applied to more of life. That line for example could be said to be a great model for challenging any problem which required a solid team to conquer. Couldn’t make a nice flower arrangement if everyone felt the work was pointless afterall.

Soon another {Female Executive} approached but surprisingly it was one of the few she knew about from the outside world's knowledge!

<That is {Quartz the Shadow Master} isn’t it?! She’s an infamous assassin who was renowned for threatening one of the strongest people in the {Mortal Realm}, {Immortal Emperor of the East}, with the severed head of a concubine in the middle of court. That isn’t her only exploit however for obvious reasons it’s her most well known. People who were smart enough knew she was likely a Yakuza assassin but to think… No, it makes perfect sense she’s part of the {Assura Yakuza} since which other organisation would dare threaten one of {The Four Cardinal Immortal Emperors}?>

Indeed that very same Quartz stood in front of Jingye Dai though her veil was pulled aside so her face was clear in all it’s cold mature beauty. The only reason she recognised her was due to the gem of the same name put into the veil - a signature of the {Female Executives}. It wasn’t as if her name was told to the world but since her outfit had those rocks embedded within people called them by it… Thinking that she was an oni it suddenly made full sense.

“So her name really was Quartz and we were lucky enough to guess?” <Jingye Dai>

Quartz originally looked down on the man who was quite muddy by now with her cold eyes that suited a trained killer like her. She spent little time on him before looking towards the little violet oni with a small but noticeable nod; this seemed to contain hidden meaning as the girl began to clap her hands happily with a bell-like giggle. The violet haired girl then dragged the core-disciple into an area where nobody else appeared to be while the onyx priestess proceeded to talk to Quartz.

Yet as soon as Jingye Dai looked over to the area Violet headed, with her ability to sense life in all its forms, what she saw was akin to someone looking at the light finally observing the wonders contained within the night sky. She almost felt like crying upon seeing the vast beauty in front of her. Hovering a bit above the ground were dozens of large concentrated ‘blobs’ of vitality/life. Whatever it was there was a lot of it while seeming stored in some malleable vessel. None of the vessels seemed to be fully round despite differences between them while that pure life essence seemed to slosh around as their vessels occasionally seemed to quiver as the essence slowly formed into something new. She was unsure of what was happening but it appeared beautiful to her eyes as she gently bit her lip while her gaze shifted off to the side of the vessels to see something more.

While those concentrated blobs gained her attention, what she saw beside them gained her devotion due to the beauty. It appeared to be some sort of twin orbs which deformed as they rested upon the ground - life & vitality overflowing from within them as they seemed to develop more and more of that pure essence. The orbs constantly churned more and more of that precious essence which brought a shiver to Jingye Dai’s body due to the beauty of the scene those brilliant large balls presented her with. For some reason she felt a tug on not only her quickly beating heart but also on her very being; as if her very soul was begging her to devote herself to them.

Though it confused her since despite all her knowledge she had zero clues to what any of this scene meant; was this part of their supposed demonic ritual?

It wouldn’t be the first time humanities bias led to something beautiful becoming known as evil.

She didn’t care though as she just got caught up in the scene.

“Human, are you some kind of undercover rat, is that why you willingly surrendered?” <Quartz>

The harsh sound of the elder as well as the vice grip around her neck brought her back to her own situation. Her eyes widened as she was brought to the scowling face of the infamous assassin who had obviously finished her conversation with the younger oni - seemingly the point of discussion was her. Although that hand gripped her windpipe it was only enough to make her experience pain while gasping for air yet she was still able to get enough air to not pass out.

“I-I’m sorry for looking at what I shouldn’t. I just noticed those beautiful treasures filled with natural vitality & life and got enrap-” <Jingye Dai>

“Hmpf.” <Quartz>

“You needn’t worry. That will be you in a bit whether you're a rat or not - you aren’t the first to try acting all precious yet they always scream. We’ll see if you can still act as cute and innocent when you're displayed for the whole world to see your depraved state just like your predecessors. I’m looking forward to seeing the alliance's reaction to our display of their precious young women hahaha~!” <Onyx>

The woman's grip tightened around her neck for a second causing her to enter a rough coughing fit.

Still having that cold murderous gaze flash over her face as if studying her was quite enough to make her shudder. Cold sweat dripped from her back while she wanted to hyperventilate with fear due to the pressure put onto her from that gaze - the hand around her neck only made that a painful experience though one she couldn’t stop. The rings of light around her body faded which allowed her to hold the hand attached to her neck which made the brow of Quartz raise as if she figured something out.

“Not the typical beauty those humans like yet not bad at all however still obviously inexperienced with combat against humanoids despite having as much vitality as an Oni. Also seemed to have quite the impressive cultivation since she beat that male disciple according to Hime-sama but refused to even put up a fight. Hm… You appear to be the cute type yet these things are fake with you being a supposed seducer according to that man. He seemed to think you betrayed since you foresaw us- I must agree these do seem fake…” <Quartz>

“Fake doesn’t mean bad luckily so mom shouldn’t be too concerned.” <Onyx>

“M-my chest, thighs and butt aren’t fake - I’m a life & nature attributed cultivator so it would be dumb to have fake parts!” <Jingye Dai>

An unknown force compelled her to finally defend her for some reason; as if she didn’t want that pretty scene earlier to be robbed from her because of her perceived naturalness. Even as she coughed due to forcing all that out with restricted breathing she felt heated. It was really silly in her opinion for someone with her attributes to artificially enhance themselves. She didn’t even use [Spirit Stones] let alone ‘cultivate her chest’ to become so unwieldy. Quartz, who was shocked at being shouted at by the quiet girl, suddenly reached down with her other hand to open Dai’s robe. Those large breasts of hers are on full display in their massive whit bra cups though due to the forceful action they had been shaken out of their place revealing some rich red arola from under.

Realising she just shouted in the face of a trained killer and would likely suffer for it she began to shake. Ignoring the cold afternoon air on her exposed breasts as she waited for whichever cruel method the assassin elder used to off her. With those well founded fears the oni’s spare hand took a vice grip of malleable tit - forcing a pained moan followed by coughs from her already pained throat - before sinking her hand deeper in the flesh. A pleasant experience for Quartz who let go of the tit with a soft nod.

Onyx who watched clicked her tongue with the flame of jealousy in her eyes pointed directly to Quartz.

“Not fair mother gets to abuse them yet I know have to watch you assualt this ones fa-” <Onyx>

“Indeed they’re real so you likely weren’t lying about your elements either which would mean you are… Lady Dai of the Jingye noble merchant clan?” <Quartz>

“W-why h-h-how?” <Jingye Dai>

After working out the girl's identity Quartz practically let go of her neck; though still gripped slightly to prevent the girl from escaping from her. The fact that this happened just from knowing who she was, was already too much of a shock to complain. This wasn’t even bringing up the ‘how’ she figured it out in the first place! Luckily Quartz let the girl in on the details of the situation.

“You are quite the famous ‘{Daughter of Heaven}’ as mortals would call you; a mortal who managed to explore the true depths of the life/nature attribute. A girl who's famous for her disapproval of the way the orthodox sects and humanity as a whole act yet also an unvocal one who spends her time away from her sect. Instead, always out in the wild ‘searching for opportunities’ though we know through sources it’s a bit skewed by their bias of what a cultivator should do…

You appear to have a dislike for the ‘unnatural ways humans live’ to put it briefly which led you to prefer the wild, it just so happened you found a way to enhance your strength while doing it, right?” <Quartz>

Jingye Dai blinked a few times before nodding.

“R-right… I didn’t refuse bec-” <Jingye Dai>

“Because you felt you were on the wrong side of the war so to say? Rather brave conviction for someone who appears so timid… Unfortunately I’ll have to admit that even if you aren’t in the wrong I have no desire to spare you from the same fate as the other female cultivators we’ve caught.” <Quartz>

“That’s alright?” <Jingye Dai>

“Heh, she’ll look cute drooling all over herself~!” <Onyx>

She didn’t know what happened to them, how could she know when she hadn’t seen hair nor toe of them anywhere, but she imagined it would end in her demise.

Still she long accepted she would one day die.

“Can I at least…” <Jingye Dai>

She held her tongue on her plea. Not because she felt intimidated but because her mind wandered back to the alluring scene she had witnessed moments ago. Normally she would beg on her hands and knees with no pride in order to be at least killed in a beautiful setting like the forest… However when she thought that the woman may tell her what that alluring scene was she couldn’t help but stop herself.

Considering it for a second in silence - causing Quartz to look at her as if she was strange. It was only for a moment before Dai lifted her right hand from the other woman's hand to motion towards where she sensed that scene. She spoke in an unsure and careful tone in case she angered Quartz for asking about their secrets.

“What are those floating ‘blobs’ of vitality as well as the two giant ‘balls’ producing huge amounts? T-they just looked so alluring and I felt a connection with the latter…” <Jingye Dai>

Her voice got quieter as she went on due to slowly growing more and more unsure of herself.

However, much to her own surprise, the face of Quartz & Onyx  scrunched up into one of confusion for a second which she shouldn’t think possible. Considering she knew who she was and was an old being of great strength there was no way she didn’t know Jingye Dai could sense such things. If she wasn’t surprised at her sensing those blobs she could only be surprised by the blobs right?

Still that wasn’t the case since soon it seemed that Quartz figured out what she meant, making her face appear amused while looking at the girl.  Onyx meanwhile gained a sultry smile while eyeing the girl like a piece of meat. It appeared it was just her description that was off which was honestly quite likely. She did only see ‘the energy’ not if it had any metal on the structure or if it had some particular design; it was quite understandable.

<Perhaps she doesn’t know what to tell me or maybe the history of them isn't as alluring as their current state?>

“They’re a glance into your future girl; your predecessors after Matriarch and Hime-sama finished recording them being prepared for public display.” <Onyx>

As if hearing her thoughts, Onyx who had remained silent soon spoke up; briefly with clearly no intentions to expand on what she had said. Even Quartz closed her eyes while shaking her head with a long sigh before slipping behind Jingye Dai to push her forward. What made Dai excited was she seemed to be forcing her within the direction of the scene she sensed.

<Maybe the bodies of the women have been used as conduits to generate, collect or store vitality. Almost like the result of those unfortunate women who become cultivation furnaces for rich yet lazy men - something used to generate their enemies more power. Of course it would make sense why they wouldn’t consider sparing me if that was the sense… My natural attunement would likely make me the perfect vessel.>

Unaware of what type of vessel she’d really become Quartz leaned in to whisper in her ear so words of advice that only enforced her beliefs… Still she didn’t mind. Perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad usage if she can help develop nature in a more profound fashion? Maybe they wish to use all that energy for a ritual to expand {The Forest of Mortality} which certainly is something she’d be fine dying for.

“When about to be inserted upon the Matriarch for the first time I recommend you keep your tongue back in your mouth while clenching your teeth. After that make sure to answer all questions clearly and let your voice out so she is satisfied quickly. It’ll be big but she should finish fast with you and she’s only done it once for each girl. If you do that and just pretend it’s your fiance perhaps it shouldn’t be too bad.” <Quartz>

“Heh, comparing mom to a human to calm her down? You sure are a cruel one~!” <Onyx>

<Dying from a stab wound in the hands of my beloved while making sure to scream properly for their pleasure… Well it’s friendly advice I suppose considering I’ve got no way out of the situation? I-...>

Then she arrived and nothing was as she had expected.

“Spood… Cebal… I think you two should leave me for a bit…” <Jingye Dai>

Somehow among a symphony of moaning women who she would likely soon be among - some muffled due to holding their hands over their mouths, others gutral as they bite their lips, others just openly left it out while some of those were already raspy - the two bugs heard her. With seemingly no worries in the world the spider lept from her shoulder while the centipede scuttled down her leg. Neither seemed to particularly mind the area smelling like the sea but they were attracted by the strong scent of blood.

The reason for the bloody scent clearly displayed - as Violet knelt on the core-disciples stomach with a sharp stone in her hand - the man yelled however it wasn’t in anger but sheer fear. Ashue held down one of his shoulders with her knee pinning down his thigh while Slate held the man's other side. A few steps away Qin held a [Recording Jade] to make sure to capture her ojou-sama’s personal biology revision. In the meanwhile Violet just slowly pressed the rock against his flesh with a purple flame making it easily puncture through his skin. The girl ran the knife down his veins carefully with her tongue sticking out one side of her mouth as she focused more than when she was doing her art.

Since mommy said they had to torture the men before they got their meat she happily voliteered so she could practice her dismantling skin. She ran into the problem of not being able to wield any proper blades due to her curse not letting her wield swords… Luckily she found a nice rock to use in the place of a blade!

With rock in hand she had already managed to safely remove various organs from her previous subjects before they died. Of course, she had some failures but she was a genius who succeeded only after a couple tries… Removing the blood circulatory system was proving to be far more difficult however. It was so difficult because they were weaker than regular human stuff while also being constantly twitching muscles. Obviously it was so difficult due to the men being fully conscious during it but Violet wasn’t a quiter!

The two bugs scurried up as Violet pulled the stone from her fresh cut while looking at where to go next with an innocent face. Sensing the gazes of the two bugs she tilted her head to understand what they wanted but as soon as she did she nodded softly. She wasn’t greedy & would share a bit of meat & blood for help!

Well Spood the Spider didn’t care as much about food as Cebal the Centipede did; he more just wanted to get a front row seat of the fools suffering.

Meanwhile Jingye Dai didn’t even glance at her former ‘comrade’ as her gaze focused on the fate of captured females instead. She had to admit that the oni certainly were great at revenge as she saw the dozens of once powerful women - all in either the core formation or foundation formation realms and all far older thus experienced than her - nothing more than trophies. Each woman was an ebony pillar where their legs were forcibly spread with chains connected to the bottom to display themselves to the world. The top of the pillar was shaped as a giant pair of oni cock and balls (each looking exactly the same) rammed into their juicy lower lips that constantly leaked all over the cock ensuring nobody mistook those moans for being pained. Their bellies were bloated with a thick white fluid; so much inside them that the girls must have been stretched to their limits despite their powerful bodies.

Those bellies were bigger than she was if she huddled up!

Occasionally one of them would tremble as their body spasmed leading to their belly sloshing about from side to side causing their spasms to last for minutes. You could tell the newer from the older with how hoarse their voices were; none of these arrogant disciples were able to hold in their moans. Not a single one stone faced and cold. She even recognised quite a few since they were all well known somewhere or another for their peerless beauty and otherworldly aura yet she couldn’t see anything but a conquered trophy. Some of the girls used their free hands to desperately try to push themselves off the pillar in various ways or break the pillar. However it was hopeless as their attempts just caused the ‘thing’ inside of them to shake or slide out for a second before they slid fully down to the base once more. Whatever they tried to do just made things worse in truth…

Upon each pillar was a unique name which she knew was the exact name of ‘the trophy’ that was on display. It made it impossible to mistake these well known cultivators for anyone else which made sure their reputation between the orthodox sects would be ruined should they ever be discovered like this. Knowing these descendents of Shuten, the words ‘Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting’ rang in her head. No doubt these oni’s would show them off to the entire world with the resources of the {Asura Yakuza}.

<Would Han still be willing to marry me after I become like them? N-nooo I don’t wanna!>

They were all fully displayed in the nude - legs open and chests out in open with a [Recording Jade] tied around their neck with a string that seemed to be enchanted to disallow them from removing it themselves. Remembering the words of Onyx ‘recording them getting ready for display’ made her think that could only be a recording of one thing. Imaging her in their place a series of feelings filled her; many she didn’t truly understand.

She did understand that her underwear was dripping wet and her robe was likely the exact same.

However, she had more on her mind than her leaky privates. As much as she tried not to be she was still just like them; a human female. The fear of becoming ‘one of them’ filled her and made her shiver while stopping in her steps despite knowing Quartz was behind her - some of the more bitter women noticed the sound of her arriving and turned to look at her. What filled their eyes wasn’t a warning to escape as a fellow or them willing to lower their heads for freedom.

These vicious woman appeared excited to see someone new suffer like them

Just like what the mortals did to the Oni they had taken these women from their people then forcibly filled their wombs only to put them up for display; as for the men they were cut up for gluttonous desires.

<I-I don’t want to be like that!>

Yelling in her head since her voice wouldn’t work; trembling as she hugged her self

She fully understood that this was just karma taking its course however she was still a scared little girl who hadn’t even experienced a century in the world. When faced with a scary situation how could she not be scared - just look at all these women far more experienced than her. They probably put far more resistance than she. None of them probably had full bladders whether from before, during or after arriving here. How could they answer to their ancestors or account for the sacrifices they made along the way for their cultivation only to have it end in such a disgraceful way?

Then when she was about to collapse her head turned to glance at the orbs she once felt a pull towards as she felt all her muscles suddenly just loosen up. Almost as if all the anxiety she had was washed away as she stared at those two massive fleshy balls that perhaps made her proportions seem normal sized. They dripped with thick sweat and were still sticky with the white & transparent mess left from ‘preparing’ the other trophies while a gigantic flaccid rod lay between them as it seemed the musk was almost visible as it gently oozed.

Despite knowing what they were and the horror she should be feeling… She felt unnaturally calm as if she was still just kneeling in the middle of the forest. The disgusting scent suddenly became like the sweet nectar which brought the busy bee’s joy. All fears she had gone as soon as she saw those sweaty mother makers while her panties got wet with a different type of fluid.

Her body almost seemed to float as she gave herself to the pull on the entirety of her being while her mind was filled with nothing but a warm smiling face. Yet that face wasn’t of her fiance Han of the {Ascension Eagle Large Sect}, she never could imagine him smiling at her like that even outside of her current ‘state’. No, instead her imagination thought of that ebony haired oni giving her a confident smile while brushing her hair with those delicate fingers.

<Would she treat me like her woman and slap my butt while taking it for herself… Would she offer me that smile while petting my stuffed belly… Would she give me soft kisses with no purpose other than she thought I looked cute… No, she would, I know it…>

With those thoughts whirling around her body she knew what she wanted to do.

What she had to do.

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