Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 35: A Jingye Dai for the road part 1

Unknowing that their fates had been decided into one of two casts the sect disciples continued on with their lives. Although there was a lot of preparation to be done at their base camps and the wide array of warnings had been spread from the alliance heads that was that. Those ‘little jobs’ were left to the lower ranking outer-disciples with an inner-disciple maybe watching over them if it’s something more important. Guard duty was an example of this being the case where outer-court disciples wander around doing their thing under the guidance of an inner-court disciple then they would report to an outer-court elder every hour or so; times and numbers changed but that was how it tended to work even inside the sect.

As for the warning which was sent out, the warning itself was more for the entire sect, just to keep security up. It also made sure all the sects were aware they weren’t just dealing with {The Oni Village} but also the {Asura Yakuza} under the famed {Little Hannya Family} who themselves are rumoured to be as ancient as {The Imperial Phoenix Family}. While all that was scary and all nobody felt as if it would be them who learned the extent of their power.

Many core-disciple lead teams roamed around the forest to kill beasts as well as try to spot any approaching attacks from further away. Afterall having high walls didn’t really help when looking out for an attack when they were in a forest with gigantic trees - even sensory abilities were heavily weakened due to the nature of {The Forest of Mortality}. So it was up to the stronger disciples to keep a watch out while the elders figured out their next moves.

“This is boring as all hell; what do they expect us to do?” <Core-Disciple>

A handsome looking man spoke with disdain as he pulled his sword out from the neck of a powerful {Mortal Gazel} he just slew… Though another had already handled a small pack of infinitely more dangerous {Mortal Gazel}. The roots of the tree’s coiling around them before puncturing their heads in a swift manner.

“Well of course it didn’t stand a chance against us with your help senior.” <Inner-Disciple 1>

“We cannot forget Lady Jingye’s contributions in limiting the movements of those wolves earlier since it could end quite badly if we were surrounded…” <Inner-Disciple 2>

Then again all the men were at least somewhat handsome since they all had very impressive cultivation even if the second was a bit tubby around the edges. The core-disciple who was winning on cultivation and appeal simply snorted in disdain since he hated mention of that ‘Jingye Dai’ who stood above him in terms of pedigree and cultivation.

“I could’ve handled it but you two may suffer without her.” <Core-Disciple>

One of the unfortunate teams who were out at this time were this small group of four disciples with a rather strong showing of two core-disciples of a large sect and two inner-disciples. As it were, the realms of the group were just as impressive with both the inner-disciples being at the cusp of the core-formation realm while one of the core-court disciples were actually in the 6th stage of the core-formation realm!

This meant they were of the same level as an elder, head of a reputable clan or king of a nation despite being young.

Their equality wasn’t as high though as only one of the unfortunate disciples was female; though whether having a fuckable hole between her legs made her luckier than the males was only a choice she could make. Many would say on an average day it was definitely unlucky to get a daughter in a big merchant caln like hers. She wouldn’t consider herself so while her Jingye seemed quite pleased for one simple fact…

“I’m simply happy I can at least be of some help to you two juniors out. If you have any wounds you need taken care of I can also help. I sense no more living creatures in the surroundings so we should be safe - check for bites though.” <Core-Disciple - Jingye Dai>

She offered them a gentle smile that matched her cute face; she wasn’t a ‘peerless beauty’ type but she was certainly a cute girl with a killer body under her sect-robes. She was technically a midget at 4’5 while having a head of barbie pink hair tied into two curly long pigtails. A big pair of pink eyes matching her hair. Her chest which was too large for her little body was still the thing that stood out the most.

“Did you need to kill the Gazel though - it seemed pointlessly aggressive.” <Jingye Dai>

“Hmpf only a weakling would even bother asking such a question. As someone who’s strong I’ll kill them because they’re weak; that’s all that’s to it. I would prefer if-” <Core-Disciple>

“Erm, senior, Lady Jingye has a higher cultivation rank than you while also achieving a higher rank during the seasonal torment. She even made quite a large commotion in the last intercontinental torment where she easily won within her age bracket and gained the title {The Nomadic Dryad}!” <Inner-Disciple 2>

“*Sigh* I-it doesn’t matter anyway…” <Jingye Dai>

She decided it was better to just give up than start a fight again.

It was clear to all that she wasn’t some amazing sword princess who could lead the charge or a fairy of ice who could freeze anyone in her way but her personality wasn’t suited to all that.

She wasn’t a weak female cultivator who needed to be protected; she was one of the core-disciplines. Not only that but she was actually a ‘proud’ {Daughter of Heaven} who had unmatched talent in cultivation. Her being the highest cultivated member of the team despite being the youngest by far though unfortunately not the leader.

“As if her stage of cultivation matters when she can only do the job of a pill.” <Core-Disciple>

“Exactly! At the end of the day I don’t know why you bother sucking up to a reclusive little girl who achieved some lucky leaps in cultivation despite a weak attribute. Only thing she can do is control some plants or act like a healing pill!” <Inner-Disciple>

<Of course it has to matter…>

Though perhaps she was more blessed than those skilled swordswoman. Instead of being a common elemental attribute like ice she could easily be said to be far more than that as a high-levelled use of the nature/life attribute! With that attribute she got many benefits not offered by other attributes yet also many others it shared - the famous of course these being a legendary ability to accomplish what could usually only be done with pills.

This ranged from increasing the recovery rate, enhancing capabilities or even preserving life of someone who was meant to die in order to hopefully recover them later. The different ways it could be used to prevent the loss of, sustain the state of or simply save life was unbearable to the point it was up to the user. It did require a lot of knowledge but so did most other attributes people were able to use; it just so happened she needed more. She needed to know all about the human body but being somewhat soft hearted she didn’t begin like that.

She actually first learned she had the life attribute because she found a spider who had a broken leg from a door that got slammed shut. Most ‘little princesses’ would be frightened of the scary looking arachnid that they rarely got to see - she was always a knowledgeable little girl even back then that knew the importance of spiders. If it wasn’t for spiders, mortals would have to deal with much more dangerous insects invading their homes, whether that meant dealing with the disease ridden flies & mosquitoes or the endless amount of venomous bugs which existed in the world. Even if all spiders actually had demonic origins they still did a great service few recognised so she felt bad for the injured spider and ended up healing the little spider back with her natural qi - although an insect healing it’s limbed showed how strong she was even back there so it was unsurprising she received support.

“If it wasn’t for her abilities our very own Sect Master wouldn’t have been able to easily recover from his wounds during cultivation! To recover from his backlash could have even cost billions of [Spirit Stones] which would come out of our cultivation resources. Even if he did recover he may not have been able to keep his cultivation intact!” <Inner-Disciple 2>

<So everyone says but the wounds felt more self inflicted with how they were done. Although it required skill to recover it would be easy for the sect to fix with how purposeful the supposed backlash was to minimise risk… It was probably just a scheme so they could request my engagement with Han.>

Just because she hated politics & their conflicts didn’t mean she had no understanding of it.

In truth, common understanding was that life/nature were separate attributes - someone like her able to perfectly use it was practically unseen. Many people over the years attempted to take advantage of her (in all meanings of the word) because of this. She also felt it insulting the sect master assumed she wouldn’t realise despite apparently ‘trusting her’ to tend to his wounds.

<Still, I really hate pointless meaningless conflicts like the ones in sects. I wish things could just be simpler without a need to pretend to be kind; just be kind or not.>

Anyway, her abilities weren’t just about healing though or it wouldn’t be sometimes called ‘nature’ attribute leading to her being able to enhance growth as well as manipulate it.  This was sometimes considered even more impressive since many rare & powerful plants that took thousands of years to become useful could be grown in a far more feasible time. That plant manipulation also tended to be the ability to rely on to defend herself since healing isn’t exactly going to scare anyone away…

“Yet instead of helping support the sect she plays with insects and hides in the forest like some hermit; even when she’s not in the forest she ends up with her family.” <Core-Disciple>

“Heh, how many of us have died unable to find the correct pill while she plays swarm mother with a bunch of insect summons!” <Inner-Disciple 1>

“T-they’re not just insects…” <Jingye Dai>

<They’re the only ones I can truly trust, insects are easy to understand as they don’t hide their desires behind anything… Sorry Han.>

She could also make contracts with spirits however she hadn’t done much other than make a contract with the spider she initially saved as well as the centipede tying around her waist which she occasionally made use of as a weapon. Reason for that being possible was probably due to the links between Chokin-Bako the Demon God with the spirits; a being many consider to be a spirit race demon god due to her title of ‘childish sins’. Children reincarnate as spirits while Chokin-Bako is the demon god of their sins therefore the sins of spirits making her a very messy individual thus leads to her ‘children’ being confusing.

Her opinion was to believe spiders both filled the role of a demon & spirit by maintaining the world yet also threatening it when required… She didn’t believe demons were as evil as many made them out to be since humans, beast-kin and even elves had all done their share of horrible things. Genocide isn’t something unique to demons. She wasn’t going to share her opinions though since that kind of thing got one assassinated.

“Yet the sect master appreciates her so much he not only lets her get away with this but accepts a marriage arrangement between her and his own heir. Everyone knows the two are very close to one another to the point of public displays of affection with gifts. The only reason they haven’t combined their family names is because it would be unknown who takes which name while the two are also very young.

She will be the lady of the sect!” <Inner-Disciple 2>

“*Snort* So she can only rely on the young sect master, no wonder she got such fake breasts to make up for her terrible personality…” <Core-Disciple>

<They’re not fake but I can’t exactly prove that since nobody other than my family believes me…>

Jingye Dai could only sigh at how petty they were being; well aware that even that inner-disciple only cared about her fiance. She was a female cultivator afterall. The most important thing about a female cultivator was how much potential their baby could inherit and who for most of the time.

Sure, many females rose above that, but that wouldn’t change others opinions while she also wasn’t exactly the type to change them herself.

Despite that she was far above the young sect master in cultivation despite them still being of the same generation. Most impressive of all was that she figured out how to do all this on her own as a lot of her time was spent outside the sects. The ‘nature’ of her attribute led her to seeing far more benefits in cultivation when she is immersed in vitality, life and nature which is why she truthfully didn’t really get along with other arrogant {Sons & Daughters of Heaven}.

Her family was wealthy though.

One of the wealthiest on their Fuyou which was fairly close to the cardinal empires thus being a powerful continent full of wealth.

In truth it was the sect that wanted her not the other way around - she was one of the most talented of the younger generation in all continents - yet she couldn’t say that to these sect disciples or she’d only make them more irate. She wasn’t even over a century years old yet she was almost a pseudo immortal. In truth if she was a man she’d likely be an elder within the sect so they could proudly parade her around as the best friend of the next sect master.

Luckily for them she was still a young girl who had a maiden's heart thus fell in love with the sect master thus had her family accept the sect master's advancements. Her family’s support would be the strength his son needed to succeed him - sects weren’t peaceful places afterall. Still even if she knew that she liked him so she didn’t mind people treating her like a pawn or a thigh grabbing hussie. Wasn’t like it was wrong as she had used her hand on his ‘thing’ and even let him stick it inside her for a bit since he wanted to experience it (he finished in her hand though since they didn’t want to risk anything). Thinking about it made her blush but she shook it away the memories of their first time - it was ‘satisfying’ yet she thought it felt hollow. Sadly like the actions he used to display his ‘love’ for her in return.

She remained silent while the other disciples continued to discuss ‘her worth’ as a living being.

It may be cruel nonetheless she didn’t really care for one simple reason. She knew the world was cruel even if she was kind; she didn’t even think this war was fair to the Oni. They did nothing wrong and she also knew she could do nothing to help. She has learned every single race's biology though so she can help anyone she wants even if the world is cruel - nature itself is cruel so it only makes sense yet nature can also be kind. So since her companions were so cruel to herself she would just have to be kind enough to make up for it!

With that kind of determination she just softly smiles while chosing to ignore the petty ravings of this ‘proud’ {Son of the Heavens} to instead focus on the beauty of this forest.

It really was one of the most beautiful, ancient and most importantly pure forests she had ever had the pleasure of seeing. Maybe it was because of her attribute, since it was basically proven that one's attribute was somewhat revealing of their personality, but she really loved forests more than she enjoyed her fiance's advances. It even feels like she belongs more in a forest than she ever has in a man made city.

She really loved forests.

Her hobby may as well be aimlessly wandering around forests filled with plants, marshes filled with mould and dingy dark caves filled with insects. She knew it was strange however most people just assumed she went to these places for another reason; they held great opportunities for her future growth in the resources presented within. They did take some luck to find hence why that disciple called her lucky but more than luck there was also danger. Even she accepted that she was in constant danger - perhaps that’s part of why she could become so strong?

Still that wasn’t why she came to these forests and to prove that point she didn’t even fully make use of all the resources she could since she felt it would take away from the purity. As strange as it were to her mortals and humans especially greatly reduced the splendour of a good forest with their constant seeking of benefits - though recovering strong forests did also greatly enhance her cultivation she felt that more a side-benefit.

<I really can’t feel comfortable around other people… Even my fiance who showers me with love in his own way feels so impure compared to this.>

She closed her eyes tightly and took a deep breath of this forest's untouched beauty.

This {Forest of Mortality} needed none of that; in fact she had never seen such a wonderful forest. She really wished she could live in this forest but the lack of qi in the air meant she would never be able to have others like her fiance over… It would make a great place to just wander so she could understand why Oni decided to live in this forest. The life & vitality filled in all aspects of nature really gave her more than a little energy - even with no qi of heaven & earth she could likely achieve pseudo-immortality then live for eternity here. Unlike many of these supposed genius’ who relied on using some technique from the era of antiquity Jingye Dai proved herself by having her own original technique; something often considered impossible.

Her eyes soon opened as unlike others her ability to sense hadn’t diminished since she didn’t rely on qi so much as life force around her. Nature itself was her conduit which combined with her free acceptance of it led to her being more intune with her element than even some elves who were known for at least having either the nature or life innate to them. She being able to be perfectly attuned to both nature & life made her a true genius even among elves.

What she sensed was figures as accepted by nature as her with more vitality than she could ever have hoped to  - especially their reproductive organs. As a matter of principle reproductive organs were always filled with more life & vitality but they also required more to sustain function hence why they were often the first organs to fail with age. Their sexual organs alone though seemed to contain more vitality than a 5th realm body cultivatior!

Not all of them but at least four had outrageous vitality while three seemed to be one with nature itself.

Those weren’t the only people as many harder to detect presences were around. If she was even slightly less intune with nature she was sure she would never have discovered the swarm of people guarding the others. She was only confused for a second before opening her eyes with a frown - her eyes looking on with confliction. What other race could they be but the infamous Oni with that amount of vitality? Yes, despite that, the forest seemed to accept them as natural residents if not friends which convinced her fully that they were in the wrong.

The forest would never accept those who went against the natural order which meant even if the oni were summoning a demon lord it was approved by nature. Those who sought enough destruction and death to be called evil wouldn’t be accepted by such a beautiful forest so she had to turn to her own ‘companions’ who were completely unaware. She should inform them by their own ‘morality’ however she always found the concept of morality from humans (or just mortals in general) was biassed. Humans raised and killed cattle as a matter of course while some species like cows were often forcely induced to be in pregnancy just  to provide fresh milk for people who ate the children the milk was meant for. Some nobles even had entire tribes worth of minotaur or cow-kin experience the same… Yet to do that in return was immoral beyond belief.

Even if it was only within this war (ignoring everything else) how many young female oni had she seen dragged into the middle of camp to have their innocence taken? How many men had been butchered while still alive because ‘they could get more resources’ from them since they kept recovering? Although she never saw their meat being eaten it wouldn’t be too far out of expectations. All the oni did was kill the people which invaded them while probably also eating those they hunted for food… That was just how nature worked.

Was she scared?

No, she was terrified.  Jingye Dai didn’t want to die as she still had so much she wanted to see in the world.

Nevertheless she had long accepted that if she was to die it would be within a beautiful area filled with nature at the hands of that same nature to be used by nature. If she was to be devoured piece by piece she would accept it with grace. Even if that wasn’t the case she was sure her abandoned body would be able to fertilise the next generation of seeds; she didn’t even mind if it wasn’t a forest.

Out from the collar of her sky blue robes actually crawled a black spider who themselves was a rather impressive cultivation - they didn’t do much though. It just stood on her shoulder as she turned to face it in return as it screeched softly. Her brows lifted but she soon returned to her normal state with a calm gentle smile which looked adorable on her cute face. Chubby cheeks positively glowing as her little hand came up to gently pat the fuzzy carapace of the spider.

“If you three wish you can run away; the {Asura Yakuza} are racing to ambush us with at least 3 powerful female oni and one [Spirit Beast]…” <Jingye Dai>

As Spood suggested she should give them a choice since she shouldn’t bog them down with her own choice. Only then could she die peacefully, not without regrets since everyone felt regret since that was the result of having a freewill. Giving those three the ability to give regrets iconically also helped calm her own to give her peace.

That peace unfortunately couldn’t also be audible as well since they immediately began arguing with her and each other once more.

“What do you mean?! How can you even sense them when I can’t!” <Core-Disciple>

“We’ve already clearly been told that Lady Jingye can sense lifeforces - an ability that is enhanced when she’s surrounded by nature.” <Inner-Disciple 2>

It seemed the core-disciple was sick of his lip however as he struck out with his palm on the chubby man as soon as he finished speaking - sending the fatty flying back while spewing blood from his mouth to the shock of the other inner-court disciple. Yet he didn’t run to help his ‘friend’ but instead formed a gloating smile before looking in disdain at Jingye Dai. So what if he clung to Jingye Dai’s, admittedly very physically  thicc thigh. She wouldn’t do anything; she couldn’t even protect herself from his senior brother who stormed over to her angrily!

He stomped on her thigh causing it to jiggle under the impact but she didn’t give him any satisfaction as she bit her lip to hold back anything. In truth her cultivation being several stages over him and her natural attributes providing great endurance meant it didn’t even hurt. It was humiliating however she never wanted trouble.

<Why can’t he stop confusing being honest and being despicable…>

Even as he leaned over her domineeringly - hovering close to her ear as his heavy breaths made her feel like he was about to bite it off.

“Why the fuck would I run from some idiots who can’t even use a basics of qi-sensing let alone using it to cultivate? Unlike you, oh glorified senior sister ‘Semen Bag’, I’m a proud cultivator with many achievements while you just got lucky, fumbled your way into healing our great sect master and then sucked the sense out of the young master's dick!” <Core-Disciple>

“Don’t mock my family name please…” <Jingye Dai>

“Or what, going to use those fat dick sucking lips to suck my brains out to cultivate the size of your repulsively oversized fake chest~!” <Core-Disciple>

<What is so repulsive about being short with large lady parts; it’s not like I requested them. They are completely natural despite what everyone says behind my back… Even Han said he didn’t mind me enhancing them more if I wanted as if I already had…>

While saying that his hand slowly moved to touch her neck - it wasn’t particularly slender but it was far from muscular or something. Still her skin was naturally soft with a gentle tan which let the light of the forest slowly dance across it; with the faint sweat from the heat it made her almost seem to gleam like a cute little fairy. A fairy with oversized tits and ass for her size which even the core-disciple had to admit made her unquestionably layable - perfectly layering her cuteness with sexual appeal made her feel young and ripe for the picking.

His hand wished to do just that as it slid down her neck to her collar bone. His fingers gently gliding over her slender bones that seemed like they’d snap with a little pressure - her face scrunched up in unwillingness which conflicted with her peaceful nature. Spood meanwhile hissed but was kept firmly on her shoulder with a stern hand.

That just made the disgusting disciple sneer more as he decided he didn’t hold himself back anymore. The slut obviously was enjoying it and if she wasn’t she would soon. With no more qualms his index finger shot down to trail towards those fat lumps however before he could do so her hand shot up faster than he could react causing him to jump back a second later. Despite his leap he was still a second too late as her dainty hand gripped his wrist as a centipede clambered up her arm with a screech. The sight of a clearly venomous insect scuttle out from her sleeve then along her hand made him let out an unwilling scream. He did attempt to slap it away with his other hand only to fail as it collided with her hand - not even managing to shake her.

Her cultivation technique was so advanced it increased her vitality as suitable to her talents in the Life/Nature attribute. What is a better representation of vitality than those? That wasn’t to say she was actually a body cultivator… She wasn’t because she had no idea where to start when it came to having her body become more intune with nature. Still, with her greater technique as well as greater stage of cultivation lead to her being far stronger than the other disciple.

Something the core-disciple forgot as he fell to the floor while trying to crawl away from her.

“I don’t like resorting to violence when I don’t need to but I will defend myself…” <Jingye Dai>

Letting go the foolish disciple accidentally slammed his head straight on the floor with a loud *thud* while the other disciple shivered while stepping back. Never had he expected his senior brother to lose face in such an embarrassing manner. Has any true cultivator ever freak out just because of a little insect?

Of course, he didn’t know how toxic that “little insect’s” legs alone were, let alone it’s bite.

Still the fact the thigh he was hugging was currently covered in dirt made him begin to question if he really should continue. Being a core-disciple he recovered quickly as he stood up, looking back over at Jingye Dai with a scowl, before walking away from her. He wasn’t dumb enough to try something immediately after learning such a important lesson.

“We should prepare a barrier so those disgusting Oni don’t manage to escap-” <Core-Disciple>

“Took the words straight out my mouth mole man~!” <Onyx>

The two disciples (Dai not bothering to look since it didn’t matter with her choice) turned around to look in surprise just to see the {Female Executive} hit her onyx stave on the ground. As a whole she tapped it twice but each tap was followed by a melodic ringing that came ironically from the rings on the head of the staff. The humans felt a giant wave of ‘something’ rush past them only for nothing to seemingly change other than a fog slowly settling in…

Jingye Dai knew that wasn’t the case though.

A strong spiritual barrier had been erected which she wasn’t sure she’d be able to break through even with all the help of her familial spirits; she would probably need more than she currently had. Then again she only had two though for some reason only managed to get insects. Still if one tried to run away they would just feel like they’re moving forward  when really they would end up repositioned to another spot in the mist at random. If the user was particularly cruel they could make it so the trapped would endlessly run the circumference of the barrier - never realising due to the mist. She couldn’t help but feel this type of barrier was far more dangerous than the physical type and showed how far the one Oni outclassed them…

Yet behind them another smaller but terrifying oni approached from the back. Turning backwards to look at the girl Jingye Dai had to admit she felt somewhat superior to beat someone in height. Still she knew at a glance she stood no chance in a physical fight as the tiny titan rested a large kanabo upon her right shoulder.

“Gruuuraruw.” <Violet>

The young female oni who also wore the typical executive outfit hurld the kanabo off her shoulder to point towards the two men as if saying she’ll take them both out.

“Tsk, this has just made things easier for us. You take out the little one and I’ll take the one making the mist - Oni has no techniques so this must be an ability of the staff!” <Core-Disciple>

“Ah, of course, Senior brother really is wise and strong. Nevertheless, I’ll lend you what little strength I have brother!” <Inner-Disciple>

Though in truth he doubted the ability of the man so intended to quickly take out the brat before making a run for it. If he could manage to take the girl with him he would gladly do that since he could play with her for a bit before selling her off. Nobody would be able to tell if a female Oni was used by a human dozens of times or never so she would fetch the same extremely high price. Young ones did sell  for far more since they were apparently easier to train, doubtful,  yet it wasn’t his job to doubt the buyer!

The girl meanwhile who already heard the whispers from Spood on her shoulder could only close her eyes while awaiting her fate. She couldn’t tell how strong the oni were, however the spider was very good at telling how many people they had killed. The tiny insects could be said to live in their own world where everything else but other insects would likely kill them accidentally while constantly fighting bloody battles against one another. Since they didn’t want to die meaninglessly without laying the foundation for the next generation they grew to become better at sensing bloodlust than anyone else…

Spood told her that little Oni had killed more people than he could fathom.

Keep in mind that Jingye Dai (thus Spood who was always watching over her) had witnessed countless beasts. They had even once ran into a legendary Ancient Wyvern; more accurate they hid from it though. Eitherway none of any of their countless adventurers led to Spood meeting something more terrifying than the girl behind them. Maybe if both disciples charged towards her they could distract her enough for one to charge into the mist - though as previously said that wouldn’t help.

<Maybe he realised that so decided to try to destroy the barrier before running himself? Though it shows his ignorance to think Oni were only creatures of one mould… Even if they present themselves as such most the time.>

“I’ll cut off your limbs first before having my way with you bitch!” <Core-Disciple>

<Nevermind, he’s just ignorant…>

Letting out his ‘powerful war cry’ the core-disciple drew his sword while activating a simple [Ascension Rending Slash] their sect was proud of. A powerful blue sword intent flowed from the blade to seemingly speed up as he swung it down towards the girl's shoulder. The smug face on his face made Dai frown but she didn’t need to worry.

Before it could connect with her shoulder the girl casually lifted her free left hand up to rest over her shoulder where the blade struck the nail of her stuck out pinkie. To rub it in Onyx yawned right in front of his frozen face before throwing the blade aside. Next it seemed she would o to activate a powerful technique.

“[Supreme Spiritual Art - Sleepy Night Night]~!” <Onyx>

Following that she just brought her ringed staff down upon his head with a *THUNK* while the fool fell to the floor like a sack of bricks…

He was the unlucky one as the bigger fool was the inner-disciple who leapt into the air with his sword firmly gripped between his hands. A powerful yell left his lungs as he activated the exact same sword art towards the Oni girl - if she survived that was good, if not he’d just collect the body and run. Either way he’d get enough money to not have to worry about resources ever again; he’d no doubt surpass his senior brother!

That was if Violet didn’t casually swing her kanabo into his side while he was midair causing his insides to rupture from his side. Not only did his inners become outers but due to the precision of the strike landing just under his rib cage and above the hips caused the kanabo to pass through his soft flesh. Crushing him in half while the two halves of his body flew far away.

The girl didn’t even get covered in blood since the force of the air sent all the blood in the same direction as the rest of him.

“Dammit sis’ you were supposed to keep your toys together so we can show them off afterwards, it’s a good thing one ran towards me so I can keep him for you.” <Onyx>

“Sorry…” <Violet>

The larger girl chastised her apparent sister however she seemed more concerned that the younger girl would have ‘no toys’ when they returned. This made Jingye Dai even more worried as she shook where she sat. Still she didn’t move and instead just close her eyes.

<At least he died quickly - I doubt we’ll be so lucky with all the suffering we’ve put them through….>

Now the two Oni’s curious gazes turned to the obvious outlier in this situation. The girl who just sat on the floor - shivering but unmoving despite the horrific scene occurring in front of her. Even Violet who knew a thing or two about inducing fear couldn’t help but find this girl distinctly ‘different’ since this reaction wasn’t that of a mortal. Sure there were some brave ones but both the Oni could tell the girl in front of them wasn’t brave… Then how was she so accepting of death?

“Afraid?” <Violet>

“Indeed… Yet why isn’t she running? It doesn’t appear like she’s frozen in fear yet at the same time she doesn’t exactly seem like the type to fight to the death on account of her not even fighting. Why are you offering your life so peacefully~?” <Onyx>

The two Oni slowly walked towards her; Onyx dragging the fool by his leg with his face in the dirt while Violet only rested her amazingly clean weapon on her shoulder. She of course heard their whole discussion as the sisters weren’t exactly being discreet. They even let her hear the less flattering words they said about her; however she still answered their questions since she didn’t hate the pair.

“Because I’m not justified to fight you if you want my life even if I had the power to… It’s my people who have wronged you all, not the other way around. I’m fine dying as long as I can do it in a-” <Jingye Dai>

“Hmm~ this one also seems to be on the stronger side lil’sis… Although not terribly strong I can tell she at least reaches the minimum level of a decent elder of a large bunch. Should be able to take quite a lot without bursting. Why is such a strong girl like you lost out here though?” <Onyx>

“I-” <Jingye Dai>

“No matter; she’ll just end up as a bigger trophy to show off~!” <Onyx>

<Bigger trophy to show off?>

She was rightfully confused as she wondered if she had lost her voice. It would make some sense to explain why so many people refused to listen to her even when she had the best intentions for them. There was also the confusion on what the oni planned to do but she assumed it would be the same as whatever they had planned with the core-disciple. Yet what the older Oni said while walking behind her quickly broke this illusion.

“I’ll have to correct something since I don’t like tricking sweet girls~! Unlike that idiot you won’t be dying anytime sure as a one-time use present to mom… Well as long as she doesn’t go too crazy but you should be fine?” <Onyx>

With that the oni tapped between her shoulder blades with that gemstone stave causing rings of light to form around her. The even more confused Jingye Dai made no attempt to resist nor get her familiars to, which resulted in the rings shrinking around her. It took a mere second for her no longer to be able to move her arms yet the Oni was kind enough to place a hand on the back of her restraints. Slowly raising that to allow her to rise to her feet at a fair pace but that much should be expected from the lady killer Onyx… Sadly these girls were destined for saltier pastures than she could provide.

Lesbian oni sex wasn’t as great of a show but this sure would be~!

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