Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 12: Drunk Versus Love Tap

It’s finally time… A full on proper fight where I intend to flex… If you don’t include the spar from earlier which this technically is. Except this time it cannot be compared - I’m even listening to Day of Fate for this one boys~!
Also if you didn’t know I started a new series called Midas’ Golden Eulogy which I made due to my hate for certain GB’s that act like changing gender is the end of your life and that if you don’t have a dick it’s not worth living.
Anyways, enjoy~♥

Two figures stood in an empty purple void - their footing not visible due to the candy floss like pink clouds that stood still. Almost as if the world itself was waiting for the two women to make a move before daring to do so itself. Compared to the bloody battle happening outside or the spars between Violet and her mommy inside this space was completely silent.

One of course was Elizabeth who looked just as comfortable as usual; in fact she was jumping on the spot while stretching out her arms. A fierce smile on her face as she showed her true nature as a combat hungry dragon with that fang filled grin. Soon the pace of her jumps slowed down and she settled down yet her eyes never left her opponent.

A violet haired woman standing at 5’6 had her right side facing the horny dragon, her expressionless eyes gazing up at the sky above her in silence. Her clothing was a simple black keikogi but it had no sash leaving her torso completely out - her large breasts covered in a set of gause. Her stomach itself was packed with muscle that you could likely grate skulls upon.

Her entire face was blank as the light seemed to shimmer off her body as the world seemed to wish to avoid her existence as a hole in the clouds appeared around her before it slowly expanded. The world itself seemed to begin to shake as a violent violet aura began to flood out - occasionally bursting to cause rings of clouds. The violent waves of energy was even pushing against Elizabeth causing her own hair to float up but even then she didn’t seem to worry much and stood casually with a smile.

Despite that not even a thread moved on the girl - despite the chaotic scene around her nothing changed and she remained as serene as a frozen pond in winter.

Plenty of life remained under the surface yet no matter what it couldn’t break through into the outside world and was left to wait till spring. Yet even after all this time spring hadn’t arrived and she was okay with that. But now it was different, this time she had gotten attached to a dumb bunch of people who weren’t immortal like her children. People she’d promised her father to protect but had obviously failed to live up to his desires.

As she was thinking about this a voice came out from her side causing her to tilt her face.

“Why no sash, seems like it must be awkward~♡” <Elizabeth>

Hearing this something seemed to snap and a bitter smile formed on Violet’s face shocking the dragon - her steady smile had finally vanished as a look of shock appeared on her face. And, what came next left her absolutely frozen in place with her mouth hanging open (without cum in it) for the first time in a while.

“Because I have no weapon that can replace the one that used to sit there…” <Violet>

What could she reply with?

Elizabeth was curious why she couldn’t see that coming - she was Elizabeth after all! But she shook her head and a single thought came to her head. Sometimes, it wasn’t important to understand but to just accept it for what it was. What this was, was akin to the roaring of the war drums.

Violet herself didn’t understand why she answered but her smile soon vanished and was replaced by the same look she always had. That aura from earlier snapped back inside herself like it had never existed and she turned to look at her opponent - Elizabeth. Of the top 10 fighters in existence this girl was likely her worst matchup. In simple terms she was a counter for her own simple and straightforward fighting techniques.

While someone like Mother may try to create space or make use of seals to catch her during her rampage in order to launch a devastating strike, Jeeves may be tossed around till launching a sneak attack and Photon would try to match her blow for blow…

Elizabeth was different.

Realizing that she was finally in the spotlight her regular grin appeared once again as she got into her stance… Then another stance and then another and then another. Elizabeth’s body never stopped moving and if someone who hadn’t faced her before saw this they’d mistake it for a drunken dance. It was far more deliberate than that though.

Elizabeth was constantly cycling between her endless wealth of stances as well as positions which made her attack, defence and counters unpredictable and thus impossible to deal with. This made her a nightmare for someone like Violet to deal with, she wasn’t dumb but there was almost no way to forsee what Elizabeths next stance will be. She could take essentially any stance that a martial artist has ever come up with across the 3 major realms and beyond.

If there was a weakness to this type of style it would be that it is taxing - while most martial arts have a single stance from which everything else is built up Elizabeth said ‘fuck that’ and decided to constantly switch between them. This obviously made a lot of movement and with how expert she was at it she switched very fast with little wasted movement… This came with a heavy cost of stamina.

Even a kid could tell you that let alone Violet who grew up fighting… But waiting for the girl who literally birthed an entire race in a little amount of time to run out of energy? Even Elizabeth herself would think that’s an ambitious dream and she sees nothing but dreams.

Violet decided to just bite the bullet and charged forth while she believed Elizabeth was halfway through changing stances due to her having one foot half in the air and both her hands in front of her chest as if about to catch herself from falling. Of course the placement of those hands weren’t placed by chance so Violet decided to keep herself low and go straight for the kidneys.

A *BANG* echoed out as Violet launched herself from the floor with a jump while doing as she planned - lowering her head behind her raised hands before tilting her neck to hide between the left hand while the right shot out. The air itself seemed to scream as the punch shot forth in a devastating jap to Elizabeth’s-

Before Violet had time to take it in, Elizabeth whipped her upper body backwards and let the intense winds shot forth from Violet’s fist on her backwards. Her hands waved backwards as if she had been caught off balance by the heavy winds caused by Violet’s fist but as she did that her knee from the raised leg collided with Violet's jaw due to her major height advantage.

Violet could practically feel her brain rattling in her skull but before she could take in her surroundings Elizabeth pushed off the ground with her head hanging down. The tall girl soon was in a squat but her head just so happened to land right between those bountiful breasts… And rocked the poor little squishy bits in the ribcage.

Luckily Violet wasn’t that affected by the blow though since her body was sturdier so she aimed her left elbow to return the previous favour - aiming a powerful strike into Elizabeth’s head only for Elizabeth to fall back onto the ground like a drunkard trying to stand up but stumbling back down. However, as she did so she of course counted by blowing out a freezing mist into Violet’s unguarded face causing her to frown heavily and change her left arm to instead deliver a powerful uppercut that caused a huge air current.

Even with just that short exchange Violet began to grind her teeth together while looking at Elizabeth who ‘shakely’ stumbled back up to standing before her. Violet decided to charge towards her while Elizbeth was seemingly about to pat herself down - a simple straight right was soon pushed to the left by an Elizabeth who fell forward and ‘attempted’ to catch herself on Violet’s arm with her own left arm. Her right hand soon darted forth and hit Violet right in her kidney causing Violet’s grinding to increase even more as she attempted to use her other hand to slap Elizabeth in that grinning face.

Elizabeth meanwhile seemed to just have one too many as she stumbled behind Violet thus out of her slap’s reach. At this point a lightbulb seemed to flash in Violet’s mind as she remembered just who she was fighting - she wanted to take control of the flow by moving first yet right now who was following who’s movements?

And who stood behind who?

A simple kick to the back of Violet’s left leg was all it took to send her onto her knee in front of Elizabeth. Instinctively Violet caught herself from falling face first with her left hand but in return her opponent merely clapped her hands… Between those hands just so happened to be Violet’s pretty little head.

Feeling her brain shaking in her skull once more, Violet was no longer grinding her teeth but instead growling as she whipped her right hand backwards to attempt to catch the giant woman who seemed to find pleasure in making her even shorter! Did she even need to be on her knees for Elizabeth to easily attack her head? No!

Of course, it would never be so easy to catch Elizabeth as she pivoted before stepping backwards away from that swipe. Not ending there she took advantage of Violet’s compromised position yet again by rotating on the spot with her right leg raised before ending the roundhouse kick with her heel planted right on Violet’s nose - sending the Oni back onto her back as she had no semblance of balance left after the repeated strikes. Not only did she fall backwards but she even landed on her right arm causing her to growl even louder.

“Raw strength will never get you anywhere against me~♡” <Elizabeth>

With that it was clear Elizabeth had only just gotten started as she leaned her body forward and the raised right leg kicked off the floor to launch herself into her air. Tucking both her legs under her as she spun in the air before launching out her left leg as her descent began - a frosty pearl like eastern dragon could be seen forming around her foot as if flying down towards Violet to claim her life.

This was clearly exactly what Violet wished to have; a martial technique and it likely wouldn’t be the last one she saw.

“[Pearl Ice Dragon Descending]~♡” <Elizabeth>

The dragon collided with Violet’s waist with a huge freezing explosion that could freeze one to the bone marrow. The figure of Violet couldn’t even be seen from the destructive impact but nonetheless it caused her to bounce off the floor but at this moment Elizabeth was already standing above. Violet’s face being met with a descending dragon fueled punch from above sending her back down into the floor. After bouncing once more Elizabeth instead kicked Violet’s back so she was even further into the air.

“[Twin Pearl Ice Dragon Usurp]~♡” <Elizabeth

Taking the time Violet went for a trip Elizabeth took a wide stance with her fists behind her waist before launching them quickly forward but as one can imagine two coiling eastern dragons formed from her fists to fly directly at Violet’s back. These two dragons didn’t just stop there as they opened their mouths and freezing breaths first launched at Violet to encase her in a giant ice pearl before they too collided with Violet causing a massive explosion of ice and force. Elizabeth began to walk back to admire the beautiful orb of ice that had been produced but even after walking a while she couldn’t see the entire thing in her vision.

“Phew~! Been awhile since I’ve had some decent work out being stuck in the {Dreamscape} and all so may have gotten a bit ahead of myself~. Don’t think that just thrashing about with your radiation like you always do when your losing will work against me - I’m not Mother, nor Munzumira or Photon~♡” <Elizabeth>

In a ball of frozen [Pearl Ice] Violet was stuck - the ice was even defying gravity as it remained frozen in place in the air. For a while nothing happened and Elizabeth just shrugged her shoulders while chuckling with the same grin as always plastered on her face. She did wait awhile but soon shook her head as it seemed that spring indeed wouldn’t arrive for Violet.

Indeed it didn’t but a green light soon began to glow deep within the ice which caused Elizabeth’s brow to rise slightly.

“Now what are you up-*Crack*~♡” <Elizabeth>

The icey prison in the air began to crack and the heat around the ice began to massively increase as if Elizabeth was standing inside a nuclear reactor. The ice showed no signs of melting as it could even ensnare [Golden Crows] who were literally little suns. Though saying she was standing inside a reactor really wasn’t too far from the truth but instead she was right under one.

“That’s not right, heat is meant to rise~♡” <Elizabeth>

Soon the glowing orb inside the ice began to elongate towards Elizabeth before the outside layer of the ice began to crack as the light was right at the precipice of freedom. Elizabeth didn’t do anything but walk away with her hands in her pockets as the ice finally broke apart and a giant green beam shot out from the ice to collide with the floor before slowly petering out.

Though to say it left no long lasting effects would be a lie as qi around the area seemed unstable and violent. Transforming into impurities instead leading to this area not being able to sustain life - though that also wouldn’t be the last thing climbing out that hole as heavy footsteps could soon be heard along with heavy breathing. The breathing wasn’t that of Violet though as it was both high and low pitched at the same time and it wasn’t because the beast was out of breath.

Steam soon flooded out from the hole as a massive hunched over figure that could only be called mounsterious was in the outline.

“The {True Wrath} finally graces us with their appearance, huh~? Well it seems you missed your shot so you’ll have to try again~♡” <Elizabeth>

With that the giant figure jumped down from the ground only for the clouds to explode outwards due to the weight of the monstrous creature that represented nothing but Violence. It wasn’t the little baby that dealt with some Oni’s as just like with Violet it had been set to be fully matured. The monstrous being stood at a frightening 20 feet while hunched but if it stood up properly it’s likely it could far surpass that - in truth even Elizabeth felt uncomfortable when being looked down by those cold eyes filled with nothing but thoughts of tearing off her head and slurping up her inners.

And, as if announcing it’s presence to the world it reeled it’s head backwards and moved it’s clawed hands to the side while opening those frightening teeth - stands of radiating green saliva connecting them - and let out a screech. Only it couldn’t even be heard… Not because it made no noise but quite the opposite.

Elizabeth stumbled backwards and felt her brain ready to explode as even she was suffering due to underestimating the beast. Moving her hands to her ears she found that they were letting out a torrent of golden blood flow of them causing her to gasp - she may not be miss [Absolute Body] or Photon but she was no pushover. For her defences to be so overcome by this terrifying scream that her eardrums instantly popped…

While she still had some consciousness left she stamped on the floor as an Pearl Ice coffin formed around her - it may seem simple but it actually came in two layers with a vacuum between in order to allow Elizabeth to recover before {True Wrath} decided it wanted a rag doll. Luckily she had Mendax blood in her so recovery was almost instant, letting her catch her breath as she gazed through her icy structure to where ‘Violet’ should be.

“I didn’t expect a simple paint job on the fucking thing would boost it so much it could break through my Pearl Ice’s [Twin Pearl Ice Dragon Usurp]... I even gave it a cool name~! You can’t do that when I give it a cool name~♡” <Elizabeth>

Once she stopped feeling like the outside layer of ice was going to explode she made the ice completely vanish as she stomped on the floor to encase the entire ground into ice. It wouldn’t do much to stop {True Wrath} since it’s feet gave it great stability but it would allow her to attack from any angle - she didn’t fancy receiving a love tap from that beast. As if mocking her, when her foot hit the ground to not only remove all the ice but also sending a pulse of ice out to cover their mock arena… The first thing that greeted her was a very wrathful face with it’s fist already half extended out in a terrifying punch. Strange thing about it is it appeared like a second mini-Wrath head made out of violet flames was on that face.

“Oh spring has come a little bit… That’s not go-~♡” <Elizabeth>

This time it was Elizabeth’s turn to bounce away as that stone-like fist collided with her face with all the power of a planet - she couldn’t even dodge at this range due to the monster using a technique called [Void Blow] which encases the attack with a vacuum. This means that the individual on the receiving end literally gets dragged towards the attack and this was {True Wraths} fist so even the space around them began to crack meaning this could likely be called [Blackhole Blow]!

The massive fist collided with her head and she was sent flying back - skimming across the icey floor like she was a stone over water. In just the span of a second she had already crossed millions of miles and the only reason she wasn’t further was because she tried her hardest to have her ice increase it’s friction by developing little bumps. Of course ice is still ice so it could only do so much to take the impact. It wasn’t even just the impact of the first that damaged her but when she was hit by that fist itself it felt like having a mini {True Wrath} running around causing havoc along her spirit veins - worse yet was she felt her energy being sapped by the punch and if she wasn’t wrong it should be going into that brute.

Fortunately she spent so long ‘skipping’ that she had finally finished recovering when she stopped and was able to take in the situation.

“Fuck me that bitch knows how to punch - felt like my entire body was burning up and… Wait, did it just use a martial art I’ve never seen before?! I’d be happy if that didn’t nearly kill me… Luckily I can’t die but so far I haven’t needed to rely on reincarnating using dreams and don’t intend to try it~♡” <Elizabeth>

Looking back the way she came she saw the monstrous figure of [True Wrath] slowly walking towards her with a cruel grin on its mouth. It couldn’t actually grin so it was just her imagination but it was quite clear this monster had evolved since the last time she put it on time out. It seemed to be channeling all the experience it has experienced into evolving one step further which is good for Violet but right now Elizabeth who had pissed her off too much felt the opposite.

“Her martial art seems to be truly demonic… Her job to figure it out as I want out~♡” <Elizabeth>

Standing shakely as her new legs she rose her hands high above her head as it seemed like the ice around {True Wrath} followed her wishes as they formed into thousands of icey eastern dragons that almost seemed like they were diving out from the ocean. Of course, instead of water splashing as they dived out the ice there was instead even more but smaller dragons and those smaller dragons began to coil around each other to form chains while the giant ones began to also coil around to make a giant dome.

“[Pearl Ice Dragon Million Year Burial Mound]~♡” <Elizabeth>

The power that was letting Violet retain her adult form slowly petered out as there was no way Elizabeth would make things harder for herself at this point. The millions upon millions of ice dragons began to coil around the rapidly shrinking {True Wrath} as it attempted to let out one last roar before an ice dragon coiled around its jaws and another along the inside of its mouth - muting it like the beast it was.

Soon a giant Pearl Ice mound was produced - looking like thousands of water dragons had coiled around before looking up to the air and letting out a mighty roar. Of course that was essentially what happened as each of those dragons could likely beat the shit out of any real dragon without the Mendax bloodline.

“Phew, done for good this time~♡” <Elizabeth>


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