Days of a Wrathful Demoness

Chapter 11: A normal conversion between top-tiers


Sorry about yesterday - on the positive side of things I no longer seem to have the motivation to read legendary mechanic and actually began writing this chapter at 7pm. Yea kind’a funny if you think about it. Missing release date for a series I quickly lost the motivation to read! Well, I ended on chapter 593 so it wasn’t quickly… 

I wonder what people feel about this purple haired bimbo? Had no idea what to do for a chapter title and woke up with a headache though...

Anyways, enjoy~♡

Violet just stared blankly at Elizabeth who had the usual confident and daring look on her face that she’s had ever since the person ‘Elizabeth’ was born. Or created? Either way Violet thought she looked better with this look than the previous moping around.

Elizabeth on the other hand seemed to realize a stare down with Violet was a waste of time so after an awkward silence she just turned around and walked into the building - her hands in her hoodie’ pocket. Violet looked on for a second - taking in the purple figure of eight on the woman's back… Though she always thought it was silly how it was on its side.

Eight doesn’t go that way!

As Violet walked in she saw something which would give many of the top powers in the world a heart attack - running all around were the ‘System Sisters’ in human form - though the majority wouldn’t remember their appearance due to having their memory wiped. The place itself was built as a huge library with shelves stuffed with countless books on the left side of the shop; the sisters seemingly acting as librarians. In fact it appeared even bigger inside that it did outside… 

Though it wasn’t too shocking considering Elizabeth and the system owned the place. Some little trick like that was as easy as a click of the fingers - alternatively Violet would’ve just punched the world till it did what she wanted. It has never failed her yet.

The first area one walked into was the ‘reception’ which had a simple desk and chair. On top of the desk was a big heavy old book with many notes and connotations visible on it (likely a guide to the thousands if not millions of books located in this archive). What was behind the desk was most interesting to look at though - if one word could be used to describe her it would be average with big boobs.

Caramel brown hair that fell to her shoulders with large circular glasses and a face that seemed average in appearance but at the same time that gave her a unique appeal. Her lips weren’t too big but they weren’t small, her nose was unassuming and her cheeks were a bit chubby but not fat. In a way she was so average she could be considered beautiful - she even had the ‘secretly beautiful nerdy/liberian girl’ niche. The hefty book in her hands suddenly helped with this ‘liberian girl’ while her large and boring oversized grey jumper that had seemed as old as she was could be said to complete the package. Of course those massive love boulders that only Elizabeth would likely not feel surprised about only added to this appearance.

She even had a blanket over her thighs as she sat - a hot water bottle on top!

“I’d say clean your shoes on the way in but I’d be surprised if either of you violent fighting obsessed demons wore shoes. At least your servants should...” <Librarian>

“You’re a demon as well Akaibu while I’m technically not~♡” <Elizabeth>

“I’m not violent or fighting obsessed however.” <Akaibu>

“You're just mad I showed you the world of anal~♡” <Elizabeth>

“Idiot! Anyone would be mad when you just suddenly shove it in a place it’s not meant to go!” <Akaibu>

“That’s not what you were saying a minute later~♡” <Elizabeth>

“Gurh…” <Violet>

Violet meanwhile was already getting bored of the two bickering and wanted to begin fighting. Akaibu just used this opportunity to bury her crimson face into her book while angrily grumbling about Elizabeth - Violet didn’t really care though. Even if one of the individuals included was technically her daughter and that the two girls talking were technically related… Both were dragons of a reasonable age though so biologically they couldn’t be said to be related.

It was quite common for the stronger races to live for so long that their genes no longer were close enough to be considered related like humans. It was a common situation between demons & spirit beasts especially since they lived for so long as well as being able to ‘evolve’ into a higher variant of their race…

Of course it was most common between Succubus who were all related to each other due to all coming from the exact same person. Remembering the succubus family Violet had her eyes drift over from the embarrassed daughter towards Elizabeth - although both of them were progenitors of an entire race only Elizabeth did it ‘manually’.

Not like it was over a particularly long period either… No doubt such unlimited amounts of stamina is what made her style so viable while for even an immortal it would be completely draining.

As if knowing what she was thinking, which she likely did, Elizabeth just gave a cheeky grin towards Violet with her hands on her hips. She radiated confidence and also desire for a good fight. Something Violet herself wanted since the only person she’s really been able to fight and not butcher was her mommy.

“Well I think it’s about time to get to the fun part - I hope your ready because I could go all night long~♡” <Elizabeth>

Spinning around on her heel - leaning back so one foot was slightly elevated from the floor - Elizabeth began to walk towards the stairs at the other end of the archive. Violet of course followed behind with a nod while gazing into the long rows of books. Both old and new books filled the place but Violet had no interest in reading any of them - rather she was just looking around because she’s interested in what a library/archive looks like since she’s never been to one… Other than the one time she made havoc in Pacem.

Before she could leave though Akaibu spoke up once more though.

“You weren’t listening when we announced your weapon, were you?” <Akaibu>

To that Violet just shook her head.

“Well don’t use it here or anywhere near my formations & arrays please... Oh and your two servants can pick up a book from the archive.“ <Akaibu>

To this Violet just tilted her head with confusion before nodding once again - following Elizabeth who seemed to wait for no man or woman. It would shortly be time to have some real fun... The two servants meanwhile appeared behind Violet and looked at each other in confusion while Violet plodded off with a smile. 

"What is even happening..." <Chuckle-Sisters>


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