Daddy Academy

Chapter 22 Manga Adaptation

Chapter 22 Manga Adaptation
The animation production process is very complicated, the progress is slow, and it is completely different from the shooting of live-action movies and TV series.

For movies and TV series, once the project is launched, they will work with the team collectively, day and night, and work hard for several months to complete the project in one go.

Not so with animation projects.

This is a process that lasts two or three years, or even four or five years. Just like car manufacturing, the manufacturing process is fine to every subtle link, and each person is responsible for one or several links, and his own link is completed. , the project is over for him, and it will take a few years to see the finished product.

The artistic component of live-action film and television is heavier, and the industrial component of animation is heavier.

Zhang Tan is facing such a problem now. After the script is written, his task in "Under Tianyu Mountain" is basically over.

After the screenwriting part, the next part is the drawing and the production process, which has nothing to do with him.

Zhang Tan really wants to participate in the whole process and understand the complete process of an animation production, but the process is too long, even if "Tianyu Mountain" is a season broadcast, if you want to see the first episode on the Internet, it will be at the end of the year at the earliest. , there are still more than half a year.

Luo Ming is the editor-in-chief, and he still has to follow up on the next link and deal with various temporary new changes with the director.He needs to be with the group.

As a screenwriter assistant, Zhang Tan has nothing to do.

When he was free from work, Zhang Tan concentrated on running his public account. In the next period of time, he successively released 5 movie analysis videos under the name of "amazing".

After the recommendation of the Xili Li website, and the quality of the video is always guaranteed, Zhang Tan's fans have increased from 8 to 12, and he has become a popular little UP master.

However, no advertisers have come to the door yet.

Someone else came to the door.

A real estate agent called Zhang Tan and asked if he was interested in selling Little Red Horse Academy.

Zhang Tan, who received the call, first thought not whether he was willing to sell, but was extremely curious, how did the other party know about his call?

"Where did you know my phone number?"

"Sir, you registered an account on the XXX real estate agency website."

"I didn't fill in the phone number."

"Yes, you may have forgotten."

Zhang Tan wasn't sure, so he didn't bother about this issue anymore. He chatted with the other party and got a general understanding of the market situation.

After hanging up the phone, I thought that something was wrong, I opened the real estate agency account I had registered, and there was no phone number on it. The man was lying just now. I don’t know where he got his phone number, and he actually knew that he wanted to sell the house. .

Personal information is really not protected at all.

He got up to boil water to make tea, and pushed open the office window to get some fresh air.The cultivated radish has just changed the water, and the greenery is full of green. The branches and leaves have sprouted new buds in the past two days, and they are full of vitality.Cactus is the most worry-free, don't have to worry about anything, a posture that strangers should not approach.

During this period of time, Luo Ming spent very little time in the office. Most of the time, he brought a computer and stayed with the director and other project personnel. Zhang Tan followed him for a few days to observe and study.

On this day, when he was about to get off work, Luo Ming came back with a pinch. Seeing that Zhang Tan was still there, he said, "Are you free? Let's have dinner together at night."

Zhang Tan just planned to go to the "Xinfukoufu" that he had eaten last time to settle the dinner, he heard the words and nodded: "Okay."

"Do you eat seafood?"

"Quite like."

"Okay, then let's eat seafood. I know a family, and the taste is very good. Let's take my car."

"I'm driving here today."

Luo Ming was stunned for a moment, always knowing that Zhang Tan was taking the subway to work, thinking he had no money, after all, he was a fresh graduate.

The two came to the restaurant, ordered a meal, and halfway through the meal, Luo Ming said, "Now that the project of "Under the Tianyu Mountain" is on the right track, and the script has been polished, you will have a lot less to do."

Zhang Tan nodded and said, "Suddenly being idle makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Now is the time for me to participate more in the project experience."

Luo Ming: "I heard that the company has a new project to start. Are you interested?"

Zhang Tan finished eating what was in his mouth, picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth, and said firmly, "Of course I'm interested."

"The company wants to adapt a comic and make it into an animation, and it will immediately select someone internally to change the script. The leadership intends to hand it over to newcomers as an exercise. If you are interested, I recommend you to sign up tomorrow."

As soon as Zhang Tan heard it, he understood that experienced and qualified screenwriters were not interested in this kind of manga-adapted animation project, and it was suitable for newcomers.

It is really suitable for him now, so without hesitation, Zhang Tan said, "I want to try it."

"Just give it a try, your ability is enough. In this way, as soon as I go to work tomorrow, I will recommend you, there should be no problem, but you have to be prepared for competition, there will definitely be other people to sign up, whoever will be selected at that time, just Look at their own abilities."

Luo Ming understood the intention of the upper management. He wanted to use this small project to discover new screenwriters and see who could emerge.

Zhang Tan filled Luo Ming with juice and said, "As long as there is a chance, I'm not afraid of competition."

Luo Ming: "The comic to be adapted is called "Lantern Burner", have you seen it?"

Zhang Tan: "I heard it, but I haven't seen it."

"Study it well."

After dinner, the two separated.

When Zhang Tan was driving home, he passed West Chang'an Avenue. The street was very lively. There were men and women dressed in casual fashion, as well as urban white-collar workers who just got off work in suits and leather shoes.

Feasting and feasting, handsome men and beautiful women, people are eager to go home.

Zhang Tan drove very slowly, and caught a glimpse of a familiar figure on the side of the road. It was a woman, holding a small stool in one hand and a cloth bag in the other.

The day before yesterday, he saw this figure at the gate of Xiaohongma Academy. It was Xiaobai's aunt.

But he wasn't sure if this was right in front of him, because he could only see the back, not the front. In other words, he only saw the back of Aunt Xiaobai that day.

For so many days, he had never seen Xiaobai's aunt and uncle. Every time he came to pick her up, it was already late at night and early in the morning, and he was already asleep by then.

As he drove, he watched his aunt who seemed to be Xiaobai go away, and saw her parked in front of a jewelry store, put a small stool on the ground, and invited people to shine their shoes.

Someone from the jewelry store came out and said a few words to her, and she moved away from the door.

Parking the car in the parking lot, Zhang Tan walked through the streets, adults and children sitting under the street lamps enjoying the shade, and kittens and dogs running around at his feet.

Someone saw Zhang Tan and took the initiative to say hello: "Zhang Shao is back."

Zhang Tan responded with a smile: "It's Zhang Tan, just call Zhang Tan."

As he greeted people, he left, and he heard the people behind him talking about him, what had changed so much, what was that Zhang Tan...

 Thank you windsong1975 for the reward of 500 coins, and thank you for the reward of Dao Feng Kuang Blade, Shu Zhi Xian, Book Friends 160423131452263, SlowlyC, Shuai is a trouble, and others.

I made a cover, and it is still being reviewed in the background. It is estimated that everyone will be able to see it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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